Showing posts with label adding value?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adding value?. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2013

Can You Add Value— Every Hour— Every Day?

"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of only standing still" ~~ Chinese Proverb

Good Morning Folks,

The landscape of the job market is shifting at an alarming rate and as a result, employment in America is increasingly operating in anew reality. 

Every employee today can easily lose their job. 

If your career is in trouble if you either are, or should be, afraid of where you'd be if you lost your current job. Take control of your career so you won't be afraid of losing your job. 

First figure out who you are, what you want to do, and where you can fit in to do it. 

Second strategize and plan what you need to do to take charge of your situation. 

Third strengthen your relationships and build a professional network. This network must include powerful alliances and a diverse mix of relationships. Work your plan as you continue to build your network. 

Whatever you may be thinking when you apply for a job today, you can be sure your prospective employer is thinking this: 

  • Can this person add value every hour, every day--more than a worker in India, a robot, or a computer could? 
  • Can he or she help my company adapt by not only doing the job today but also reinventing the job for tomorrow? 
  • And can he or she adapt with all the change, so my company can adapt and export more into the fastest-growing global markets? ‘
In today's hyper-connected world, more and more companies cannot and will not hire people who don't fulfill those criteria.

Want a job in today's economy? You also need to think, talk and write better.

At a recent meeting of area job recruiters and hirers, I heard several members emphasize the basic abilities they look for when they evaluate job candidates. Attitude and communication, along with a basic work-ready appearance, topped their wish lists.

FSO searches for employees who are intelligent, confident and who can master a broad spectrum of skills. Integrity, trust and the ability to balance hard work and fun are essential to FSO’s unique culture and we are looking for these traits in those we hire. 

It is true that employers have not been willing to train employees as extensively as the bygone era of lifetime employment. This is why job-retraining programs at a macro scale are sorely needed at a time when businesses are more interested in outsourcing human capital to foreign countries.  So at FSO, investing and developing people is key to our success.

My advice to keep yourself relevant and valuable: treat yourself just as you would a new business venture. This, in turn, means a need for continuous growth and evolution, or in startup jargon "learn, pivot, iterate". Just as a new business needs to evolve with the market, so should your own skillset always adapt and continue to grow.

I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

  • Have A GREAT Day!

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer

    Ps. I am now microblogging in between posts here so be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter for up-to-the-minute news, information and career opportunities. (BTW, these are NEW accounts so if you have already subscribed on other pages the company has published, you'll need to reapply for my "personal" VIP list.)

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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