Showing posts with label optimist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label optimist. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

(re)IMAGINE & Reboot Your Career: Putting People Back To Work

"When You Don't Ask, 
The Answer Is Always No" 

Good Morning Folks,

As we go back to work after a long holiday, and with our Onsite Insights giving you plenty to read (catch it here if you missed it in your mailbox), let us not forget those who are left behind: the unemployed, recent graduates just entering the workplace, or mature workers trying to reboot their careers.

So today our special about job search LinkUP will be dedicated to them -- offering career guidance, peer support, and inspiration to help change or (re)IMAGINE your career. All guaranteed to bring happiness, smiles and "can do" spirit to brighten their outlook this Monday.

Job-hunting is a selling process, and you need to use the right selling process the right way, whether you’re looking for another job or want to make a career move. As the expression goes "when you don't ask, the answer is alway's no."  These articles will help you learn how:

Class of 2013: Try the Unexpected
Class of 2013, you’re heading out into the world, and as with any new journey, it can be scary. I know some of you are worried about graduating into a tough economy. Some of you are...

High-Tech Jobs That Do Not Require a College Degree
When people think of high-tech jobs, they typically think of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and Ivy League Ph.D.s. But according to a new definition of STEM jobs — those requiring skills in science, technology, engineering or math...

How to Answer ‘Why Do You Want This Job?’ in an Interview
So how do you give them that compelling reason? By treating this question as an opportunity for your sales pitch.

11 Reasons Graduates Lose Out on Jobs
With over 20 years of experience, Mark O'toole has outlined 11 reasons why graduates will lose out on jobs in this set of slides. Takeaways: Don't make...

Are You A Job Hopper? 3 Reasons Why You Can’t Stick It Out
If you’re a serial job hopper, don’t worry: I’m not here to pick on you. This article isn’t about placing blame; it’s about exploring motivation.

The Interview Question That Stumped Me
I've had many interviews over the course of my career, but one is particularly memorable because of the interview question that completely

How to Get a Job Past the Age of 50 

How to be an 'A' job candidate

Is It My Resume Or My Age?

Interviews: Learn to Bite Your Tongue!

How To Find A Job With A Criminal Record

Why Are So Many College Graduates Driving Taxis

Cultural Fit in An Interview May Matter More than Qualifications or Skills

Number Of Older Workers (55 And Over) Rises To New Record High

Good luck in your search and have a GREAT day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Thursday, June 27, 2013

LinkUP Thursday: Are You A Manager Or A Leader?

"Managers are people who do things right; Leaders are the people who do the right things." 

Good Morning Folks,

I heard a story that I’d like to share with you:

There is a group of people lost in rain forest. They are cutting the path through brushwood. There is a man shouting: "cut faster, cut wider, cut ...". Obviously a manager.

But where is a leader?

High atop the tree shouting down: "We are heading the wrong direction!"

The prototypical leader of the future will shift from the steely-eyed command-and-control type to one who is more open to feedback….one who specializes in communication, collaboration and coordination.

Thus, the most successful CEOs of their future will view customers not in a paternalistic way (at best) or as sales targets, but instead as partners… whose buy-in to a course of action will be the key component of their success.

Akin to this theory, researchers are actively examining the impact of the construct Psychological Capital (PsyCap) in the workplace. PsyCap is comprised of a number of key "state like" psychological resources. (The "HERO" resources; Hope, Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism). The HERO resources:
A belief in the ability to persevere toward goals and find paths to reach them.

==> Efficacy. 
The confidence that one can put forth the effort to affect outcomes.

==> Resilience. 
The ability to bounce back in the face of adversity or failure.

==> Optimism. 
A generally positive view of work and the potential of success.

Leadership involves and requires that a leader uses all possible and available resources people, equipment, and information in a way that seeks out the solutions, resolutions or the just the advantage and does it in the most efficient, or effective way.

A lot of people have the skills and knowledge to become managers but not all can be leaders. It takes special attributes, skills and knowledge and more importantly they are community builders, serve as role models, liberate and enable people, opportunists, facilitators who have a clear vision and steer the ship to it's destination.

A Manager can step up to be a Leader in four simple ways;

a) Start looking at the strengths of his or her coworkers and begin giving positive strokes to each one of them.

b) Start listening to your coworkers and their ideas

c) Start by seeing the "Big Hairy Audacious Goals" of the organization (the Big picture).

d) Start focusing on what is 'Right ' and what is the 'Right' thing to do rather than focusing on 'Fixing' mistakes or defects.

Leaders must have the "power support" to lead.  Their leadership status cannot be questioned. 

Managers must be able to develop clear-cut objectives, plan, organize, manage and control. 

In an ideal situation managers may also be good leaders and leaders be good managers.

A leader must also have the following competencies: network, interpersonal relationship and drive, in order to make it happen.

And now here’s today’s personally selected, hand-curated articles on leadership for you to change or reboot your career.  And your life.

Barry Moltz: 10 Simple Ways To Motivate Your Best People

How to Create a Winning Team

Hiring Managers: Don’t Try to Find the Perfect Employee!

5 Leadership Lessons An MBA Can’t Provide 

Note to Managers: Positivity Matters

5 Reasons Why Optimists Make Better Leader

Bill Marriott: The Four Most Important Words Employees Need To Hear From Their Boss

Have A GREAT Day!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

LinkUP With ME!
I am now microblogging in between posts here so be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter for up-to-the-minute news, information and career opportunities. (BTW, these are NEW accounts so if you have already subscribed on other pages the company has published, you'll need to reapply for my "personal" VIP list.)

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email