Friday, December 5, 2014

Inspire ME Friday: Rise Up With A Happiness Recipe From Down Under

“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”- Swedish Proverb

Good Morning Folks,

No matter what you do, making sure your happiness and well-being are intact are major priorities. If you’re stuck in a position, work long hours, or hate your job, this can be a difficult thing to maintain.

Here from is a millennial's guide to "5 Thing That You Need To Carry Along For Your Happiness"...

1. Stop comparing
All the problems arise when we start comparing ourselves to other people, that is just ridiculous. Stop doing that right now. Just be yourself. You do not have to impress anyone.

2. Stop holding on to the past
So what if you dated one wrong person that does not mean the entire human race is flawed  Let go off your past and move on if you want to be happy.

3. Accept compliments
When someone compliments you accept it and enjoy.

4. Do not spend time with wrong people
We usually drain our energy on people who deserve nothing. You need to stop doing that as soon as possible. Just wave them goodbye and chill. As they say its better to be alone then to be in a wrong company.

5. You do not have to explain everything to yourself
You do not have to. Everything happens for a reason. At the end of the day ewe eventually adjust.

In addition to these suggestions, Ariella Coombs blogging for offers four more ways you can be happier at work today:

1. Eat Your Veggies
Constantly feeling down in the dumps? Maybe you need to eat more colorful foods! Researchers found that eating fruits and vegetables every day can actually increase happiness and overall well-being. For optimal results, eat seven servings of fruits and veggies each day.

2. Have Goals
How ambitious are you? Turns out, people who set high goals for themselves are happier than those with lower expectations. Make a list of things you want to accomplish – both short term and long term goals. It’s always good to have something to work toward!

3. Don’t Make Money Your First Priority
You know that saying, “Money can’t buy happiness.” Well, it’s true. According to U.S. News and World Report, seeking more money can actually make you less happy. Instead of focusing completely on finances, make sure you take the time to celebrate your own personal growth – What you’ve learned, who you’ve connected with, and how you’ve improved yourself.

4. Smile
You were late for work, got chewed out by the boss, and spilled coffee on your favorite white blouse. The last thing you want to do today is smile. However, studies show forcing a smile can actually make you genuinely happy. Not only that, but putting on a fake smile can help decrease stress. So, what’s not to smile about?

Thanks to and  for your Friday dose of inspiration and to you, for listening.

So lets all join hands and be happy!


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, 
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
~~ Carl Bard

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