Friday, June 27, 2014

Inspire ME Friday: Hidden Cash in the Office

"One of those employees made the comment “I wish we could wear nice uniforms like that, they look so nice” As you can imagine the alarm bells went off in my head."

Good Morning Folks,

Every Friday I choose one of the wonderful motivational messages that are being communicated throughout the week internally at FSO by folks from all walks of the company to share with the world.

Today I'd like to share a piece from one of our Experience Managers, Jason Giarmo in Detroit. Jason calls his essay "Hidden Cash In The Office." Jason… over to you,
That’s right, there is so called Hidden Cash out there and let me tell you all about it.

On my way home last evening, I was listening to a report on the radio about someone who has been leaving hidden cash out there for everyone to find.  I was astonished that this was the first time I had heard of this phenomenon.  
It had first started in San Francisco and from the report, it’s now happening in NYC. This generous person or persons has been hiding random amounts of raw cash and posting clues to the locations on twitter for everyone to find.   
From the sound of the report, this hidden cash craze has really taken NYC by storm the past few days with people dashing around for some free greenbacks. I mean who doesn’t like free money right?

That got me thinking though about the past few weeks. Isn’t there hidden cash right in front of all us every day?

Just the other day I was in the elevator with one of my team members as she was heading downstairs to gather the mail. Inside the elevator with us were two employees from one of those other guys heading down for mail as well. I won’t say who, but they like to wear black un-tucked shirts with a red logo.  One of those employees made the comment “I wish we could wear nice uniforms like that, they look so nice” As you can imagine the alarm bells went off in my head. I looked straight at both of them and said we don’t call them uniforms, we call it career apparel. I then quickly introduced myself and gave them my card. I told them both, we are always looking for great people and if they send me their resumes I would be in touch. They both smiled right at me and said thank you very much, we will. Hidden Cash?

Last week I attended a meeting with every tenants of our building with our client. As I walked around the room introducing myself, I received several compliments from other tenants (who are not our clients) on how courteous our staff has been. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to pitch them just a little bit with a thank you and that’s who we are. So you know, those other guys where in the room too. Hidden Cash?

If you haven’t noticed yet, we work in a building with a lot of those other guys. Hidden Cash?

Alright, maybe the cash isn’t really that hidden. It’s right in front of us every day. We just need to seize control of it when it appears. Maybe it’s that storage closet that need to be organized or those stock levels that need to assessed. How about those business service processes….it’s always time to innovate! The opportunities are endless. In the buildings we work in, the friendly employee at Kinko’s who has that wonderful smile, the Attorney you offer to hold the elevator.

Sure, some of those opportunities take time to develop, but why not plant the seeds now? Take action now!  Mitch, Jim, Denise and the rest of the executive team have laid the groundwork for all of us. AND I say thank you!  It’s now up to all of us to be that FSO Brand Ambassadors. A walking, talking personification of what FSO’s brand stands for.
Excellence at all levels!  That is why I joined this company 8 months ago, because I used to work for one of those other guys. AND it’s not even close! So, when I was presented with this opportunity and met the leadership, there was no doubt. This is where I needed and wanted to be. Because there are opportunities everywhere, we just need to keep planting the seeds and watch them grow. You never know how fast, but keeping true to our values.  
The three P’s, we all know them….Personal, Passionate and Productive. While providing Exceptional Service…. they will grow. Not just for ourselves, but our loved ones, families and soon to be FSO family members. That’s what it’s all about right?

SO, I say hidden cash?  Sounds nice, but so does winning the lottery. The chances of either of those happening are pretty darn slim. You know what I prefer though, opportunity…..any day….seize it!

Oh and I forgot one last thing……Good Morning!
Bravo Jason! Amazing message and THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING.  

Today is my last day of vacation in Napa before catching a plane home, and I'm not going to waste a moment of it with all the glorious food, wine and natural bounty around me.

I hope that we are loving our clients and loving our employees. I miss seeing you all and speaking but I am almost back and hope to see you next week or in my travels, which will be plentiful in July.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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