Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Art of Business / Dinner Conversation

"With so much focus on what to say, it can be easy to forget that talking is only half of a conversation. The other half, of course, is listening. “One thing most people enjoy is when other people pay attention to them,” says Smith. This includes listening closely to what others have to say, asking questions to get them to say more, and genuinely appreciating what was shared."

Good Morning Folks,

I have been out in the field a lot and plan on increasing that. At the sites. Meeting the folks. Talking to the folks. Dining with our clients and more to better understand the market, what they are hearing and how we can help.

The field is where it happens. It is where we learn. Get information.  And build from. Headquarters needs "field-real" information so we can ensure that FSO is solidly positioned for the future and nothing stands in the way of us dominating the market place. 

As many of you know Pat, Jim and I can be out entertaining clients till 11PM every night with great food, fine wine and stimulating conversation. Something I doubt you'll find the top executives and owners of our competitors doing.

And for many clients at the highest level, this is where we offer unsolicited growth advice that has become one of FSO's greatest value adds. We are able to observe innovations in place A and connect the dots with place B. But the best brainstorming and the real ideas flow the mood is just right and the environment perfect and removed from the day to day grind of the office.

So clients often ask, how do you orchestrate these dinners night after night and you enjoy them so much? is there an art to a business conversation? Mitch, what are your secrets?

And I always refer them to a primer on the subject I received from one of my regular stops across the country: Capital Grill.

==> I present ... The Art of Conversation  byMeta Wagner for The Capital Grille

An hour cocktail party or two-hour business dinner can feel like a day dragging on if you aren’t silver-tongued or you wind up paired with someone who is less-than-outgoing. Even captivating public speakers or extroverted account executives can sometimes find themselves at a loss when the go-to topics (business, movies, weather, kids) are exhausted.

Fortunately, no matter where you are on the conversation comfort scale, there are techniques that can make any conversation engaging, meaningful, and memorable.

==> Banter like the Best Conversationalists
Conversation, as with any art from, has past masters that the rest of us can emulate. And, no group of gabbers is as renowned as the Algonquin Round Table. These writers, critics, actors and wits, including Dorothy Parker, met for lunch regularly at the Algonquin Hotel from 1919 to 1929, producing linguistic gems that are still quoted to this day.

Not everyone can produce the perfect bon mot, but everyone has personal stories to share. And, storytelling, according to Paul Smith, author of Lead with a Story, is the basis for relationship building through conversation. This is especially true in the workplace, where, all too often, hallway chatter can seem predictable or even superficial.

Smith says that there are two types of stories you can tell that will be instant hits. “Be self-deprecating,” says Smith. “Everyone would love to hear about how you accidentally hit ‘Reply All’ to the company email and admitted something a little embarrassing to the entire organization.”

The other welcomed type of story is about when you learned something, or learned it in an unexpected way. “Talking about your medieval history class might only be interesting to other history buffs,” says Smith. “But if you tell a story about how you learned medieval history by watching Monty Python movies and cross-referencing the facts in Wikipedia, almost anyone will find that entertaining.”

==> Create a Genuine Connection
Storytelling can also take you beyond simple camaraderie and actually allow you to create a closer, more genuine bond with co-workers or clients. It all depends on how willing you are to be open and honest.

“The most effective stories are ones that create vulnerability by showing an insecurity, or describing a painful time in your life, or a costly failure,” says Smith. “They’re exactly the kind of stories people don’t want to tell to a bunch of strangers in the office—and that’s the point. It’s a vicious circle. We don’t tell our personal stories because we work with strangers. They remain strangers because we don’t tell our personal stories. You have to break the cycle. Tell your own stories and challenge other people to tell theirs, and you’ll never work with strangers again.”

Daniel Menaker, former editor at the New Yorker and Random House and the author of A Good Talk, agrees. “Take risks and confide in others,” he advises. “Those are the conversations that come from nowhere and develop into exchanges with more meaning.”

==> Treat Conversing Like a Task
Stimulating repartee, funny anecdotes, and personal disclosures are the stock in trade of a great conversationalist. But there are also times when you might feel shy or anxious about attending an upcoming dinner party or company outing. That’s where your project management skills will come in handy.

Debra Fine, author of The Fine Art of Small Talk, says to approach these occasions as you would any other project. “Most of us are great at tasks,” she says. “That’s one reason why we’ve succeeded, professionally.”

First step is a little reconnaissance. Fine suggests getting hold of the guest list if you can and reviewing everyone’s names, especially partners and spouses, so you can try to recall what you know about each person and, if you’ve met before, what you talked about the last time you were together.

Next, prepare three “conversation starters” that are broad enough to appeal to nearly anyone and are designed to elicit specific, and hopefully interesting, responses. “Bring me up to date with that project you were telling me about last time” or “What’s been going on with work for you since the last time I saw you? “ Or, Fine’s favorite when you’re speaking to someone you don’t know well, “What keeps you busy outside of work?”

Finally, come to any social event equipped with short answers to questions you’ll probably be asked, like “How’s your year been?” or “How are the kids?”

==> Listen Intently
With so much focus on what to say, it can be easy to forget that talking is only half of a conversation. The other half, of course, is listening. “One thing most people enjoy is when other people pay attention to them,” says Smith. This includes listening closely to what others have to say, asking questions to get them to say more, and genuinely appreciating what was shared.

Alex Lickerman, M.D., physician and author of The Undefeated Mind, also believes that the value of being a good listener cannot be overstated. He says that shifting the attention away from yourself and toward others--genuinely caring about what they have to say--“will lead to an approach and tone that people will notice and warm to. And it will make you less fearful in engaging with others.”

The benefits of being a good listener do not end there. As Smith observes, one requirement for any great conversation is to have at least one good listener. “And if that’s you,” he says, “you will be the one in the group people like because you were largely responsible for ensuring that those speaking were having a good time.”

The best news about becoming a better listener? As Smith points out, “You don’t have to be a great talker to be a great conversationalist.”

As to who pays the bill, whomever invited the other person out customrily picks up the tab and offers transportation home (especially for our employees and ladies after 9PM, we prefer them not in the subways). Uber is a click away and reasonable rates.

Enjoy your dinners!

Cheers and a toast to you!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"His lips drink water but his heart drinks wine” ― E.E. Cummings

** Meta Wagner is the “Vox Pop” columnist for PopMatters, an online magazine of cultural criticism. Her articles and essays have appeared in Salon, The Boston Globe Magazine, Chicago Tribune and The Christian Science Monitor. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kudos Wednesday: Kind Words From Our Customers

"Crystal has really stepped up with Christian getting pulled off the reception desk… our toughest customer has gone out of his way to tell me she has done a great job, is on the ball, and always follows up.
They are both doing a great job!!"

Good Morning Folks,

At FSO, our employees are expected to always seek new ways to make our client’s life better – the white glove treatment, the whole FSO Experience. It is not just a tagline for our brand – rather, it is the way we approach everything we do.

With all the our national expansion and opportunity to support our current clients literally anywhere and everywhere across FSO USA, we have a tremendous opportunity to expand our current services with our clients and make our their lives easier from IT Solutions, to Records/Imaging Services, to Conference Center management, to Document Production and more, more and more.  

Our growth also represents opportunity for all employees to expand your horizons and responsibilities.

I am so proud of what our culture represents: a commitment to the Client and Employee experience! Hear it direct from our client's mouths:

Ashley Menear & Derek Williams, Y&R
"Kudos to all of you and your staff! But, especially the 3 of you!  I know better than anyone how particular and demanding this client can be and how much work goes into planning and executing this 2 day meeting. I very much appreciate your efforts. You’re all amazing." 

Christian Marius and Crystal Peoples, Soros
"Aida – wanted to take a second to tell you what a GREAT job both Christian and Crystal are doing!! Christian has turned into a backup to basically every one of our executive assistants and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Everyone is asking for his help and our PMs, CIO, Analysts, etc all benefit from him covering rather than an outside temp. He has been SEAMLESS in doing this!! Crystal has really stepped up with Christian getting pulled off the reception desk… our toughest customer has gone out of his way to tell me she has done a great job, is on the ball, and always follows up.They are both doing a great job!!"

Informationalist Team, Capco

"Thank you to all of you for your fine professionalism over the last two weeks as you pulled together what was a very successful event for Capco, Digital and for our partner Hub Culture. I was tremendously impressed with you calm under pressure / annoyance / aggressiveness from me. Thank you very much for your help and your continued assistance."

Desmond Myers, Argo
"Good Morning, Is it possible to have Desmond Myers for another week to assist on the records project at Argo. She has been doing a fabulous job to date and there is still a good amount of work to be completed."

Driven by the People Solutions Group, training is an urgent and never-ending
priority for Chief Chaos Officer Jim Caton and His Team

Our summer meeting was not your father's company picnic.
Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

The PERSONAL touch AND CARE that our clients complimented us on…this is what sets us apart; this is why we are blowing the competition out of the water every chance we get, this is why our employees LOVE FSO and feel the connection to us!

THANK YOU for all of your support and hard work…WE really appreciate it!  

Cheers FSO USA!!!!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life."
 ~~Leo Buscaglia

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Not Your Father's Company Picnic

"I would like to thank you for showing us that management indeed cares about all the employees and how hard work and dedication is truly the key to a successful organization. It was a wonderful opportunity for FSO employees in the same region to get to know each other and recognize the diversity."

Good Morning Folks,

While most companies in this economy are cutting out or cutting back and having pot luck summer supper get togethers in their parking lots, while only top executives and sales stars jet off to golf outings in fancy resorts, FSO (where business never is conducted as usual) believes that our people make the difference. Therefore there is nothing more important than recognizing their achievements and celebrating our success as a family.

So for our second half kick-off and (re)IMAGINATION of the summer picnic as usual, we took to sea, chartering a cruise for a sunset toast around the isle of Manhattan. And we took the whole gang aboard. This was a great expression of gratitute for our site leaders! :) We rocked the boat which is a great metaphor for what we do every day in the field. When was the last time you treated your employees like this?

Wrote one of many employees to me in a post-event thank you, "I would like to thank you for hosting such a wonderful event. It was a wonderful opportunity for FSO employees in the same region to get to know each other and recognize the diversity that the company offers. I would especially like to thank Christine for showing us that management indeed cares about all the employees how hard work and dedication is truly the key to a successful organization."

Said another, "First I would like to thank you for the wonderful boat cruise and I had a great time. I also want to say thank you for allowing me to represent FSO under your leadership. I'm amazed watching the growth of this company and the environment that's created for us makes me feel blessed. It's been a little over a year since joining FSO and I was with Deloitte at the time. Deloitte is a great company and people had asked me why would you leave a company like Deloitte and my response was I missed the passion and energy working with the both of you prior with the other company. I just want to say I'm proud to work for FSO and happy with the training and leadership from Don Adams & Neal Michael. Thanks for everything and I will continue to inspire my team and develop."

So people also ask me what ever in the world brought you out of retirement to deal with the stress of building a business especially in these times? And the answer is that I live in service to others. My approach to employee care and inclusion will be my leadership legacy.

I'm just a kid from Queens, New York – the product of a broken family and the school of hard knocks. I had no expectations of anything being handed to me; I stood to inherit nothing from my parents. Everything I earned came from working “100 jobs at once” – parking cars, serving Baskin Robbins, and pursuing my own future with a relentless passion that drives me today. I’ve built it all from scratch, passion, belief and drive with people who share those traits and want to bring success to life.

My legacy is to pay it forward so people who show up with FIRE>>SKIP>> and TWINKLE... can have the same opportunities I had against all odds, coming from challenging circumstances. It's nights like these, emails like those above, that provide a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment that no amount of money can buy. To see others grow and prosper is the greatest of gifts I can give myself.

I tell my managers: "Leadership is teaching. Leadership is caring. Leadership is giving. Your employees are great. Use them. Teach them. Lead them. Love them. We don't have to do it alone. Show them the love all day every day. They want us to lead them to greatness. Never can be too busy too not have time to think about them and find new talent. Think of all the great people we or I have found this year and beyond. Where would we be without them.Maybe they have friends we can hire hire. Make your leadership skills come alive."

I could go on and on, but the pictures of our event that follow tell a story more powerful than even ten thousand words could. The sky's not the limit because the universe is infinite… but because YOU keep raising the bar!!! (As the saying goes "don't tell me the sky's the limits when there are already footsteps on the moon!" That's the FSO way of thinking. lol)

Welcome to the FSO Summer Launch
Celebrating as we pass Statue of Liberty
Strike  pose!
Time to enjoy each other's company
Everyone traveled from afar to join the party
Mitch & his ladies (Crystal, Mitch, Denise and Hope)
Smile and laughter all around
See even more photographs on our Facebook page.

I've seen other workers out there – overlooked, ignored, forgotten in the decades-long transformation of Corporate American. They’re the hourly workers who work in traditional, corporate-run catacomb-like mailrooms of the workplace. Their tasks are vital to business, yet their faces are a blur to patrons and higher-ups.

Once upon a time, any job could be the launch pad for a savvy, bright worker’s rise through the ranks. No longer. Today, these workers are anonymous to many, and often fated to stay that way. 

I will always be that guy in the space who cares enough to take care of the hourly employee from the middle manager down. And that's why our company meeting will never be your father's tired old company picnic.

It was great seeing everyone in NYC! What an incredible and memorable sail! FSO rocked the boat and now we head into the field to rock the competition. 

Thanks to our employees for all you do for us, and to our clients for all you award us the privilege of doing for you.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." –George Eliot

Thursday, March 6, 2014

And The Winners Are...

Meet our JUST HIRED (Lucky Seven) 2014-Winners-to-be
(L to R)Pat Mustico, Chad Wold, Nick Williams, Kim Padnes,
Nicole Smith, Kristin Kee  and Michael Fuscaldo
“FSO truly cares for their employees and this event was proof of that. I’m truly grateful knowing that I work for a company where I have an unlimited career path. FSO indeed is the Happiest Place to Work.”  

Good Morning Folks,

Following up on yesterday's post about our awards celebration last week, 2013 was a banner year for FSO, and there were several top performers who proved to be critical to our success this past year. This event was all them – the great people who make up FSO.

What really made the evening so unforgettable was seeing and hearing everyone’s stories of success and inspiration. We are in the business of fulfilling dreams, and it was clear to see that on Thursday night.

The evening commenced with a heartfelt "thank you" from meand went straight into the announcement of nominees and winners that spanned over 15 different award categories. The winner/s for each category included: 

==> Associate in Leading Role:

Joann Manigo (NY Magazine)

  • Started with FSO as the Informationalist at New York Magazine
  • Promoted to assistant manager at DKMS last October
  • Because of Joann’s exceptional work at both sites she was promoted again to EM and returned back to New York Magazine
  • Worked very hard to ensure the client and the team experience is impacted everyday
  • Joann is on the fast track with FSO and has her sights on becoming a director in the future

Roger Rios (Capco)
  • Taken initiative to create tracking systems and spreadsheets for all inventory managed by fso 
  • Gone above l and beyond the clients expectations
  • Does not have to be told to do certain items
  • Takes the initiative and pro activity needed
  • Has worked after hours to ensure client deadlines are met
Henry Azcona (PwC)
  • Transitioned from his 5 yr employment at PwC to his new Lead role at FSO seamlessly
  • Henry leads the Facilities team @ 300 Madison (the mothership) to a level of HOSPITALITY worth its weight in GOLD
  • Supports not only our PwC leadership and staff, but our own team with ease! 
  • Clients and leaders all love him

==> Best Fire, Skip, Twinkle:

Lissette Umpierre, North East Regional Director
  • Perfect example of FLP - personally hand-picked and recognised by mitch for their leadership abilities and potential
  • So much kool-aid that this person just needs a handle
  • Amazing hyper communications that reflects our culture and has singlehandedly "infected" all their multiple sites to have the same fire, skip and twinkle
  • Exudes hospitality. The perfect host, attention to detail, smile, personal and high high standards and work ethic
  • Continues to build revenue opportunities and expanding sites due to delivering promise to practice. 
==> Leader in the Field:
Joseph Yap, Associate Experience Director 
  • Instrumental in relocating Societe General to new space
  • Most FLP members 
  • Successfully launched new Lobby/Concierge Services – French speaking
  • PPP Monthly Award Winner – Qualifier for PPP of Year Award
  • Secured contract increase and renewal – 2015
  • Instrumental to implementation and openings in 2013 – specifically Y&R
  • Field Analysis SME
==> Promise to Practice:

Shawn Curwen, Experience Director 
  • Shawn has done an outstanding job delivering the perfect client and employee experience through operational excellence
  • A positive attitude towards work responsibilities, a commitment to quality in carrying out those responsibilities
  • Since joining FSO this person has supported Operations, Sales, (re)Imagination Team
  • Shawn exemplifies FSO’s 3P’s and they are even featured in the company video saying “you can’t fake passion”

==> Hospitality (re)IMAGINED:
Ben Rydell (Y&R)
  • Our Master Concierge
  • Leads the Hospitality Mission at Y&R
  • From shoe shines, manicures, to dry cleaning to local discounts – Ben is the Go To For Everything 
  • Perfect example of customer service/satisfaction
  • Personal Service and Vision executed – Global CEO of Y&R David Sable – Bens biggest fan
Freddy Feliz (Grove Pointe)
  • Concierge afficianado
  • Delivers perfect customer satisfaction and white glove service
  • Owns the stakeholder relationships – treats every guest like gold
Ian Rampaul (PwC)
  • Communicates with all levels of our client’s leadership daily, to move 7000 visitors and clients around in 300 Madison seamlessly.
  • Works with our entire FSO team to ensure every Hoteling client is ready to their job in a clean workspace and is getting the highest quality service every day.
  • He has just enough personality and patience to be loved by all 7000 folks who walk through the doors of 300 Madison every day.
==> Best Experience Director:

Aida Hibbert, Experience Director

  • From the moment this person arrived – the words being of service has resonated through our company 
  • Has significantly impacted every account under their watch
  • Has impacted the employee experience and client experience
  • Has reImagined solutions and  thinking outside the box on how we help our clients
  • Has secured new headcount, services and contract renewals and increases across every client
  • Inspires their teams and sites to achieve greatness and deliver outstanding Hospitality and White Glove Service
  • eams have received the most Kudos in 2013
  • Is a leader for us today – due solely to her desire to provide outstanding service and leadership
  • Sees the future and drives the vision of FSO – Inspiring a Nation and Fulfilling Dreams

==> Excellence in Execution for Headquarters:

Jonathan Shulman, Sr. System Administrator  
  • Led the FSO site cut over for HR and Payroll in the Paychex cutover as if he was part of their departments
  • Spoke to almost every FSO employee in the field supporting them in using the Paychex time entered system
  • Hosted training meetings for the ED, EM etc… on multiple occasions
  • Constantly developing professionally and taking advantage of the challenges FSO throws his way through its hyper growth
  • Going to be an important part of managing our FSO IT accounts/staff as we grow this line of services, allowing me to go outbound to make it rain. 
  • Always ready to lend a helping hand IT related or not, the staff loves him!
==> (re)Imagine Excellence:

Christine Rainey, North East Regional Director
  • Solely built our Jersey Market
  • 100% Client Retention
  • Grew market through perfect process and operational execution - perfecting best practices
  • Expanded business from 6 to 20+ locations
  • FLP leader - hiring, training, promoting teams
  •  Obvious choice for promotion
  • Leading our largest region
  • A focused. results drive, and dynamic leader 
==> Rookie of the Year:

Taylor Miller, Business Development
  • She is young enough to be our child so we would like to think we “raised her”
  • She has secretly volunteered to play on every corporate soccer team in exchange for meetings and business - she is their ace in the hole!
  • She navigates technology better than any of us “old folks” and finds unheard of accounts 
  • She drinks a lot of milk and therefore has a great large smile that makes everyone want to give her business….
  • Billed the largest amount of revenue in her first year with a FSO as a rookie
==> Top Revenue Performance:

PWC Team (Jim Caton, Denise Ngeow, Bari Klein, Christine Rainey, Clark Duverger & Ben Rydell)
  • All played an integral role in closing the largest deal in outsourcing history 
  • A 57-city service agreement with multiple service lines
  • Changed the face of our company forever
  • Level of commitment to this deal could not have been stronger or more personal
  • RFI and first meeting - presenting to 30+ people (we thought it was the wrong room!!) 
  • Site tours, cupcakes & every detail in between
  • Thank you for (re)IMAGINING!! We did it! FSO in the USA
==> Believe it, Deliver it Award:

Missy Adriazola, Experience Director & John DeSena, VP & GM North America
  • Relentless commitment and tireless efforts to successfully deliver one of the largest transitions in the history of the industry
  • Coordinated placement of over 300 staff across 57 cities over 6 weeks!

==> Passionate Power House of the Year
Societe General 
  • Expanded services and lead the charge in reImagining mail services
  • Site leads with most FLP 
  • Awarded reception services which expanded to lobby/concierge and French speaking 
  • Completed Massive HR scanning and data validation project - Team of 4 for 4 months
  • (re) Imagined and supported the move to 245 Park - all services 
  • Joe, Phil and team have ensured a solid and perfect Referencable client 
  • Expanding into more services as we speak
  • Team lead the way with a fire,skip and step - leading the best client and employee experience and inspiring a nation 
==> Carpe Diem 
Denise Negow, Chief of Staff
  • Promoted to Chief of Staff 
  • Has made the greatest impact in supporting the company and innovation of solutions that surpass the industry
  • There from day one, Denise has done whatever is needed to drive the goals of the company 
  • Recognized by her peers as someone who ALWAYS goes above and beyond to make a difference for the greater good of the company
  • Continually supports Mitch’s vision
  • Side-by-side with Mitch, lighting up the nation and laying the foundation for future growth across the country, one plane ride at a time!
  • Gives 101% effort in all that she does
The top performers listed above received monetary awards and Academy Award like trophies to showcase their accomplishments. FSO's Passionate Powerhouse of the Year will be celebrated at a social event later this month. 

To further inspire and drive FSO employees to deliver exceptional service with positive attitudes, Jim Caton, Chief Chaos Officer & President, gave a shout out to the "up and comers"/"ones to watch" of 2014. 

The event concluded with a raffle of cash prizes, Paid Time Off days, and a brand new LED Smart TV. 

If there's one thing that FSO lives and breathes every day, it's the Employee Experience. We believe that people can make or break the success of an organization. As a result, we remain laser beam focused on rewarding our hard-working, dedicated employees. 

Photos from FSO's 2013 Awards & Recognition Ceremony can be viewed on FSO's Facebook page and will be featured in the next issue of FSO's monthly e-newsletter, FSO Connect. In addition, a slide show from the event is featured on FSO’s YouTube channel

Big HUG.. this morning to all.. have a terrific day.. make it count and lets rock it out there and INSPIRE THE NATION and give the zillions of prospects out there that are using our competitor what they rightfully deserve.. US

To our present and future stars, it doesn't get any better than this!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.
The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." 
~~ Don Adams (Locked and loaded!)

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email