Showing posts with label friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friday. Show all posts

Friday, November 13, 2015

Inspire ME Friday ==> 8 Ways To Keep Your Boss Happy

"Regardless of what it says on your job description, your real job is to make your boss successful. There are no exceptions to this rule. None. And,by the way: Your boss's real job is to make you more successful. The reversal of these priorities is the source of almost all organizational problems."

Good Morning Folks,

Welcome to Friday the 13th!

From Geoffrey James (The Sales Guy), here are the rules for keeping your boss happy:

1. Be true to your word.
Your boss wants to trust you. Really.  Therefore, whenever you accept an assignment, follow through religiously, even fanatically. Do what you say you're going to do. Never over commit, and avoid hedging your bets with vague statements like "I'll try" and "maybe." Instead, make your word carry real weight.

2. No surprises, ever.
The secret fear of every boss is that employees are screwing up but are not saying anything about it.  So even if you're afraid some bad news might upset your boss, make sure he's informed. Note: If your boss consistently "shoots the messenger," you can ignore this rule-because his behavior shows he doesn't really want to be in the know.

3. Be prepared on the details.
Your boss wants to believe you're competent and on top of things.  That's why she sometimes picks an aspect of your job and begins randomly asking penetrating questions. Therefore, whenever you're meeting with the boss, have the details ready so you can answer these queries with grace and aplomb.

4. Take your job seriously.
Bosses appreciate individuals who truly care about what they do and willing to take the time to achieve a deep understanding of their craft. Bosses need people who have unique expertise. You don't have to be a pro at everything, but you should definitely have a specific area of knowledge that your boss values.

5. Have your boss's back.
When you see your boss about to make a foolish decision, it's your responsibility to attempt to convince him to make a different one. Make your best case, and express yourself clearly. However, once the decision is actually made, do your best to make it work-regardless of whether you think it was the right one.

6. Provide solutions, not complaints.
Complainers are the bane of your boss's existence. Nothing is more irritating or more boring than listening to somebody kvetch about things that they're not willing to change.  So never bring up a problem unless you've got a solution to propose-or are willing to take the advice the boss gives you.

7. Communicate in plain language.
Bosses are busy people and have neither the time nor the inclination to wade through piles of biz-blab, jargon and weasel words. When dealing with your boss, speak and write in short sentences, use the fewest words possible to make a point, and make that point clear and easily understandable.

8. Know your real job.
Regardless of what it says on your job description, your real job is to make your boss successful. There are no exceptions to this rule. None.

And,by the way: Your boss's real job is to make you more successful. The reversal of these priorities is the source of almost all organizational problems.

Have a GREAT day and enjoy this beautiful fall weekend!

Be great and (re)IMAGINE!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself." 
~~ Soren Kierkegaard
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Friday, November 6, 2015

Inspire ME Friday ==> Purpose is eternal, limitless, and absolute.

My friend, pursue purpose and all shall unfold for you…

Good Morning Folks

I love Facebook. I always meet new people, discover other people through them and then learn and grow as a result of some expertise or insight the other shares.

That’s what happened when I stumbled upon Ryan Angelo blogging on

He writes:

If you come from a place of purpose, if you strive to do meaningful things, if you act on a greater good – success WILL find you.  Many individuals are scared right now, and they function from a place of ego.  This will limit them, because the ego is contained, limited, and safe.  The ego is fearful and vulnerable.

Purpose, however, is eternal, limitless, and absolute.

Questions for Contemplation:

==>Do you come from a place of ego, or a place of purpose?

==>Do you focus on your fears, or do you focus on purpose?
==>Do you, everyday, purposefully move towards your goals?
==>Do you doubt yourself, or do you believe in yourself?

My friend, pursue purpose and all shall unfold for you…

Facebook is more than a productivity waster for people who read what other people are having for lunch. You can get educated there. You can make new friends there. You can find something interesting to do on a weekday or weekend night there. You can find a candidate or a job. Find a seminar. And you can do business there> Check it out because it’s not for kids any more.

I hope you are having a wonderful week so far! What beautiful weather we’ve had – It sure is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and take in the beauty of the orange, gold, and scarlet foliage in Central Park and all around New York. 

Get outdoors and enjoy the weekend!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, October 9, 2015

InspireME Friday: Don't Die With The Music Still Inside You

Good Morning Folks,

A couple of years ago, Adam Dachisapr, on a assignment for Lifehacker, put together, "Top 10 Highly-Desired Skills You Can Teach Yourself."

On countless occasions, you've likely said to yourself "I wish I knew how to do 


Then, of course, life got in the way and you put it off until you could find the time.

Maybe you wanted to become fluent in a language, learn a new instrument, start performing your house repairs, or a master a myriad of other skills.

With the vast amount of knowledge online, you're now your only excuse.

==> 10 Diserable Skills You Can Teach Yourself Right Now BY ADAM DACHISAPR

10. Repair Just About Anything

Sure, you don't need to repair anything anymore. You can just pay someone else to
do it. But where's the ingenuity in that? Plus, who wants to waste a bunch of money
on simple tasks you can handle on your own?

If you've adopted the DIY spirit, learning to repair your own stuff is one of the

easiest and more rewarding skills you can acquire. It's especially fruitful because
as you learn new things, you can put them to use right away.

So how do you teach yourself?

We've outlined tons of repairs you can learn on your own to get you started, but if you're looking for something specific there is no shortage of how-to videos available on YouTube. There will be occasions when you do need to call a professional, as you're not going to be a master repairman (or woman) instantly, but do remember that there is an opportunity when things break: you can learn howto fix them.

9. Pick Up an Artistic Skill Like Illustration, Painting, or Photography

Although it often won't earn you the big bucks, artistic skills are highly desired because they provide you with the technical abilities required to create something beautiful. You're going to have to find your own inspiration and subject matter, but the skill you'll need is really just a matter of technical aptitude and practice.Picking up a book of anatomy and drawing different bones and muscles will teach you how to draw people.

Drawing grids over photographs can show you basic perspective. Obviously it isn't

as simple as that, but focusing on learning to draw one simple thing, like the petals
of a flower or the human hand, will help you learn how it works and get in a reasonable
amount of practice. When you're ready to move on from the basics and start illustrating
on your computer, check out our digital painting lessons. For those of you interested
in photography, we have lessons for you, too.

Whatever you're looking to learn, just set aside 15-30 minutes every day to practice

a very small part of that skill. It'll take awhile to teach yourself how to draw, paint, take better photos, make hamburger sculptures out of clay, or whatever it is you want to do, but breaking the daunting task into pieces and practicing each part slowly will do the trick. Plus, it's a really nice way to unwind at the end of the day.

8. Learn to Defend Yourself

Who likes getting their ass kicked? Probably a very small majority. If that's what you're into, it doesn't require much skill-just endurance. If you'd prefer to not end up hurt or injured as the result of an unexpected attack, perhaps it's time  to pick up some self-defense skills.

While you'll probably want to have a partner around to help you out-at least when you want to test your skill-we've outlined several self-defense moves that you can learn on your own. Although you will hopefully never need to actually employ the techniques you acquire, if you do you'll increase your chances of coming out of a fight unharmed. Plus, it's pretty cool to walk around with the confidence of being able to take on most anyone in a fight.

7. Improve Your Design Skills (or At Least Acquire a Sense of Style)

Design and style aren't an exact science, as tastes differ and change as time goes on, but there are a few principles you can pick up that'll make your work, home, or whatever needs an aesthetic boost looking better than average. If we're talking traditional design, you'll first want to learn the basics of type and layout.

These are skills you can employ in your everyday work to make it look a lot more attractive. This may seem like a nearly-useless skill, because spreadsheets aren't getting entered in any beauty contests, but when something looks good it can have a greater impact. That's always a plus in your work. If you want to take things a bit further, you can bump those skills up a notch and apply them to web site design in Photoshop. Your sense of style is even a useful thing when choosing a great wallpaper and creating a clean and organized desktop on your computer.

If your home is boring, just follow these guidelines for awesome interior design. You don't have to be a pro, but learning the basics of design can make your life a lot brighter.

6. Pick Up Just About Any Subject You Missed In College

Whether it's science, finance, math, humanities, law, or anything else, if there's a course you wish you took in college you're not out of luck-you can probably find it online. To help you out, we've rounded up every great source of online education so you can gain that knowledge you missed. What's great about learning online is that you can take it at your own pace and put in as much time as you can spare each day. You don't necessarily have to master a subject, either, but learn as much as you need or want to know. While you won't end up with a degree for your hard work, you will be a little bit smarter-and that's the most important part.

5. Build and Hack Electronic Hardware

We love technology, and we love it more when we can make it do pretty much whatever
we want. There is almost no end to what you can hack, but getting started does require
teaching yourself a few skills.Learning to build a computer is a good place to start.
Soldering is especially helpful, and understanding the basics of arduino can help you build some really neat stuff.

One of the best ways to get started is to pick a project and learn by doing.

4. Play a (New) Instrument

Whether you already know how to play an instrument and want to learn something new
or are musically inept, you'll find plenty of resources online to help you teach yourself to play just about anything. If guitar is your thing, you're in luck as you'd be hard-pressed to not find online lessons.

The Internet can also teach you piano, drums, and even orchestral instruments like the flute and violin. Just like with repair skills, you can find a lot of how-to videos on both YouTube.

In addition to the instrument, you're also going to want to learn a little music  theory.

3. Cook Like a Pro

With so many recipe sites and cooking skill how-to videos online, it's a surprise that everyone isn't a master chef at this point. There are so many simple things you can learn that can vastly improve your culinary skill set really quickly, many of which we've covered. We've written so much on the subject of learning to cook better that this little paragraph isn't enough to cover it all, but there are a few posts in particular that you'll want to read to get started.

First, these tips and tricks for budding foodies will make your learning process easier. Second, follow this station-by-station kitchen guide to stay organized and efficient when cooking. Finally, these must-know recipes will help you round out your arsenal of cooking knowledge. 

2. Become Fluent in a New Language

When we asked you which skills you really wanted to learn, language was at, or close to the top of many peoples' lists. Fortunately for you,this clever technique offers a way to all but master a new language in a short period of time by teaching yourself. You'll still have to work hard and put in the minutes every day, but you can come out speaking fluently in about half of a year. Pretty cool.

1. Make a Web Site, Create an App, or Just Learn to Code 

Learning to code is something most of us Lifehackers aspire to do at one point or another, as it's not only a great way to create cool apps and tools that we want to use but it's also an incredibly marketable skill when trying to get a job. To get you started, we've put together two helpful sets of lessons: the basics of programming and making a web site.

Both sets include further resources, but there are plenty of others that we've learned about or have cropped up since. For starters, commenter mistermocha suggests using the "learn ___ the hard way" series.

If you just fill in the blank with the language you want to learn and put that into a web search, you'll likely find what you're looking for. (You can also find most of the series here.) If you prefer more interactive lessons, you'll want to check out one of our favorites: Codecademy.

I learned by subscribing to online learning site (and through a few basic classes back in college), which is still excellent, but I'd probably have gone with Code Academy at this point since it's in the free category.

Regardless of how you decide to learn, programming skills are becoming more and  more useful as time goes on. Code is not as complicated as you think, so go get 


As we head out for an awesome weekend with Fall in the air, know that the future is bright, and I promise you that I personally could not be more focused on helping each and every one of you achieve your greatest success. 

Thanks to Adam for sharing, and to you for listening.

Have a HAPPY, SAFE and HEALTHY Weekend.

Love Life and Light It UP!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so?
Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live.
Before they know it, time runs out."  Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Friday, August 7, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: The Yellow Cab Ride

"Great moments often catch us unaware—beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one."

I liked liked this story even more because it reminded me of the kind of heart we collectively exude, here at FSO."

Happy Friday Folks,

Today's inspirational story I discovered on Facebook and is perhaps one of the most touching stories I've ever heard with regard to service. There's holding a door for someone, opening your umbrella and escorting them to a cab... as I've blogged about our teammates doing...  but this goes even a step further.

What a beautiful, beautiful, very touching story. What a magical thing he did for the nice lady, it brought tears to my eyes, as it will yours.

I liked liked this story even more because it reminded me of the kind of heart we collectively exude, here at FSO.

Via @MarkHewerMusic 
A NYC Taxi driver wrote:
"I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. 
After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie. 
By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. 
There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard. 
box filled with photos and glassware. 
'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman. 
She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb. 
She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated.' 
'Oh, you're such a good boy, she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive through downtown?' 
'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly.. 
'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice. 
I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice.'The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter. 
'What route would you like me to take?' I asked. 
For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. 
We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. 
Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing. 
As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired.Let's go now'. 
We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico. 
Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. 
They must have been expecting her. 
I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair. 
'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching into her purse. 
'Nothing,' I said. 
'You have to make a living,' she answered. 
'There are other passengers,' I responded. 
Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.She held onto me tightly. 
'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.' 
I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life..
I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away? 
On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life. 
We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. 
But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one."
So touching it brought tears to my eyes...... Something worth reading and passing along because we never know the path we walk.........and when it will end. I can't even imagine what that trip down memory lane would be without family.

"I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated." he said. Beautiful. Folks, love each other and help each other. That's what life is about.

Now as the summer is inching to an end before we know it, take sometime out to enjoy the weather, enjoy the weekend and enjoy your loved ones.


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“Happiness at work is being a good listener, a good friend, 
being generous, not critical, never finding fault, but always smiling."

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

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Friday, July 31, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: "The "Multipliers" Versus The "Diminishers"

"Multipliers are those who attract terrific talent by creating an environment that motivates others to do their best work."

Good Morning Folks,

I received this from Ken, one of our most thoughtful Business Operations Managers, that I wish to share with everyone. He writes...
Most significant accomplishments require a collection of individuals who are dedicated to the success of the project. Therefore, if you want to accomplish something of merit, you need to find ways to magnify your impact by influencing others to support your efforts. This involves encouraging others to join your team, be the brand, work hard (and smart) and spread good energy. 
There are two types of managing styles; there are "multipliers" and "diminishers." 
Multipliers are people who enhance the creativity and productivity of their organization. 
Multipliers are those who attract terrific talent by creating an environment that motivates others to do their best work. They do this by providing bold challenges that stretch others' imagination, creating a culture of constructive debate and giving ownership, and credit to those who contribute. This collection of behaviors leads to vastly increased morale and motivation and generates a quantum leap in output. When you invite people's best thinking and lead like a multiplier, your team will give you more -- more discretionary effort, more mental and physical energy, and more of the fresh ideas critical for long-term success. 
At the other extreme are "diminishers" -- people who inhibit creativity and productivity by building their own personal empire, hoarding resources, giving directives that don't leave room for others to contribute, micromanaging and making all the decisions. When you suppress others' freedom of expression, you get a fraction of their effort and output.
Are you a multiplier? or a diminisher? Fruit for thought this weekend and maybe an eye-opening lesson to inspire change.





Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

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 “Everyone has the right to have a career  not just a job at my company” 
~~ Mitch Weiner
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A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

Access Staffing, Adecco Usa, ADP, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, Albert Einstein, College Of Medicine, Amazon Corporate, American Express Company, American Honda Motor Company, American University, Amgen, Amster Rothstein & Ebanstein, Anchor Associates Group Inc, Angelo, Gordon & Co., Anne Arundel County Govt, Aquantive, Arent Fox Llp, Arhus, Kobmandsskole, Arrowhead Aea, Ascena, Asrc Federal Holding Company, Atkina, Llc, Aurelius Capital Management, Automatic Data Processing, Automattic, Ball State University, Baltimore Technology Park, Bank Of America, Barclays Financial Corp., BDBO New York, Bechtel Corp, Bell Canada, Best Buy, Black Oak Computers Inc, Blackrock Financial Management, Bloomberg Bloomberg, Brandprotect, Brookfield Asset Management,Brown Advisory, Bsnl, BT (UK searching for Denise), Cahill Gordon & Reindel, California Department Of Justice, California Education And Research Federation Network, California State University, Long Beach, Canon Usa, Carolinas, Healthcare System, Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, Cb Richard Ellis, Cbi Connect, Cdw - Cdw Llc, Ceasars Entertainment Group, Central Methodist University, Charles Schwab & Co., Choopa, Llc, City Of Los Angeles,  Citigroup, City Of Houston, Clyde & Co Llp, Colgate-palmolive Co., Colliers Abr, Inc - Cassidy Turley, Chubb, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, Cooley Llp, Columbia University, Completel, Comporium Communications, Commercial Bank Of Africa, Comstock Park Public Schools, Conagra Foods, Concordia College, Condenast Publications, Control Risks Group Llc, Coral Graphics, Cottage Hospital, County Of Marin, County Of Suffolk, New York, Credit Suisse Group, Credit Suisse Group / Canada, Cuddy & Feder Llp, Cwie, Llc, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., Data Control And Systems, Datagram, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Dental Of California, Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan, Department Of Administrative Services (Ohio), Department Of The Interior, Office Of The Secretary, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Detroit Public Schools, Dewitt Stern Group, Inc., Dod Network Information Center, Dow Jones & Company, Devry, Depaul University, Dga Security Systems, Dickstein Shapiro Llp, Discover, Financial Services, Distributed Systems Services, Do It Best Corp, Duane Morris, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom,Edelman Pr, Emerge212, Equity Residential, Ernst & Young Llp, Esi International, Espn, Estee Lauder, European Police Office (europol), Evercore Partners Services East, Llc, Experian Revenue Assurance Test, Facebook Corporate, Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Family Dollar, Federal Aviation Administration, Federated Systems Group, Fedex Office & Print Services, Fenwick & West, Fidelity National Financial, Fifth & Pacific Cos, First American Equipment Financial, Fisher Scientific, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Llp, Fujitsu Limited, Florida Department Of Management Services, Florida International University, Ford Motor Company, Fort Hays State University, Fortressitx, Free Sas, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.c., GE, Genentech, Georgetown University, Gerson Lehrman Group,, Llc, Gilead Sciences, Google Corporate, Goose Creek Consolidated Isd, Government Of Saskatchewan,Government Of Singapore, Graphnet Inc., Gravitas Technology, Greenberg Traurig P.a, Griffin Information Systems Limited, Group M Worldwide, Hachette Book Group, Hamilton-clermont Cooperative Assn., Harris Government Sector, Havas Worldwide Llc, Hccs - Houston Community College System, Hearst Corporation, Hewlett-packard Company, Higher Colleges Of Technology, Hill & Knowlton, Inc, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Hma, Hotwire Communications, Hudson County Community College,  Hughes Hubbard & Reed Llp, Humber College, IBM Corporation, Ikon Office Solutions, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Immedion, Llc, Ing Investment Management,, Intergrated Office, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Times, International Monetary Fund, Io Capital Princess, Llc, Jefferies International Limited, Jewish Board Of Family & Children 's Services, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Apparel Group, Jones, Day, jp Morgan Chase, Jw Michaels Co., J. Walter Thompson, Reavis & Pogue, Kabel Bw, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hayes, And Hudler, Hudson County Community College, Kddi Corporation, Kelley Drye & Warren Llp, King & Spalding Llp, Kirby Mcinerney Llp, Kirkland & Ellis Llp, Leaseweb Usa, Laughlin/constable, Inc, Latham Watkins, Legal Source Ls Llc, Leslie Digital Imaging Llc, Lexis-nexis, Linode Resources, Liquidnet Holdings, Lion Resources, Loeb & Troper, Cpa, Lombard Odier Asset Management, Los Angeles County Office Of Education, Loyola Marymount University, Macquarie Bank, Macquarie Holdings, Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company, Marriott International, Marsh, MasterCard, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Mcnc, Mckesson Technologies, Mdmb Law, Medex Pharmacy, Mediadata, Medimmune, Llc, Mellon Bank, Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center, Mercury Radio Arts, Merck And Co, Methodist Hospital Of Memphis,Miami University, Michaels Stores, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, Micro Graphic Info Svcs, Microsoft Corp, Middle Country Public Library, Milbank - Milbank Tweed Hadley Mccloy, Ministry Of Education Computer Center, Miox Corporation, Montclair State University, Moody's Investors Service, Morgan Stanley Group, Moses & Singer Llp, Motorola, Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, Multiverse, Munsch Hardt Kopf Harr, Museum of the City of New York, Namesco Limited, Museum Of The City Of New York, Nassau County Board Of Cooperative Education Services, Nassau County Boces, National Board Of Medical Examiners, National Chiao Tung University, Navy Network Information Center, NBC Universal, Nbs, Nbty, Nco Group, Ncs Pearson, Neuberger Berman, New Jersey Institute Of Technology, New Mexico State University, New York City Public Schools, New York Power Authority, New York Public Library, New York University, Next Jump, Nomura International Plc, Northern Michigan University, Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association, Northwood University, Nyedc, Off Campus Telecommunications, Old Republic, Onewest Bank Fsb, Openband Multimedia, Llc, Ohiohealth Corporation, Orange, Orange County - Telecommunications Department, Orange Israel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Oshean, Oxford Networks, Paramount Pictures, Partners Healthcare System, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Llp, Pavlov Njencom Colo, Perfect Building Maintenance, Peter-paul_verduin Pfizer, Phonoscope, Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, Pitney Bowes Plc, Plum Creek Marketing, Pluk Pluk,  Plus One Health Management, Polaris Project, Polytechnic University, Powerspace & Services, Preferred Office Products, Privax Limited, Procter & Gamble, PwC (50 locations!); Queens Public Library, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges Llp, Qitx; R.r. Donnelley & Sons Company; r.sea; Readers Digest; Reed Smith Llp (PA); Regus Business Centers, Research In Motion; Revenue Assurance Test; Richards Kibbe & Orbe Llp; Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire; Robert Bosch Gmbh, Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire, Rockefeller Group Technology Solutions; Rothschild, Row 44; Royal Bank Of Canada; Rutgers University; Safra National Bank Of New York;; San Diego City Schools; San Francisco Marriott Marquis; Santa Clara County Office Of Education; Sarah Lawrence College; Scholastic; Sfr; Sedwick Llp, Sharp Electronics Corporation; Shearman & Sterling; Sidley Austin Brown & Wood; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Llp; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llp; Social Law Library; Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, Sify Limited, Smoothstone, Societe Generale; Socorro Independent School District; Softbank Bb Corp; Social Security Administration, Sony Pictures Entertainment; Soros Fund Management Llc, Spherion Corporation; src Federal Holding Company, Llc; Standard Motor Products; Starwood Hotels; State Of Minnesota , State Of Montana; Stinson Morrison Hecker Llp; Straub Clinic & Hospital; Sungard Availability Services Usa; Syracuse University; Systems Research And Applications Corp; Talktalk; Tadlock Law Firm Pllc, Target Corporation , Teco Energy; Tesoro; Companies; Texas Blending & Warehousing Corp; Texas Instruments; Texas Medical Center; The Chubb Corporation; The City Of New York; The Coca-cola Company; The Heritage Foundation; The Interpublic Group Of Companies; The Jnt Association; The Limited, The Metrohealth System; The Municipal Communications Utility Of The City O (Iowa); The New York Times Company; The Richard Stockton College Of New Jersey, Tiaa-cref , Time; Toronto District School Board; Tower Group Companies; Trlg – Hq, Ttx Company; Turner Broadcasting System,  U.s. Bancorp; U.s. Bancorp, U.s. Center For Disease Control And Prevention; U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, Ungaretti & Harris, United Business Technologies, United Stationers Supply Co., University Of Arkansas, University Of Connecticut, University Of Dayton, University Of Florida, University Of Maryland, University Of New Mexico, University Of Notre Dame, University Of Texas At San Antonio, University Of Virginia, Urs Corporation, Us Department Of Defense Net, U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations, Varian Medical Systems, Viacom, Virgin, Virgin Media, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ, Virgo Penn Business Centers L, Viacom, Vivo, Virgin Media, Virginia Community College System, Volumedrive,, Warrenville, Illinois, United States, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weitz & Luxenberg, Wellington Management Company, Llp, Wells Fargo & Company, West Corporation, West Publishing Corporation, White & Case Llp, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, Widnes, Halton,, Wisdom Tree Investments, Inc., Workforce Software, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, X--ray Optical Systems, Inc., Xerox Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Xilinx Incorporated, Yamaguchi Cable Vision Co.,ltd, Yaquinto Printing, Yon Lew, Zuckerman Spaede

Friday, February 13, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Future Internet Moguls Discover The Power of Focus

"I have also learned that being focused means saying “No” a lot more. I used to have a big problem with no. People would invite me to grab coffee with them and I would always say yes without thinking about how that would impact my day."

Good Morning Folks,

Behold the power of the Internet where anyone with coding skills and a great idea can change the course of business and its results.

A case in point is the story of Morgan and Daina Linton, the husband/wife team who founded Fashion Metric to banish ill-fitting clothes.

Anyone who’s ever ordered clothes online knows that getting an item that fits is by all means hit and miss. Fashion Metric is a self-described “virtual tailor” SaaS startup that provides consumers with a way to automatically find out if an article of clothing will fit their body without having to try it on.

“We’ve built software that acts as a virtual tailor,” Daina Linton said.

Fashion Metric’s technology also offers online retailers an added benefit of minimizing returns, which makes sense since the majority of those returns would happen because something didn’t fit correctly. The startup has raised under $1 million in funding from Mark Cuban, BazaarVoice founder Brett Hurt, and the former chairman and CEO of Neiman Marcus.

But putting the "start" in startup was a long, painful process until the couple discovered the POWER of FOCUS. Morgan explained in his blog this week:
Over the last two years I’ve learned a lot about the power of focus. Rewind three years ago and I was a guy who had a lot of “projects” going on all the time. When people asked what I did I would usually say, “My full time job is at Sonos but I also run a lot of websites, broker domain names, build software to appraise website sales, speak at conferences, oh and I write books.” 
I thought this sounded impressive, I was wrong. 
Fast forward to today and I have no projects, I am completely focused on Fashion Metric, and that focus has been incredibly valuable both for our company and our lives. While I still write this blog I see writing as something that I have always planned to do forever, I see it as my creative outlet and I spend no more than twenty minutes a day on it. 
Both Daina and I spend all day, every day focused on Fashion Metric. We’re up at around 6AM, are usually at work before 8AM and it’s rare for us to leave before 7PM. We don’t do this because we have to, we do it because we absolutely love it, this has been our dream and we know we couldn’t do what we are doing now without incredible focus. 
I have also learned that being focused means saying “No” a lot more. I used to have a big problem with no. People would invite me to grab coffee with them and I would always say yes without thinking about how that would impact my day. Everything my friends did I wanted to do with them. Now I’ve learned that I can’t say yes to everything and still maintain the level of focus that I need, I had to get better at saying no. The good news is, true friends will understand and those who aren’t might not. 
It’s an amazing transformation I’ve gone through over the last three years and an incredibly realization that you (or at least for me) can’t have a day job and do a bunch of “projects” without spreading yourself too thin and not giving enough focus to something that really matters. I can understand why the old adage “do what you love” still rings true today because when you focus and do what you truly enjoy all those projects disappear and life, while more intense than ever, becomes more fulfilling. 
So ask yourself, “Am I that person who is doing a million projects?” And if that is you imagine what you could accomplish with a bit more focus. 

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Do one thing every day that scares you"

Photo Credit: Top: Daniel Dionne via Compfight cc
Middle: Morgan and Daina Linton via  Laura Lorek, Silicon Hills News

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

Access Staffing, Adecco Usa, ADP, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, Albert Einstein, College Of Medicine, Amazon Corporate, American Express Company, American Honda Motor Company, American University, Amgen, Amster Rothstein & Ebanstein, Anchor Associates Group Inc, Angelo, Gordon & Co., Anne Arundel County Govt, Aquantive, Arent Fox Llp, Arhus, Kobmandsskole, Arrowhead Aea, Ascena, Asrc Federal Holding Company, Atkina, Llc, Aurelius Capital Management, Automatic Data Processing, Automattic, Ball State University, Baltimore Technology Park, Bank Of America, Barclays Financial Corp., BDBO New York, Bechtel Corp, Bell Canada, Best Buy, Black Oak Computers Inc, Blackrock Financial Management, Bloomberg Bloomberg, Brandprotect, Brookfield Asset Management,Brown Advisory, Bsnl, BT (UK searching for Denise), Cahill Gordon & Reindel, California Department Of Justice, California Education And Research Federation Network, California State University, Long Beach, Canon Usa, Carolinas, Healthcare System, Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, Cb Richard Ellis, Cbi Connect, Cdw - Cdw Llc, Ceasars Entertainment Group, Central Methodist University, Charles Schwab & Co., Choopa, Llc, City Of Los Angeles,  Citigroup, City Of Houston, Clyde & Co Llp, Colgate-palmolive Co., Colliers Abr, Inc - Cassidy Turley, Chubb, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, Cooley Llp, Columbia University, Completel, Comporium Communications, Commercial Bank Of Africa, Comstock Park Public Schools, Conagra Foods, Concordia College, Condenast Publications, Control Risks Group Llc, Coral Graphics, Cottage Hospital, County Of Marin, County Of Suffolk, New York, Credit Suisse Group, Credit Suisse Group / Canada, Cuddy & Feder Llp, Cwie, Llc, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., Data Control And Systems, Datagram, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Dental Of California, Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan, Department Of Administrative Services (Ohio), Department Of The Interior, Office Of The Secretary, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Detroit Public Schools, Dewitt Stern Group, Inc., Dod Network Information Center, Dow Jones & Company, Devry, Depaul University, Dga Security Systems, Dickstein Shapiro Llp, Discover, Financial Services, Distributed Systems Services, Do It Best Corp, Duane Morris, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom,Edelman Pr, Emerge212, Equity Residential, Ernst & Young Llp, Esi International, Espn, Estee Lauder, European Police Office (europol), Evercore Partners Services East, Llc, Experian Revenue Assurance Test, Facebook Corporate, Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Family Dollar, Federal Aviation Administration, Federated Systems Group, Fedex Office & Print Services, Fenwick & West, Fidelity National Financial, Fifth & Pacific Cos, First American Equipment Financial, Fisher Scientific, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Llp, Fujitsu Limited, Florida Department Of Management Services, Florida International University, Ford Motor Company, Fort Hays State University, Fortressitx, Free Sas, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.c., GE, Genentech, Georgetown University, Gerson Lehrman Group,, Llc, Gilead Sciences, Google Corporate, Goose Creek Consolidated Isd, Government Of Saskatchewan,Government Of Singapore, Graphnet Inc., Gravitas Technology, Greenberg Traurig P.a, Griffin Information Systems Limited, Group M Worldwide, Hachette Book Group, Hamilton-clermont Cooperative Assn., Harris Government Sector, Havas Worldwide Llc, Hccs - Houston Community College System, Hearst Corporation, Hewlett-packard Company, Higher Colleges Of Technology, Hill & Knowlton, Inc, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Hma, Home Box Office, Hotwire Communications, Hudson County Community College,  Hughes Hubbard & Reed Llp, Humber College, IBM Corporation, Ikon Office Solutions, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Immedion, Llc, Ing Investment Management,, Intergrated Office, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Times, International Monetary Fund, Io Capital Princess, Llc, Jefferies International Limited, Jewish Board Of Family & Children 's Services, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Apparel Group, Jones, Day, jp Morgan Chase, Jw Michaels Co., J. Walter Thompson, Reavis & Pogue, Kabel Bw, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hayes, And Hudler, Hudson County Community College, Kddi Corporation, Kelley Drye & Warren Llp, King & Spalding Llp, Kirby Mcinerney Llp, Kirkland & Ellis Llp, Leaseweb Usa, Laughlin/constable, Inc, Latham Watkins, Legal Source Ls Llc, Leslie Digital Imaging Llc, Lexis-nexis, Linode Resources, Liquidnet Holdings, Lion Resources, Loeb & Troper, Cpa, Lombard Odier Asset Management, Los Angeles County Office Of Education, Loyola Marymount University, Macquarie Bank, Macquarie Holdings, Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company, Marriott International, Marsh, MasterCard, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Mcnc, Mckesson Technologies, Mdmb Law, Medex Pharmacy, Mediadata, Medimmune, Llc, Mellon Bank, Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center, Mercury Radio Arts, Merck And Co, Methodist Hospital Of Memphis,Miami University, Michaels Stores, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, Micro Graphic Info Svcs, Microsoft Corp, Middle Country Public Library, Milbank - Milbank Tweed Hadley Mccloy, Ministry Of Education Computer Center, Miox Corporation, Montclair State University, Moody's Investors Service, Morgan Stanley Group, Moses & Singer Llp, Motorola, Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, Multiverse, Munsch Hardt Kopf Harr, Museum of the City of New York, Namesco Limited, Museum Of The City Of New York, Nassau County Board Of Cooperative Education Services, Nassau County Boces, National Board Of Medical Examiners, National Chiao Tung University, Navy Network Information Center, NBC Universal, Nbs, Nbty, Nco Group, Ncs Pearson, Neuberger Berman, New Jersey Institute Of Technology, New Mexico State University, New York City Public Schools, New York Power Authority, New York Public Library, New York University, Next Jump, Nomura International Plc, Northern Michigan University, Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association, Northwood University, Nyedc, Off Campus Telecommunications, Old Republic, Onewest Bank Fsb, Openband Multimedia, Llc, Ohiohealth Corporation, Orange, Orange County - Telecommunications Department, Orange Israel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Oshean, Oxford Networks, Paramount Pictures, Partners Healthcare System, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Llp, Pavlov Njencom Colo, Perfect Building Maintenance, Peter-paul_verduin Pfizer, Phonoscope, Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, Pitney Bowes Plc, Plum Creek Marketing, Pluk Pluk,  Plus One Health Management, Polaris Project, Polytechnic University, Powerspace & Services, Preferred Office Products, Privax Limited, Procter & Gamble, PwC (50 locations!); Queens Public Library, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges Llp, Qitx; R.r. Donnelley & Sons Company; r.sea; Readers Digest; Reed Smith Llp (PA); Regus Business Centers, Research In Motion; Revenue Assurance Test; Richards Kibbe & Orbe Llp; Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire; Robert Bosch Gmbh, Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire, Rockefeller Group Technology Solutions; Rothschild, Row 44; Royal Bank Of Canada; Rutgers University; Safra National Bank Of New York;; San Diego City Schools; San Francisco Marriott Marquis; Santa Clara County Office Of Education; Sarah Lawrence College; Scholastic; Sfr; Sedwick Llp, Sharp Electronics Corporation; Shearman & Sterling; Sidley Austin Brown & Wood; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Llp; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llp; Social Law Library; Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, Sify Limited, Smoothstone, Societe Generale; Socorro Independent School District; Softbank Bb Corp; Social Security Administration, Sony Pictures Entertainment; Soros Fund Management Llc, Spherion Corporation; src Federal Holding Company, Llc; Standard Motor Products; Starwood Hotels; State Of Minnesota , State Of Montana; Stinson Morrison Hecker Llp; Straub Clinic & Hospital; ,Sungard Availability Services Usa; Syracuse University; Systems Research And Applications Corp; Talktalk; Tadlock Law Firm Pllc, Target Corporation , Teco Energy; Tesoro; Companies; Texas Blending & Warehousing Corp; Texas Instruments; Texas Medical Center; The Chubb Corporation; The City Of New York; The Coca-cola Company; The Heritage Foundation; The Interpublic Group Of Companies; The Jnt Association; The Limited, The Metrohealth System; The Municipal Communications Utility Of The City O (Iowa); The New York Times Company; The Richard Stockton College Of New Jersey, Tiaa-cref , Time; Toronto District School Board; Tower Group Companies; Trlg – Hq, Ttx Company; Turner Broadcasting System,  U.s. Bancorp; U.s. Bancorp, U.s. Center For Disease Control And Prevention; U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, Ungaretti & Harris, United Business Technologies, United Stationers Supply Co., University Of Arkansas, University Of Connecticut, University Of Dayton, University Of Florida, University Of Maryland, University Of New Mexico, University Of Notre Dame, University Of Texas At San Antonio, University Of Virginia, Urs Corporation, Us Department Of Defense Net, U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations, Varian Medical Systems, Viacom, Virgin, Virgin Media, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ, Virgo Penn Business Centers L, Viacom, Vivo, Virgin Media, Virginia Community College System, Volumedrive,, Warrenville, Illinois, United States, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weitz & Luxenberg, Wellington Management Company, Llp, Wells Fargo & Company, West Corporation, West Publishing Corporation, White & Case Llp, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, Widnes, Halton,, Wisdom Tree Investments, Inc., Workforce Software, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, X--ray Optical Systems, Inc., Xerox Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Xilinx Incorporated, Yamaguchi Cable Vision Co.,ltd, Yaquinto Printing, Yon Lew, Zuckerman Spaede

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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