Friday, January 30, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Your LinkUP To My Daily Dose of Inspiration

"I am also humbled by your embracement of our social efforts. In January this blog set new records for readership. And in between posts here, you can find me on LinkedIn, spreading good cheers and important reads for growth and development. We had over 50,000 views in January and 12,000 likes."

Good Morning Folks,

I have been criss-crossing the country this month visiting clients and prospective clients, nationwide. Hard to believe the first month of this new year has flown by so fast. I can tell you that I have never been more focused. Energized. Inspired. Believing and hungry for success we deserve. To win the accounts that should rightfully be in a better state.

The legal profession is undergoing massive workflow changes not only in their records and document management processes, but across all support/non revenue generating operations.

Supporting a multi-generational team of executives (from interns to associates, partners to the management committee), with a multi-generational hourly demographic workforce, law firms need to run their firms differently.  It is no longer an option not to!
Law firms MUST run as better businesses.  They are looking for “Service Partners” (not just “vendors”) to help them (re)IMAGINE….to educate them and provide the ability to do what they would want to do if only they knew it was possible.”

In presentation after presentation we hear that the back office folks are being forgotten about. That they are unhappy with their the outsourcing vendor, who has done nothing for its people in terms of motivation AND training. 

That’s where Onsite Outsourcing with Future State Outsourcing (FSO)comes in. By partnering with FSO, outsourcing can become a leverage that can help use new resources for new projects and help drive revenue growth.

I am also humbled by your embracement of our social efforts. In January this blog set new records for readership. And in between posts here, you can find me on Linkedin, spreading good cheers and important reads for growth and development. We had over 50,000 views in January and 12,000 likes.

And let me Link you up right now to what you have been missing. Please connect with me HERE, and check in daily.

Statistics don't lie will make you see why spending an hour or so on LinkedIn each week could help your career dramatically. (see the article abut this below)

  • via Bill Schiazza

    • Mitchell Weiner

      Thursday, January 29, 2015

      Introducing A New Title With The Same Laser Focus On Pleasing You: Business Operations Manager

      "I recall the Experience Service Extraordinaire banner which states “You say jump, We say how high?” These are the words that need to go through everyone 'sbrain when dealing with our clients."

      Good Morning Folks,

      Welcome to 2015 where we at FSO are focused on a very clear business model of People + Solutions, + Technology with greater energy, investment, smarts and focus than ever before. 

      We have had an outstanding start the year…. Recognition… Management Meetings.. goals and objectives for 2015, new focus on site staff, field ops focused like never before on owning the client, new messaging (including spelling out FSO= Future State Outsourcing), and loving the employees and much much more. 

      Look out to 2015!!!  Where you can count on us to show you new possibilities, new revenue and all the happiness and peace of mind you’ve come to expect from FSO.

      But today I wanted to focus on our decision to retitle our field management, those folks responsible for the ultimate success of your site to Business Operations Managers and their bosses to Business Operation s Directors.

      Boston's Jonathan Ramos, a Business Operations Manager at IMG explains:  
      My name is Jonathan Ramos and I manage one of our national client sites - IMG. With over 8 years of outsourcing operations experience, I was recently recognized in our annual awards as an Experience Manager of 2014  and I wanted to share with you all what I see the true new role of a Business Operations Manager is.

      What is a Business Operations Manager?

      A Business Operations Manager is an FSO employee whose responsibility is to manage an operation for a client as if it was their own. A BOM owns their operation and is always looking for ways to run their businesses the most cost effective and efficient way possible while offering value add services. AS BOMs we must increase recurring income and increase value of our services and staff onsite.

      A situation at IMG showed the true need of a strong Business Operations manager. IMG recently went through management changes and needed to ensure their sites exemplified synergies amongst their service lines and wellness program. Within 1 week, we were able to establish a vendor relationship with one of the preferred FSO  vendors. I reached out to the ED’s and obtained information in regards to vendor relationships FSO currently has. Angel Negron sent the info with-in minutes. We were able to increase recurring income while providing savings to our client. These savings secured the income and value while ensuring the client that we have their best interest at heart. A strong BOM needs to take ownership and be able to go above and beyond but also use the resources available to them..

      A BOM’s responsibility is take on as much as possible. This will assist in growing and transitioning into a future role. As an FSO BOM I began identifying talent on my time off and handing out my business cards. All employees at IMG are also trained to contact me with issues before escalating to corporate in regards to benefits and payroll in case I am able to assist immediately. I recall the Experience Service Extraordinaire banner which states “You say jump, We say how high?” These are the words that need to go through everyone brain when dealing with our clients. BOMs empower their teams while maintaining a positive mind set. We understand client satisfaction and use our resources to ensure it excels their expectations. We create a game plan and attack immediately before our competition can even process the ideas we are putting out. All BOMs lead by example and are always aware of their energy and enthusiasm. Our energy is what fuels our staff in order to impress our clients. And we do all this with a big smile.
      Think about our great company. It all starts with new logo activity. Our presentation team of the sales force and many others is simply unmatched. 

      Our People Solutions team that supports our field organization is bigger and better than ever before and ready to get out there an help all the teams. 

      And our ops team. Well they are on fire. Delivering service like never before. And THANK YOU HQ.  We appreciate the hard work. Long hours and the solidifying of our policies, process, technology and more at HQ to ensure we are the best machine possible for our clients.

      As Business Operations Managers, please OWN your sites and own them for our clients and for FSO. We need to perform this daily and as we say in our daily huddles “It’s not only today, but every day.” 

      Following the role of a BOM will ensure success and a clear vision to 2020. 

      Lots of great things ahead. We are blessed with amazing people. We have work to do but what company does not especially since we are still in start up mode if you will. 

      Love life. Love your staff. Love your clients and love the prospect. Have everyone feel it. 

      Enjoy. Stay warm and stay in touch. 

      Have a GREAT DAY as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

      Mitchell D. Weiner
      Chief Happiness Officer

      "Give your customers the ability to do what they would want to do if only they knew it was possible.” 

      About the Author:
      Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

      Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email