Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Big Wednesday Shout Out To Our Heroes At PwC Starting Your Days With A Smile (Part one of Two)

"I've been working at PwC for almost 6 years now. Recently due to changes in the firm, FSO has taken over providing Office Service support. One of the changes is now we have a greeter at the top of the escalators. Well, early on I took a moment to meet Chad, our morning greeter. He was so welcoming, that big smile and friendly hello, it made me just want to introduce myself. Now every day, I get that same warm hello, regardless of how cold it is outside and it just helps me start my day off right. Chad has called me by name since our introduction and we often have a moment of chatting before I head up to work. It is a very pleasant experience. I wanted to let you know that Chad is making a difference in my world, starting my day off with a smile.  And while others may not say so, I'm sure he is making a difference in their world as well."

Good Morning Folks,

Oh how lucky you are, and how lucky we are!!    

Some people look at Wednesday as being just a day in the middle of the week. For FSO, Wednesday should be a time where we look at what we've done this week, and for us all to think and say "What can I do to make the rest of the week amazing? That's what our folks at PwC are thinking right about now.

Last year PwC and FSO entered into strategic partnership to (re)IMAGINE non-core functions including Reception, Guest Services, Hoteling, Copy/Reprographics and Records, so enabling PwC to concentrate on their core competency of creating value for its clients.

In a time of rapid business change and disruption, FSO has been able to make a positive and powerful impact on PwC's bottom line. Every day our hospitable teams across the USA helps PwC improve service, reduce cost and take better care of the people who help make it possible.  

One of the most joyful experiences I undertake each month is announcing our monthly winners. Your hard work, dedication and desire to “get it done” is truly inspiring. 

With that said, it’s time to announce the February PwC winners of FSO’s monthly Awards & Recognition Program!

The Comet Group (3 headcount or less)
Francis Flete, PwC Jersey City

The Supernova Group (4-7 headcount)
Israel Hernandez Del Hierro, PwC Denver

The Galactic Group (8+ headcount)
Charles Cummings, PwC Atlanta

The Mothership (300 Madison)
Chad Marshal

Next up…the winner of our Inspiration Award goes to:

* Sheela Padilla, PwC Denver*

Sheela is an energetic manager, always looking for ways to improve the services by teaching her team.  She truly gets what “hospitality” is all about and constantly receives kudos for her efforts. For all of these reasons, Sheela has earned a weekend getaway on FSO! Congrats Sheela!

Last but not least, give it up for our Passionate Powerhouse of the Month:

*Miami, FL*

Congratulations to the talented team in Miami! Led by Marisol Nochea, this team is the epitome of what FSO represents – HOSPITALITY.  Marisol’s attention to detail and ability to lead the team consistently WOWs our clients daily. From hosting the global team, the Chairman, the Caribbean Team to FSO’s CHO Mitch Wiener, this team is a class act and those around them can’t stop singing their praises. 

The Miami Team provides quality productions daily and their work space is immaculate. They undoubtedly set the tone and the standard within our family.  You will be in for a treat when visiting the PwC Miami office and it’s all because of their TEAM WORK and their ability to serve with GREAT SMILES that comes from the HEART! 

For all of this, we hope our team in Miami enjoys their very own social event to celebrate their accomplishment! 
Every day I reflect on this amazing company— FSO.

We grow every day.... yes... EVERY DAY..... We accomplish that by having the BEST people on our team, folks like those I've honored here today.
As we find ourselves in the thick of “busy season”, it is more important than ever that we maintain focus on the customer, white glove service and hospitality. It is what we are all about and we are confident that each and every one of you will continue to shine and make FSO proud. 

Perhaps that is why I love Wednesdays.... because it gives everyone an opportunity to reflect upon things, and challenge oneself to make the rest of the week great!! Because the "rest of the week" is just a little bit of our future.... so what we do great today makes our future even greater!!  

To all of our winners, CHEERS to you and THANK YOU for working tirelessly to deliver Service Extraordinaire with a smile. Keep up the great work!!

Part two continues tomorrow as we hear directly from our clients how our PwC team has made their mark.

IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  


"None of us is as smart as all of us." --Ken Blanchard


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About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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