Showing posts with label rewards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rewards. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kudos Wednesday: Kind Words From Our Customers

"Crystal has really stepped up with Christian getting pulled off the reception desk… our toughest customer has gone out of his way to tell me she has done a great job, is on the ball, and always follows up.
They are both doing a great job!!"

Good Morning Folks,

At FSO, our employees are expected to always seek new ways to make our client’s life better – the white glove treatment, the whole FSO Experience. It is not just a tagline for our brand – rather, it is the way we approach everything we do.

With all the our national expansion and opportunity to support our current clients literally anywhere and everywhere across FSO USA, we have a tremendous opportunity to expand our current services with our clients and make our their lives easier from IT Solutions, to Records/Imaging Services, to Conference Center management, to Document Production and more, more and more.  

Our growth also represents opportunity for all employees to expand your horizons and responsibilities.

I am so proud of what our culture represents: a commitment to the Client and Employee experience! Hear it direct from our client's mouths:

Ashley Menear & Derek Williams, Y&R
"Kudos to all of you and your staff! But, especially the 3 of you!  I know better than anyone how particular and demanding this client can be and how much work goes into planning and executing this 2 day meeting. I very much appreciate your efforts. You’re all amazing." 

Christian Marius and Crystal Peoples, Soros
"Aida – wanted to take a second to tell you what a GREAT job both Christian and Crystal are doing!! Christian has turned into a backup to basically every one of our executive assistants and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive! Everyone is asking for his help and our PMs, CIO, Analysts, etc all benefit from him covering rather than an outside temp. He has been SEAMLESS in doing this!! Crystal has really stepped up with Christian getting pulled off the reception desk… our toughest customer has gone out of his way to tell me she has done a great job, is on the ball, and always follows up.They are both doing a great job!!"

Informationalist Team, Capco

"Thank you to all of you for your fine professionalism over the last two weeks as you pulled together what was a very successful event for Capco, Digital and for our partner Hub Culture. I was tremendously impressed with you calm under pressure / annoyance / aggressiveness from me. Thank you very much for your help and your continued assistance."

Desmond Myers, Argo
"Good Morning, Is it possible to have Desmond Myers for another week to assist on the records project at Argo. She has been doing a fabulous job to date and there is still a good amount of work to be completed."

Driven by the People Solutions Group, training is an urgent and never-ending
priority for Chief Chaos Officer Jim Caton and His Team

Our summer meeting was not your father's company picnic.
Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

The PERSONAL touch AND CARE that our clients complimented us on…this is what sets us apart; this is why we are blowing the competition out of the water every chance we get, this is why our employees LOVE FSO and feel the connection to us!

THANK YOU for all of your support and hard work…WE really appreciate it!  

Cheers FSO USA!!!!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life."
 ~~Leo Buscaglia

Monday, August 11, 2014

Live Life. LOVE Life!

The Buddha said, “You have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy.”

Good Morning Folks,

Jonathan Swift wrote, “May you live every day of your life.”  While it is clearly obvious that we are alive—living and breathing human beings, how much of the time we are spending on Earth are we really living? How can we tell?

An entire lifetime can be spent on searching outward for the true purpose of life. There is no right or wrong scenario in the notion that we embark on this journey of self-realization. However, when we refuse to acknowledge our Being as the ultimate truth, we are indeed living, but solely for the betterment of others.

So… How can we live every day of our lives? 

After over a decade of study, best-selling co-author Michelle Rosado, ("Pursuing Your Destiny: How to Overcome Adversity and Achieve Your Dreams), offers a few ways she's learned to live a mindful and peace life:

1. Be Present. 
To live in the present means to BE present in all you do. Observe your thoughts as if your mind was a separate entity from self. Take a few moments throughout the day to be still and honor the time you spend with your higher self. Remember, this moment is the most important one of all.

2. Be Compassionate. 
Hardly any effort can be found in expressing compassion for anyone who is in need of guidance. It is our natural instinct as compassionate Beings to offer assistance in times of need. But when the hurtful words of another creates a lasting emotional scar on one’s heart, the ego can be diffused by showing love and compassion for the one inflicting the hurt.

3. Be Grateful. 
The Buddha said, “You have no cause for anything but gratitude and joy.” When you feel as if there is a lost sense of hope in humanity and receive a “reality slap” from your current circumstance, it is the perfect opportunity to look within. There is much to be grateful for when we are present and aware of our gifts.

4. Be Yourself. 
Many of us have experienced conditioning in our childhood that only accommodate others – in our thoughts, actions and speech. It is by fear that we continue living in this mindset throughout our adulthood, and by choosing to unravel the layers of the past can we truly be free. Make this a daily practice, for being yourself is one of the most precious gifts you can give to others, and to your soul.

What makes this advice so special is Michelle's rise from adversity: Her book, Pursuing Your Destiny: How to Overcome Adversity and Achieve Your Dreams" is the touching true story about how Michelle escaped from the World Trade Center on 911 into the life she never dreamed possible. Together, with her husband Randy, they share the experiences of their chance meeting which brought these two souls together to create one life they share.

Michelle's brush with death on 911 reminds us that time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. No one is ever guaranteed tomorrow. To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE. 

As I have often reminded our teams, anything is possible. Regardless of where you work, or what you do, always continue to learn what makes people successful and what makes them fail.

Because.. The most important resource in the entire universe is YOU. Products, services, innovation, ideas, breakthroughs – they all exist in your head, your heart and your hands. The output of your thinking, the engaging of your heart and the enlistment of your hands create profound results.

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people can’t do”. Find me anyone with skip, fire and twinkle who wants to learn and grow, and I will promise you a career in my company, never just a job. No one ever sets out to be average at FSO, we need to be the best at everything we do.

We have amazing employees, customers and leaders. Thanks to our employees for all you do for us, and to our clients for all you award us the privilege of doing for you.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes” 
~~Zig Ziglar

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Difference is Culture

"At FSO, every person, from the bottom to the top, is empowered to do what’s right for the customer, and encouraged to think and act like an owner."

Good Morning Folks,

Finding the right onsite outsourcing partner is time consuming and difficult. There’s a lot on the line, not just for you but also for your company. Outsourcing to the wrong partner can be risky.

Our clients weren't looking for suppliers or contractors, but partners who would play a key hands-on role driving an evolution of everlasting change. Because brands who have stopped challenging their culture are destined to disappear.

Culture  goes much deeper than simply mission statements, vision and values, which invariably are found on company websites and sometimes that where it remains. Yes, these can all play a part in defining a partner's culture/ belief system, but more fundamentally it is how the people who will be sent to your front lines feel about their own self worth and contribution, how they are managed and the passion and pride they express during service delivery. 

Therefore cultural fit is key to success in outsourcing and is where we believe FSO adds the most value. If client and supplier are out of alignment with regards to shared goals or objectives, then the contract is doomed to failure. At FSO, with our (re)IMAGINE approach, we even take the lead when it comes to pioneering culture. But, an RFP alone will not always reveal these advantages nor result in the most productive and profitable relationship.

So how can you ensure that your “final” list of potential partners and outsourcing criteria will uncover what’s truly best for you?     

Companies shopping for a new or improved outsourcing provider should take the "speed-dating" approach— meet and spend time with supplier's leadership one-on-one before even considering them to be invited to bid. 

What you discover here is that at FSO, there is no such thing as an unimportant person, role, task or idea. When we roll out of bed each morning, we go to work knowing that, regardless of our title, we are not only needed, but appreciated.

At FSO, every person, from the bottom to the top, is empowered to do what’s right for the customer, and encouraged to think and act like an owner. Here, leadership is action not position. My mission is everyone’s mission, and any obstacle is considered everyone’s obstacles. “It’s not my job” is one phrase that is seldom heard. Everyone ensures that his or her team is charged up, in touch with the big picture, and willing and able to lead.

At FSO, no one is to blame, but everyone is accountable. No one points fingers, but everyone lends a hand. No one takes credit, but everyone freely gives it away.

If all this sounds like a smart way to run an organization, it is. It's in our DNA. It's our culture. While our business model may seem pretty simple, no one else can or has been able to replicate it because it comes from our hearts. 

Cultural alignment, I believe, will ultimately drive change, improvement and innovation. Make sure to align yourself with the right partner that sees eye-to-eye on what is important to you in order to develop a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask them tough questions. You should be looking for a partner that won’t just show up but innovate.

Thanks to all our employees for NEVER settling for mediocrity. 

Every site employee, YOU, are the FSO difference! Your commitment to service, to exceed the client expectations, to do just that little bit more, to be more professional, to have that better idea, to notice that detail, to take action when no one is watching. YOU make this company the best outsourcing provider in the business. YOU are the reason we have nothing in common with our competitors. Your smile, your enthusiasm and your hard work is what makes my vision come alive at FSO.

And that's not only what makes us different, it makes us better.

Discover how our capabilities and unique differentiators can be applied to your advantage.


Call me directly at 212.204.1193.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Learn more about what DIFFERENTIATES FSO here

Monday, July 14, 2014

FSO = Hospitality = YOU

"Thanks to all our employees for NEVER settling for mediocrity. Your smile, your enthusiasm and your hard work is what makes my vision come alive at FSO."

Good Morning Folks,

It's Monday and a new day, new week and a whole new opportunity to do great things. 

Today visiting Atlanta, like I do every day, I go on appointments and hear how the prospect thinks all outsourcing companies are the same. That's right, the market thinks we are the same! No way... The only thing we have in common with our competitors is the word “outsourcing.” Everything else is different! That difference is YOU, our folks! Yes, YOU the person on site and the person supporting the site.

Every site employee, YOU, are the FSO difference! Your commitment to service, to exceed the client expectations, to do just that little bit more, to be more professional, to have that better idea, to notice that detail, to take action when no one is watching. YOU make this company the best outsourcing provider in the business. YOU are the reason we have nothing in common with our competitors. YOU are the reason we have experienced Galactic Growth!

Thank YOU for doing the little things that make a big difference at our client sites and for supporting our client sites. Thank YOU for fueling the FSO passion. Thank YOU for waking up every day and realizing that today is a great day to serve our clients and stretch just a bit farther. 

Yes we have work to do. But we are a less than four year old start up company that has taken the market by storm, yet has only just begun. The future is so so bright.

Make this Monday the beginning of the best week of your life, professionally and personally. Put your mind right and know that if you do the right things, great things will happen. The past is the past and cannot be changed. Today is a new day, go effect your future. Go impact tomorrow.

Tom Peters said the difference between a good and great manager is 5 minutes. That 5 minutes was the extra time spent getting things right, thinking through an opportunity, organizing, etc... Be great and take the 5 minutes to write the extra email, respond to that question better, think through that problem and make that one more call.

The love running throughout this company is infectious so… take it personally because FSO is about hospitality and hospitality begins with YOU!

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why" 
— Bernard Mannes Baruch

Thursday, July 10, 2014

LinkUp Thursday: FSO's Got Talent

"FSO is driven by passionate people and the value they create. They are passionate about their work. Their passion and enthusiasm are the fuel that ignites our success."

Good Morning Folks,

FSO is growing at an extremely fast pace. Outsiders want to know the keys to that success -- the driving force behind the ambition. We know it's our people that make the difference. 

Our rapid growth has helped created 2000 new jobs including 240 promotions from within for folks, many of whom were stuck in dead-end jobs and restricted by glass ceilings with their former employers.

FSO is driven by passionate people and the value they create. They are passionate about their work. Their passion and enthusiasm are the fuel that ignites our success. I often refer to the wonderful motivational messages that are being communicated throughout the week internally at FSO by folks from all walks of the company. 

The best way to get to know the size, scope and spirit of FSO is to hear what our employees have to say, from these my favorite of the employee motivational messages to date. For your convenience, in case you missed any or want a reference page to refer back to whenever you need a healthy dose of motivation I present….

What else did I takeaway from our employee communications ?

==> Shawn Curwen: Be A Little Better Today At Something Than You Were Yesterday. "It’s a worthy goal and some days I achieve it. I achieve it on the days when I intentionally go after it. The key to achieving almost any goal, even simple ones, is INTENT. You won’t get better by accident, you get better BY purpose, ON purpose, and FOR a purpose."  

==> Experience Manager Ruan: Pursing Happiness.
"We live in a society, a weird one actually. We have been accustomed to thinking that we have to get something, something like money, high valued goods, an extravagant lifestyle and a prefect partner in order to be happy. In other words, we have been in such an environment which forces us to think that only a complain free life and life with no problems can make us happy. Not a single person existed or exists or will ever exist without having hurdles, or any personal pains.

Mitch Weiner, Jim Caton, Denise Ngeow, Mike Reitano, Steve Jobs, Helen Keller, Oprah Winfrey, you and I.......all of us have had our own challenges. What if: Steve Jobs worked as if he needed only money? What if: Helen Keller sat down doing nothing considering herself handicapped?

These people, instead of complaining, worked harder and smarter. They focused on their blessings, their ability to grow higher and at the same time contribute to others. They did not let hard times deter their dreams, instead learned from them and kept moving ahead. A happy or successful person is not someone who is living in a certain set of circumstances, but rather someone who is living with a certain set of attitudes.

Happiness doesn't depend on getting rid of all conflicts and problems in life....rather, it depends on learning how to deal with those problems and conflicts and knowing how to rise above them to enjoy the good things."

==> Region Director Larry Wallace: It's All About Strategy.
"FSO’s strategy is to provide the best hospitality to all our clients with white glove service and more importantly give each and everyone us the opportunity to achieve our dreams of success. A strategy could be presenting to your client  how we plan to save them costs, provide new services or get them to be the best reference ever."

==> Joseph W. Yap: Every Day Presents A New Opportunity To Be Great Do Something Great For Others.
"How lucky are we to be able be given new chances to improve ourselves, improve the way we serve our clients, improve the way we work with our staff, as well as to improve the way these opportunities are spread among all levels of employment at FSO. This is important. Because great companies make sure that opportunities are available to all levels and not only to a select few. No other outsourcing company does this to their staff and I am a living proof, because I’ve been in the business since the dinosaurs roamed."

==> Northeast Regional Director, Christine Rainey: The Difference Between Quitters And Climbers. 
"A Quitter simply gives up on the climb up the mountain or challenge. Quitters often blame others, become overwhelmed, and allow adversity to stay a lot longer than necessary.

"Campers generally work hard, apply themselves and pay their dues in life to get to the next level. Then they plateau by planting their stakes in the ground, pitch their tent and camp out there for a while. "

"Climbers are a rare breed. They continue to learn, grow, strive and improve until they grow so far they look back and say “I gave it my all”.  

It is truly humbling to reflect on so many fantastic contributors, and every department should be proud to have their hand in our success. 

As you can tell, we are in pursuit of being the best company we can be and loving our staff and our clients. We enjoy what we do, believe in what we do, and deliver to you a passion that just cannot be duplicated by others in our industry.

Forbes wrote… "For any investor assessing innovation, creative destruction and disruptive technologies it’s a must to find the outliers. The standouts are not the technologies themselves but the zealous missionary people who conjure up the big new ideas and champion them to everyone else." 

At FSO, our ability to (re)IMAGINE a future very different than exists today and surround ourselves with passionate, open minded people who always have our client's future success at heart, make FSO the Apple of its industry. The disruptor. The innovator. The better alternative.

Less than 48 months ago, hundreds of FSO clients ALL relied on someone else who let them down. Now they have made the switch to us

Thanks to our employees for all you do for us, and to our clients for awarding us the privilege of serving you.

Have a GREAT day!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email