Showing posts with label dr. martin luther king jr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dr. martin luther king jr.. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The "Serving" Leaders

"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.

Good Morning Folks,

Today I share an internal communique that went out earlier this week in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It's from Capco Business Operations Manager, Jenna Solis, whom you often read about receiving KUDOS in our Shout Out Wednesday posts. Here's Jenna:
A serving leader by definition is one who puts the needs of others first; and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.
FSO family, whether you are the newest person within the company or the oldest, your skills and energy are needed to push our company's vision. 
Management we must converse with our team members on their personal career goals to ensure the highest performance levels. Mitch and the leadership teams are vigorously implementing new forums to educate, develop and enhance our teams.  
As Mitch has stated "Our ability to succeed is up to us". I encourage you all to plug into the FSO system participate in every meeting and conversation that will allow you to goal set, strategize and execute effectively. Lastly, we must continue to support one another.
True leadership is selfless; in the days after the big win for Capco we began to strategize and game plan for the current year. I asked everyone what they believed were the key things that contributed to the win. 
The top 5 responses were as follows: 
1. Understanding we are FSO Brand Ambassadors.
2. Putting the needs of others first
3. Supporting each other in all things
4. Identifying our strengths and growing in our individual roles
5. Kudos!
Speaking of Dr. King, if you haven't seem Selma yet, you MUST!

We are all winners FSO! Lets Rock!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"The time is always right to do what is right"
~~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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