Tuesday, March 22, 2016

TED Tuesday– Dr. Abraham Verghese: A Doctor's Touch

"I will always, always, always be there. I will see you through this. I will never abandon you. I will be with you through the end." ~~ A Doctor's Message

Good Morning Folks,

Our quest to build a healthy company and to achieve of our 2016 goal begins with each of us. Our employees are our number one asset. So, as I screened TED talks last weekend in hope of finding one to share today, it occurred to me that being "healthy" is more than measurements in profits and cash flow, but also with regard to the health and wellness of all of our associates. "A Doctor's Touch" seemed like the perfect share.

Modern medicine is in danger of losing a powerful, old-fashioned tool: human touch. Physician and writer Abraham Verghese describes our strange new world where patients are merely data points, and calls for a return to the traditional one-on-one physical exam.

In short, it is just good medicine. Moreover, it is what most patients want.

I think this Ted talk touched on an interesting trend. With an increase in the technology available to treat disease, it becomes all to easy for physicians to take a step back from physical examinations and patient care. I thought Dr. Verghese it the nail on the head when he started talking about an IPatient because in a way that is what medicine as evolved into. Doctors sometimes care more about the images they get from their scans then the actual patient themselves. This isn’t their fault, or necessarily a bad thing. A doctors job is to treat a patient the best they can, so sometimes that does mean spending less time on things like a physical exam, and instead focusing on getting as many scans as possible. I do believe though that while we should be grateful of our technological advances, doctors shouldn’t neglect some of the foundations of modern medicine.

Dr. Verghese explains, "And the real tragedy was, if you look through her records, she had been seen in four or five other health care institutions in the preceding two years. Four or five opportunities to see the breast masses, touch the breast mass, intervene at a much earlier stage than when we saw her. And the message, which I didn't fully understand then, even as I delivered it, and which I understand better now is this: I will always, always, always be there. I will see you through this. I will never abandon you. I will be with you through the end."  Have a look:

Dr. Verghese says: “I still find the best way to understand a hospitalized patient is not by staring at the computer screen but by going to see the patient; it's only at the bedside that I can figure out what is important.” In our era of the patient-as-data-point, Abraham Verges believes in the old-fashioned physical exam, the bedside chat, the power of informed observation.

"The truth is, I love and embrace technology, and have no desire to return to the pre-CAT scan and pre-MRI days of old. But I see no reason to let new technology make us lose the abilities we have had for over a hundred years to make sophisticated diagnosis at the bedside. Indeed, it should make us so much better."

I thoroughly enjoyed this video and all the ideas that were presented within it. I hope that you did too.

Have a GREAT day, be happy and…

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

*TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference on the West Coast each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TED Talks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.  More at TED.com

Monday, March 21, 2016

FSO Front of House: Delivering A Warm and Memorable Experience

“First impressions are everything and having Kelly represent us the way she does leaves a lasting impression with our guests."

"I couldn’t be”happier with my decision, when I walk in the door and present this building to my customers."

Good Morning Folks,

Your front of house is the storefront for your organization. FSO’s first impression makers on duty bring your brand values to life by delivering a memorable and white-glove experience that is genuine in delivery and sustained over time.

  • FSO provides a white-glove experience to your end-users and clients through a Personal + Passionate + Productive culture of hospitality.
  • Our well-trained staff creates a warm and highly inspirational experience for your valued employees and guests.
  • We provide five-star front of house service, delivering a full range of solutions, including reception, switchboard, corporate concierge, and office support.

Our clients ask: “What we can do differently to stand out in the market?” FSO’s concierge associates are all about that first smile, shining in hospitality, and delivering accurate information as your organization’s ambassador. They always seek new ways to make our client’s life better, and deliver an exceptional experience.

No other onsite outsourcing organization is as committed to leveraging a triple threat combination of People, Solutions and Technology to reduce / control costs, improve service, and take better care of the people who serve you:

+ People
  • Reception Switchboard Corporate Concierge Office Support Security
+ Solutions
  • Hospitality Services Hoteling Services Reprographic Services Traditional Services
+ Technology
  • Help Desk
  • Performance (KPI / SLA) Management
  • Facility Scheduling / Booking

From back office support to reception, FSO is a go-to group, totally invested in going "above and beyond” to assist. 

To reserve a no-cost, no-obligation, comparative analysis to see how much you can save, and how much stands to be improved, CLICK HERE to email me personally.

Have a GREAT Day. Love Life.

I'll be a seeing you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“His big smile and friendly hello I so welcoming.
Now every day, I get that same warm hello, 
regardless of how hot it is outside,
and it just helps me start my day off right.”
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Friday, March 18, 2016

Inspire ME Friday ==> Keep (re)IMAGINING

“Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” 

Greetings Friends,

The Internet is awash with examples of futuristic predictions that came up short (and plenty that came true too). There are top ten lists, wiki’s, quote archives and countless other repositories.

More than a few famous names are included in the indexes of naysayers whose cracked crystal balls led them to memorable mistakes they’d likely reconsider if given the benefit of hindsight and the chance to rephrase:

Leading the charge, back in 1876, President Rutherford B. Hayes saw the telephone for the first time. In reaction, he said to Alexander Graham Bell, “That’s an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?” During the same year, a Western Union Internal Memo predicted similarly that, “The ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered a means of communication.” How wrong they both were.

Forward thinkers haven’t always done better. In 1926, Lee DeForest, a pioneer in the development of radio, said of television: “While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially I consider it to be an impossibility…a development of which we need waste little time dreaming.”  

In 1927, Harry Warner, President of Warner Brothers, said, “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” The same year, however (apparently at the urgings of brother Sam, the studio’s co-founder), Warner Brothers released The Jazz Singer, one of the most expensive films they’d ever made. (Sam died before the New York premier). Turned out, The Jazz Singer was a major hit and helped usher in the era of  “talking pictures.”

Not even experienced technologists are immune. In a famous recent example, one from a technologist who’d presumably know better, Ken Olsen, then President, Chairman and Founder of DEC, famously said in 1977:  “There is no reason for any individuals to have a computer in their home.”  He was right - there wasn’t much of a reason given the state of in the industry at the time - but fast forward a few years, or a decade or two, and how different the story became.

Optimists championing technology have fallen into similar traps at the opposite pole of opinion. In one example, in an 1858 book called "The Story of the Telegraph," authors Charles F. Briggs and Augustus Maverick wrote: "Of all the marvelous achievements of modern science the electric telegraph is transcendentally the greatest and most serviceable to mankind … [it] binds together by a vital cord all the nations of the earth. It is impossible that old prejudices and hostilities should longer exist.." Impossible? Not at all.

The reality of futurism or any kind of technology prediction is they’re often going to be wrong, either too conservative or too optimistic.

The only thing we know for sure about the future, is that it will won’t look anything like today.

That Internet delivery of video and TV content will eventually become a mainstream standard is a given. The question is one of when, not if. 

Keep (re)IMAGINING! And have a GREAT weekend.

And have a GREAT weekend.

Make a difference fol

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“The expert in anything was once a beginner”
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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Shout Out Wednesday: Meet True Representatives of Team Spirit— Support ing One Another And Own Their Roles

"We would like to shout out Tyler and Sarah for their consistent “can do” attitude, quick delivery on request and especially with a smile. Thank you for going above and beyond and appreciate everything they do for the two buildings."

Good Morning Folks, 

We are on a roll! The success we’ve seen is truly amazing, and our ability to attract, train, develop and retain great talent and leadership has never been stronger.

While many companies are struggling to retain and find great talent, all while facing the difficulty of managing a four-generational workforce under one roof (Xs, Ys, Boomers, and Millennials), we excel at attracting and retaining inspired and passionate people with performance-based rewards and opportunities for advancement.

That in mind, welcome to Shout Out Wednesday. Here are some of things our clients are saying about our motivated, team oriented, passionate people:

"Hector is an outstanding Manager. He runs a great operation that covers 2 states and 3 buildings. Lately he has been short staffed but has not skipped a beat. He has been able to lead his team thru a touch staffing challenge without service interruption or impact to our clients. Great work Hector!" 

"Kudos given to Rosalie Morales- she’s been with FSO since October and her teammates could not say enough nice things about her- she’s terrific and LOVES FSO! We are truly impressed and couldn’t stop smiling throughout the lunch- really something to be proud of!"

"I wanted to send along a note of thanks to you for your event support this morning. 

Our IPO Conference was extremely successful and much of this success was thanks to you and your team!

I jumped into this event very last minute and communicated all of our needs likely without ample time to plan appropriately and was never given a "we can't accommodate"!

The auditorium was set-up early, your staff was all-over every single detail and we were ready to go with time to spare!  

These things make all the difference and I am extremely grateful for all that you and your team do!"

I work on the 13th floor as part of the FSR - PE Group and I wanted to drop you a note regarding the awesome job Kimberly did while helping me out earlier this week with some issues I had. 

I was experiencing some difficulties regarding permission to maintain usage of my file drawer. I received several emails over the span of two weeks indicating that I was at risk of having all my belongings removed and immediately within 15 minutes of notifying Kimberly, she was able to clarify the situation with security services and allow me to maintain usage of my drawer worry free. 

I am very grateful for her assistance "

Jose has shown us that he has our DNA , Skip, Fire and Twinkle, always ready and willing to go above and beyond with no stop sign in front of him, Jose has signed up for multiple trainings, Mailroom and records, and looking to do more in his role here at FSO.

"Deep and sincere thank you to Denise for helping me yesterday. Today was our IPO conference with a large number of potential clients expected to attend. I received a last minute email yesterday informing me that I needed to create an additional 100 Thought Leadership Pieces for the conference. Denise actually stepped in to help me put these pieces together just in time for the conference this morning. Could not have done this without her help! Thank you, very much appreciated!"

One of the things Myles did for Employee Recognition Day! What better way to let your team know you appreciate all the hard work they do, than with a candy gram. “Thank you for going the Extra mile” Also, As part of the all day employee love fest, Joe bought the whole team lunch! Way to go Joe!

"Clamann knows what to do at the start of his shift and without hesitation will help support the Service Center to deliver supplies, deliver mail & accountable or make copies.  Clamann is a real team player.  Thank you, Clamann."

For employees, forging a fulfilling career is one of the most important — and often, most difficult —challenges in building a happy life. For employers, building a culture of happiness is key to cementing their brand’s success. When these interests converge, the result is a sense of belonging through shared values and an intangible, emotional belief that we are on a shared journey.

Again, thank for all that you do! The next time you see any of the folks above, please give them a “Shout Out” – for job well done.

We look forward to give YOU your own “Shout Out” coming soon to a Wednesday near you.

Have a GREAT day,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

TED Tuesday— Daniel Goleman: Why Aren't We More Compassionate?

"This guy was back on his feet immediately. But all it took was that simple act of noticing, and so I'm optimistic."

Good Morning Folks,

Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, asks why we aren't more compassionate more of the time.

“Why aren’t we more compassionate?” asks psychologist Daniel Goleman in this brilliant TED Talk. By studying human brain function, neuroscientists have proven that humans are wired to empathize. Yet the preoccupation with self often usurps the natural inclination to help others. It’s time to pay attention, asserts Goleman, and redirect your focus toward your fellow human beings. 

Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until the discoveries of modern brain researchers, theorists could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's fascinating report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers us startling new insight into our "two minds" -- the rational and the emotional -- and how they together shape our destiny. Beginning deep in the brain, Emotional Intelligence shows us the exact mechanism of an "emotional hijack," when passion overcomes reason. Through vivid examples, Goleman then delineates the crucial skills of emotional intelligence, and shows how they determine our success in relationships and work, and even our physical well-being. What emerges is a crucial new way to talk about being smart.

Daniel Goleman brought the notion of Emotional Intelligence, or EI, to prominence as an alternative to more traditional measures of IQ with his 1995 mega-best-seller, Emotional Intelligence.

Since the publication of that book, conferences and academic institutes have sprung up dedicated to the idea. It's taught in public schools, and corporate leaders have adopted it as a new way of thinking about success and leadership.

In today's program you will learn:

  1. Why people show less compassion toward others than dictated by nature
  2. What dangers and consequences accompany self-focus
  3. What benefits ensue when people are compassionate toward one another
Have a look:

So kids, now that you know how, rid the stress and rock it today!.

Have a GREAT day, be happy and…  Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

*TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference on the West Coast each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TED Talks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize.  More at TED.com

Monday, March 14, 2016

Do You Have Problems With Records Management?

For one client, we reduced their record’s department’s real state footprint from just over 26,000 square feet down to 9,500 square feet, thus providing the firm with cost-savings close to 50k annually.

Improve efficiency and compliance through better information management
Secure your business records from inappropriate access and misuse
Reduce storage and operational cost through retention and disposal

Good Morning Folks,

Are you still overrun with manual, labor-intensive document retention processes that cost too much, limit visibility, consume expensive real estate, and cause error?

As business moves into a digital world, FSO leads the way with end-to-end information management services that enhance every stage of the entire records and document lifecycle.

FSO has the resources, expertise, proven application and know-how to solve and impact Records Management challenges associated with the cost of storage (both onsite and offsite) and risk (retention protocols and standardization) so that you don’t have to.

For one client, we reduced their record’s department’s real state footprint from just over 26,000 square feet down to 9,500 square feet, thus providing the firm with cost-savings close to 50k annually.

To reserve a no-cost, no-obligation, comparative analysis to see how much you can save, and how much stands to be improved, CLICK HERE to email me personally.

THANKS for all you do each and every single day, as I look forward to seeing all of you soon in my travels.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Be the hardest working person you know. 
That's how you separate yourself from the competition.
~~ Steph Curry

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Shout-Out Wednesday: Kudos To Our Warm and Hospitable Teams

"No other onsite outsourcing organization is as committed to leveraging a triple threat combination of People, Solutions and Technology to reduce / control costs, improve service, and take better care of the people who serve you." 

Good Morning Folks,

FSO provides a white-glove experience to your end-users and clients through a Personal + Passionate + Productive culture of hospitality.

Our well-trained and knowledgeable staff  embodies what it is to be hospitable with a customer service touch. Their contagious enthusiasm and cheerful smiles engage senses, touch hearts and start the day pleasantly for everyone they meet. 

Every FSO employee is committed to a higher level of service through: 
  • Professionalism
  • Discretion
  • An attention to detail
  • Exceeding expectations
Hear directly from clients how our well-trained staff is creating a warm and highly inspirational experience for their valued employees and guests:

From an advertising agency...
"This afternoon the building had a major power surge which knocked out all of the high rise elevators and created total mayhem in the lobby as well as on our 18th and 19th floors. Your staff in particular  Nayalee Melgar, Franklin Jimenez and Angel Irizarry all went above and beyond today to assist with the numerous phone calls from tenants that came in asking what was happening, to the notification of the entrapment and the call that FDNY was on the scene. We just wanted to acknowledge and thank your staff again for their assistance."

"Sharifa performs her job responsibilities excellently and is true 'people' person......She's help make my recent trip to our NY office flow smoothly and is a real pleasure to interact with......"

From the world's #1 consulting firm...
"Kim continues to be a very reliable liaison for the 14th floor. She continues to make her presence felt throughout the day and she does it cheerfully. I needed to reach out to Kim on an assignment that I attempted to have done without her help but did not receive any attention. This was a mailroom task. I told Kim about it and she stepped in and had my request completed in no time. Thank you so much, Kim ! ! ! Keep passing by, it's so nice to know you're around."

"Just wanted to follow up to let you know that Jovanny was extremely helpful and quite accommodating with a project I had on Friday.  It was a last minute request, and Jovanny responded without hesitation and helped to get the document done in time for the partner. It was a pleasure working with him."

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank and recognize Sharaya's efforts in going above and beyond. When I approached Sharaya with this request she informed me that Office Services nor Reprographics is stocked with these branded items. Before I had the chance to looked into other alternative Sharaya had already provided me with blank envelopes, labels and a Word template in which I could print the needed labels on. With Sharaya's dedicated help I was able to create the labels I needed and meet my deadline."  

"She is very charismatic and approachable. She has helped me numerous times with anything I need on the floor. Her periodic check ups help to avoid minor situations turning into bigger ones and brings balance to our floor.  Thank you very much! We appreciate your help!"

From a major book publisher...
"You brought the FSO energy that we’ve been missing while you were away. You were very informative and covered a lot of information in such a short time period. Keep up the great work with the training classes. My team appreciates these tools to become a better person and an FSO employee. We do BELIEVE with hard work, GROWTH is that much closer.We welcome you any time, with open arms!"

"I wanted to take the time to thank you for visiting our site today and informing us on current FSO affairs. The meeting was very informative and inviting. Would definitely like for you to come back regularly to update us on all things FSO. Thanks again and have a good weekend."

As you can hear from our clients' praise, with a twinkle in their eye, a skip in their step and  fire in their belly, our approachable and professional guest service focused teams are brand ambassadors delivering perfect service. From back office support to reception, FSO is invested in going “above and beyond” to provide you with the most memorable and positive experiences.

We provide  five-star front of house service, delivering a full range of solutions, including reception, switchboard, corporate concierge, and office support. Call me PERSONALLY on  (212) 204-1193, if we can help you at any time, in any way.

THANK YOU for all of your support and hard work…WE really appreciate it!  

Cheers FSO USA!!!!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life."
 ~~Leo Buscaglia

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email