Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2016

Enjoying Life: Habits of Happy People

“Happiness is a habit – cultivate it.” 
~~ Elbert Hubbard

Good Morning Folks,

I’d like to share this uplifting piece I found on years ago and, as your Chief Happiness Officer,  have always referred back to for inspiration since.

Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed.

We’ve all seen people who are always happy – even amidst agonizing life trials. I’m not saying happy people don’t feel grief, sorrow or sadness; they just don’t let it overtake their life. The following are 21 things happy people make a habit of doing:

==>Appreciate Life
Be thankful that you woke up alive each morning. Develop a childlike sense of wonder towards life. Focus on the beauty of every living thing. Make the most of each day. Don’t take anything for granted. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

==>Choose Friends Wisely
Surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values and goals. Friends that have the same ethics as you will encourage you to achieve your dreams. They help you to feel good about yourself. They are there to lend a helping hand when needed.

==>Be Considerate
Accept others for who they are as well as where they are in life. Respect them for who they are. Touch them with a kind and generous spirit. Help when you are able, without trying to change the other person. Try to brighten the day of everyone you come into contact with.

==>Learn Continuously
Keep up to date with the latest news regarding your career and hobbies. Try new and daring things that has sparked your interest – such as dancing, skiing, surfing or sky-diving.

==>Creative Problem Solving
Don’t wallow in self-pity. As soon as you face a challenge get busy finding a solution. Don’t let the set backs affect your mood, instead see each new obstacle you face as an opportunity to make a positive change. Learn to trust your gut instincts – it’s almost always right.

==>Do What They Love
Some statistics show that 80% of people dislike their jobs! No wonder there’s so many unhappy people running around. We spend a great deal of our life working. Choose a career that you enjoy – the extra money of a job you detest isn’t worth it. Make time to enjoy your hobbies and pursue special interests.

==>Enjoy Life
Take the time to see the beauty around you. There’s more to life than work. Take time to smell the roses, watch a sunset or sunrise with a loved one, take a walk along the seashore, hike in the woods etc. Learn to live in the present moment and cherish it. Don’t live in the past or the future.

Don’t take yourself – or life to seriously. You can find humor in just about any situation. Laugh at yourself – no one’s perfect. When appropriate laugh and make light of the circumstances. (Naturally there are times that you should be serious as it would be improper to laugh.)

Holding a grudge will hurt no one but you. Forgive others for your own peace of mind. When you make a mistake – own up to it – learn from it – and FORGIVE yourself.

Develop an attitude of gratitude. Count your blessings; All of them – even the things that seem trivial. Be grateful for your home, your work and most importantly your family and friends. Take the time to tell them that you are happy they are in your life.

==>Invest in Relationships
Always make sure your loved ones know you love them even in times of conflict. Nurture and grow your relationships with your family and friends by making the time to spend with them. Don’t break your promises to them. Be supportive.

==>Keep Their Word
Honesty is the best policy. Every action and decision you make should be based on honesty. Be honest with yourself and with your loved ones.

==>Mind Their Own Business
Concentrate on creating your life the way you want it. Take care of you and your family. Don’t get overly concerned with what other people are doing or saying. Don’t get caught up with gossip or name calling. Don’t judge. Everyone has a right to live their own life the way they want to – including you.

See the glass as half full. Find the positive side of any given situation. It’s there – even though it may be hard to find. Know that everything happens for a reason, even though you may never know what the reason is. Steer clear of negative thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in – replace it with a positive thought.

==>Love Unconditionally
Accept others for who they are. You don’t put limitations on your love. Even though you may not always like the actions of your loved ones – you continue to love them.

Never give up. Face each new challenge with the attitude that it will bring you one step closer to your goal. You will never fail, as long as you never give up. Focus on what you want, learn the required skills, make a plan to succeed and take action. We are always happiest while pursuing something of value to us.

==>Be Proactive
Accept what can not be changed. Happy people don’t waste energy on circumstances beyond their control. Accept your limitations as a human being. Determine how you can take control by creating the outcome you desire – rather than waiting to respond.

==>Self Care
Take care of your mind, body and health. Get regular medical check ups. Eat healthy and work out. Get plenty of rest. Drink lots of water. Exercise your mind by continually energizing it with interesting and exciting challenges.

==>Self Confidence
Don’t try to be someone that you’re not. After all no one likes a phony. Determine who you are in the inside – your own personal likes and dislikes. Be confident in who you are. Do the best you can and don’t second guess yourself.

==>Take Responsibility
Happy people know and understand that they are 100% responsible for their life. They take responsibility for their moods, attitude, thoughts, feelings, actions and words. They are the first to admit when they’ve made a mistake.

Begin today by taking responsibility for your happiness. Work on developing these habits as you own. The more you incorporate the above habits into your daily lifestyle – the happier you will be.


Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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 “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up"
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Friday, February 19, 2016

Inspire ME Friday: "Now Is No Time To Think Of What You Do Not Have"

(re)IMAGINE: Fearlessness that is so vital to the exploration of new ground and the pushing of boundaries that lead to growth and profitability

Good Morning Folks, 

What follows are twelve wishes for those that lead, serve or work on a team.

I wish for you and your team the...

* Healthy Challenges required to keep you on your toes, while growing the business and creating a business environment that enables you to flourish;

* Strength to get through the toughest of those challenges and come out the other side better for them;

* Trust needed to pull together and successfully work through whatever trials and tribulations the business world throws your way;

* Drive necessary to always do your best, regardless of the situation or circumstances that the team finds itself in;

* Grace that is essential to managing through the occasional mistakes that occur when doing you are doing your best;

* Fearlessness that is so vital to the exploration of new ground and the pushing of boundaries that lead to growth and profitability;

* Willingness to learn the new things needed to develop additional skills and capabilities requisite to compete;

* Willingness to change so to adopt new ways of "thinking and doing" that is compulsory for gaining market share;

* Confidence to overcome unforeseen adversities that are inevitable in today's global marketplace;

* Passion to deliver innovative products and impeccable services that set your firm apart from the rest;

* Wisdom to make the right decisions when confronted with an abundance of options that often serve to baffle and confuse a less experienced team;

* Sense of humor so crucial to getting through work life's daily frustrations, while building the camaraderie desired for ongoing success.

May you and your team find good health and prosperity you deserve.

There is never a guarantee of tomorrow, so show the love now. 

Thanks to James M. Kerr for today's inspiration and to you for listening.

Have a HAPPY, SAFE and HEALTHY Weekend.


"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. 
Think of what you can do with what there is." 
~~ Ernest Hemingway 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Inspire ME Friday: Stress

"If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on."

Good Morning Folks,

The operative word for me today is stress. Which reminded me that a client sent me these words of advice on the subject that I’ve wanted to share with you:


A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked; 'How heavy is this glass of water?'

Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g.

The lecturer replied, 'The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.'

He continued, 'And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on.'

'As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.'

'So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can.'

'So, my friend, put down anything that may be a burden to you right now. Don't pick it up again until after you've rested a while.'

Here are some great ways of dealing with the burdens of life:

* Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

* Always wear stuff that will make you look good, if you die in the middle of it.

* Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be "recalled" by their maker.

* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.

* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to be kind to others.

* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.

* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

* When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.

* You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.

* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.

* We could learn a lot from crayons...Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colours, but they all have to live in the same box.

*A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. 

Have an awesome day and know that someone has thought about you today.


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, 
the mind can achieve." 
– Dr. Napoleon Hill


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ted Tuesday: Sir Ken Robinson— How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life

“If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.” 

Good Morning Folks,

As I woke up this morning I wanted to share another inspiring @Ted talk with you.

The Sir Ken Robinson @Ted talk that follows is one of my all time favorites. It reminds me of a book which I also highly recommend called "Finding Your Element: "How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life" which you can find at Amazon.

Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk video and groundbreaking book introduced readers to a new concept of self-fulfillment through the convergence of natural talents and personal passions. The book has inspired readers all over the world and has created for Robinson an intensely devoted following. Among the questions that this new book answers are:

• How do I find out what my talents and passions are?
• What if I love something I’m not good at?
• What if I’m good at something I don’t love?
• What if I can’t make a living from my Element?
• How do I do help my children find their Element?

Here are some of my favorite quotes from Sir Ken Robinson:

“If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.” 

“Creativity is as important as literacy”

“Imagination is the source of every form of human achievement. And it's the one thing that I believe we are systematically jeopardizing in the way we educate our children and ourselves.” 

 “We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.” 

“Human communities depend upon a diversity of talent not a singular conception of ability. and at the heart of the challenge is to reconstitute our sense of ability and intelligence” 

In his talk that follows which counts 26 million views on alone, Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

What an inspiration Sir Ken is to the very core and spirit of FSO's brand. 

I could not help to be completely Inspired by the great teams and clients we have - so much passion and commitment to greatness and so much opportunity for all.

Nobody and I mean nobody will take CARE of the their customers or employees like FSO USA. 

So good morning. Get those inspiration hats on, put those smiles on, and lets rock the world together. 

Love Life,

Mitchell D. Weiner

Chief Happiness Officer  

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form.TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

Monday, February 8, 2016

Making FSO The Greatest Place To Work: The Fireside Chat

"Watching as we bounced ideas left & right ignited a fire in not only me but in other employees as well."

Photo: A group of employees from all walks of the company meets with me for a Fireside Chat.

Good Morning Folks,

Encouragement and acknowledgement of exceptional effort is crucial to creating a positive work environment. We have so many great things happening within our company.

We have opportunities for all employees to meet and give transparent, honest feedback to me and the entire ELT during our CHO Clubs, Fireside Chats, ELT Breakfasts, and Happy Hours.

Of all these new initiatives, our Fireside Chats have struck a chord. It was great for employees to share strategies and ideas with peers, as well as to meet new people, and have some Face Time with Executive Leadership.

Fireside chat is the term used to describe a series of 30 evening radio addresses given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944. The fireside chats represent the first time in history that a chief executive communicated directly with a large number of citizens. Roosevelt was one of radio's greatest communicators, and the fireside chats kept him in high public regard throughout his presidency.

And now Fireside Chats at FSO provide a warm and safe environment for FSO employees to speak directly to a chief executive. At the January event, folks from the field interacted with our people solutions team. In last week's chat, I addressed the hopes, needs, ambitions and opportunities of employees directly. There was no lack of ideas, comments, and recommendations. We are so lucky to have amazing people and I was so inspired after speaking with you.

This is typical of the feedback I received:
"Thanks for your time & hospitality during our fireside chat at headquarters. Yesterday's meeting was quite productive & I feel inclined to say that we discussed a lot of solutions to topics that’ll benefit FSO for a brighter tomorrow. I enjoyed interacting with other FSO employees & see what topics they had to discuss as well. Watching as we bounced ideas left & right ignited a fire in not only me but in other employees as well. To continue the excitement I am leading today’s huddle to talk about what we discussed yesterday at our meeting."
Let's continue to celebrate our awesome teammates and all of our achievements.

THANKS for all you do each and every single day, as I look forward to seeing all of you soon in my travels.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, 
do more and become more, you are a leader. " ~~John Quincy Adams

Friday, February 5, 2016

Inspire ME Friday ==>The Best Are Always Striving To Get Better.

"Training Camp by Jon Gordon is a touching story about one man who faces his fears on his path to greatness. Along the way, he learns a valuable lesson about who is really in control. Grow your faith. Read Training Camp." —Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and Lead Like Jesus

Good Morning Folks,

Training Camp is an inspirational story filled with invaluable lessons and insights on bringing out the best in yourself and your team. The story follows Martin, an un-drafted rookie trying to make it in the NFL. He’s spent his entire life proving to the critics that a small guy with a big heart can succeed against all odds. After spraining his ankle in the pre-season, Martin thinks his dream is lost when he happens to meet a very special coach who shares eleven life-changing lessons that keep his dream alive—and might even make him the best of the best. If you want to be your best—Training Camp offers an inspirational story and real-world wisdom on what it takes to reach true excellence and how you and your team (your work team, school team, church team and family team) can achieve it.

Excerpted from “Training Camp: What the Best Do Better Than Everyone Else”, by Jon Gordon, these eleven traits of the Best of the Best that apply to every one with a dream and ambition:

==>The Best know what they truly want.
At some point in their lives, the best have a "Eureka!" moment when their vision becomes clear. Suddenly they realize what they really, truly want to achieve. They find their passion. When that happens they are ready to strive for greatness. They are ready to pay the price.

==>The Best want it more. We all want to be great.
But only the best of the best are willing to do what it takes to be great. The best don't just think about their desire for greatness; they act on it. They have a high capacity for work. They do the things that others won't do, and they spend more time doing it. When everyone else is sleeping, the best are practicing and thinking and improving.

==>The Best are always striving to get better.
They are always looking for ways to learn, apply, improve, and grow. They stay humble and hungry. They are lifelong learners. They never think they have "arrived"—because they know that once they think that, they'll start sliding back to the place from which they came.

==>The Best do ordinary things better than everyone else.
For all their greatness, the best aren't that much better than the others. They are simply a little better at a lot of things. Everyone thinks that success is complicated, but it's really simple. In fact, the best don't do anything different. They just do the ordinary things better.

==>The Best zoom focus.
Success is all about the fundamentals, and the fundamentals are little and ordinary and often boring. It's not just about practice, but focused practice. It's not just about taking action, but taking zoom-focused action. It's about practicing and perfecting the fundamentals.

==>The Best are mentally stronger.
Today's world is no longer a sprint or a marathon. It's a series of sprints combined with a boxing match. You're not just running; you are getting hit along the way. The best are able to respond to and overcome all of this with mental and emotional toughness. They are able to tune out the distractions and stay calm, focused, and energized when it counts.

==>The Best overcome their fear.
Everyone has fears. The best of the best all have fear, but they overcome it. To beat your enemy, you must know your enemy. Average people shy away from their fears. They either ignore them or hide from them. However, the best seek them out and face them with the intent of conquering them.

==>The Best seize the moment.
When the best are in the middle of their performance, they are not thinking "What if I win?" or "What if I lose?" They are not thinking "What if I make a mistake or miss the shot?" They are not interested in what the moment produces but are concerned only with what they produce in the moment. When all eyes are watching, they rise to the occasion. As a result, the best define the moment rather than letting the moment define them.

==>The Best tap into a power greater than themselves.
The best are conductors, not resistors. They don't generate their own power, but act as conduits for the greatest power source in the world. It's not always politically correct, but you can't talk about greatness without talking about God. It would be like talking about breathing without mentioning the importance of air.

==>The Best leave a legacy.
The best live and work with a bigger purpose. They leave a legacy by making their lives about more than them. This larger purpose is what inspires them to be the best and strive for greatness over the long term. It helps them move from success to significance.

==>The Best make everyone around them better.
They do this through their own pursuit of excellence and in the excellence they inspire in others. One person in pursuit of excellence raises the standards of everyone around them. And they do this in both their work and life. ...The point is to strive to be your best and inspire others to be their best, because it's in the striving where you find greatness, not in the outcome.

Get the book HERE.

And have a GREAT weekend.

Make a difference folks!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“The expert in anything was once a beginner”
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Friday, January 29, 2016

Inspire ME Friday: Be Thoughtful. Be Kind.

"When someone does something that helps you, even in the smallest way and even if it's their job, go out of your way to say thanks. Make it your mission to recognize the people behind the tasks: the people that support, that assist, that make everything possible."

Good Morning Folks,

The heart is the most important measure of the employee; if he/she is truly involved in the moment and working from the heart then good fortune happens. It's all about...

==> The Power of Being Thoughtful and Kind by Jeff Haden

My client acquired a large company, and I went along for his initial meetings with his new employees. In the afternoon, he planned a companywide address. But that morning, we met for several hours with top executives. (Talk about emotions on full display: ego, anxiety, obsequiousness, defensiveness, fear, excitement... When the new sheriff comes to town, the icy-cool corporate masks quickly come off.)

The meeting ended at noon, and when we walked out 15 minutes later, he noticed a sizable buffet set up on the other side of the atrium. There were plenty of people standing around in white coats and black slacks but no one in line or sitting at tables.

"What's that for?" he asked someone walking past.

"The company arranged a meal for after your meeting," she said. "A local restaurant closed for the day to come here." She paused. "I think the chef and her staff were really excited about it," she said, her voice trailing off at the end.

"Did anyone eat?" he asked.

"Um, I don't think so," she said.

He stood looking a few moments. Even from a distance, it was evident the catering staff was confused and disappointed.

"Come on," he said to me. "We're eating."

And we did.

But he did more than just eat. He spent a few minutes talking to every--every--member of the staff. They knew who he was, and while some were initially shy, they quickly warmed up.

And why wouldn't they? He complimented the food. He complimented the service. He joked and laughed. When we finished eating, he said, "We can't let great food go to waste!" and borrowed two white coats so we could serve them. Then he made the rounds of the tables and happily leaned into all the selfies.

When we finally left, he waved and smiled.

They smiled bigger.

Sure, it took a lot of his time. Sure, it took him off point and off focus and off schedule.

Sure, they loved him for it.

I already knew the answer, but as we got in the car, I still asked. "I know your schedule," I said. "You couldn't stop to eat. Besides, no one else did, so no one would have noticed."

"I felt bad for them," he said. "They tried hard to do a good job, and everyone blew them off. How bad would that feel? So it was the least I could do."

"Maybe my staff thought they were too busy," he continued. "Or maybe they thought they were too important. But maybe they are too self-absorbed to notice they hurt other people's feelings."

He thought for a few seconds. "And maybe they're the wrong people for the job, " he said.*

Much of the time, we want famous people to be so humble they don't recognize there's a fuss, a special buzz, that people are excited to see them. We want them to be oblivious to their fame or importance. (After all, if they're too aware, that means they're too full of themselves.)

But what we should really want is for famous or notable people to recognize that in the eyes of others, they are special--and that other people might want something from them, even if that something is the simple recognition that what they do matters.

Because it does.

Picture a CEO walking into a building for an important meeting. Maybe he says hello to the receptionist. (Maybe.) Otherwise, he only has time for the people at his level. It's like no one else exists; they're just unseen cogs in a giant machine.

Unfortunately, at times, we all do the same thing. We talk to the people we're supposed to talk to. We recognize the people we're supposed to recognize. We mesh with the cogs in the machine we're expected to mesh with, but there are many other important cogs.

So go out of your way to smile to everyone. Or to nod. Or to introduce yourself.

And when someone does something that helps you, even in the smallest way and even if it's their job, go out of your way to say thanks. Make it your mission to recognize the people behind the tasks: the people that support, that assist, that make everything possible.

Even though most of us aren't famous or notable, by recognizing people--especially those who have been conditioned to not expect to be recognized--we add a little extra meaning and dignity to their lives.

And that's the best reason to go off point, off focus, and off task.

Although, when you think about it, you really aren't taking yourself away from an important task. You're just shifting to an equally important task: showing people they matter--especially to you.

*Six months later, only three of the original 22 remained

Enjoy the weekend.

Make a difference folks!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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‘Curiosity is, in great and generous minds,
the first passion and the last.’
~~ Samuel Johnson 
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**JEFF HADEN learned much of what he knows about business and technology as he worked his way up in the manufacturing industry. Everything else he picks up from ghostwriting books for some of the smartest leaders he knows in business. @jeff_haden

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Shout Out Wednesday: Kudos To The Best Outsourcing Team On The Planet

"This young lady clearly takes her job seriously and enjoys what she is doing. She greets me and my colleagues every morning with a smile and "how are you today? Can I do anything for you? Do you need anything?" It means so very much to have had you there to help.

Good Morning Folks,

As FSO continues its expansion, we remain focused on the people and constantly raising the bar to (re)IMAGINE™ the way to go to business - ensuring we deliver the very best experience to our clients and employees. 

We believe people make or break the success of an organization. FSO hires for character, desire and attitude and then takes better care of that individual than one could ever imagine. We take care of our people and in turn, they take care of you. They bring a passion for hospitality and service that just can't be faked or duplicated.  

==> Compliments to Shalaine for training: 

At a time when others have cut back on the training and recognition that is essential motivation for success, this is just another example why FSO is the differentiator in the industry. Employees love what you are doing, Shalaine. Hear directly from them:

"Your hospitality training session Today was phenomenal. You hit on the most valuable points and was able to express the importance  of those points with passion and conviction."

"Your energy is contagious and you speak with such compelling inflection! "

"The ending of your presentation was the most memorable for me. I live by the statement "Do The Right Thing" especially when no one is watching. I felt every last word at the end."

"You come in and just rock the room with your amazing energy. The training was super exciting and so fun."

"Thanks so much for breaking down the meaning of hospitality. Your lovely words made it much more clearer as to what we needed to do working with this company."

"We just took the training. It was very helpful, very informative, and exciting. I loved your energy and the examples you gave."

"I find your training to be amazing! You are a breath of fresh air. You're always so happy and full of life.  You're aura is always so welcoming and your training is always insightful. You inspire me to challenge myself to be better than I was the day before."

==> Kudos To Fariyal, Jasmine, and Nakeisha:

"We had a VIP group (our competitors) for a meeting and it got a bit chaotic as the power around the table was not working and some of the guests wanted chairs that were adjustable. I kept running back and forth to Jasmine for help and although I know she wanted to throw me out the window (smile), and this is not her job, she was very pleasant, approachable and was quite helpful in reaching out to others to get us organized."

"Just wanted to write a note to let you know how helpful Fariyal was this morning.  Unfortunately, we forgot to reserve a conference room for a client meeting. We tried to reach the meetings and event group As we all ran around crazy (calling Mike, running to the office of the meeting and events group) I asked Fariyal for her help and she was extremely pleasant and was able to guarantee us a room.

"Nikeisha you are amazing! You always go far and beyond of your work. It is really a pleasure to work with you!

"She was very helpful by going downstairs and picking up my monitor vs me doing it. She offered to help me get it and i really appreciate the effort she put on her part as I was really busy this week to pick it up. So kudos to her for being very helpful. It makes the rest of our jobs much easier."

It's clear from these kudos that everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.    

Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"None of us is as smart as all of us." 
~~Ken Blanchard

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email