Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Innovate or Capitulate: In The Struggle For Survival, The Fittest Win

"Change is Good. You Go First, Because somebody's gotta win. It might as well be you."

Good Morning Folks,

"Innovation" is one of those buzzwords you hear all the time. People are always talking about being a "leader in innovation" or "taking innovation into the twenty-first century". It can look like some kind of innovation nation out there it's hard to tell who is devoted to innovation and who is simply paying lip service to It. We at FSO are serious about innovation. So serious that we use the word (re) IMAGINE to define who we are: a partner dedicated to always finding new and better ways to improve service, lower costs and take better care of people.

I believe complacency is when innovation ends. The advantage every business has, but few in our industry leverage to the advantage that we do, is the ability to innovate and reinvent. So many great companies lose their edge and end up playing catch-up until they're obsolete. That’s not going to happen here.

Dramatic paradigm sights are occurring in every industry, YOUR industry because traditional barriers to entry don't exist anymore. If you don't think a new era of change and creative destruction isn't headed to your door step, you are sadly mistaken. If you want to be on top, you have to look at innovation in a new, interactive way. You have to believe it is worth coin, its worth doing wrong. You have to be willing to try your model, test it, innovate around it, get out, screw up, and then do it right. You have to understand that speed is everything in an electronic realm because you can fix mistakes before anyone realizes that mistakes were made.

We are facing the biggest transformation the way business is conducted since the industrial revolution. If you are willing to innovate, you are taking steps towards crashing your competition.

The problem according to ANTHONY IANNARIN of there sales blog is change, He writes:
==> Change is more difficult than you believe. Having an intellectual understanding the reason something needs to change isn’t enough. An emotional need to change is necessary and more powerful. 
 ==> Change is psychological. You first have to have a shift in your mindset, your personal philosophy, your personal psychology. Without that shift, there will be no change.
Why something is being changed is more important than how that change is accomplished.
==> Change takes longer than you believe.  It takes longer to sell, longer to build consensus, and longer to execute before results are seen. It is mistake to believe the results of change will be realized quickly, even though change happens in a second 
==> Change comes with built-in enemies. The very fact that you are trying to make change will cause some to oppose you. Resistance is your enemy when you try to change yourself. 
Most change initiatives die not because the idea isn’t good or necessary but because it was poorly executed. The change is usually poorly executed because it lacks executive engagement. People are exceptionally gifted at waiting out change initiatives. 
We overestimate what we can accomplish in a short period of time and underestimate what we accomplish over a longer period. When results don’t come fast, change initiatives are often abandoned. The better results were only a little bit further.
==> Sometimes change initiatives fail because too many variables are changed at once. One major change might have been enough to produce a result, but because so much was attempted, nothing really changed. When too much is changed, you can’t easily figure out what is working and what isn’t.
Radical change very quickly becomes the new status quo. It soon develops its own defenders who protect it from future change.
As an owner and CEO, I am keenly aware that rapid change in business and technology is the “new normal.”  The only way for our company to survive, let alone thrive, is to continuously reinvent and redefine— everything.

This means we can’t go backward, and we can’t stand still. We can’t rest on our laurels and we can’t keep doing what we’ve always done — even if we are doing our best, we need to keep doing it better.

Because at FSO, we never stop rethinking, refreshing and (re)IMAGINING a better future for our clients. 

We strive to give our customers the ability to do what they can’t currently do but would want to if they only knew it was possible.

The love running throughout this company is infectious and it’s impossible to not share it with everyone I come in contact with.

To our team: You have been given the opportunity to show what you’re made of, to be so much stronger and better than you were just the day before and to show the world of business a better way.  

So as you get ready to start your day take a second to think; how am I contributing to the FSO competitive difference? How can I be better?

How can I get to infinity and beyond? 

How can I be that star, that hero that brings to our clients all the positive change, wealth and success they deserve?

IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment." ~~ Charles Darwin

S. ANTHONY IANNARIN is the President and Chief Sales officer for SOLUTIONS Staffing, a best-in-class regional staffing service based in Columbus, OhioHe is also the Managing Director of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy, a boutique sales coaching and consulting company where he works to help salespeople and sales organizations improve and reach their full potential. And he works ass an adjunct faculty member at Capital University’s School of Management and Leadership. Anthony teaches Personal Selling in the undergraduate program, and I teach Persuasive Marketing and Social Media Marketing in the MBA program.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Encourage, Recognize & Empower: Together We CAN Do It!

"I lift thee and thee lift me and we ascend together."

Good Morning Folks,

WOW!!!! 2014 let it Shine, let it Shine.

FSO has taken the industry by storm! With operations in 57 major US cities and a clear focus on concierge service, our goal remains the same - to help firms improve operations & SAVE MONEY.

Specializing in transforming front of house and back office operations, we are excited to share with you how our clients are leading changes in their firms that are driving cost savings, increasing profitability, creating operational synergies and efficiencies, attracting top talent and taking better care of people - all with FSO!

We're well practiced in the art of hospitality, and there's this sense that we've all been friends for a very long time.

To help our people help you make this happen, FSO is bringing to life amazing and exciting new awards & recognitions. I think every day, regardless of your job title or gravitas, you need only to ask yourself and those around you - how can I help YOU do better things, in better ways?

How do we overachieve our competitors? It's always been a simple formula for me: "Love your people and let them know it" -- the simple recognition that what they do matters.

It all about "putting yourself in others shoes"; empathy is one of the key qualities to flourish and blossom the talent. Showing and truly believing in what someone can achieve always helps them get there.

Everyone is talented at something. We help them discover their talents. Talent will come out if there are opportunity, reasons, and incentives to do so. I find this enables and encourages talented people to do what they really want to be doing - more.

We create an environment that focuses on developing the strengths and unique talents of the individual. We open their eyes to the endless possibilities of believing in themselves. 

Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, and happiness, and excitement, and anticipation. Passion is a powerful force in accomplishing anything you set your mind to, and in experiencing work and life the fullest extent possible.

Talent often resounds with passion. Whether as a co-worker, manager or non business relationship, if you can help people identify their passions and identify what it takes incorporate their passions into daily life and short and long term goals, then you will have a chance to see people thrive and be producers and leaders not just cheerleaders and followers.

Ultimately, passion is the driving force behind success and happiness that allows us all to live better lives.

Our people are endlessly unique in our abilities, needs, attitudes and beliefs. We are a blessed team and we have been lighting up the nation.

To our team I ask: "Rock it and make a difference everywhere today. Front of house sites. Put on that extra smile and share a positive FSO smile and attitude to everyone that comes to our front desks. Security. Meet and greet and more. Make today, FREE smiles day." They will smile bigger.

So go out of your way to smile to everyone. Or to nod. Or to introduce yourself.

And when someone does something that helps you, even in the smallest way and even if it's their job, go out of your way to say thanks. Make it your mission to recognize the people behind the tasks: the people that support, that assist, that make everything possible.

To our leaders I ask you to: "Encourage. Compliment on things that your team does well-- Be authentic and a role model and not a judge; be enthusiastic as a model." Show people they matter--especially to you. By recognizing people--especially those who have been conditioned to not expect to be recognized--we add a little extra meaning and dignity to their lives.

At every level at FSO, I encourage you to teach... to share with others. I’ve seen this reignite passion and provide a sense of purpose beyond their daily work load.

Acknowledgement and enthusiasm of another’s talents breeds confidence. Celebrate one another regardless of age or circumstance. Offer genuine praise, support and encouragement. Believe in others even when they can’t believe in themselves. Create a safe and fertile environment for the birth of new ideas.

Most importantly we have to understand that as an individual you can only go thus far, but as a team you can achieve greater success....  When you have your teams fullest dedication and passion and that's when they are connected to a common goal..... Nothing can stop them from achieving it.

As I moved forward and up in my own career, I realized that it's important to pay it forward and give it back. Always. I want to be known as someone that shares knowledge, not hoards it. If I can inspire a person, their talents will blossom.

Because at the end of the day, the most important resource in the entire universe is YOU. Products, services, innovation, ideas, breakthroughs – they all exist in your head, your heart and your hands. The output of your thinking, the engaging of your heart and the enlistment of your hands create profound results.

For me, it is a dynamic life and I never miss an opportunity to put 'smiles on the heart' of colleagues. The heart is the most important measure of the employee; if he/she is truly involved in the moment and working from the heart then good fortune happens. 

Yes we want to be the happiest place to work but we also want to build a nation of better business professionals and leaders.

Together, "yes we can" do it. We are pumped super excited and ready to rock.

Have a GREAT day and a BETTER week!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

==> InspireME Friday: 8 Ways To Keep The Boss Happy

"The secret fear of every boss is that employees are screwing up but are not saying anything about it. So even if you're afraid some bad news might upset your boss, make sure he's informed."

Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to Your Weekend!

Thanks God it’s Friday and THANK GOD IT’S FSO!

Thank you for another great week. 

Lots of amazing stuff happening. From the Eexecutive Leadership Team to each and every employee, THANKS for the effort, passion and hard work. 

Well done! That's why...

Hope springs eternal on this delicious Friday morning.

To set your head in high spirits before sending you off to all this glorious planet offers on a Spring weekend, I share a piece by Geoffrey James— author the world's most visited sales-oriented blog 

Geoff's recent column, "8 Core Beliefs of Extraordinary Bosses," drew a flood of responses.

But there's one thing he didn't mention: An extraordinary boss communicates his expectations clearly to his team. That way, everyone understands what it will take to make your company succeed.

With that in mind: If you are the boss, you'll want to share this column with your team, because it will make your job a heck of a lot easier. And if by chance you're not the boss, memorize this column-because it contains the key to long-term success.

==> 8 Ways To Keep Your Boss (or investor) Happy By Geoffrey James

Here are the rules for keeping your boss happy:

1. Be true to your word.
Your boss wants to trust you. Really.  Therefore, whenever you accept an assignment, follow through religiously, even fanatically. Do what you say you're going to do. Never over commit, and avoid hedging your bets with vague statements like "I'll try" and "maybe." Instead, make your word carry real weight.

2. No surprises, ever.
The secret fear of every boss is that employees are screwing up but are not saying anything about it.  So even if you're afraid some bad news might upset your boss, make sure he's informed. Note: If your boss consistently "shoots the messenger," you can ignore this rule-because his behavior shows he doesn't really want to be in the know.

3. Be prepared on the details.
Your boss wants to believe you're competent and on top of things.  That's why she sometimes picks an aspect of your job and begins randomly asking penetrating questions. Therefore, whenever you're meeting with the boss, have the details ready so you can answer these queries with grace and aplomb.

4. Take your job seriously.
Bosses appreciate individuals who truly care about what they do and willing to take the time to achieve a deep understanding of their craft. Bosses need people who have unique expertise. You don't have to be a pro at everything, but you should definitely have a specific area of knowledge that your boss values.

5. Have your boss's back.
When you see your boss about to make a foolish decision, it's your responsibility to attempt to convince him to make a different one. Make your best case, and express yourself clearly. However, once the decision is actually made, do your best to make it work-regardless of whether you think it was the right one.

6. Provide solutions, not complaints.
Complainers are the bane of your boss's existence. Nothing is more irritating or more boring than listening to somebody kvetch about things that they're not willing to change.  So never bring up a problem unless you've got a solution to propose-or are willing to take the advice the boss gives you.

7. Communicate in plain language.
Bosses are busy people and have neither the time nor the inclination to wade through piles of biz-blab, jargon and weasel words. When dealing with your boss, speak and write in short sentences, use the fewest words possible to make a point, and make that point clear and easily understandable.

8. Know your real job.
Regardless of what it says on your job description, your real job is to make your boss successful. There are no exceptions to this rule. None.

And, by the way: Your boss's real job is to make you more successful. The reversal of these priorities is the source of almost all organizational problems.

When it comes to making the boss happy, all of us at FSO are fortunate to work for a company with hands-on leaders who work tirelessly to ensure we provide a warm and highly inspirational environment for YOU (our employees) and our clients.

Everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.

We have a great company! Great focus on the people! Great management! Great rewards and recognition programs! Great references! 

I cannot tell you how much I care about you, our employees. How much our employees care about our customers, and how our teamwork across the great USA is paying off.

Know that you very much inspire me and I rely on you, the FSO team, to make a difference.

With that said, be smart… be clever… be personable …and most of all make the most of this glorious spring weekend.

Have a GREAT day and a BETTER weekend!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting Right Back Up When You Are Knocked Down

"If you know folks who have that “skip, twinkle and fire,” and are ready to get back up, bring them to our family!"

Good Morning Folks,

As I woke up this morning I wanted to share a vintage nugget of advice I came across while revisiting Tom Ziglar's blog from 2009.
A fan names Chis asked:
“When your mind takes a hit after working hard at getting better, how does one get back?”  Chris 
Chris, good news and bad news on this one. The bad news first.  We all get knocked down!  Everyone has to deal with taking a mental hit, even if you are working on staying mentally strong and staying positive. 
Here is the good news. You can decide NOW how you are going to respond when you take a mental hit. Here are a few things to remember. 
“Logic will not change an emotion, but action will.”  Zig Ziglar.  You can not “just” think your way out of a mental hit. It is important to recognize that you have taken a hit, and then you have to take action to get back on track. 
Have on hand your favorite books and audio recordings, and when you take a hit plan some time each day to absorb the good stuff. 
Call a friend or mentor who is positive and ask them for a little motivational feedback. It’s great if you can also be this person for someone else. 
Create a victory list of all of the things you have accomplished and the goals that you are in the process of achieving and review it when you get knocked down. This will remind you that you have been knocked down before and you can get back up and achieve great things.
Take some time for reflection. It is amazing how many times getting knocked down really means that you just stand up and start again, in a slightly new direction!
As you go back about your business this Wednesday, I can't help but think how awesome it is that we have so many cities and teams across FSO USA— how amazing that makes the opportunities for every single person in our great company.

What a time in everyone's careers to live the dream and know that your future is so bright.

So if you've been knocked down but still have that “skip, twinkle and fire,” and a desire to get back up— come on over and give FSO a look.

You'd be joining the right company, at the right time, with the right people that can help you get back on your feet.

We are one blessed company. Communicate. Smile. Treat our clients like gold. Treat your teammates like family and never ever give up and I promise you will thrive.

Keep it up and continue to spread the FSO way.  

Love Life and LIGHT IT UP!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Kindness it is that brings forth kindness always." 
-- Sophocles (447 BC)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Monday, February 17, 2014

Celebrating Presidents, Looking For Future Leaders and Candidates to fill jobs!

"I am seeking your recommendations of highly motivated people who are looking for a new opportunity and bright future in the field o Human Resources.. ASAP

Good Morning Folks

Today we remember and celebrate the lives of George Washington and Abe Lincoln consolidating their two birthdays into one birthday to either cheat us out of a holiday or make room for a newer one.

Remember it is always President's Day at FSO where future leaders have a real path to aspire for higher ground.

And we have GREAT openings for those looking for a fun, passionate job

Nothing is more important than having great people who care about the service they provide to our customers. Identifying and finding great people starts with knowing exactly what you are looking for - that fire in the belly, skip in the step and twinkle in the eye. Our Future Leaders must have the desire to grow and be a part of something amazing, something BIGGER.  

If this sounds incredible and impressive to the forgotten hourly employees stuck in dead-end jobs elsewhere, and the kind of career path and commitment you would like to be assured in return for your investment working hard every day, please send your resume for the opening below ton  to Kshepherd (at)


1. National Director, Training and Development (click)

2. HRIS Administrator (click)

3. FSO HR Generalist (Click HERE)

4. Benefits Budget Administrator (click)

Meanwhile prepare for one of your interview questions by being able to answer "What is President's Day?" The Christian Science Monitor does it well:

Now back to what is When is Presidents Day 2014? 
"The correct answer to that question is “never.” When it comes to federal holidays, there is no such thing as Presidents Day. We’ve been saying this for years, but shockingly, the charade continues.

“Though other institutions such as state and local governments and private businesses may use other names, it is our policy to always refer to holidays by the names designated in the law,” OPM states.
Long story short: Washington’s Birthday has been a US holiday since 1886. In the late 1960s, 

Congress scrambled around a bunch of federal holidays to make three-day weekends, and Washington’s Birthday got thrown into that mix. The Illinois congressional delegation thought it would be a great idea to honor Abe Lincoln by expanding the name to Presidents Day. But Virginia lawmakers blocked the move to protect the prerogatives of The Father of Our Country. That’s where things still stand today.

As we noted, we’ve written more fully about all this in the past, so we’re not going to dwell on that at this time. Instead, we’ll float theories as to why the myth of Presidents Day continues.

States’ rights. As OPM notes, states can do what they wish, and some do call it Presidents Day. (Many also follow the federal lead and don’t.) Perhaps they want to stretch the day to get a little recognition for their own native sons. New York’s Martin Van Buren, come on down!

Corporate conspiracy. Maybe advertisers believe that consumers are more likely to get out and spend on a holiday called Presidents Day, so that’s what they call it on all their fliers. For all his virtues, George Washington seems formal and chilly: Would he approve of you buying that mattress? Even if it’s on sale
Richard Nixon. There’s an urban legend that Richard Nixon started Presidents Day in the early 1970s. He issued a holiday proclamation turning Washington’s Birthday into a more inclusive event honoring all US chief executives, including him, according to this rumor.

That’s not true: His proclamation clearly referred to Washington’s Birthday. The debunking site has the full story. But what if Nixon started that rumor himself? He might have planted it knowing full well it would get repeated in the years ahead and he might get some Presidents Day recognition after all.

Yes, that’s kind of a back flip, but Nixon was a shrewd guy. And look at his own presidential library: This year it’s having a celebration of Presidents Day, not Washington’s Birthday, complete with actors playing Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt.

Not that we’re complaining. We’d go if we could: First 100 guests get a free slice of cherry pie."

I am personally committed to (re)IMAGING our FLP to enhance the FSO Employee Experience. 

I’m only one person and know I can’t do it alone. I need your knowledge, expertise and experience. 

We are family & it’s all about TEAM WORK!

Have a GREAT Day. Love Life.

I'll be a seeing you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Friday, February 7, 2014

==> InspireME Friday: Ask For A Reference, Not A Job

"And by letting them know that you hold them in high enough esteem to potentially use them as a reference, you're actually paying them a compliment."

Good Morning Folks,

I can say that FSO has taken the industry by storm! Literally and figuratively.

We made it through another week of the worst winter weather on record, and what troopers the team at FSO are. A client writes: 

"I just wanted to send you a quick note regarding the FSO Team. They have made every effort to get into the office regardless of the adverse weather conditions we have been experiencing this winter. Charles, Harun, Gene and Kathy have made my job easier as I know they will always be in the office when I cannot get there. Knowing that they are always there to support me to make the office run smoothly has been extremely helpful. I just wanted to take this opportunity to “sing their praises”.

That's what we call going the extra smile. It comes standard with every engagement!

With operations in 57 major US cities and a clear focus on concierge service, our goal remains the same - to help firms improve operations & SAVE MONEY.

Now some inspiration for those seeking a job or a better job— there's an easy way to turn dreaded employment networking into deadly effective bonding: 

When you're networking, ask for a reference, not a job. 

Whether you're doing catch-up drinks or grabbing lunch to reconnect (and, hopefully, staying out of this horrible heat!), your main goal is to get an ally, not a tally of job listings. Adding another helping hand to your search is your aim. 

So don't ask your college buddy if he knows of any jobs for people like you. How would he? 

And don't ask your boss from two jobs ago if she has the names of any people who are currently looking to hire somebody like you. It puts her on the spot. 

No, instead, ask for a reference. Mention that you're going to be moving on, or you're already looking, or that you're actively out on the street. Let them know the type of positions you are and are notsuited for, and what you're hoping to achieve in your next opportunity. 

And then ask them if — when it gets to that happy place in your search — it would be OK to use them as a reference. 

By not putting them on the spot about specific job openings, you reduce the awkwardness inherent in the networking conversation. 

And by letting them know that you hold them in high enough esteem to potentially use them as a reference, you're actually paying them a compliment. 

You're also making it easier for them to say "yes", and to feel good about themselves for being a good friend and helping you out with this little favor. 

All of which means that you have a new buddy in your search — one who's going to be thinking about keeping an eye out for new opportunities and an ear open for fresh possibilities for their reference-able friend: you. 

It's wins and grins all around. 

Now, this doesn't work for just any old person you meet on the street. There's probably a pretty good match between people you'd take to lunch and those you could ask to be a reference. So my advice would be to stick to asking those you know well enough. 

Being realistic, the widely offered and deeply wrong advice from the past decade that you should try to extract favors, concessions, names, jobs, and career assistance from people you've only met over the phone is not only useless, it can be counter-productive to your aims by antagonizing your broader network. 

By making your networking about compliments, you'll find it pays dividends. 

Never lose that skip in your step, fire in your belly or twinkle in your eye!

We're on fire and this company is doing amazing things to build for the future. 

From our wonderful FSO Family have a GREAT weekend, be happy and… Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

“ Genius is eternal patience” — Michelangelo

Friday, January 24, 2014

=> InspireME Friday: Fire >> Passion >>Skip

Via Red Bull
"Leadership (aka. >>Fire >> Passion >>Skip) is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead."

Good Morning Folks,

What a week it's been! The FSO House was rocking all day, every day with >>Fire >> Passion >>Skip, and this excitement and buzz will go a long way in the market!! Our talent levels are literally increasing overnight.

We saw well over 200 candidates during our job fair and open house. The excitement and buzz in the office again was felt by the candidates and the majority of them commented about what a GREAT vibe they felt from the second they walked off the elevator. Ahhhh, hospitality – that is what we are all about!!

A big shout out to EVERYONE who made the 2 days so special. A real true team event…coming in early and staying late. You are all awesome and I truly appreciate your support!!

I also want to thank those customers, employees and Mitch Weiner social media followers that have supported my "casting" calls for referrals of Sales and HR talent. 

Mostly because people like yourselves talked about, spread the word about and delivered top-shelf candidates that will help FSO *light up a nation* with talent levels unlike anywhere else on the planet. Together with our existing team, we are truly The Happiest Place to Work on Earth.

We are also a family— a tribe. A tribe is any group of people, large or small, who are connected to one another, a leader, and an idea. 

That in mind, to send you off to your weekends on a high note, here's a favorite excerpt from Seth Godin's book "Tribes" (one of the bestselling leadership book on Amazon)

Leadership (aka. >>Fire >> Passion >>Skip) is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead.

The scarcity makes leadership valuable. If everyone tries to lead all the time, not much happens. It’s discomfort that creates the leverage that makes leadership worthwhile.

In other words, if everyone could do it, they would, and it wouldn’t be worth much.

==> It’s uncomfortable to stand up in front of strangers.
==> It’s uncomfortable to propose an idea that might fail.
==> It’s uncomfortable to challenge the status quo.
==> It’s uncomfortable to resist the urge to settle.

When you identify the discomfort, you’ve found the place where a leader is needed.

If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re not reaching your potential as a leader.

Thanks again to everyone who put the word out and brought in referrals. Don’t be shy and keep those referrals coming. Positions are still open. The more the merrier!

From our wonderful FSO Family have a GREAT weekend, be happy and… Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the second consecutive year, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives. Learn more about what differentiates FSO here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Job Seekers: Our First of aTwo Day Open Hiring Fair Was A Smashing Success— So Come On Down Tonight

"From the informationalists through to the office services team— 
I was very impressed by your responsiveness and HOSPITALITY." 
~~a Job Candidate

We are HIRING! OPEN HOUSE Today 12-8! Don't let the snow get in the way of stopping you from landing not just ordinary job, but a dream job like no other.

And.... also conducting a nationwide search for the best sales talent in the USA. GO HERE for details

Good Morning Folks,

I am pumped this morning. Snow what snow?

At our open house / career fair last night, we had a total of almost 80 candidates and we have identified 50 who we are interested in hiring!! 15 of these 50 are referrals from within! Or talent levels are literally increasing overnight.

Thanks to everyone who put the word out and brought in referrals – the FSO House was rocking all day long and this excitement and buzz will go a long way in the market!! Don’t be shy and let’s make tomorrow record breaking. The more the merrier – our talent levels are literally increasing overnight.

Amazing work and Kudos to Kim and the PS team for leading the charge and making it happen and our Ops team for supporting interviews all day. Amazing job Kim and Hilary. All of you truly rocked it!

Everyone who walks through our doors is a VIP and deserves to be treated as such – you never ever know who is who and that individual personal touch goes such a long long way. 

This is a positive impression that will stick for a long time. You all deserve a round of applause for all the hard work and dedication and customer service you displayed in your smiles and efforts on such a busy day  - THANK YOU and GREAT WORK!!!

A huge shout out to Hillary and the entire PS Team for all of their hard work, and to the ED’s and EAD’s for interviewing and sticking to the schedule J, and to the entire team who greeted, coat checked, passed out cookies and hot chocolate, and kept the office in pristine condition – simply awesome!! HOSPITALITY and TEAMWORK at its finest!

Snow? The word 'impossible" doesn't exist here. We look for
>>Fire >>Passion >>Skip in the Step and by braving
weather you've already shown us the best qualities we need
Remember my promise of dinner for the FSO teammate who has the most referrals….let’s go folks….we know you have amazing networks – use them to get us AWESOME colleagues – just like yourselves!! We want to meet them…inspire and be inspired!!

A huge THANK YOU to the job candidates and everyone else who made this an AMAZING day!!  It could not have turned out any better than it did – even with the snow!

It truly was a day of teamwork and Love thanks to everyone!!

From our wonderful FSO Family!!

Looking forward to tonight's Open House!

Have a GREAT day, be happy and…

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the second consecutive year, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives. Learn more about what differentiates FSO here.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Jobs, Jobs, JOBS! We Are Hiring. Job Fair Today and Tomorrow! Plus A Nationwide Call For The Best Sales Talent in The USA.

"FSO had terrific results in 2013 and 2014 is unquestionably off to a great start. I appreciate your unrelenting support as we continue to *light up the nation* and assemble teams that promise to deliver value, innovation, process improvement and cost savings to all of our clients."

That in mind, We are HIRING! And holding a Job Fair at our New York office on today and tomorrow.   And also conducting a nationwide search for the  best sales talent in the nation. Read on for details.

Good Afternoon Folks,


I'm pleased to share that we are in great standing to make substantial investments to support our budding infrastructure.

We are on fire… we are growing like crazy and we need your help to get the word out to your friends and colleagues who are looking for a job or a BETTER job!

First, today and tomorrow...


Tues. January 21st, 2014        7:00am – 5:00pm
Wed. January, 22nd, 2014     12:00pm – 8:00pm

Immediate openings:
•           Hospitality Services       Concierge             Security  
•           Messenger Services       Office Services      Mailroom
•           Sales                            HR                        Operations
•           Record Management      Marketing             IT

In addition....

I am seeking recommendations for strong candidates who will assist my company in building a national, world-class Business Development (a.k.a. Sales) team..

Our sales team is on fire! The tenure of the team is remarkable and their efforts have translated into tremendous opportunity to invest in our "sales engine". We will expand our team in a major way and will be adding over 20 business development (sales) professionals.

Charged with propelling our national expansion plans and uncovering new business opportunities, these individuals will be an integral part of our company's sustainability through our growth. Additionally, they will have a high earning potential and report directly to me and others.

Based on market demands and with operations in 57 major US cities, we are looking to make immediate hires in the following areas:
·         New York
·         Philadelphia
·         Washington, DC
·         Atlanta
·         Miami
·         Chicago
·         Dallas
·         Houston
·         Los Angeles
·         San Francisco

Should you or someone you know of be a good fit for FSO's Personal, Passionate & Productive culture, please contact me directly (mweiner at or send resumes to Lindsay Gallagher (lgallagher at

As always, I appreciate your unrelenting support as we continue to *light up the nation* and assemble teams that promise to deliver value, innovation, process improvement and cost savings to all of our clients.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email