"Gratitude is a beautiful way to acknowledge those who make our lives happier and more meaningful. This, along with care, motivation, people development and training is how I’ve built my business."
Good Morning Folks,
It's an honor to share feedback from our clients about our employees at their sites.
And then there is an unbelievable and truly a testament of why we have amazing folks in the FSO family - thank you Miguel for your amazing heroism. We are honored to have you part of FSO - again thank you!!!!
Our clients LOVE us! Why? Because of YOU, our teammates! Here are highlights from all the kudos we’ve received since our last edition. Keep up the good work!
Miguel- 70 Greene **2 Kudos in 1 Month**
"So, I'm going start with: this guy is my hero and I'm going to end with, this guy is my hero! Miguel: our FSO Ambassador manning the Concierge Front Desk was conducting his duties when he noticed what he thought, had to be a prank (on him....testament to the bond he has with his clients of the apartment building). A tenant of the building came out of the elevator, heavily pregnant and holding a 2 year old and bleeding profusely from her wrist (sorry to be graphic).
It was an attempted suicide. This was not an episode of "what would you do?... There was no John Quiñones to come out from behind the camera. Miguel didn't believe what he was seeing and took a moment to get his head straight. What he did next saved not just the woman (Mom) but the unborn and the 2 year old toddler. The woman intended to get in her car and when Miguel confronted her, she pleaded to allow her to get to her car to go to hospital. Miguel was, oh no you don't, he grabbed her wrist as a human tourniquet and made her sit down. She tried to convince him to let her go and get in her car but he took control and had another associate call 911 and get EMTs out. Miguel kept her awake as she repeatedly passed out.
EMTs arrived and took her away to hospital and Miguel, if you didn't do what you did, she would have bled out in 4 mins. If she had made the car, it could have cost her a lot more than her and her unborn.
The woman is ok and back yesterday at the building and her husband couldn’t have been more than you'd expect him to be in his thanks to Miguel.
Miguel, with military background has kind of shook it off as "it was ok, and we see a lot as Concierge."
You are a hero... You saved 3 lives in your watch and if ever FSO could think of an example of what greatness is, you are our superman. Kudos !!!"
People who work hard for FSO and burt clients, have the privilege of being able to interact with the President and Founders at CHO Club, and share a drink with them after work! |
Cleon & Adrieanne, PHD
"A note of praise for Cleon… Besides him always having a smile and a good morning for everyone, he works extremely hard and is willing to help with any project needed at any time.I just wanted you to know he is really magnificent and a wonderful asset."
"Adrieanne is fabulous! And definitely a keeper. She really thinks about what she's doing and analyzes it and asks the right questions....love the attention to detail!"
Shanelle, At Wall Street's Biggest International Bank
" Ms. Shanelle was assigned to front desk reception performing normal duty functions at which time she was approached by an SG Employee who was on our “DO-NOT ADMIT” list. Ms. Jimenez recognized the employee and confirmed/authenticated the access status of the employee. After determining that a restriction and immediate notification requisite was in-place, Ms. Shanelle swiftly and calmly made the required notifications without escalating the employee’s emotions. He professional deportment and subtle quick actions significantly contributed to the overall calmness of the encounter between the employee, human resources and corporate security. Ms. Shanelle's professionalism, combined with her cool, calm and collective composure under a stressful situation is a credit to FSO. It is a pleasure to have Ms. Shanelle assigned to the SG account and team!"
Trevor,At Wall Street's Biggest International Bank
“I wanted to take a minute to tell you how fortunate I have been to know, and work with Trevor. He is a remarkable, conscientious, and quick thinking individual.”
Cory, At the Atlanta Site of Global Talent Management Lreader
"I think Corey is a terrific addition to our team…always smiling…saying hello…and ON TOP of everything. It’s refreshing to have someone so nice and willing to help in the office."
Mandi, Working for FSO at Major Law Firm
Just wanted to let you know how critical Mandi was in pulling together the first set of 23 documents, thru a series of emails and sets of different instructions – I know, I know, while you may say she was "just doing the job” … do note what a great job she did, asking questions, following up, staying to the late end."
Ervin, Working onsite at one of the world's biggest advertising holding companies
"I don't even know how to put into words how proud I am of Ervin. He embodies everything our company is about. I could write to you every single day with a different example of how Ervin goes above and beyond, to provide the best service possible to our client. We have had a particularly challenging week, being short handed and having to manually log in several hundred packages a day, due to computer issues. Ervin all week has taken on more responsibilities that we have assigned him, but this has not stopped him coming up to us asking what more he can do. This is just the type of person Ervin is. Ervin is a natural leader, who asks for no recognition but truly deserves it. They say you are the product of the five people you spend the most time around. I am really grateful Ervin is one of my five."
Jannel, Onsite at a financial services giant
“I just wanted to write a quick note about how great I think Jannel is. I have seen her conduct herself in a highly professional manner and notice how employees and guest respond to her. She is quick, efficient and extremely on point with any task provided. We feel well taken care of with her at reception! Thank you for bringing her on board.”
"I would like Jannel to be recognized for not only excellent customer service, but for her winning, team oriented attitude during the staffing transition we’ve had here. I want FSO to know how lucky we are to have Jannel on our team."
Jamie and Jacque, Working for FSO at Boston's Strongest Attorneys **3 Kudos in 1 Month**
"Jamie has stepped up to the plate and has put 110% into his work every day. Another shout out for Jacques Therlonge, yesterday we had a mass mailing, 8000 pieces of mail, he completed getting all the postage on and getting it all to the post office on time.
“I just want to rely to you that Jamie is doing a wonderful job at the front desk. Anything I’ve needed for my attorneys in the last few weeks, I get an immediate response and a follow up call to make sure everything is taken care off."
“Hi Jamie, I just wanted to say thanks for your help troubleshooting. Thanks!”
Great team building this summer @FSO: Messenger Division takes up the “Friday Night Lights” with Bowling! |
Informationalist & Office Services team, FSO HQ Open House ***3 Kudos***
“What an amazing day everyone!! Total of 101 candidate and 62 new candidates for our pipeline! Amazing! Great job and thank you all for your help and a BIG kudos to our amazing front desk! Well done."
“I totally agree! The Front Desk, Padre & the Office Services Rocked IT! What an Amazing Day of team work and collaboration! Was wowed by the turnout today! Met so many amazing people and future stars! I have never been prouder to share about FSO and to be a part of this family! “
“This was a true TEAM effort....what energy and synergy...I could not be more proud and thankful for the amazing efforts to help get us to our 225 goal!!! We are almost there!! Kudos kudos kudos to OUR TEAM!!!”
"The awesome HQ office Service Team of Gaylon, Roberto & Padre. We needed a small project completed in a short amount of time for a presentation. Gaylon & Padre responded immediately and did a great job while smiling the whole time. Every time we need to send something to the post office, Roberto & Padre respond “sure, no problem at all”. They are all a delight to work with and remind us of the power of the smile."
Roberto, Office Services FSO HQ
"I want to send kudos for Roberto because he has simply been great since he has joined our office services team. From day one, he has taken every task and project given to him with ease and has done a great job. These past two days have been very busy, and on both days Roberto has pushed his lunch time just so he could help me out. He has a great attitude, and has helped me out tremendously and in a timely manner. Please pass along my gratitude to Roberto as his help is greatly appreciated."
Shateya, FSO HQ
"Thank you for all your help this week Shateya, I don't know if I could have gotten it done without you!"
Very proud of our team providing innovative solutions to the pharmaceutical industry including lab support,
sterilization and documentation on both small and big pill lines.
Whether a salesperson, an experience associate, a records manager, an informationalist, or messenger, what makes our folks so special is their ability to hink beyond their daily tasks and think like our clients.
"What would the client want? What do they need? How could i be more proactive in their eyes? How could i really impress them?"
Do you know? Have you asked? Or are you assuming? A true partner who never stops looking out for you, who takes that extra second to ask and then ACTS!
Never lose the passion, the smile and what makes you special but put yourself in our clients shoes and get to know what they might be thinking!
All of you are out in the field and have the power to make an incredible impact and a difference in the wealth and success of others.
I look forward to hearing stories from our clients as to how our team has made an impact showing leadership.
IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!
Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer
"Leadership is about being a servant first." ~~Allen West