Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Shout Out Wednesday: Kudos To The Best Outsourcing Team On The Planet

"You were the first ones in office and last to leave, and you did it all with a smile. It is always such a pleasure to work with such a hard working & well organized team."

Good Morning Folks,

As FSO continues its expansion nationally, we remain focused on the people and constantly raising the bar to (re)IMAGINE™ the way to go to business - ensuring we deliver the very best experience to our clients and employees. 

We believe people make or break the success of an organization. FSO hires for character, desire and attitude and then takes better care of that individual than one could ever imagine. We take care of our people and in turn, they take care of you.

Our clients love what we are doing for them. When they take time to write like this after months of being let down by their former suppliers, it is testament to what I've been saying all along: At FSO, our difference is people. They bring a passion for hospitality and service that just can't be faked or duplicated.  

Hear it direct from our client's mouths:

Abby Pfaffman, Parsons Brinckerhoff
"I wanted to thank you very much for sending Abby our way. She has been an excellent addition to my team. She is always, ALWAYS pleasant and helpful and you almost never see her without a bright smile on her face. She’s very professional and always here early. I couldn’t ask for more. Thank you!"

Andrea Karabetsos, Capco
"Thank you all for last night!!!! Such a success - Ulysses was so accommodating and everyone had a great time!!!"

Anthony Seales, Univision
"Hola Pedro, Seriously have to say that I am very amazed by Anthony’s great personality and always looking for ways to help everyone on the floor. Even in the most little things he will think of a solution and help out.  Thank you guys for being so amazing!"

Ausberto Falcon aka “Ozzie”, Capco
"A message to brighten your day! Thank you for all that you do to make our work experience pleasant. Happy Hump Day!"

Brittney Weaver, Director and Mid-Atlantic HR Generalist
"Kim, I just wanted you to know that I am sooo impressed with Brittney Weaver. She joined me for the Pittsburgh ALA show today and she amazed me. She was outgoing, had a great talk track about FSO, told her story to lots of people and was downright fantastic! Thanks for sparing her and allowing her to share the FSO greatness. Brittney really is a great asset to FSO. We may need her to sell on Pittsburgh too!"

Brennan Becker and Andrea Karabetsos, Capco
"As much as I would have loved to sit and watch the game, I had to get back to work. I just wanted to give you two thumbs up for another excellent turn out with your event. Everything looked amazing! It is such a pleasure seeing everyone get together for the kickoff! Thank you!"

Jennifer Elgart/Talent Acquisition/ Capco
 (Capco Team **2 Kudos in 1 month**)
"I just wanted to thank all the wonderful members of our FSO team!

Facilities- Once again you all did an amazing job helping me with the all day NALT meeting yesterday as well as setting up and working the huge Town Hall last night (I believe we had 140 people show up!). You were the first ones in office and last to leave, and you did it all with a smile. It is always such a pleasure to work with such a hard working & well organized team.

Taylor, Talmas & Luis- thank you for manning the helm and running the Town Hall's AV system last night. It is not an easy job juggling all the moving parts of our Town Halls and you did great job!

All of your help is always greatly appreciated. These events would not have gone as smoothly without each and every one of you! Thanks FSO and everyone involved. "

Patrick Gormley/ COO/Capco
"Thank you to you and your team for helping all of us during our time there. You have a wonderful office and everyone was so kind. The two catering companies were great and the food was very good. Do you happen to have the receipts for both? I need them to expense. The meeting went very well and I could not have done it without you. Thank you again and I hope to see you all again soon."

Delilah Camejo, HQ Informationalist
"Natalie Harvis sought me out to especially let me know that Delilah Camejo has done an amazing job in helping her to prepare for a client breakfast that she is having tomorrow. She showed me an event template that Delilah had gone above and beyond to create and she complimented her personality and had nothing but amazing things to say. She definitely deserves a kudos! Thank you!"

Informationalist, FSO HQ
"The front desk took care of 45 crazy lawyers over 3 days of intense interviews—GREAT JOB BY WHOLE TEAM."

Isaias Rodriguez, Accounting
"I wanted to take yet another minute to openly acknowledge Isaias Rodriguez in public forum for his dedication and due diligence for taking great strides and achieving great progress in getting FSO up to speed with their past due balances. I am fully aware of all the hard work that he has personally invested in this project. Be assured that his efforts have not gone unnoticed or unappreciated by all of us here at React, especially myself. I stand and applaud Isaias for his tireless efforts. Many, many thanks my friend!!

Jonathan Ramos, Capco
"Sometimes it the little things that makes a hectic less crazy.  Thank you for making my Wednesday even better."

Jonathan Rivera, Unicredit
 "I wanted to thank you for letting John help us in the event yesterday. He went beyond and above the call of duty in supporting us and I received a lot of comments about the positive impact his presence made last night."

Kellyanne Iselin, Brother International                                                                           
"Outstanding Service!  I just wanted to take a minute to let you know what an outstanding job Kellyanne Iselin did in supporting a series of BMG Marketing meetings yesterday …BMG Marketing was conducting P-touch agency presentations in the Nagoya Room yesterday and we needed a little extra help to keep the meeting schedule running smoothly – Kelly just walked into the building, and didn’t even get a chance to settle in for the day, when we briefed her on the attendance schedule but she was not fazed by the sudden download of directions … instead she stepped up and took control of the situation. 

She greeted all of the agency visitors and welcomed them to Brother, she guided them into the meeting room, offered them coffee and water, and checked on them periodically to ensure they had everything they needed for their presentations - after each group concluded, she elevated the level of service even further by straightening up the room and getting everything in order for the next session. 

She was amazing …This may not sound like a big deal (and my explanation is overlooking many of the other details that she cared for behind the scenes), but she performed this service without being asked and took ownership to ensure the meetings ran smoothly and that our guests felt welcomed … her attention to detail made the meetings run without incident.I did not expect this level of assistance – it was truly above and beyond expectations and I thought it was important to recognize her commitment to excellence – she definitely put the customer first."

Manifred White and Whaylon John, Ogletree, NY
"Seriously, I have to tell you that Whaylon is awesome and doing such a great job!!  On top of that, Manny is fantastic!! He’s that kind of “old-school gentleman” you just don’t see any more and doing a great job, as well. What a terrific addition to our office!!!"

Neuberger Team
"I just wanted to send a huge thank you to you and your team for all you did to help Jackie’s breakfast run smoothly!  We truly appreciate the team’s early morning efforts.  From all accounts, the event was a great success. Thanks so much for everything!! J"

Razelle Townsen, Capco
"Just wanted to make sure we give a shout out for a great job tonight. The place looked great, food was on point and thanks for taking the initiative to get more beer!!!"

Rene Mata and Ralphy Mata, Liquidnet
"Just wanted to let you know what an awesome job your team did here at Liquidnet. This was Rene and Ralphy Mata’s first time creating a “theme” for Friday Lunch.  They printed posters, created a video slideshow and bought items to raffle to Liquidnet employees all centering around the start of the Fifa World Cup Tournament."

"They did an amazing job creating the event and staying within an established budget! A huge “thank you” to them for making the Liquidnet Experience something really special today!! You should be proud to have them on your team, I know I am. J"

Regina Zakai, Brookfield
"Just a note to say thank you for all of help with arranging for our team to work downtown last Saturday. You were a great help. Have a good day."

Robbie Miller, FSO Office Services
"Kudos for Robbie Miller… He was thrown into a site to provide coverage at the last second today and did a great job, the client was impressed :)"

Saleem Abdullahi, Capco
Esther Torres has thanked you through CapInTouch. 

"Thank you Saleem for all your hard work!"

Shalaine and Chelsea, Corporate Trainers
"Just wanted to take an opportunity to say thanks for a great training today Shalaine. You and Chelsea are doing a great job of keeping us in the field as up to date with the   latest information to help us do our jobs more efficiently. Mario, once again thank you for allowing me to be a part of this training by extending the invitation. Much appreciated. Have a great rest of the day everyone. "

Wendy Loyola and Evelyn Franco
"I wanted to send you a quick “thank you” for all your help organizing this meeting. Everything went smoothly - the IT support, the food, etc. – thanks to you. I do appreciate it, so a big “THANK YOU” for all your help!"

Jenna, Padre, and Matthew, HQ Office Services
"I just wanted to take a moment to say a big “Thank You” to you all. Whether it’s a small request, helping the ladies room smell extra fresh, an extra set of hands to hold a tray or a smile every time I see you, each one of you makes HQ a better place to work every day."

It's clear from these kudos that everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.    

Great people like those featured above today want to be part of FSO as clients and employees because we are passionate and we CARE about what it means to be there for them.

Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"None of us is as smart as all of us." ~~Ken Blanchard

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ted Tuesday: "You've Got To Find What You Love,"Jobs says

"Hands down the best career talk ever given. EVER! Jobs urged the Stanford graduating class of 2005 to courageously follow their heart and intuition, just as he did. He encouraged them to give their inner voice a chance and not suppress it by giving in to others' opinions."

Good Morning Folks,

Today we revisit one of the most memorable and classic speeches ever— one that Steve Jobs gave to a group of graduating young students from the University of Stanford beginning a new journey of their lives: How to Live Before You Die (& not spend your life hating what you do)

I believe this is hands down the best career talk ever given. Ever. I’ve watched it over a dozen times. Not originally a TED talk, but now one of their top videos. This commencement speech garnered over 8 million views in a single day on YouTube, the day after Jobs' death. As I write this post, the speech now has over 15 million views.

Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself -- at the university's 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.

"You've  got to find what you love," Jobs says

What was so special about Steve Jobs' words that day which made a lasting impression on many? It was straight from the man's heart. And secondly, there was much to reflect upon in terms of the embedded message encouraging youngsters even today to achieve their best.

In his three part speech, Jobs talked about how one's past can influence one's future, stumbling upon both love and loss and coming face-to-face with death. Jobs shared many personal moments from his life right from when he started as a college student till the day he discovered he had cancer. 

Jobs narrated his experiences when he had dropped out of college and so didn't have a dorm room. He slept on the floor of friends' rooms, returned coke bottles for 5 cent deposits to buy food and walked 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. He wanted to convey that the past had an important role to play in his present.

Jobs continued to talk about how he was fired from Apple, which was the biggest turning point of his career. Being jobless for a few months, Jobs thought it was all over until his perspective changed and he began to see this as an opportunity. He went on to start NeXT and Pixar, and during this time Jobs also fell in love with Laurene, whom he eventually married. In turn of events, Apple bought NeXt and Jobs returned to Apple, a move he never thought would've been possible.

Jobs urged the Stanford graduating class of 2005 to courageously follow their heart and intuition, just as he did. He encouraged them to give their inner voice a chance and not suppress it by giving in to others' opinions.

Here's Steve:

Full  of Steve Jobs' address

The sprit of Steve Jobs is very much alive today at FSO as we consistently strive to help our clients discover and (re)imagine new and better ways of doing business.

Every day, people search for something that motivates them. Things to get them out of bed, things to get them pumped up, things to help them make it through the day and so much more! What a great thing to be able to say about your job!

As in the locations that I am lucky enough to visit this week, each site employee, YOU, are the FSO difference! You're commitment to service, to exceed the client’s expectations, to notice that detail, to have that SKIP, FIRE, TWINKLE is uniquely FSO.  

The employee and client lovefest could not be stronger and I could not be more fired up!!

Thanks to NDTV for their inspiration putting this together and most of all to you for listening.

Have a GREAT day. Love LIFE!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"If you resist change, you fail. If you accept change, you survive. 
If you create change, you succeed" ~~Mike Schlappi

Monday, July 14, 2014

FSO = Hospitality = YOU

"Thanks to all our employees for NEVER settling for mediocrity. Your smile, your enthusiasm and your hard work is what makes my vision come alive at FSO."

Good Morning Folks,

It's Monday and a new day, new week and a whole new opportunity to do great things. 

Today visiting Atlanta, like I do every day, I go on appointments and hear how the prospect thinks all outsourcing companies are the same. That's right, the market thinks we are the same! No way... The only thing we have in common with our competitors is the word “outsourcing.” Everything else is different! That difference is YOU, our folks! Yes, YOU the person on site and the person supporting the site.

Every site employee, YOU, are the FSO difference! Your commitment to service, to exceed the client expectations, to do just that little bit more, to be more professional, to have that better idea, to notice that detail, to take action when no one is watching. YOU make this company the best outsourcing provider in the business. YOU are the reason we have nothing in common with our competitors. YOU are the reason we have experienced Galactic Growth!

Thank YOU for doing the little things that make a big difference at our client sites and for supporting our client sites. Thank YOU for fueling the FSO passion. Thank YOU for waking up every day and realizing that today is a great day to serve our clients and stretch just a bit farther. 

Yes we have work to do. But we are a less than four year old start up company that has taken the market by storm, yet has only just begun. The future is so so bright.

Make this Monday the beginning of the best week of your life, professionally and personally. Put your mind right and know that if you do the right things, great things will happen. The past is the past and cannot be changed. Today is a new day, go effect your future. Go impact tomorrow.

Tom Peters said the difference between a good and great manager is 5 minutes. That 5 minutes was the extra time spent getting things right, thinking through an opportunity, organizing, etc... Be great and take the 5 minutes to write the extra email, respond to that question better, think through that problem and make that one more call.

The love running throughout this company is infectious so… take it personally because FSO is about hospitality and hospitality begins with YOU!

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why" 
— Bernard Mannes Baruch

Thursday, July 10, 2014

InspireME: Push Yourself and DARE TO BE GREAT!

“It had long sense come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them… they went out and happened to things.”

Good Morning Folks,

This is Friday, InspireME Friday to be exact, the day of the week day when sends you off to your weekend on a high note. Because, achievement begins with an inspiration. 

For the past few weeks we've gotten great response selecting and sharing with the world some very special motivational messages that our own employees, from all walks of the company, publish internally every day.

Yesterday I did a roundup, Linking YOU UP to an archive of the best of these best posts. But we are just getting started.

To cap off an amazing week today's author, New York Sales Rockstar Taylor Miller, returns for her second guest blog. Her first share, "If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You, They Aren’t Big Enough" —in just three weeks— because the most viewed post in all of the first year and 300 posts we've done since launching the blog inJune of 2013.

I love Taylor's message that follows:
Today I want to start everyone’s day with this simple, but very powerful quote: 
“It had long sense come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them… they went out and happened to things.” 
As a kid I remember my parents pushing me every single day to be the best athlete, student, daughter, friend etc. that I could be. At times, when it came to putting in the extra work, whether that being homework, extra track workouts, or going out of the way to help someone else, I remember resisting to go that extra mile. 
Being the daughter of a professional athlete, I remember one thing my Dad always said to me that truly struck a chord. “You know Tay, I wasn’t always the best. Sure I had some natural talent, but from the age of 14 I realized to be great and to fulfill my dream of playing in the NHL, I would have to work harder than everyone else every single day to get there. I pushed myself on the track until I couldn’t walk anymore, I drove hours out of my way to play on the best teams and to get the best training when my friends were playing outside. I studied like crazy to and from practice and you know what I have never once let that work ethic slip away through high school, college, my NHL career and even now. No matter what it is you do in life, do it with everything you have, because you only have one shot.” 
As I got older, something inside me changed and I truly understood the meaning of hard work and my Dad’s stories. I understood that greatness doesn’t just simply happen, but greatness is made. Greatness is reached by training, running the extra mile, studying an hour longer than everyone else and truly pushing yourself to your limit each day. I realized that someone else can only encourage and push you so far, but your destiny is truly up to you and your life is what YOU make it! 
I started pushing myself on the track until I fell over, driving hours out of my way to play on the best soccer teams and to get the best training, putting countless hours of studying in to and from practice and truly putting in the extra mile at everything I do no matter if it is relationships, school, soccer, work etc. That work ethic resulted in a college soccer career and now has turned into a great opportunity at FSO where I continue to push myself each day! 
So today I encourage you to be great. No matter what your role is in this company, Mitch can only push you so far. You must find your inner drive on your own and push yourself to make that extra phone call, visit that extra client site, go out of your way to make someone’s day, smile even though sometimes you may not feel like it and always extend a hand because every new opportunity and person you meet could be a road to a beautiful journey. 
Take chances, push yourself and always remember you have a team behind you every step of the way in FSO.

Congratulations and thank you Tay. We are all very proud of you and honored to have you in our company. For those clients and prospective clients reading this, you can't get a better feel for the spirit and integrity of FSO then the impression you takeaway when you hear how our folks think.

At FSO we are ready to embark on more great weeks. From our great front end machine to our delivery system and everything in between, we are continuing to make excellent progress in all areas of our organization. 

I know as your CEO, and as Taylor's message addresses, that each and everyone of you have it within. You have the power, the passion. The desire and the know how to get it done and get more done. 

THINK TODAY. How do I come to my glorious career differently tomorrow than yesterday?

THINK about the people who you interact with each day and get to know them and engage them so you can take them along with you…sometimes it is the obvious staring us in the face that we don’t see…what are the perceptions, habits, beliefs? 

Acknowledge and show your appreciation to your team…trust me, catching someone doing something great and letting them know how much you value them will make their day!

I know that I am very much inspired and look forward to continuing to make a difference. 

I hope you are excited too…we are a company truly driven by a Vision.  

Lots to be thankful for and excited about….have a wonderful day, make it personal, and (re)imagine! 

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

LinkUp Thursday: FSO's Got Talent

"FSO is driven by passionate people and the value they create. They are passionate about their work. Their passion and enthusiasm are the fuel that ignites our success."

Good Morning Folks,

FSO is growing at an extremely fast pace. Outsiders want to know the keys to that success -- the driving force behind the ambition. We know it's our people that make the difference. 

Our rapid growth has helped created 2000 new jobs including 240 promotions from within for folks, many of whom were stuck in dead-end jobs and restricted by glass ceilings with their former employers.

FSO is driven by passionate people and the value they create. They are passionate about their work. Their passion and enthusiasm are the fuel that ignites our success. I often refer to the wonderful motivational messages that are being communicated throughout the week internally at FSO by folks from all walks of the company. 

The best way to get to know the size, scope and spirit of FSO is to hear what our employees have to say, from these my favorite of the employee motivational messages to date. For your convenience, in case you missed any or want a reference page to refer back to whenever you need a healthy dose of motivation I present….

What else did I takeaway from our employee communications ?

==> Shawn Curwen: Be A Little Better Today At Something Than You Were Yesterday. "It’s a worthy goal and some days I achieve it. I achieve it on the days when I intentionally go after it. The key to achieving almost any goal, even simple ones, is INTENT. You won’t get better by accident, you get better BY purpose, ON purpose, and FOR a purpose."  

==> Experience Manager Ruan: Pursing Happiness.
"We live in a society, a weird one actually. We have been accustomed to thinking that we have to get something, something like money, high valued goods, an extravagant lifestyle and a prefect partner in order to be happy. In other words, we have been in such an environment which forces us to think that only a complain free life and life with no problems can make us happy. Not a single person existed or exists or will ever exist without having hurdles, or any personal pains.

Mitch Weiner, Jim Caton, Denise Ngeow, Mike Reitano, Steve Jobs, Helen Keller, Oprah Winfrey, you and I.......all of us have had our own challenges. What if: Steve Jobs worked as if he needed only money? What if: Helen Keller sat down doing nothing considering herself handicapped?

These people, instead of complaining, worked harder and smarter. They focused on their blessings, their ability to grow higher and at the same time contribute to others. They did not let hard times deter their dreams, instead learned from them and kept moving ahead. A happy or successful person is not someone who is living in a certain set of circumstances, but rather someone who is living with a certain set of attitudes.

Happiness doesn't depend on getting rid of all conflicts and problems in life....rather, it depends on learning how to deal with those problems and conflicts and knowing how to rise above them to enjoy the good things."

==> Region Director Larry Wallace: It's All About Strategy.
"FSO’s strategy is to provide the best hospitality to all our clients with white glove service and more importantly give each and everyone us the opportunity to achieve our dreams of success. A strategy could be presenting to your client  how we plan to save them costs, provide new services or get them to be the best reference ever."

==> Joseph W. Yap: Every Day Presents A New Opportunity To Be Great Do Something Great For Others.
"How lucky are we to be able be given new chances to improve ourselves, improve the way we serve our clients, improve the way we work with our staff, as well as to improve the way these opportunities are spread among all levels of employment at FSO. This is important. Because great companies make sure that opportunities are available to all levels and not only to a select few. No other outsourcing company does this to their staff and I am a living proof, because I’ve been in the business since the dinosaurs roamed."

==> Northeast Regional Director, Christine Rainey: The Difference Between Quitters And Climbers. 
"A Quitter simply gives up on the climb up the mountain or challenge. Quitters often blame others, become overwhelmed, and allow adversity to stay a lot longer than necessary.

"Campers generally work hard, apply themselves and pay their dues in life to get to the next level. Then they plateau by planting their stakes in the ground, pitch their tent and camp out there for a while. "

"Climbers are a rare breed. They continue to learn, grow, strive and improve until they grow so far they look back and say “I gave it my all”.  

It is truly humbling to reflect on so many fantastic contributors, and every department should be proud to have their hand in our success. 

As you can tell, we are in pursuit of being the best company we can be and loving our staff and our clients. We enjoy what we do, believe in what we do, and deliver to you a passion that just cannot be duplicated by others in our industry.

Forbes wrote… "For any investor assessing innovation, creative destruction and disruptive technologies it’s a must to find the outliers. The standouts are not the technologies themselves but the zealous missionary people who conjure up the big new ideas and champion them to everyone else." 

At FSO, our ability to (re)IMAGINE a future very different than exists today and surround ourselves with passionate, open minded people who always have our client's future success at heart, make FSO the Apple of its industry. The disruptor. The innovator. The better alternative.

Less than 48 months ago, hundreds of FSO clients ALL relied on someone else who let them down. Now they have made the switch to us

Thanks to our employees for all you do for us, and to our clients for awarding us the privilege of serving you.

Have a GREAT day!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email