Thursday, December 4, 2014

LinkUP Thursday: Are We LinkedIn? What Are You Waiting For?

"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still." ~Chinese Proverb

Good Morning Folks,

In between postings here, I use LinkedIn and Twitter to be your guide to the very best resources and information online, providing deep insights into how to find, hire, motivate, train, incentivize, retain and improve the lives of hourly employees— and of course for being happier at work today and always. I sort the grain from the chaff. Think of my role as your information museum curator.

So if we have not connected socially, regardless of age, role in life or anything else, I welcome all in my friendly social club. Friend me on Twitter HERE and LinkedIN HERE.

Now here is today's.....

==> Link UP To The Informative, Enlightening and Inspiring Articles I've Been Sharing on Social Media!

"Only great leaders create great companies. Great leaders will challenge and inspire their people in their quest for excellence. People will only experience a feeling of pride when they worked hard for their success. If success comes easily, overnight, without too much effort, pride will not enter...more

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Shout Out Wednesday: Saluting Our Help Desk Superstars

"Talmas, Many thanks for resolving my VDU issues so promptly and upgrading my set-up. It has really boosted my productivity and the ease with which I can now work. And as a bonus, you even fixed my laptops network problem! Super star!"

Good Morning Folks.

This past week my family, along with many others, celebrated Thanksgiving. I reflected on how blessed we are.

Onsite Outsourcing is a challenging field, but it is also one of the most fulfilling careers a person could ever pursue. You have the chance to interact with humans everyday, and you never know how your interaction may deeply impact them.

It’s great to see Onsite Outsourcing technology, strategy and hospitality in action— all delivered with a PERSONAL TOUCH.

OUR PEOPLE. They are our world. Our life. You're what customers buy and what I owe to my career for each and every day. And I believe you do the same. 

Maya Angelou said, "Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good."

That in mind, here are the great things our clients are telling us about the employees who personify our leaders of the future. And though I never blog too much of our technology capabilities, today I will let our customers do the talking.
Kevin Jackson, ASME
Great job by the team to execute in your absence, shows the strength you have built within your staff.

Cori, Decorian 
"I just wanted to let you know what a good job Cori is doing. I’ve seen him around cleaning the kitchen (in detail), constantly restocking supplies, and in general is extremely helpful (and does everything with a big smile on his face). I’m not the only person who has noticed what a positive impact he has made in his short time here, and I just wanted to make sure you knew everyone is noticing it and is appreciative."

Gloria, Sarah Lawrence
"Just wanted to send you a friendly email to tell you how helpful Gloria was yesterday.  Jackie, our graduate student worker, needed to turn around 80 guides in a couple hours for the Graduate Writing School…we brought the paperwork down to Gloria and she did it faster than expected, no questions asked. It was awesome and I thanked her – but I wanted to make sure you knew."

Cheryl, eni
"Just writing to let you know that Cheryl has been a big help for me in finding design information for some of our shelf facilities. After the transition of this information from New Orleans to Houston when the company moved, locating the document/records has been somewhat of a challenge to put it mildly. And while I haven’t found everything that I have looked for every single time I have gone to her, her initiative and persistence makes me believe we are heading in the right direction."

Keyana, Unicredit
"I just wanted to show you something really great Keyana did on Monday while I was out of the office. I had explained to her that I needed the attached done for a KPI book I was putting together. Although I had notes in a binder of what to do, I did not have the opportunity to walk her through both sheets. She put on her pro-active hat and figured it out on her own and sent it to me on Monday so I would have it today. Isn’t that AWESOME?!!☺"

Capco Team,  **2 Kudos in 1 Month**
"The FSO team is the best!! Always ready to pitch in and help me! I don't know what I would do without them. Thank You!!!!! J J "

"Just wanted to give you guys a big THANK YOU, for assisting with the mass mailing I had. I know it was alot to stuff, label, stamp and mail out over 1000 envelopes. You guys came through and got them all out on time. I appreciate it."

Talmas, IT, Capco **Multiple Kudos in 1 Month**
"Awesome service installing and troubleshooting SharePoint."

"I called Talmas, in the afternoon with a laptop issue. My laptop would not load Windows, leaving me unable to work. Talmas tried to assist over the phone, but when he found that he could not, he met me at the office, and resolved the issue. Talmas definitely went the extra mile! Thank you for resolving my lap top issues and for your patient; you're a great person to work with."

"Appreciate you helping me out with my laptop issues and you are never too busy to assist when needed. Seemed like you were juggling a million laptops at the same time as well! Thanks again!"

"Talmas, Many thanks for resolving my VDU issues so promptly and upgrading my set-up. It has really boosted my productivity and the ease with which I can now work. And as a bonus, you even fixed my laptops network problem! Super star!"

Photo: Leaders of the future breakfast with me
Be inspired. Power of focus and positive energy. It's FSO that makes a difference and you lead the charge. 

Have a fabulous day filled with love and inspiration.  

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"I work very hard, and I play very hard. I'm grateful for life. 
And I live it--I believe life loves the liver of it." -Maya Angelou

Ted Tuesday: An Economist Walks into a Bar: TEDx Talk by Robert Litan

"Business models and structures that have contributed to the success of endeavors such as, Priceline, Google ads, Amazon, and sabermetrics in sports. "I think economists deserve some respect," Litan said.

Good Morning Folks,

In this TEDx talk, Robert Litan, a nonresident senior fellow in Economic Studies, tells the Kansas City audience "how economists and their ideas have contributed to the rise of the entire Internet economy and to some of the iconic companies within it." Litan reviews the contributions economists have made to business models and structures that have contributed to the success of endeavors such as, Priceline, Google ads, Amazon, and sabermetrics in sports. "I think economists deserve some respect," Litan said. Watch below or on

Litan is author, with Ian Hathaway of Ennsyte Economics, of the recent papers, "The Other Aging of America: The Increasing Dominance of Older Firms" and "Declining Business Dynamism in the United States: A Look at States and Metros."

This talk was part of an event titled "Changing the Narrative," held on August 9, 2014.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, December 1, 2014

On Cyber Monday FSO Salutes TECHNOLOGY i.e. "Better Service and Support, At Lower Cost"

"Listen closely and you too will hear the thumping, pulsing heart of a new economy. And now creativity, "the ability to create meaningful new forms," as The Random House Webster's Dictionary puts it--has become both the driving force of economic progress and the decisive source of competitive advantage."

Good Morning Folks,

Welcome to December. I hope you enjoyed the holidays. But the season of joy is just beginning.

Have you noticed that people everywhere at the holidays seem nicer, except at FSO where we serve to please and aim for daily smiles every day of the year, in everything we do, wherever you find us.

But while our people shine, people alone can not rise to the tough challenges facing businesses everywhere to compete successfully and profitably into the 21st Century and beyond.

As you know, the Executive Leadership team and I and more specifically our IT team are always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, making possible what was not before. This includes new products and methodologies to identify opportunities for improvements and help resolve critical IT issues that affect business performance for greater efficiency and productivity.

On this day, the first Monday in December otherwise known as "Cyber Monday" — Online commerce gets a lot of headlines. 

Many people talk about it as a very exciting element of what is happening on the Internet, and clearly it is. 

But I think one area that doesn't get enough recognition is service and support. Look at Dell, as an example. They get 100 million visitors every year to their Website. If you imagine the physical infrastructure that a company would have to have to support 100 million customer contacts, you can begin to see the efficiency that comes from working online with customers in the way the Internet does. Customer service will be a key differentiator in the future of e-commerce, and one of the most sure-fire methods of acknowledging customer queries is by answering e-mails.

This was high-tech in 1867— the innovation that drove Wall Street. The inventor Edward A Calahan unveiled the world's first stock price ticker system in 1867, but it used morse code and was essentially a glorified telegraph receiver. Two years later, Thomas Edison launched the Univeral Stock Ticker machine (pictured). It used alphanumeric numbers and printed one character per second. (Picture from the Museum of American Finance)

In his book titled "Creativity Is the New Economy" economist Richard Florida argues that "it's common to say we are now living in a post-industrial information or knowledge economy. And now creativity, "the ability to create meaningful new forms," as The Random House Webster's Dictionary puts it--has become both the driving force of economic progress and the decisive source of competitive advantage. He writes:
The Creative Age has been distinguished by the rise of two great social classes. The first is the Creative Class, workers in science and technology, arts, culture and entertainment, healthcare, law and management, whose occupations are based on mental or creative labor.

The second and larger one is the Service Class, whose members prepare and serve food, carry out routine clerical and administrative tasks, provide home and personal health assistance, do janitorial work, and the like. The Service Class has grown alongside the Creative Class, rising from twenty percent of the workforce in the late nineteenth century and thirty percent in the 1950s to almost half of the workforce, 60 million plus workers, today.
The Creative Class, which comprised less than ten percent of the workforce in the late nineteenth century and no more than 15 percent for much of the twentieth, began to surge in the 1980s. Since that time more than twenty million new Creative Class jobs were created in the United States. 
This epoch-defining class now numbers more than forty million workers, a third of the workforce, and it generates more than $2 trillion in wages and salaries--more than two thirds of the total US payroll. An additional seven million or so Creative Class jobs will be created over the next decade, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics projections.

Members of the Creative Class engage in complex problem solving that involves a great deal of independent judgment and requires high levels of education. Interestingly enough, however, the Creative Class is not simply another name for the college educated.

While nearly three quarters of college graduates belong to the Creative Class, four in ten of its members do not have college degrees, but still engage in work that is creative by definition. 
At the worst of the crisis, in the first half of 2009, the rate of unemployment for the Creative Class barely topped five percent, even as the rate of unemployment for the nation crested over ten percent and the unemployment rate for blue-collar production workers surged above 15 percent or more. Creative Class unemployment is roughly four percent today, a little less than half the rate for the nation as a whole."
In helping our clients meet the changing demands of business, FSO has and will be launching innovative technologies and hiring and training personal so that your team is comprised of both service and creative-class minds. The best example of this is that only FSO gives you the white glove onsite service backed by the creative-class staffed (re) imagination team. It's all built around a strategy customized to the needs and opportunities of your business.

My friend Jay Turo at blogs about Jessica Simpson, Renée Zellweger, and Bold Predictions.

As we usher out the present and get ready to usher in the new his ideas and predictions from when FSO was just getting started are worthy of reexamination. IHe predicted...
"The prototype of a breakout technology company will continue to evolve from “geeks in a garage tinkering with transistors” to loosely - coupled gangs of media - savvy trendsetters that get the game of viral and cross - platform brand and buzz-building. 
According to Jay, America is getting its mojo back. Once one quiets the mind to the drumbeat of negativity that passes as business and economic news, one can hear the sound of the nation’s entrepreneurial and risk-taking wheels turning.  
He predicted: It Will Be the Year of the Young (and the Young at Heart).
The best qualities of youth – enthusiasm, flexibility of mind and spirit, and the over-riding desire to be inspired will continue to shape the brave new economic world order. 
From youth by the millions leaving the countryside (smart phones in hand) to find their dreams in Shanghai, in Mumbai, in Sao Paulo, in Nairobi, to the young technocratic of Palo Alto, of Manhattan, of Santa Monica, of Moscow, the youth like Renée Zellweger’s unforgettable character in the movie Jerry Maguire, are not so much looking for jobs as they are looking to be inspired.  
And that inspiration, and it is a credit to their more open-minded than ever parents, is found in BOTH making a difference AND making a buck (and/or a rupee or a ruble).
Anti - business do-gooders they are surely not, but nor are they faceless and dreamless company men. Rather, their spirit is raised by big ideas.  
By clean energy for all. By friendship and professional networks not limited by nationality, race, and creed. 
By eliminating hunger in the world not via charity but via a combination of venture philanthropy, technology, and always - on global communication and awareness. 
By healthcare breakthroughs of all types - diagnostic, prescriptive, and in cost and efficiency so that everyone gets great care when and where they need it. 
And it will be the young and the young at heart that will move all of the above and more from dream to reality.  
Not all of it without setbacks and heartaches along the way. But a lot of it.  
This will be the REAL story of the decade- listen closely and you too will hear the thumping, pulsing heart of a new economy."
Not only do these life-changing inventions benefit all of humanity, they promise high employment at good salaries contributing to the economy. And that's why I recently decided to get more involved as I joined the Board of Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools who operates one of the largest Research & Development and Training centers for science and technology education in the world. It develops innovative curricula for robotics, nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, teaching-learning methodologies and online pedagogy for implementation in Israel and export to education systems and hundreds of schools around the world.

On this Cyber Monday, as we shop and pay by mobile phone with applications and possibilities we never dreamed possible, let's give homage to these "Anti-business do-gooders they are surely not, but nor are they faceless and dreamless company men. Rather, their spirit is raised by big ideas." For they have made possible all that we are realizing on our smart phones, and smart TVs today.

The Internet is changing the way business is conducted, at a speed unprecedented in human history. As interconnectivity and information flow increase exponentially, the old "rules of the game" no longer apply. Geographic proximity and established name-brands no longer assure sales or customer loyalty. The ability to instantly compare prices and features empowers buyers and puts new pressure on suppliers to compete on other levels. Business ethics become more important than ever before, as do service and the ability to integrate inputs from a multitude of sources around the globe.

Opportunities to globalize, engage customers and suppliers in real time and facilitate knowledge sharing and best practices can now be achieved in much less time than anyone could have imagined, thanks to the emergence of the Internet.

This New Economy is being driven by a profound development: Individuals and companies worldwide are being electronically linked, a process as significant as an organism developing a nervous system. It's the new platform for business, with the power to trim costs and create sales opportunities by connecting every corner of the corporation with partners and customers.

So it's no surprise that the rules of the game are changing. Many of these principles have been stated before. But taken together they constitute a revolution in the rules of business. Companies that recognize and harness these trends will profit. Companies that do not will shrink or disappear.

FSO has been prepared from the beginning. Readying for 2015 brighter minds, better ideas and breakthrough technology to drive them.

If you aren't familiar with what FSO is up to lately, I hope you'll give us a fresh look.

Have a GREAT Cyber-Monday and a wonderful week!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

*(Now to my sales team please stop shopping and get back to work!)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

On Thanksgiving, Roll Out The Red Carpet For Everyone.

Good Morning Folks,

As the holiday season rolls into town, one word comes to mind: Gratitude.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

We are thankful for our families, friends, clients and associates. We value our relationships with each of you.

Here are 7 ways that will can says thanks to your friends and customers every day of the year.

==>  It's Thanksgiving so Have You Thanked A Customer Today

1. Roll Out The Red Carpet For Everyone. 
If there's one thing people hate about poor service, it's getting treated differently from others. It makes them feel inferior and second-class. Gary Richter says you should roll out the red carpet for everyone, but particularly those who don't expect it. "I tell my employees, if we roll out the red carpet for a billionaire, they won't even notice. If we roll it out for millionaires, they expect it. If we roll it out for thousandaires, they appreciate it. And, if we roll out the red carpet for hundredaires, they'll tell everyone they know."

2. Take Time To Know Your Customers. 
The fast pace of modern living together with advances in technology have together put a non-human face on much of our customer service. If you can find a way to re-connect with your customers one-on-one, you'll strike a chord with your customers that will be like a streak of gold. Kathy Burns remembers a time when people took time to care and listen. "Some of you may remember, and others may have heard stories about, a time in life when the doctor would come to your home to check on you if you were ill. Or maybe you've heard about going down to your local pharmacy and having the owner greet you by name and ask how you're doing. Not only did they ask, but they really wanted to know the answer and they took the time to listen to what you had to say. That's customer service - taking the time to know your customers, really caring about how they feel, and wanting to go the extra mile to make sure they're happy."

3. Be Easy To Do Business With. 
One of the problems with modern businesses is that the systems we use to save time and money are often devised for the company's benefit and not the customers. As a result, the customer experience is frustrating and difficult. Tracey Lowrance says this needs to be reversed. "Customers expect single source service. Customers don't want to be transferred to every unit of your business to have their problems solved. They want to be able to do business with you with the slightest amount of discomfort. You must be easy to do business with."

4. Go Out Of Your Way To Make Sure They're Happy. 
One of the most important things your customers want from you is a guarantee that your product or service will work. So move heaven and earth to make sure it does. Bob Leduc suggests you shouldn't make people pay until they are fully happy. "Instead of offering a money back guarantee, a service business can provide a guarantee to solve the customer's problem. For example, a plumber can guarantee to come back without charge as often as necessary to stop the leak. A landscaper can replace without charge any plants that don't survive for at least 6 months. A sales consultant can continue working without charge until the promised sales results are achieved."

5. Notice What Customers See. 
A big part of what customers think about you comes from what they see and believe. Personal Selling Power noticed the following difference in two candy stores. "Although two competing candy stores had the same prices, neighborhood kids preferred one store to the other. When asked why, they said, "Because the person in the good store always gives us more candy. The girl in the other store takes candy away." True? Not really. In the good store the owner would always make sure to put a small amount of candy on the scale and then keep adding to it. In the bad store, the owner would pile a heaping amount of candy on the scale, and then take it off until it hit the right weight. The same amount of candy was sold, but perception is everything."

6. Work On Everything The Customer Experiences. 
The customer experience isn't just receiving the service or buying the goods. It's about all the other little bits and pieces in-between. Such as the manner of the receptionist, the state of the floors and tables, the attitude of other staff, the ease of parking, the tone of the notices, the smile or lack of it on the face of the checkout team. Be like the Mirage hotel in Las Vegas who have a slogan that says: "We spend 600 hours a week pampering the plants. Imagine what we'll do for our guests."

7. Believe In Customer Service From The Bottom Of Your Soul. 
To become a great service organization, you have to believe in customer service from the bottom of your soul. It has to be part of the way you work. Anita Roddick, founder of retail cosmetic franchise group Body Shop puts it like this: "I am still looking for the modern equivalent of those Quakers who ran successful businesses, made money because they offered honest products and treated people decently, worked hard, spent honestly, saved honestly, gave honest value for money, put back more than they took out and told no lies. This business creed, sadly, seems long forgotten."

You can find 465 more ways to express your gratitude here: 

And if you want to thank our troops, do so HERE.

Saying thanks isn't an operational overhead. It’s critical for business success.

To be part of a company where the employees LOVE what they do and the leaders CARE as much as they do, is such a blessing… we are VERY LUCKY to be a part of the FSO Family!”

Thank you for your continued confidence and support. 

We sincerely wish you and your families a festive and joyous Thanksgiving Holiday.

Have a GREAT WEEKEND! We'll be back blogging on Monday!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Kindness it is that brings forth kindness always."
-- Sophocles (447 BC)

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

Access Staffing, Adecco Usa, ADP, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, Albert Einstein, College Of Medicine, Amazon Corporate, American Express Company, American Honda Motor Company, American University, Amgen, Amster Rothstein & Ebanstein, Anchor Associates Group Inc, Angelo, Gordon & Co., Anne Arundel County Govt, Aquantive, Arent Fox Llp, Arhus, Kobmandsskole, Arrowhead Aea, Ascena, Asrc Federal Holding Company, Atkina, Llc, Aurelius Capital Management, Automatic Data Processing, Automattic, Ball State University, Baltimore Technology Park, Bank Of America, Barclays Financial Corp., BDBO New York, Bechtel Corp, Bell Canada, Best Buy, Black Oak Computers Inc, Blackrock Financial Management, Bloomberg Bloomberg, Brandprotect, Brookfield Asset Management,Brown Advisory, Bsnl, BT (UK searching for Denise), Cahill Gordon & Reindel, California Department Of Justice, California Education And Research Federation Network, California State University, Long Beach, Canon Usa, Carolinas, Healthcare System, Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, Cb Richard Ellis, Cbi Connect, Cdw - Cdw Llc, Ceasars Entertainment Group, Central Methodist University, Charles Schwab & Co., Choopa, Llc, City Of Los Angeles,  Citigroup, City Of Houston, Clyde & Co Llp, Colgate-palmolive Co., Colliers Abr, Inc - Cassidy Turley, Chubb, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, Cooley Llp, Columbia University, Completel, Comporium Communications, Commercial Bank Of Africa, Comstock Park Public Schools, Conagra Foods, Concordia College, Condenast Publications, Control Risks Group Llc, Coral Graphics, Cottage Hospital, County Of Marin, County Of Suffolk, New York, Credit Suisse Group, Credit Suisse Group / Canada, Cuddy & Feder Llp, Cwie, Llc, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., Data Control And Systems, Datagram, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Dental Of California, Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan, Department Of Administrative Services (Ohio), Department Of The Interior, Office Of The Secretary, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Detroit Public Schools, Dewitt Stern Group, Inc., Dod Network Information Center, Dow Jones & Company, Devry, Depaul University, Dga Security Systems, Dickstein Shapiro Llp, Discover, Financial Services, Distributed Systems Services, Do It Best Corp, Duane Morris, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom,Edelman Pr, Emerge212, Equity Residential, Ernst & Young Llp, Esi International, Espn, Estee Lauder, European Police Office (europol), Evercore Partners Services East, Llc, Experian Revenue Assurance Test, Facebook Corporate, Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Family Dollar, Federal Aviation Administration, Federated Systems Group, Fedex Office & Print Services, Fenwick & West, Fidelity National Financial, Fifth & Pacific Cos, First American Equipment Financial, Fisher Scientific, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Llp, Fujitsu Limited, Florida Department Of Management Services, Florida International University, Ford Motor Company, Fort Hays State University, Fortressitx, Free Sas, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.c., GE, Genentech, Georgetown University, Gerson Lehrman Group,, Llc, Gilead Sciences, Google Corporate, Goose Creek Consolidated Isd, Government Of Saskatchewan,Government Of Singapore, Graphnet Inc., Gravitas Technology, Greenberg Traurig P.a, Griffin Information Systems Limited, Group M Worldwide, Hachette Book Group, Hamilton-clermont Cooperative Assn., Harris Government Sector, Havas Worldwide Llc, Hccs - Houston Community College System, Hearst Corporation, Hewlett-packard Company, Higher Colleges Of Technology, Hill & Knowlton, Inc, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Hma, Hotwire Communications, Hudson County Community College,  Hughes Hubbard & Reed Llp, Humber College, IBM Corporation, Ikon Office Solutions, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Immedion, Llc, Ing Investment Management,, Intergrated Office, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Times, International Monetary Fund, Io Capital Princess, Llc, Jefferies International Limited, Jewish Board Of Family & Children 's Services, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Apparel Group, Jones, Day, jp Morgan Chase, Jw Michaels Co., J. Walter Thompson, Reavis & Pogue, Kabel Bw, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hayes, And Hudler, Hudson County Community College, Kddi Corporation, Kelley Drye & Warren Llp, King & Spalding Llp, Kirby Mcinerney Llp, Kirkland & Ellis Llp, Leaseweb Usa, Laughlin/constable, Inc, Latham Watkins, Legal Source Ls Llc, Leslie Digital Imaging Llc, Lexis-nexis, Linode Resources, Liquidnet Holdings, Lion Resources, Loeb & Troper, Cpa, Lombard Odier Asset Management, Los Angeles County Office Of Education, Loyola Marymount University, Macquarie Bank, Macquarie Holdings, Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company, Marriott International, Marsh, MasterCard, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Mcnc, Mckesson Technologies, Mdmb Law, Medex Pharmacy, Mediadata, Medimmune, Llc, Mellon Bank, Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center, Mercury Radio Arts, Merck And Co, Methodist Hospital Of Memphis,Miami University, Michaels Stores, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, Micro Graphic Info Svcs, Microsoft Corp, Middle Country Public Library, Milbank - Milbank Tweed Hadley Mccloy, Ministry Of Education Computer Center, Miox Corporation, Montclair State University, Moody's Investors Service, Morgan Stanley Group, Moses & Singer Llp, Motorola, Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, Multiverse, Munsch Hardt Kopf Harr, Museum of the City of New York, Namesco Limited, Museum Of The City Of New York, Nassau County Board Of Cooperative Education Services, Nassau County Boces, National Board Of Medical Examiners, National Chiao Tung University, Navy Network Information Center, NBC Universal, Nbs, Nbty, Nco Group, Ncs Pearson, Neuberger Berman, New Jersey Institute Of Technology, New Mexico State University, New York City Public Schools, New York Power Authority, New York Public Library, New York University, Next Jump, Nomura International Plc, Northern Michigan University, Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association, Northwood University, Nyedc, Off Campus Telecommunications, Old Republic, Onewest Bank Fsb, Openband Multimedia, Llc, Ohiohealth Corporation, Orange, Orange County - Telecommunications Department, Orange Israel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Oshean, Oxford Networks, Paramount Pictures, Partners Healthcare System, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Llp, Pavlov Njencom Colo, Perfect Building Maintenance, Peter-paul_verduin Pfizer, Phonoscope, Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, Pitney Bowes Plc, Plum Creek Marketing, Pluk Pluk,  Plus One Health Management, Polaris Project, Polytechnic University, Powerspace & Services, Preferred Office Products, Privax Limited, Procter & Gamble, PwC (50 locations!); Queens Public Library, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges Llp, Qitx; R.r. Donnelley & Sons Company; r.sea; Readers Digest; Reed Smith Llp (PA); Regus Business Centers, Research In Motion; Revenue Assurance Test; Richards Kibbe & Orbe Llp; Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire; Robert Bosch Gmbh, Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire, Rockefeller Group Technology Solutions; Rothschild, Row 44; Royal Bank Of Canada; Rutgers University; Safra National Bank Of New York;; San Diego City Schools; San Francisco Marriott Marquis; Santa Clara County Office Of Education; Sarah Lawrence College; Scholastic; Sfr; Sedwick Llp, Sharp Electronics Corporation; Shearman & Sterling; Sidley Austin Brown & Wood; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Llp; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llp; Social Law Library; Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, Sify Limited, Smoothstone, Societe Generale; Socorro Independent School District; Softbank Bb Corp; Social Security Administration, Sony Pictures Entertainment; Soros Fund Management Llc, Spherion Corporation; src Federal Holding Company, Llc; Standard Motor Products; Starwood Hotels; State Of Minnesota , State Of Montana; Stinson Morrison Hecker Llp; Straub Clinic & Hospital; Sungard Availability Services Usa; Syracuse University; Systems Research And Applications Corp; Talktalk; Tadlock Law Firm Pllc, Target Corporation , Teco Energy; Tesoro; Companies; Texas Blending & Warehousing Corp; Texas Instruments; Texas Medical Center; The Chubb Corporation; The City Of New York; The Coca-cola Company; The Heritage Foundation; The Interpublic Group Of Companies; The Jnt Association; The Limited, The Metrohealth System; The Municipal Communications Utility Of The City O (Iowa); The New York Times Company; The Richard Stockton College Of New Jersey, Tiaa-cref , Time; Toronto District School Board; Tower Group Companies; Trlg – Hq, Ttx Company; Turner Broadcasting System,  U.s. Bancorp; U.s. Bancorp, U.s. Center For Disease Control And Prevention; U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, Ungaretti & Harris, United Business Technologies, United Stationers Supply Co., University Of Arkansas, University Of Connecticut, University Of Dayton, University Of Florida, University Of Maryland, University Of New Mexico, University Of Notre Dame, University Of Texas At San Antonio, University Of Virginia, Urs Corporation, Us Department Of Defense Net, U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations, Varian Medical Systems, Viacom, Virgin, Virgin Media, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ, Virgo Penn Business Centers L, Viacom, Vivo, Virgin Media, Virginia Community College System, Volumedrive,, Warrenville, Illinois, United States, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weitz & Luxenberg, Wellington Management Company, Llp, Wells Fargo & Company, West Corporation, West Publishing Corporation, White & Case Llp, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, Widnes, Halton,, Wisdom Tree Investments, Inc., Workforce Software, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, X--ray Optical Systems, Inc., Xerox Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Xilinx Incorporated, Yamaguchi Cable Vision Co.,ltd, Yaquinto Printing, Yon Lew, Zuckerman Spaede

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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