Friday, January 16, 2015

Inspire Me Friday: Successful Organizations Do Not Just Happen – And They Do Not Just Stay Successful.

"I am thrilled to be part of FSO. As you know, Chicago had the privilege of winning the first ever “PwC Site Of The Year Award” in our category, which we are very proud of, especially because it was no easy feat to accomplish. It took a great deal of preparation and execution by the whole team, a real team effort."

Good Morning Folks,

I often refer to the wonderful motivational messages that are being communicated throughout the week internally at FSO by folks from all walks of the company.

Today I'd like to share a recent message from Experience Manager Alex Vizcarra, leader of the team that just took home our 2014 Award for "PwC Site Of The Year Award”  and the hardest working advocate of outsourcing and FSO that I know. Alex....

Successful Organizations Do Not Just Happen – And They Do Not Just Stay Successful. 
Great organizations are made up of individually successful people who do the right things at the right time in the right circumstances. The managers of these organizations are leaders who work with the people to create clear direction and vision, build effective teams, and focus on customer needs. 
With that being said, FSO is a great example of a successful organization. There is clear direction and vision, case in point, tonight we will partake in the FSO Annual 2015 Goals and Objectives meeting. Where Mitch, Jim and the rest of the leadership team will strategize, direct and lead the FSO nation onto continued success through 2015 and beyond.   
I am thrilled to be part of FSO. As you know, Chicago had the privilege of winning the first ever “PwC Site Of The Year Award” in our category, which we are very proud of, especially because it was no easy feat to accomplish. It took a great deal of preparation and execution by the whole team, a real team effort. In addition to having the arduous task of championing change and fostering teamwork among the team, as well as having to establish a great relationship with the client through hospitality and customer focus, we also had a huge renovation project which involved setting up new floors for the client staff to swing into while also closing down the old floors for demolition and renovation… only to once again have to set them up anew for opening of day one. 
Which, by the way, was only phase 1… phase 2 will take place this coming June followed by Phase 3 in December. 
I once again wish to thank our great leadership team, with special mention to Debra as well as Missy and Shalaine, who helped to pilot the “Rolling Out the Red Carpet” program in Chicago in the latter part of the year. That generated
a lot of kudos and continues to do so.  
I look forward to seeing many of you tonight and may our success continue through 2015.  Can you see 2020 clearly? 
At FSO, our ability to (re)IMAGINE a future very different than exists today and surround ourselves with passionate, open minded people who always have our client's future success at heart, make FSO the Apple of its industry. The disruptor. The innovator. The better alternative.

Competition: Hear us loud and clear. We are coming for you.

Bravo Taylor Miller. Amazing message and THANK YOU FOR BELIEVING.

Do you have the courage to change things? Think different. 

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: 2014 Awards— “We Are All Of Us Stars, And We Deserve To Twinkle.” ― Marilyn Monroe

"Last night was amazing! My team & I truly appreciate the honor bestowed upon us.

I LOVE my FSO family! Congratulations to all the Winners! "

Greetings Folks,

On January 7th FSO held our 2014 awards ceremony. We recognized our staff in the field for all the great work they do. What a great and special night.

Congratulations to our 2014 award winners:

FSO Best Experience Associate 2014 
Small Site: Noel Hurtado (Fross)
Medium Site: William Restrepo (Neuberger)
Large Site: Ashley Menear (Y&R)

FSO Comet Group 
Teresita Arenas (Orlando)

FSO Supernova Group – Associate 2014 
Sheela Pedilla (Denver)

FSO Director of the Year 2014
Russell Gambino

FSO Excellence in Execution for HQ
Sharon Hovenburg

FSO Galactic Group – Associate 2014 
Aaron Hazard (Atlanta)

FSO Top Revenue Performer 2014 
Taylor Miller

FSO Regional Director 2014
Lissette Umpierre

FSO Mothership Group – Associate 2014 
Anthony Mazzarino

FSO Inspiration Award – PwC Manager 2014
Peter Gagnon (Boston)

FSO Carpe Diem – 2014 
Hope Ndoci

Best Experience Manager 2014 
Small Site: Keith Kowalczyk (GFK)
Medium Site: Dian Hussain (Metropolitan)
Large Site: Jonathan Ramos (IMG)

Passionate Power House of the Year
PwC – Chicago & Florham Park
Small – Kate Spade
Large – CAPCO

In addition, we have always made it a priority at FSO to continuously provide new and rewarding opportunities for all of our employees. One of the foundations of our company is to provide our people with as many opportunities to fulfill their dreams as possible. Experience Associates and Experience Leads from our Messenger Division are participating in our Messenger Internship Program (MIP)! 

Classes included a number of professional development courses as well as cross training in various services lines from across all of FSO, providing each member with invaluable skills to further their careers. 

We are proud to salute the graduates of our Messenger Internship Program:

Aaron Warren
Adell Santiago
Alberto DeLuna
Andre Bright
Antonio Casanova
Bernadette Alvarez
Clamann Edwards
Dawn Carroll Goodwin
Detra Battles
Elizabeth Berrry
George Valdez
Hope Walker
Jasmine Davison
Mayliz Paris
Melissa Field
Robert Foster
Sandra Akesson
Sherina Davis
Steven Torres
Theo Frangos
Titus Chance
Tymeek Mills
Vaughn Bellot

A video of the awards ceremony including chats with some of the winners is in the final stages of editing and will be showcased right here, soon.

As Marilyn Monroe once said, “We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” That says it all in our case. Everyone at FSO is a winner, and as I stated in my opening speech at the awards show, and when I gave my bow to all of you.. I could never do it without you.. we are family.. we are one FSO, and we are here to help one another.

I couldn't be prouder of each and every member of the FSO team.

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Whoever is happy will make others happy, too."
~~Mark Twain
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Panti Bliss, (aka Rory O'Neill)-- "All The Little Things"

"This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Ireland's foremost "gender discombobulist", Panti, shares her experience of the little, everyday things that can have a huge impact on the well being of gay people. Panti expresses her thoughts on navigating a world in which the simple act of holding hands can be a political statement in itself."

Good Morning Folks,

While captivating an audience is a skill that takes years to develop, there are some simple ways to instantly improve your speaking and presentation skills. In this awesome TED Talk; not only can you see a great speaker in action… tackling a subject we're all a little uncomfortable with... and you can broaden your knowledge too! 

So just how did a Ballinrobe altar boy grow up to become one of Ireland's most powerful and glamorous women? That's the mystery solved by in today's installment of Ted Tuesday.

Panti Bliss, (aka Rory O'Neill) who made international headlines last February after an impassioned speech against homophobia on stage in Dublin went viral, was invited to do a TED talk on September 12 and the speech, which showcases Panti's wit and speaking talents spectacularly, was posted to YouTube yesterday.

The speech, titled "All The Little Things", concerns the homophobia in society which chips away at a gay person's self worth and well-being:
Bliss: "Everyday I am jealous of straight people because that tiny intimate expression of affection has never once been mine...I am jealous of that because gay people do not get to hold hands in public without first considering the risk...We look around to see where are we, who’s around, what kind of place is it…are there bunches of lads outside a pub? ... I’m 45 years old and I have never once casually, comfortably, carelessly held hands with a partner in public... I’m 45 and I’m fed up of putting up so I’m not anymore. I’m 45 years old and I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the energy anymore. Putting up is exhausting. I’m 45 years old and I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore. I was born 6 months before the Stonewall riots and you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances, I am just as ordinary, just as unremarkable, and just as human as you are. I’m 45 years old and I’m not asking anymore. I am just being…human being."
Poignant, intimate, and powerful,here's Panti Bliss getting a standing ovation for an unforgettable Ted talk on homophobia: 

I love and hate seeing things like this. I love them because I love to see people talking and standing up for who they are. Panti Bliss is right! It is the small things, and they begin to add up. As a straight man I am very lucky to do those little things carelessly. I'm looking forward to the day everyone cannot do so without a second thought. 

For all those who can't yet feel safe or comfortable, you have my full support and love.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Law Firms: It's Time to Explore A Better Outsourcing Alternative

"Savings come not just from eliminating each $900 lateral file, but also from freeing up Class A office space formerly used to store paper in order to be sub-leased for tens of millions of dollars per year." 


There is a new shift in understanding the real value outsourcing can bring to an organization for innovation, or in other words, to gain additional revenue. 

If used strategically outsourcing can become a leverage that can help use new resources for new projects and help drive growth. 

You owe it to yourself to engage competition before renewing an outsourcing contract. The worst that can happen is, even if you maintain status quo, you’ll have stretched your existing vendor to a new level of thought.

Can your incumbent do this?  
==> Offer new ideas instead of more of the problems you hired your vendors to solve

==> Give you access to operational expertise, service lines, resources and capabilities you may not possess

==> Leverage new technologies with revolutionary impacts and widespread benefits

==> Deliver better service at lower cost

At FSO, we (re)IMAGINE a productive combination of people + solutions + technology from the inside out. Not only to offer a better business service and to wring more costs out of operations, but also to create a surrounding experience that wows you at every touch point and can't be duplicated. 
What Customers Are Saying:

"They have done well by us. People show up and work gets done.The help desk changed to oursourced model is very successful."
"We are convinced the did the right thing and picked the right company. Things are getting done that were overlooked before, because we have the manpower and expertise that was lacking and, as a result, improvements are being made all the time."
"They are proactive, like a breath of fresh air. They're well dressed, presentable, and....cheaper!"

Take the time to figure out a switch is right for you and your project. You may decide it’s not- in which case you just saved yourself a TON of time.

Call me directly at 212.204.1193 and I will be glad to speak with you directly.

Have a fabulous day filled with love and inspiration.  

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.”
- Peter Drucker

What Have We Done For Law Firms Lately?
At Weitz and Luxenberg
Turning a expense burden into a profit center: We recently completed the largest and most successful document conversion in the New York area, migrating over 35 million pages to electronic format. Savings come not just from eliminating each $900 lateral file, but also from freeing up Class A office space formerly used to store paper in order to be sub-leased for tens of millions of dollars per year

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Sneak Preview of FSO's 2014 Awards Celebration

“Thank You Mitch! and Jim! for caring so much about your employees. I'm humble and thankful everyday that I can work with a great team which makes what I do so much better and effortless. Thank You to Lissette my wonderful director; who saw my potential and pushed me to get out there and show it. I would not have been were I am now with out her. I was speechless last night, so many thanks to everyone and CONGRATS to all the winners” ~~ Teresita 

Good Morning Folks,

Last night concluded our award ceremony for 2014.. but we cannot ever forget it.. the video will be coming out.. more pictures on their way with specifics of who won what… and hugs will never stop. 

I have a busy day but wanted to share a few photos so you can embrace the spirit of the evening. 

I am so proud of you.. certainly for the out of state folks you might not have seen, but I was choked up and tearing many times during the awards.. the winners speeches and the words spoken about our growth, our care and simply how people feel was, well hard to say.. just amazing…. Stephie kept giving me tissues.. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the WINNERS.. both the staff, the sites and HQ.

Everyone at FSO is a winner, and as I stated in my opening speech and when I gave my bow to all of you.. I could never do it without you.. we are family.. we are one FSO, and we are here to help one another.

More to come in the next day or so from marketing to announce all our winners properly. Check back here next Wednesday where your Shout Outs will be dedicated to the winners and a video of the event should be ready to post.

THANK YOU.. thank you for your efforts.. thank you for the care.. thank you for being part of this great company.. thank you for believing, and thank you for being part of history in the making.

Be inspired. Power of focus and positive energy. It's FSO that makes a difference and you lead the charge. 

Have a fabulous day filled with love and inspiration.  

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” -John Mason

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email