Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Shout-Out Wednesday: A Few Kind Words

"Pat is a true leader in every sense of the word leader. Pat has great relations with her clients, and is teaching, guiding and mentoring her team every day. She gives her team high praises for doing a great job and thanks them each and every day for the hard work that they do.  She is a true representation of FSO with the fire, skip, twinkle she has and so much more. Keep up the great work!"

Good Morning Folks,

Here a few of the words of praise coming across my desk this week from clients, in appreciation of the value our awesome employees are providing:

Orelbi at The World's Preeminent Newspaper For Which The Square Outside Our Offices Is Named
"I just wanted to send a quick note to say that Orelbi has been doing a great job as the mail guy for my department at the the paper. I had been working with James for quite a while and was sad to hear he was leaving. I was worried it would be a little rough during the transition period, but James took the time to really train Orelbi, and Orelbi picked everything up very quickly. It was a smooth transition and Orelbi is doing wonderful. He is nice, does his job well, and asks very good questions when necessary."

A Major Banking Institution Praises Our "Richie"
"We met with the team this morning, and I thanked them each for their participation in getting our daily run numbers to the magical “75”!!! I gave them each a certificate for free lunch in the café, and Richie I gave the $40.00 visa gift card that I typically give to the weekly winner. I also took the chance to stress how pleased I was that the numbers were achieved yesterday without a single customer complaint!!!! To me that is more important than the success of the 75 runs! The team seems very enthusiastic and I am confident that the success for this team will continue. I ask that your management team continue to foster this positive energy and growth. I am confident we can work any issue out to continue this success! Thank you David, Dean, and FSO team!!!"

Kudos to Our New Jersey Team of a Boston-Based AMLAW 200 Firm
"Didn’t get a chance sooner but last week your team worked with me to complete some filings (motions, certifications, etc.) and we all no how hectic and crazy this process can get.  Just wanted to give the team a big thanks from me for doing a great job!"
And to our "June" Working At The Same Site
"June has completed this project in an exemplary fashion. Thank you. Normally, it would take the group a lot longer to complete this task; however, with June’s assistance we are now able to efficiently move forward with the results of the project. Again, this is extremely helpful to all of the attorneys in our group. As always, thanks!"

To all of those applauded, CHEERS to you and THANK YOU for working tirelessly to deliver Service Extraordinaire with a smile. Keep up the great work!!

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." 
--Amelia Earhart
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Without Self-Meaning, Money Means Nothing

"This is the battle cry of the millennial generation who is shaping the future of the workplace, here at FSO, and everywhere."

Good Morning Folks,

When I shared a Wharton Americus Reed, II's (the Whitney M. Young Jr., Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) take on today's TED Talk on LinkedIn, a colleague  stood up and took immediate notice.

Her takeaway was that money, in the abstract, is meaningless. Just chits on the digital page, dollars in the trading account.

It's a tool, like a hammer.

A hammer is meaningless until you lift it and build a house, or smash a skull. A hammer can be good, or bad.

Likewise, money.

It means nothing until you do something with it.

Bad, frivolous, or good.

Opined Professor Reed in a Huffington Post review of this Ted talk, "If I had a dime for every business student who entered my office; lamenting the self-described drudgery that is their work-life. They thought that a career on Wall Street or in heavy duty consulting would bring that pristine pot of gold. They were right. And wrong. Yes, those hundred plus hour weeks catapult you into that illusive 5% earner stratosphere. But if I had a dime for every student who would later confide in me: "it just was not fulfilling," ironically, I would be as wealthy as the financial institutions from which they feverishly depart.


Enter social psychologist Paul Piff and his provocative TEDx talk "Does money make you mean?" Sixteen and a half minutes of summarized laboratory and field data show an association between wealth, and lack of compassion, empathy and pro-social motivation.

It's amazing what a rigged game of Monopoly can reveal. In this entertaining but sobering talk, social psychologist Paul Piff shares his research into how people behave when they feel wealthy. (Hint: badly.) But while the problem of inequality is a complex and daunting challenge, there's good news too. (Filmed at TEDxMarin.)

Professor Reed, II observes, "This Isn't Your Father's Business Person Identity--therein lies the paradigm shift. There is a new model of business and business student afoot: The student who enters my office with a deep passion to do two things. Make money and do good. Business schools are "rebranding" themselves to welcome this new identity. It's being called "social impact." The identity of the student, who has realized that mindless self-investment into the false idol of material things for their sake, is an empty void--a fast track to an empty soul--is changing. Business students are becoming much more aware, and self-reflective."

This is the battle cry of the millennial generation who is shaping the future of the workplace, here at FSO, and everywhere.

Watch the short 16 minute presentation and see if you don't agree.

Whatever your takeaway is, it takes a brave person to take on the Corporate interests in today's world, because they are global and pernicious - just like they have always been. Bravo Paul for helping us (re)IMAGINE new and different possibilities.

Let’s have some fun.. ITS OUR TIME, together we can do it.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

Monday, September 28, 2015

Speaking of Changing Fall Colors, A Leader's True Colors Are Revealed in Tough Times

"Regardless of where you work, always continue to learn what makes leaders successful and what makes them fail" 

Good Morning Folks,

As I have often reminded our teams, anything is possible. Regardless of where you work, or what you do, always continue to learn what makes people successful and what makes them fail.

Because.. The most important resource in the entire universe is YOU. Products, services, innovation, ideas, breakthroughs – they all exist in your head, your heart and your hands. The output of your thinking, the engaging of your heart and the enlistment of your hands create profound results.

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people can’t do”. Find me anyone with skip, fire and twinkle who wants to learn and grow, and I will promise you a career in my company, never just a job. No one ever sets out to be average at FSO, we need to be the best at everything we do.

I am forever grateful to you all for being such a loyal audience and for the great feedback you've been sending my way. I really appreciate it!

Great leadership seems easy when things are good and everybody's happy. When times grow tough, however, a leader's true colors are revealed.

Ten years ago, a group of U.S. soldiers tasted combat for the first time in Sadr City, Iraq. Bill Murphy Jr. got to know one of the junior U.S. leaders in that battle when he wrote a book about West Point and wartime.  

Murphy chronicles the lives of representative 2002 graduates of the United States Military Academy. A former trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice and an army veteran, Murphy was protégé of celebrity journalist Bob Woodward and has military experience that may have helped him connect to his subjects and perhaps encouraged them to be open with him. He also reported from Iraq for the Post. Here's an excerpt from In Time of War that first appeared in INC:
Dave Swanson was a 26-year-old lieutenant then. He's out of the military now, and we talked recently about what he learned by leading 40 soldiers in 82 straight days of combat. Most of us probably won't be taking a platoon into a hail of gunfire anytime soon, but applying these principles can greatly improve your effectiveness as a leader, no matter what challenges you face. 
1. Control your fear.
As bullets whizzed by him for the first time, Swanson says he was very much afraid. However, he realized he had to subdue his fear because his soldiers were looking to him for clues as to how they should react. 
Courage doesn't mean the absence of fear, and of course being a leader certainly doesn't mean charging ahead blindly in the face of adversity. It does mean you can't allow your fear to become contagious. Your team needs to believe you're in control of yourself, if they're to have confidence that you can make smart decisions in tough times. 
2. Remember that the mission comes first.
You owe a lot to your team for giving you the privilege of placing their trust in you. First on the list, you owe them a goal worth dedicating their efforts to, and you need to demonstrate that you're willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it. 
"I say complete the mission at minimal expense to the people," Swanson says. "Every military leader will publicly say that the mission comes first, but we always accomplished the mission with the soldiers in mind."
3. Remember that the mission comes before you, too.
The only way that "mission-first" mantra can work is if your people truly believe that you will put the mission before yourself, too. In a life-imitates-art moment, Swanson says that in the heat of combat, he thought of a line from the 2001 HBO miniseries, Band of Brothers: "The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier." 
In combat, this means being willing to risk your own safety for others in the unit and the mission. In other contexts, it means demonstrating that you'll sacrifice your personal short-term interests for the team's goal. Otherwise, how can you ask them to do so? 
4. Rely on your preparation.
Swanson spent years preparing for battle. He had been an enlisted solider, he spent four years at West Point, and he trained for nearly two years after graduation. While training alone will never quite prepare you to lead in real life, he says, it's as close as you can get to the real thing. 
The same principle applies in any leadership context. Think ahead of time about how you'll react to tough situations, so you can free your mind in crucial moments to react and adapt quickly. 
5. Be tough, but human.
"To those who have been in combat," Swanson explains, "you live by hardness, intuition, and compassion." 
As an example, he stayed awake and on duty for 60 straight hours at the start of the battle, pushing himself until he physically collapsed, but he also found moments of humanity and even humor in the heat of combat. Your team needs to know that you're tough, but also that you're reacting to the world around you like an engaged leader, not a machine. 
6. Encourage your people.
Business is rarely a matter of life and death, but war certainly is. One of Swanson's soldiers, Specialist Jacob Martir, was killed in action during the months of fighting, and several others were wounded and sent home to hospitals in the U.S. 
"It absolutely ate me alive to lose anyone in the platoon," Swanson says. However, he realized that it fell to him to encourage his soldiers and inspire them to keep going. "They were all special. The next day after any [casualty], I would remind them that each of them had already sacrificed themselves for each other on a daily basis--and how, if required, I would sacrifice myself for any of them." 
7. Communicate effectively.
In the heat of battle, it's easy--almost natural--to shut down everything else and focus exclusively on the job at hand. That's a dangerous inclination, however. It's important to make communicating what's going on a priority as well. Your team and all of your stakeholders need to know what's going on, or they can't contribute. 
"Early on in combat, radio communications weren't always the greatest, but that was no excuse," Swanson says. "When technology fails--and it always does at the worst possible moment--you need to have backup ways of getting and giving information." 
8. Use your resources wisely. But use them.
Especially in the first days of combat, Swanson's unit dealt with destroyed and unarmored vehicles, and insufficient supplies of almost every sort. More important, confusion, combat, and casualties left them critically short of soldiers. 
At the same time, they made full use of everything they had. At the end of the first week of fighting, for example, Swanson reflected that he had personally gone through ten 30-round magazines, meaning he had fired 300 bullets at the enemy. Just about everyone else in his platoon had, as well. 
9. Imitate the leaders who inspire you.
When Swanson had to act in the heat of battle, especially when his soldiers' eyes were on him, he thought back to the lessons he had learned at West Point, and some of the other leaders he had known and respected. He also found himself asking a question that has circulated for years among military leaders as a sort of joke: "What would John Wayne do?"
"Regardless of where you work, always continue to learn what makes leaders successful and what makes them fail," he says.

We have amazing employees, customers and leaders at FSO. Thanks to our employees for all you do for us, and to our clients for awarding us with the privilege of serving you.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Excellence is not an act, but a habit"
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

TED Tuesday Rosie King: How Autism Freed Me To Be Myself

Rosie King challenges stereotypes of people with autism and contextualizes the issue by asking us, “Why be normal?”

Good Morning Folks,

In the past we've used our TED Tuesdays to create awareness, compassion and understanding around some subjects that are a little bit uncomfortable and not always talked about. But since no two people walk in the same shoes, I think it is helpful to shed light on challenges, that perhaps you, or someone you work with, or love, is going through in an optimistic way. To me, this is one of TED's greatest contributions to the world at large. With ten million views on TED and another quarter million on Youtube, today's featured talk is a case in point.

“People are so afraid of variety that they try to fit everything into a tiny little box with a specific label,” says 16-year-old Rosie King, who is bold, brash and autistic. She wants to know: Why is everyone so worried about being normal? She sounds a clarion call for every kid, parent, teacher and person to celebrate uniqueness. It’s a soaring testament to the potential of human diversity.

When she was nine years old, doctors confirmed Rosie King’s self-diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. With two younger siblings severely affected by autism, Rosie had a burning desire to help make the world a more tolerant place for people with autism ever since she was a young girl. She found the opportunity to do so when her family was invited to do a local news segment on her mother’s children’s books, which featured Rosie’s illustrations. Her lack of inhibition made her a natural presenter, and she was asked to host BBC Newsround’s special program “My Autism and Me,” bringing her a much wider audience and an Emmy Kid’s Award. Rosie continues to raise awareness about autism, and is working towards her goal of becoming a professional actress and storyteller.

I'll end as Rosie does: "I'm going to leave you with one question: If we can't get inside the person's minds, no matter if they're autistic or not, instead of punishing anything that strays from normal, why not celebrate uniqueness and cheer every time someone unleashes their imagination?"

Thanks to you for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, September 21, 2015

It's Your Career.

"No one is going to serve you a career on a silver platter. Your career will be what you make it. No more, no less."

Good Morning Folks,

Often I hear candidates say they want to leave a job, because their current employer is not ‘looking after my career’.

Sure, it’s important to work for a company like FSO where you can thrive, but you must above all understand this:

The person who will always care most about your career is you!

All of which reminds me of this post I saved from a recruiter I know...

==>  You Own Your Career, No-One Else! By: Alexey Fursov

The biggest mistake you can make in your work life is leave your career to your employer, or anyone else. You have to work at your career goal, plan it, and drive it where you want it to go.

Please understand that just having the qualifications is not enough anymore. Gone are the days where ‘getting the right degree will set up your career’. A degree just gets you the chance to get on the field, not win the game.

Ponder this. Success in your career will never be just a matter of qualifications or skills. It will always be a matter of motivation.

No one is going to serve you a career on a silver platter. Your career will be what you make it. No more, no less.

And so, as clichéd as it sounds, the starting point is to find what you like doing.

A career without passion and enthusiasm will have no meaning, no joy, and little hope of long-term success.

Indeed, does your career goal keep you awake at night?

If not, maybe you need to start to worry. You have 30 more years at work, and trust me on this.

No one else is having sleepless nights about what happens to your career.

So that means no one is steering your career ship.

Bottom line: You are always afforded a career, not just a job at FSO. But it's not a free ride.  Whether you have the motivation to apply and invest in yourself to learn and grow into future opportunities, is your part of the deal.

So, just a quick good morning. Great inspiration and motivation. Thanks for listening. Have fun and love life folks. We have lots to be thankful for. 

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time."

Friday, September 18, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Chipotle Adds Inspiration To Their Menu

Good Morning Folks,

My assistant, Hope, came across this story as she was eating Chipotle for lunch. It was on the paper bag they put your food in. She found it inspirational and think you will too. 
A legend tells of a man who used to carry water every day to his village, using two large pitchers tied on either end of a piece of wood, which he placed across his shoulders. 
One of the pitchers was older than the other and was full of small cracks; every time the man came back along the path to his house, half of the water was lost. 
For two years, the man made the same journey. The younger pitcher was always very proud of the way it did its work and was sure that it was up to the task for which it had been created, while the other pitcher was mortally ashamed that it could carry out only half its task, even though it knew that the cracks were the result of long years of work. 
So ashamed was the old pitcher that, one day, while the man was preparing to fill it up with water from the well, it decided to speak to him. 
“I wish to apologize because, due to my age, you only manage to take home half the water you fill me with, and thus quench only half the thirst awaiting you in your house.” 
The man smiled and said:  “When we go back, be sure to take a careful look at the path.” 
The pitcher did as the man asked and noticed many flowers and plants growing along one side of the path. 
“Do you see how much more beautiful nature is on your side of the road?” the man remarked. “I knew you had cracks, but I decided to take advantage of them. I sowed vegetables and flowers there, and you always watered them. I’ve picked dozens of roses to decorate my house, and my children have had lettuce, cabbage and onions to eat. If you were not the way you are, I could never have done this. We all, at some point, grow old and acquire other qualities, and these can always be turned to good advantage.”
We are a great team. We are a great company. We have great people. You have to come every day with your game day ready to go. Let's see how many football teams remember that this weekend.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe, Fun and Refreshing Holiday Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"Remember that you deserve to be happy. It's your natural-born right."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: A True American Hero in Our Midst

"Gratitude is a beautiful way to acknowledge those who make our lives happier and more meaningful. This, along with care, motivation, people development and training is how I’ve built my business."

Good Morning Folks,

It's an honor to share feedback from our clients about our employees at their sites.

And then there is an unbelievable and truly a testament of why we have amazing folks in the FSO family - thank you Miguel for your amazing heroism. We are honored to have you part of FSO - again thank you!!!!

Our clients LOVE us! Why? Because of YOU, our teammates! Here are highlights from all the kudos we’ve received since our last edition. Keep up the good work!

Miguel- 70 Greene **2 Kudos in 1 Month**
"So, I'm going start with: this guy is my hero and I'm going to end with, this guy is my hero! Miguel: our FSO Ambassador manning the Concierge Front Desk was conducting his duties when he noticed what he thought, had to be a prank (on him....testament to the bond he has with his clients of the apartment building). A tenant of the building came out of the elevator, heavily pregnant and holding a 2 year old and bleeding profusely from her wrist (sorry to be graphic).

It was an attempted suicide. This was not an episode of "what would you do?... There was no John Quiñones to come out from behind the camera. Miguel didn't believe what he was seeing and took a moment to get his head straight. What he did next saved not just the woman (Mom) but the unborn and the 2 year old toddler. The woman intended to get in her car and when Miguel confronted her, she pleaded to allow her to get to her car to go to hospital. Miguel was, oh no you don't, he grabbed her wrist as a human tourniquet and made her sit down. She tried to convince him to let her go and get in her car but he took control and had another associate call 911 and get EMTs out. Miguel kept her awake as she repeatedly passed out.

EMTs arrived and took her away to hospital and Miguel, if you didn't do what you did, she would have bled out in 4 mins. If she had made the car, it could have cost her a lot more than her and her unborn.

The woman is ok and back yesterday at the building and her husband couldn’t have been more than you'd expect him to be in his thanks to Miguel.

Miguel, with military background has kind of shook it off as "it was ok, and we see a lot as Concierge."

You are a hero... You saved 3 lives in your watch and if ever FSO could think of an example of what greatness is, you are our superman. Kudos !!!"

People who work hard for FSO and burt clients, have the privilege of being able to interact
with the President and Founders at CHO Club, and share a drink with them after work!

Cleon & Adrieanne, PHD

"A note of praise for Cleon… Besides him always having a smile and a good morning for everyone, he works extremely hard and is willing to help with any project needed at any time.I just wanted you to know he is really magnificent and a wonderful asset."

"Adrieanne is fabulous!  And definitely a keeper.  She really thinks about what she's doing and analyzes it and asks the right the attention to detail!"

Shanelle, At Wall Street's Biggest International Bank
" Ms. Shanelle was assigned to front desk reception performing normal duty functions at which time she was approached by an SG Employee who was on our “DO-NOT ADMIT” list.  Ms. Jimenez recognized the employee and confirmed/authenticated the access status of the employee. After determining that a restriction and immediate notification requisite was in-place, Ms. Shanelle swiftly and calmly made the required notifications without escalating the employee’s emotions. He professional deportment and subtle quick actions significantly contributed to the overall calmness of the encounter between the employee, human resources and corporate security. Ms. Shanelle's professionalism, combined with her cool, calm and collective composure under a stressful situation is a credit to FSO. It is a pleasure to have Ms. Shanelle assigned to the SG account and team!"

Trevor,At Wall Street's Biggest International Bank
“I wanted to take a minute to tell you how fortunate I have been to know, and work with Trevor. He is a remarkable, conscientious, and quick thinking individual.”

Cory, At the Atlanta Site of Global Talent Management Lreader
"I think Corey is a terrific addition to our team…always smiling…saying hello…and ON TOP of everything.  It’s refreshing to have someone so nice and willing to help in the office."

Mandi, Working for FSO at Major Law Firm
 Just wanted to let you know how critical Mandi was in pulling together the first set of 23 documents, thru a series of emails and sets of different instructions – I know, I know, while you may say she was "just doing the job” … do note what a great job she did, asking questions, following up, staying to the late end."

Ervin, Working onsite at one of the world's biggest advertising holding companies
"I don't even know how to put into words how proud I am of Ervin. He embodies everything our company is about. I could write to you every single day with a different example of how Ervin goes above and beyond, to provide the best service possible to our client. We have had a particularly challenging week, being short handed and having to manually log in several hundred packages a day, due to computer issues. Ervin all week has taken on more responsibilities that we have assigned him, but this has not stopped him coming up to us asking what more he can do. This is just the type of person Ervin is. Ervin is a natural leader, who asks for no recognition but truly deserves it. They say you are the product of the five people you spend the most time around. I am really grateful Ervin is one of my five."

Jannel,  Onsite at a financial services giant
“I just wanted to write a quick note about how great I think Jannel is.  I have seen her conduct herself in a highly professional manner and notice how employees and guest respond to her.  She is quick, efficient and extremely on point with any task provided. We feel well taken care of with her at reception! Thank you for bringing her on board.”

"I would like Jannel to be recognized for not only excellent customer service, but for her winning, team oriented attitude during the staffing transition we’ve had here. I want FSO to know how lucky we are to have Jannel on our team."

Jamie and Jacque, Working for FSO at Boston's Strongest Attorneys **3 Kudos in 1 Month**

"Jamie has stepped up to the plate and has put 110% into his work every day.  Another shout out for Jacques Therlonge, yesterday we had a mass mailing, 8000 pieces of mail, he completed getting all the postage on and getting it all to the post office on time.  

“I just want to rely to you that Jamie is doing a wonderful job at the front desk. Anything I’ve needed for my attorneys in the last few weeks, I get an immediate response and a follow up call to make sure everything is taken care off."

“Hi Jamie, I just wanted to say thanks for your help troubleshooting. Thanks!”

Great team building this summer @FSO: Messenger Division takes up the “Friday Night Lights” with Bowling!

Informationalist & Office Services team, FSO HQ Open House ***3 Kudos***
“What an amazing day everyone!! Total of 101 candidate and 62 new candidates for our pipeline! Amazing! Great job and thank you all for your help  and a BIG kudos to our amazing front desk! Well done."

“I totally agree! The Front Desk, Padre & the Office Services Rocked IT! What an Amazing Day of team work and collaboration! Was wowed by the turnout today! Met so many amazing people and future stars! I have never been prouder to share about FSO and to be a part of this family! “

“This was a true TEAM effort....what energy and synergy...I could not be more proud and thankful for the amazing efforts to help get us to our 225 goal!!! We are almost there!! Kudos kudos kudos to OUR TEAM!!!”

"The awesome HQ office Service Team of Gaylon, Roberto & Padre. We needed a small project completed in a short amount of time for a presentation. Gaylon & Padre responded immediately and did a great job while smiling the whole time. Every time we need to send something to the post office, Roberto & Padre respond “sure, no problem at all”. They are all a delight to work with and remind us of the power of the smile."

Roberto, Office Services FSO HQ
"I want to send kudos for Roberto because he has simply been great since he has joined our office services team. From day one, he has taken every task and project given to him with ease and has done a great job. These past two days have been very busy, and on both days Roberto has pushed his lunch time just so he could help me out. He has a great attitude, and has helped me out tremendously and in a timely manner. Please pass along my gratitude to Roberto as his help is greatly appreciated."

Shateya, FSO HQ
"Thank you for all your help this week Shateya, I don't know if I could have gotten it done without you!"

Very proud of our team providing innovative solutions to the pharmaceutical industry including lab support, sterilization and documentation on both small and big pill lines.  
Whether a salesperson, an experience associate, a records manager, an informationalist, or messenger, what makes our folks so special is their ability to hink beyond their daily tasks and think like our clients. 

"What would the client want? What do they need? How could i be more proactive in their eyes? How could i really impress them?"

Do you know? Have you asked? Or are you assuming?  A true partner who never stops looking out for you, who takes that extra second to ask and then ACTS! 

Never lose the passion, the smile and what makes you special but put yourself in our clients shoes and get to know what they might be thinking! 

All of you are out in the field and have the power to make an incredible impact and a difference in the wealth and success of others.

I look forward to hearing stories from our clients as to how our team has made an impact showing leadership.

IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

 "Leadership is about being a servant first." ~~Allen West
About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email