Showing posts with label hospitality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hospitality. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2015

FSO: Built For The Future

"The power of FSO has ALWAYS been our people and your belief in my vision. FSO, as a company will never be a follower. Look how we can innovate when we all share our collective intelligence, passion and belief in the outcome!"

Good Morning Folks,

I am so happy it is Daylight Savings Time!! Warm weather and melting snow.... Yay!!

We are continuing to build our infrastructure to ensure that we are Built for the Future. Sharon and the entire finance team have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get our profits and cash processes and procedures in place, sales has a new playbook. Tom and the IT Team have implemented Salesforce, created BlueSky to give our clients more flexibility and mobility into the insights of running their businesses, and are working on many other exciting technology solutions.

People Solutions led by Kim  and with great assistance from Missy, Chelsea, Shalaine, Ethan, Don, Lori, Eddie, Brittany, Travis, Sabrina, Shantelle, Dominique, are turning out great programs from Future Leaders to CHO Breakfast to "the Box"

As a growing company, it is important for us at HQ to hear all your questions, comments and concerns so that we can better support the field. With that being said, the People Solutions team are asking you to keep your suggestions coming! We don’t know what we need to fix or improve unless we open our ears and eyes to you – the field! So we created "The Box". There are two options allow you to either send in a suggestion with your name attached to it OR anonymously!**

We are constantly asking our employees (YOU) for your opinions and thoughts because we CARE and we want you to know you have a voice. We value and appreciate each and every one of our employee’s suggestions & you can help us to create the happiest place to work. We want you to talk to us and share with us - your thoughts, your successes, your worries, your dreams, etc. What training do need and want to make you more successful and make our clients feel that WOW! factor? 

We all too often get hung up on what is NOT working rather than what is; or those damn potholes that seem to never get fixed because we don't see the bigger picture. I have been humbled, proud and excited to see what the power of all of us brainstorming together has recently created.  

The FSO culture is our differentiator, and one that I am so proud of! As I travel the field it is so great to see and experience all of our awesome employees who truly demonstrate the FSO spirit of hard work, dedication, and loyalty with the skip, fire, twinkle, and smile that is expected. Great job and Thank You!

The power of FSO has ALWAYS been our people and your belief in my vision. FSO, as a company will never be a follower. Look how we can innovate when we all share our collective intelligence, passion and belief in the outcome! 

In case you missed it here are links to two important communications we released last week.
We have great stories in the February Newsletter featuring our profiles of our rising starts and account wins at Voya, Nixon Peabody (the 69th largest law firm in the United States) and the competitive displacement at Medimmune."  READ all about it HERE! 
Since the early 1990s, ceo profiles by Jeff Zbar in Advertising Age, Entrepreneur, Inc., Business Journal, and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel are legendary, Jeff recently sat down with me for an extensive interview to discuss FSO's rapid growth and how we are driving towards a prosperous future with a personal, passionate and productive culture and a focus on creating jobs and career opportunities for the "hourly demographic" that others have left behind. READ all about it HERE!
As we enter this new and critical business week, lets remember to stay focused, united as a team and 100% positive that we will achieve success. If you believe it, you will achieve it! 

Have a GREAT DAY! 

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

 "None of us is as good as All of Us!"
~~ Ray Kroc 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mitch Weiner Interviewed By Insider Report: "Outsourced Services With Relentless Customer and Employee Engagement – and the Pursuit of Happiness"

This “forgotten demographic” is not forgotten or overlooked by me. In fact, I was who they are.”

Good Morning Folks,

Since the early 1990s, bylines, blogs, executive biographies and recurring columns by Jeff Zbar have been published published in scores of regional and national publications and websites, including Advertising Age, Entrepreneur, Inc., and Herman Miller’s JuggleZine, Florida Trend, Writer’s Digest, the South Florida Business Journal, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

Jeff recently sat down with me for an extensive interview to discuss FSO's rapid growth and how we are driving towards a prosperous future with a personal, passionate and productive culture and a focus on creating jobs and career opportunities for the "hourly demographic" that others have left behind.

In the interview, I give Jeff my philosophy on the things that have made me successful having started and built three outsourcing companies, managing tens of thousands of employees in thousands of America's most recognized brands.

In the piece Jeff writes, "Once a David to corporate Goliath’s,Weiner’s promise to deliver personal, passionate and productive service has earned FSO the 24th spot on Crain’s Fast 50 list of the 50 fastest-growing privately held companies in the New York area and earned inclusion in the Inc. 500|5000 ranking of the fastest growing companies in the United States for three consecutive years.

Concludes Zbar, "Weiner’s made a career pulling these individuals, whom he calls his “Rising Stars,” from obscurity into the glow of personal success. Weiner will always be that guy in the space who cares enough to take care of the hourly employee from the middle manager down. Big companies are too big to care – to teach these employees, to embrace them, to help them create lasting careers.”

I very much appreciate this recognition and Jeff's taking the time to speak with customers and employees. He has accurately captured my business plan: Always improve the customer’s business – no matter what; always take care of our people, through better incentives, training and career pathing; and always deliver added value to the customer.

As the article makes clear, we've built and grown his business with an emphasis on people – the hardworking, dedicated employees who care about doing a great job for our clients. 

Know that I am personally invested and CARE about every person in our company. It is part of the personal touch that sets us a part in this industry and in business compared to most.

Believe in yourself, work hand and know that anything is possible and I will work as hard as you to ensure that all of your dreams come true.

You are all winners in my book. Shine on.

Have a GREAT Day and please send in the sun shine!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“I always strive to do better today than I did yesterday.”
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Friday, February 27, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Our First Print Edition of the Mitch Weiner Newsletter Is Hot Off The Press

"We have great stories in the February Newsletter featuring our account wins at Voya, Nixon Peabody (the 69th largest law firm in the United States) and the competitive displacement at Medimmune."

Good Morning,

As you read this, employees at FSO sites all over the country are picking up a major Friday dose of inspiration— the hot, fresh off the press inaugural edition of the Mitch Weiner Newsletter.

The Mitch Weiner newsletter showcases all facets of FSO success. FSO is committed exceeding our client’s expectations every day in every way. From, yours truly,  our Founder & Chief Happiness Officer, through our 2,000 onsite employees, our focus is on delivering an unmatched outsourcing experience.

We’ve built this incredible business to afford opportunities for each and every one of you to shine and grow personally and professionally. 

When I look at FSO today, I see hundreds of lives transformed... people with careers, not jobs. People thriving, not just surviving. 

We provide so much to our field employees. We guide, mentor, teach, support them. We show them they are important, show them they matter, show them we care. And it is our obligation and pleasure to assist you to reach your goals. 

Here you’ll read about folks just like you, that arrived with no special skills other than a desire to learn, work hard and grow. And their careers have accelerated beyond their wildest expectation .

We have great stories in the February Newsletter featuring our account wins at Voya, Nixon Peabody (the 69th largest law firm in the United States) and the competitive displacement at Medimmune.

You'll read about the Future Leaders Program, CHO Breakfast and Messenger and Clerical Internship programs. Three of our employees rapid rise through the ranks to fulfilling their wildest dreams are profiled. And FSO's most decorated concierge shares his white glove secrets.

You also meet the winners at our recent National Awards presentation and be able to browse job opportunities for you or someone you may know.

Read the newsletter here and note this and future editions will be accessible through the top right navigation right here on

We want to hear your thoughts. What did you like? What can be improved? And what kind of news and inspiration did we omit that could make future editions more valuable to you,

It's been a rough cold winter but as you can see from the newsletter, in our heart's it's spring every day at FSO.

Have a GREAT weekend. Everybody!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner

Chief Happiness Officer  

Friday, February 20, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Hospitality— The PERSONAL + PASSIONATE + PRODUCTIVE Way

"Being the Hospitality Manager allows me to get to use all three parts of the slogan on a daily basis. I get to be PERSONAL with both the client and site managers to really feel the pulse of FSO at the site and to hear what FSO can be doing at their sites to be more PRODUCTIVE and go above and beyond to impress the client on a daily basis."

Good Morning Folks,

My pick of the internal communiques for your weekly does of Friday inspiration comes from newly hired, yet deeply experienced, Hospitality Manager, Ethan. Here's Ethan:
Happy Friday! 
Ethan at your service
I have the pleasure of writing to you today about what my experience since I have joined FSO Nation a few months ago. 
When I first started at FSO I was excited for a new environment and a change of pace from the monogamy of working in hotels. As it is when you start a new job, you were sold on the company and the people that you met with but you can never be 100% sure of what you are actually walking into. After speaking with Mitch and the rest of the ELT and hearing their vision and expectations I knew right away that FSO would be a company that I would want to be a part of. They certainly haven’t disappointed yet! 
FSO, I quickly learned is a company across the nation full of vibrant, fast paced, passionate and friendly people who all went out of their individual ways to make me feel included in this giant family. Family, at the core, is what FSO really is and stands for. 
My best and consequentially my worst quality is that I care too much about family and friends. When my family and friends are happy I am able to rejoice with them and bask in the happiness but when they’re disappointed or unhappy I feel that disappointment or unhappiness as it is mine. I make it a personal mission to make sure that whatever is troubling that person I do whatever I can no matter what it takes, to go above and beyond to make sure that person when walking away from me is leaving with a smile on their face. 
Although FSO has only been in existence for 4 years, a lot of the people in this company have worked with each other at various locations or different companies over the years. 
Obviously the main connection between us all is our connection to Mitch. An undeniable fact is that Mitch cares for all of us and cares for the well being of FSO. Mitch literally eats, breaths and barely sleeps thinking about FSO and how we as a family can make FSO bigger than it already is. It is Mitch’s vision as the head of this family to keep us growing but it requires all of us, his family to see his vision as well and take it to all of the sites and have our clients feel it too.

One of FSO’s biggest phrases is PERSONAL + PASSIONATE + PRODUCTIVE. This simple slogan to me is at the heart of all the messages Mitch sends out to the company and one that I abide by the most when I am in the field. As the Hospitality Manager for FSO I have the privilege to go all over New York City and meet with both the teams and clients at the various accounts that we are situated at. 
Being the Hospitality Manager allows me to get to use all three parts of the slogan on a daily basis. I get to be PERSONAL with both the client and site managers to really feel the pulse of FSO at the site and to hear what FSO can be doing at their sites to be more PRODUCTIVE and go above and beyond to impress the client on a daily basis. After being with the company for close to four months now I have become PASSIONATE about what we are trying to accomplish as an organization and even more PASSIONATE about what the PS Team is doing and it allows me to get out and spread the news on what is going on within FSO. 
It is up to everyone in this family to help FSO become the biggest and best Outsourcing company  in the world!!! The only people that can hold us back is ourselves and if everyone comes to work and uses the PERSONAL + PASSIONATE + PRODUCTIVE mantra and the power of positive energy and focus then the sky is the limit for what we can achieve. Mitch has laid the yellow brick road, it is our job to follow it to success!!!
Ethan, thanks for the wonderful message this morning and super glad you are with the FSO family.. love having you and your smile. Happy Friday to all of you.. and YES, it is a chilly weekend forecast ahead in New York but it warms my heart to be working with Ethan and all our FSO team who are cut from the same cloth.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Company That Emphasizes Happiness, And Positively Reinforces Great Service Is One You’ll Want To Know

"Permanent happiness comes from you choosing to be permanently happy. When you choose happiness, then you attract all the happy things as well. The happy things are the icing on the cake, but the cake is happiness" ~~Rhonda Byrne

Good Morning Folks,

Whether it is health, money, a loving relationship, material things, accomplishments, a job, or anything at all, the desire for happiness is the bottom line of all of them. But remember that happiness is a state inside of us, and something on the outside can only bring fleeting happiness, because material things are impermanent.

Regardless of your looks, skills or intelligence, or what struggles you have had in your life --  if you don’t have a good attitude, if you don’t believe that happiness is a “choice”, if you don’t believe you can accomplish great things then you will never achieve success.  

Look around you. You work for a HAPPY company, with a Chief HAPPINESS Officer at the helm - who truly wants you to be happy, who gives you all the tools, opportunities and support to grow and be happy at what you do. You know why? 

Unhappy people, negative people, uncooperative people, complaining people just attract more unhappiness, negativity and difficulty into their lives. Those people can never truly be PERSONAL, PASSIONATE and PRODUCTIVE. 

But... on the FSO side of the coin... happy employees are contagious. Happy employees create a great work environment, and happy employees create more opportunity.

Our Sales, Marketing, and Operations teams are firing on all cylinders! We have the competition on their heels, with more and more of their clients taking a serious look at FSO and deciding that we are the only real choice when it comes to outsourcing.   

The FSO Train is screaming down the track, exceeding our client’s expectations and delivering on our promise to love and nurture our most valuable asset, our employees!  

==>  FSO is the Fastest growing outsourcer in the Industry
==>  FSO is the displacing its competitors every day
==>  FSO is the best place to work in the industry
==>  FSO is providing thousands a chance to reach their goals
==>  FSO is the most sought out company in the industry to work

What a great thing to say about your job!  

I talk to a lot of prospects that have our competitors currently. EVERY time I speak with them I get a bit nauseas because they tell me they are marginally happy, that they do not get any ideas from the current provider, that the staff onsite isn’t happy, that the management from the current company has never been to the site or met with them, that the local manager never provides reports, and the list goes on. UGH! I have seen the great work we do on-site and I am a true believer that (re)Imagine is our differentiator. 

Every time we (re)Imagine we win! Do not underestimate the impact that wiping off finger prints on a glass door can have. Do not underestimate the impact of your smile on a customer. Little things like straightening up an unsightly lobby, helping to set up a conference room when it is not our service agreement, it is the kind words and great attitude and providing ideas and recommendations for improvements. 

Your career and your growth is top of mind for me every single moment of the day. We have excitement in our company and I want you all to be excited. 

YOU are always appreciated for what YOU do, being who YOU are and the role YOU play in the company. Without YOU there could be no FSO. 

Set your goals and expectations high but more importantly, achieve them.  

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“We need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable” 
~~Oscar Wilde.  
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Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies and ranked among the top 25 of New York's fastest growing privately held companies by Crain's magazine, FSO can proudly boast: 
  • 98 % client retention with ZERO displacements 
  • 98 % employee retention – twice the industry average 
  • 300+ years of industry experience residing in its Senior Leadership Team 
  • 120+ corporate support staff supporting our national footprint (HR, IT, Analysts, Subject matter experts etc) 
    Led by Mitchell Weiner, the co-founder and pioneer of onsite outsourcing, FSO was created to deliver what the industry has lost sight of – and everything you deserve: 
    • An outsourcing experience powered by passionate people. 
    • An intimate and personal approach to service. 
    • A partnership based on care, trust and mutual success. 
    • Involved owners listening to your needs and proposing customized solutions. 

    To learn more, please contact our national direct line: 212.204.1193.


    Tuesday, July 22, 2014

    Only Great Leaders Create Great Companies

     “Everyone has the right to have a career not just a job at my company. Your job becomes your career the moment you see the possibilities for growth and satisfaction.” ~~ Mitch Weiner

    Good Morning Folks,

    Welcome to Monday. The dawn of a new day is the light of a new way. There is always a chance, a new opportunity but it starts today. So forget about the past and do not dream too much of the future. Stop searching and start being. Happiness is not a destination. It's HERE.

    Today we can be the best father, the best mother, the best son and daughter. Today is the day to be the best brother and sister. Today we can be the best informtionalist. The best trainer. The best sales person. The best receivables collector. The best analyst. The best marketing director. The best manager.

    ==> Because Only Great Leaders Create Great Companies. 
    Great leaders will challenge and inspire their people in their quest for excellence. People will only experience a feeling of pride when they worked hard for their success. If success comes easily, overnight, without too much effort, pride will not enter the equation.

    The quest for excellence never stops and is all around. In every piece of packaging. Every swipe of the finger. Every "How can I help you?" Everything.

    And it doesn't matter just some of the time. It matters all of the time. A great leader must be able to light that spark of continuous improvement within each and every employee. One cannot become motivated just because the boss says so. Only intrinsically motivated people are able to amaze themselves and as a result amaze the world.

    Whether you're making a product or offering a service, it all starts with the passion you have for whatever you do and the ability you have to focus your energy to become successful. A great leader creates a clear and compelling vision that makes people passionate.

    That is our special sauce, a personal, passionate and productive culture that can't be failed or duplicated.

    Over the years what I have found is the true personality of the leader becomes the personality of the business. If a leader truly has respect and trust built into their DNA then ultimately it flows through to the business. It may start by hiring like minded people. Typically when an entrepreneur starts out he or she will need support staff and the leader will hire based on skills and expertise. But there is a quiet voice from within the leader that says they want people to join their team that have similar values, traits and some form of commonality to their character..

    ==> A New Breed of Worker is About to Attack Everything You Hold Sacred.
    In 2008, the renowned TV news program, 60 Minutes ran a story about Gen Y in the workplace and proclaimed that a "new breed of American worker is about to attack everything you hold sacred." The program described millennials as cynical, unaccustomed to hard work and having fragile egos because their childhoods filled with trophies and adulation didn't prepare them for the cold realities of work.

    Gen Y sees what is known as the American Dream or middle class dream as less about money and more about living a fulfilling, meaningful life. So a couple of things are clear. First, Gen Y has a significantly different attitude toward work and life in general than the current dominant Baby Boom generation; and second, the current ongoing difficult economic times are placing the economic and social welfare of Gen Y in jeopardy, something that is not of their doing. We can only hope Gen Y will not be recorded in history as another “Lost Generation.”

    As I wake up in wonderful New York City, the epicenter of world business- I can't help but think how awesome it is that we have so many cities and teams across FSO USA - how amazing are the opportunities for every single person in our great company - what a time in everyones careers to know that your future is so bright

    Many of our competitors have fulfilled their declaration. In the meantime, they are maintaining status quo. Unless corporations create new declarations, their future will continue to experience results which resemble the past, with the addition of more, better or different. Quantum leaps require bold declarations and a clear committed mindset to navigate though change.

    ==> How Extraordinary Leaders Separate Themselves from Ordinary Leaders
    Leaders do not have the luxury of falling back into their comfort zone. In some cases, creating a problem is designed to transform an existing problem. In other cases, it is designed to create a new and empowering future.

    For example, when Jack Welch became the CEO of GE, there was nothing wrong with the enterprise. It was not in distress or in need of a turn around. Yet, he was committed to building an extraordinary corporation. So, he created a problem. He declared that every business unit had to be number one or number two in its respective industry. If they were not, the unit would be sold. If your unit were ranked number six in its industry, you would have had a problem.

    At the same time, Welch stood for his people. Instead of micro managing them, he ensured they had the appropriate training and development to fulfil his declaration.

    Is it possible for a CEO to create a new future for their organization? A big part of the CEO’s job is to do just that. Yet, many companies don’t invent the future. They maintain status quo. As a result, they become casualties of the economy or worse, the competition? Inventing the future requires one to rock the boat. Doing so, results in innovative products and services or significant cost cutting initiatives.

    Nevertheless, many organizations choose to protect status quo because they are too vested in the existing infrastructure. On the other hand, when you look at extraordinary leaders, you find a complete disruption of status quo.

    That's not about to happen here, Nevertheless, once a future is distinguished as is ours, it helps a person clearly distinguish the future as well as the necessary actions to fulfill it.

    That's why on a day when the big news in business is that Nasdaq’s computers were hacked and Shakira Has hit 100 Million Fans on Facebook, we are a growing company, and with growth comes opportunity, inspiration, and of course some speed bumps along the way.

    ==> The True Personality Of The Leader Becomes The Personality of The Business
    Almost most of our major competitors have all the mentioned ingredients in place but still most fail to get extra mile / advantage. 

    The company culture takes on the trust, respect, inspirations and other positive traits that one looks for in a leader and manifests itself into a language that also encompasses action which the company fulfills in the marketplace. The brand will embrace those actions in your services and methods of communication.

    At the end of the day, we need to stay in-tune and continue to communicate those positive attributes we all strive for. We emulate them, we learn from them, we teach them and finally we simply share them. Living a positive life that helps others to grow. And so it continues....deeds will speak for themselves and build the trust and respect we all yearn for.

    My commitment to you is that we will do all that we can and then some to meet and exceed your needs and expectations of FSO.

    Be sincere, believe in why you do it & listen to people & bring people on board who have good character. Then you will truly lead to make a difference.

    And most of all while growing, building and ensuring profitable galactic growth, we are inspiring our staff, our clients, our readers and that everyone is having some fun along with all the hard work.

    Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer  

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    "The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset" 
    ~~Jiddu Krishnamurti"
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    Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies and ranked among the top 25 of New York's fastest growing privately held companies by Crain's magazine, FSO can proudly boast: 

    • 98 % client retention with ZERO displacements 
    • 98 % employee retention – twice the industry average 
    • 300+ years of industry experience residing in its Senior Leadership Team 
    • 120+ corporate support staff supporting our national footprint (HR, IT, Analysts, Subject matter experts etc) 

      Led by Mitchell Weiner, the co-founder and pioneer of onsite outsourcing, FSO was created to deliver what the industry has lost sight of – and everything you deserve: 

      • An outsourcing experience powered by passionate people. 
      • An intimate and personal approach to service. 
      • A partnership based on care, trust and mutual success. 
      • Involved owners listening to your needs and proposing customized solutions. 

      To learn more, please contact our national direct line: 212.204.1193.


      Thursday, June 26, 2014

      Creating Magical Experiences

      “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others with them” 
      ~~Walt Disney

      Good Morning Folks,

      While the Weiners pursue our last two days of R&R in the Napa Valley, I leave you in the very capable hands of our Corporate Trainer Shalaine Adams, who is at a conference at Disney where, in addition to entertaining children, they also teach and train adults in the art of business hospitality which has become their hallmark.

      Shalaine… over to you…..

      Good morning FSO & Happy Thursday,

      I hope you had a wonderful week so far!

      I had the pleasure of attending the SHRM conference with Kim, Chelsea this week in Orlando Florida and boy, was it a blast!

      Being in Orlando, you are surrounded by the magic of Disney. Over and over again it was mentioned in the advertisements, at restaurants and even at the conference:) You couldn't help being touched by it!

      I'd like to bring you on a journey with me, back to when I was 7 years old. My grandparents took me to Disney world! I couldn't believe it, I was so excited and thrilled to be there surrounded by all of the princesses I'd seen on TV! My grandparents took me all around and when we we were on our last day, I was allowed to buy whatever I wanted at the Disney gift shop. I picked out a Minnie Mouse mug as I absolutely adored her. My grandparents bought it for me and I was so proud of my purchase! I picked it up off of the counter and Wham, it fell and shattered to pieces. 

      I was so sad as I thought that was the end but oh no, a cast member (as the Disney employees are affectionately called) came over, gave me a huge smile and said it’s ok, don’t cry look; she GAVE me another Minnie Mouse mug...just like that; free of charge. And although it was a long time ago, that is an experience I will never forget! I felt so special! Not only do I want to go back, I want to bring my future family with me!

      At the SHRM conference, it was said that people may not remember what you say or how you say it, but they always remember how you make them feel!

      It is us (You & I) creating a MAGICAL experience that keeps FSO at 98% client retention and it is that MAGICAL experience that enables us to become sticky and expand our service lines like we have with PWC, Capco & Y&R!

      So I ask our FSO team, how does your clients feel after they leave your presence, is it magical; did you go above & beyond for them anticipating their needs?

      How do your teams and peers feel, do you show that you care, are you a team player; do you make the experience a personal one?

      Disney World is the happiest place on earth providing experiences that keep their guests coming back to visit over and over again!

      We at FSO, stand poised to become the Happiest place to work; providing a Magical, Hospitality driven experience for everyone we come in contact with both our clients and our teams!

      Let's do our part and make every moment count, our culture is Personal, Passionate & Productive! FSO is our Magic Kingdom, and we as the cast members make the Fire, Skip & twinkle come to life!

      Wishing you a Magical day!

      Let's Rock it!

      Shalaine Adams
      Corporate Trainer

      MDW: Thank you Shalaine. I too was impressed with the Disney way and my encounter with one of their legacy pioneering hospitality champions. I blogged about him here. 

      If you ever have a chance to leave the kids behind and want a really unique experience and romantic Adult getaway for your next vacation, you really should consider a soiree in the Napa Valley. Like Disney, there is no place like it on earth.  

      From the wine and the food to the spa, shopping and more, you’ll become intimately drawn to Napa Valley. It is our greatest joy to share our knowledge and expertise of this majestic dreamscape, making it a landmark journey for the senses. In fact my wife has built a business around our love for Napa. 

      Experience Napa is the ultimate gateway to the intimate enclaves and best-kept Gems of Napa Valley. Check it out. I am always happy to share what I know so don't be shy with questions.

      I will also be on the road quite a bit in July and excited to see all of you, your staff and our awesome Clients. 

      I am bringing back some great wine for our clients and for us. 

      Enjoy and stay in touch. Mitch. :-))

      Mitchell D. Weiner
      Chief Happiness Officer

      Learn more about what DIFFERENTIATES FSO here

      Monday, May 12, 2014

      FSO Onsite Outsourcing: "Some Things Never Change" .... except HERE

      And all of this, in and of itself, is radical CHANGE from business as usual. FSO has a culture that breeds success, overcomes challenges and exceeds expectations. 

      Good Morning Folks,

      Welcome to Monday and I trust you all had a fantastic weekend. Wherever you are across the USA you probably spent time this weekend split between mothers and basketball (except for MVP Kevin Durant who found a way to brilliantly combine the two J). The playoffs are coming to the wire and just like in our business, you always have to watch out for those underdogs.  

      In the world of Onsite Outsourcing, that is exactly what FSO has been, that underdog who has always found the way to win.  So that is my message to start out this week. We can never forget – ever – what got us here as the underdogs to win, and what we need to continue to do to get us to the next level.

      People want to work with people they likepeople they trust— people who have their back and have fun. They know what it takes to hold onto what they have and cherish the wins by doing exactly what they say they are going to do. It's because clients want hospitality, energy, happiness and stability. 

      Our brand has always been synonymous with the best service and best people ever.  
So our clients look forward to coming to work every day and a peaceful sleep when they don't have to take worries home.

      Consistent through all my pursuits has been a “Happiness-Centric” perspective. The model delivers on three key differentiators. First, customers receive service they’ve never before come to expect. In a world of behemoth organizations that seeks to instill into employees their dogmatic, formulaic and unyielding protocols for customer engagement, we instead hire for attitude. Attitude can have a tremendous impact. Everybody. Everyday. 

I call it hiring for “the twinkle in their eye, a skip in their step, the fire in their belly.” Any manager can train off the company manual, but you cannot train for the right attitude, one where an employee means it when she says, “How are you doing today?”

Second, we are returning a personal touch to business that has been lost in the customer service experience. Consumers – whether business or personal – have come to accept, even expect, a lackadaisical – even lousy - interaction with their vendors. So when an organization like FSO delivers outstanding, over-the-top customer engagement, it’s like some golden nugget delivered each day to those customers by a partner – not a vendor – who connects culturally, strategically and who truly cares about their success. 

      Therefore one of our biggest competitive advantages is our commitment to training and developing our employees. We strive to have the most inspired, motivated, and best trained employees in the industry!

      Our clients love FSO because of our ENERGY, PASSION and SMARTS. 

      It is a job expectation that we are coming to the table proactively and providing solutions and creative ideas to our clients and their issues. It doesn’t matter what level our employees are at— from associate, to supervisor or manager— they are on the ground and are closer to what happens every day in their operation and can provide insight, observations and ideas that positively affect our awesome clients.

      I advise our employees to ignore negative energy, to stay positive, smile, be happy, and to think of new ideas that create, innovate and build a future that makes possible what was never possible before.

      In just about any business environment the only thing you can really count on is that everything will change. So, it’s best to be prepared for it and if you outsource with FSO you will be. Everything we do, every way we behave, respond, greet, secure and (re) imagine the future, is radical CHANGE from business as usual. FSO has a culture that breeds success, overcomes challenges and exceeds expectations. 

      Crafting this morning’s message to kick off the week, I can’t wait to see all the happy, inspired people in our corporate office who do a great job supporting us in the field every day.  

      Your energy, enthusiasm and professionalism are always greatly appreciated and looking forward to a great week! 

      Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

      Mitchell D. Weiner
      Chief Happiness Officer  

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      "Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footsteps on the moon"
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      About the Author:
      Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

      Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email