Friday, November 14, 2014

Inspire ME Friday: Find Your Passion, Create Your Focus, And Success Will Follow.

"Success depends on focus. Focus depends on passion. Find your passion, create your focus, and success will follow."

Good Morning Folks,

A client sends this morning's inspirational message to share:

==> Get Inspired: Find Your Passion, Create Your Focus, And Success Will Follow 
by Ton De Graaf

Just watched the October 19th special event, filmed live at the Apple campus in Cupertino, California where Apple celebrated Steve's life. What a legacy that man leaves behind, just awesome. From a business and executive coach's perspective (yep, that's me) a few thoughts:

Only great leaders create great companies. Great leaders will challenge and inspire their people in their quest for excellence. People will only experience a feeling of pride when they worked hard for their success. If success comes easily, overnight, without too much effort, pride will not enter the equation.

The quest for excellence never stops and is all around. In every piece of packaging. Every swipe of the finger. Every "How can I help you?" 


And it doesn't matter just some of the time. It matters all of the time. A great leader must be able to light that spark of continuous improvement within each and every employee. One cannot become motivated just because the boss says so. Only intrinsically motivated people are able to amaze themselves and as a result amaze the world.

Whether you're making a product or offering a service, it all starts with the passion you have for whatever you do and the ability you have to focus your energy to become successful. A great leader creates a clear and compelling vision that makes people passionate.

Success depends on focus. Focus depends on passion.  

Find your passion, create your focus, and success will follow.

The people at Apple have a passion, they've created their focus and became extremely successful by creating products that amazed the world and we now all love.....and that's an emotion.

And it all started with one man and his quest for excellence who became successful by connecting his business to emotions and emotions to business and by attracting passionate people to make it all happen. Quite an accomplishment.

Just some thoughts.....

Like at Apple, the single most  important thing about our culture is, it never wears off. It doesn’t go away. It’s there every day, and it has a huge impact on everything that matters to every business we serve. 

We have the best people in the industry from our mail rooms, front of house, office services, Experience Directors, Regional Directors, Future Leaders and everyone in HQ, to our Executive Leadership Team, marketing, finance, operations, sales and people solutions. There are so many people willing to help our employees at FSO that they can learn from, to make them better in their careers.

For our clients, our commitment to exceeding your expectations, ensuring that every single teammate is the best trained and best prepared employee they can be is what sets us apart!

As Shalaine would say, "Have a great day filled with purpose & love; make each moment count!! LET’S ROCK IT!!!"

Have a GREAT weekend!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

If you do not go after go after what you want, you will never have it. 
If you do not ask, the answer will always be NO. 
If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place."

About Ton De Graaf: Ton is one of the very few coaches in the world who is designated by the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches as a Chartered Business Coach™ (ChBC™) after a vigorous and independent assessment conducted by the Middlesex University and the Professional Development Foundation in the UK

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Inside FSO: The Making of a Memorable Guest Experience

“Since shifting from in-house to outsourcing the cost is better and performance has improved”

Good Morning Folks,

A picture is worth a thousand words. So today we take you inside FSO to show you the before and after ways we never stop (re) imagining a better way to work for you.

For example the centerpiece of a memorable guest experience starts with Our Informationalist Hub (known elsewhere as "Front of House")

The hub is staffed and managed by FSO’s specially cross-trained teams or “Informationalists” who provide a wide array of administrative services from Meet & Greet to meeting room bookings, supply management, invoice reconciliation, scanning and hot desk/hoteling management services behind the Front Desk. (The possibilities are endless!)
  • FSO sees the Informationalist Hub™ as the future direction of The Guest Experience and has invested considerable time in research and development in forming the right mix of staff, technology and skills to make this an effective and cost efficient service model
  • FSO Exclusive i-Kiosks  are designed to provide a flexible mix of any Administrative Services offerings based on your organization’s needs and desires: End-users can use to submit job tickets, track packages, receive updates and news and see the great things that are happening within your operation firsthand in an engaging and interactive format.  
  • Innovative expansion of services includes: Social media support, remote worker coordination, help desk overflow services, presentation services
FSO is driven by fun, passionate people and the value they create. We hire, retain and assign people with that deep inner passion to perform — the spirit that gives them that fire in the belly, that twinkle in the eye, boundless pride in their work and the drive to succeed. New and legacy staff are always attracted to FSO and are inspired by our performance based rewards and opportunities for advancement. At the end of the day, passion is really important. You can’t fake passion—you either have it or you don’t!

Have  a look at how we are raising the bar for hospitality. Then jumping over it:

FSO will never stop (re)IMAGINING the possibilities that exist in the onsite outsourcing world. The way in which business is being conducted and communicated is being revolutionized by FSO. 

For example at mega ad agency Y&R: Y&R had spent nearly 90 years on 285 Madison Ave without having a personal concierge service. In addition, the shift of moving to a newer location felt dramatic, the primary objective and expectation was to have a solid "shoe guy" and "cleaner" in place.

Today Ben, our concierge extraordinaire, has transformed this function into  total service that makes employees lives easier by taking the errands and tasks off their backs and into our capable hands and also relieves stress with massages and other health and happy indulgences.

Says Ben, "I start very early, ready to rock at 8:00 a.m. with a gigantic smile, offering a friendly good morning to everyone who passes by the desk!  Quickly on, the first collection of personal mail trickles in. As the staff/employees begin arriving so do requests for repairs: ripped sweaters, jeans that need hemmed, shirts to be laundered, shoes to go out for sole repair and a quick shine don't forget! In the midst of these urgency's we track a lost parcel for someone, and a Creative Director has just appeared needing her watch cleaned and a battery replaced."

"It's in the great FSO spirit that makes me feel accomplished each and every day when I can make someone's life that much easier while at work. Our clients at Y&R are always on my mind, and servicing them is something I live, breathe, and FEEL, and I want them to FEEL it too!"

And other clients love what we are doing for them too:
“People show up and work gets done. The front desk changed to outsourced model and is very successful.” 
“They are like proactive, like a breath of fresh air. They’re well dressed, presentable and… cheaper!” 
“Since shifting from in-house to outsourcing the cost is better and performance has improved” 
“Always doing more to assist is what hospitality is all about.”   
“The way you anticipate needs and show the care and passion for what you do in commendable!” 
“We are convinced the did the right thing and picked the right company. Things are getting done that were overlooked before, because we have the manpower and expertise that was lacking and, as a result, improvements are being made all the time. I couldn’t be happier with my decision and to present this building to my staff”
These enhanced services and capabilities are just the tip of the iceberg of future enhancements and investments the company continues to make. 

So, if you'd like to turn those outsourcing frowns to smiles, talk to us, witness us. We'll   take you on a tour of client sites and and let you taste the FSO experience first-hand. You'll see how different life has become for some of the best known-brands in the world.

Call me personally at 212-204-1193.

Feel the FSO Experience - and ensure everyone around you does too. 

Here's to a wonderful day!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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 . . . . 
"An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything." 
~~ Lynn Johnston
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Shout Out Wednesdays: "Everyone Stepped Up And Juggled Multiple Crazy Requests With Enthusiasm."

"Every day, people search for something that motivates them. Things to get them out of bed, things to get them pumped up, things to help them make it through the day and so much more! What a great thing to say about your job!"

Good Morning Folks,

We've built and grown his business with an emphasis on people – the hardworking, dedicated employees who care about doing a great job for our clients. 

As I am now traveling around this wonderful FSO Nation, the employee and client Lovefest could not be stronger and I could not be more fired up! 

Without your passion, energy and care, we would not be the company that we are today. This is our market to own. Our Future Leaders Program is in full force and we need your help to find talent just like YOU. We are only going up from here, and to ensure an unmatched Client Hospitality and Employee Experience, we are keen to having the proper folks open new accounts to support our growth, mission and vision across the US.

But right now, let's see who's on the deck. Here are the great things are clients are telling us about the employees who personify our leaders of the future. 

Skidmore Team
"Mike, this week has been an extremely busy VIP week for us. With back to back client meetings requiring food/drink cart setups and a visit from a VIP client on Wednesday, the team did a fantastic job handling all of their tasks.  The office had to be cleaned from top to bottom in preparation for our client visit and the team went above and behind to get the office looking fantastic. Just wanted you to be aware that everyone stepped up and juggled multiple crazy requests with enthusiasm."

"Thanks to you and the office services staff for putting in the great effort today to help me stay on schedule. I really appreciate their generosity when it comes to helping out this week, and every week! Just wanted to put in my thanks and I hope you pass it on to the team. I’m lucky to have a team like you guys in order to do a good job putting together these lunch programs for SOM."

GK Team

"Thanks to the expert packing of the file cabinets/book shelves and help with moving all the heavy stuff. Bernard and Marlon did an excellent job of making sure that all our items were safely and securely packed, Felix and you did a great job painting the space. Again.. Thank you again for all your help with my move."

Kaydeon, Monica, 
Jenna,I just wanted to let you know how helpful the front desk (Kaydeon, Monica, & DeAndre) have been over the first two weeks of my being at Capco.  Whether it be setting up conference rooms, arranging calls, or just pointing out where things are, they have been a big part of my getting up to speed around the office.

"Great job so far on organizing!"

"Super fast delivary.. thank you! You're awesome."

Ausberto Falcon
No suggestions just wanted to let you know that you do a great job (all the HQ folks are great, really)"

"No suggestions just wanted to let you know that you do a great job (all the HQ folks are great, really)"

"Keep up the great work a usual and I love the cereal, yogurt and chips.Thank you!”

"The assorted chips are great!!! Thank you!!"

"Awesome. Good Job!"

"Thank you for coordinating your team and going the extra mile to make sure our day full trainings went smoothly!"

"I want to thank you for all your help with the NALT meeting on Monday and for your help every day! You are constantly thinking 10 steps ahead and going above and beyond. It really is a pleasure to work with you! THANK YOU!"

“ I just thought you should be aware. Thanks again to them for all the help....Deane."

Nathan Mesidor, WisdomTree
"In the last couple weeks, I have received a handful of packages with:

  •   The correct font
  •   The correct quantity
  •   The correct location
  •   The correct paper

Thank you guys very much!!!!  It is very helpful when you guys are on your game, it makes my life much easier!!!"

Jannel, Melissa & Felicita, Emerald Expo
"I can’t say thank you enough for all of your help today. You have no idea how much your assistance with folding the letters, stuffing, and sponging (lol) helped Crystal and myself today. Seriously thank you, thank you, thank you. That little bit, allowed Crystal and myself to focus on other tasks that were time sensitive."

Trevor, Matthew, & Padre, HQ Office Services
"Wanted to say thank you so much for all of your hard work today. I know Crystal and I had you guys running around like crazy, and that’s just us, let alone the other requests you guys get on a daily basis from everyone else in the company. You have no idea how much we appreciate everything you do for us. From folding the letters, to running errands, to gathering materials for our strategy meeting, and setting up for the bell ringing. Thank you, Thank you, thank you! Enjoy the weekend and rest up (before Crystal and I send more requests lol)"

Mailroom and Security Staff, GroupM
'I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how great I think our current mailroom and security staff are. Everyone is so helpful and friendly.  Especially in security! Every day I walk through and it is like a breath of fresh air. They say good morning and wish you a good night and always have a smile.  It also hear less chitter chatter from guests about getting through security when they are not in the system. There are less long lines and disgruntled people than there were in the past. Joe has also been great and very helpful too. Thank you!"

Mark, Monaco
"I’m a resident of the Monaco building and wanted to give you feedback on the entrance lobby employees. Last Saturday when my wife was in hospital it was great to be able to count on Mark - we needed a favor, for him to go and pick something urgently from our apartment and he assisted us immediately. He is also always very courteous when dealing with us. Also, we leave our keys every morning with Mike for our nanny to pick up and again, he is very courteous and always in a pleasant mood. All in all, the guys are all great and we appreciate all of their hard work."

You can read more of what our clients had to say about these Rockstars HERE and HERE. What amazing teams ~ the energy and passion were unmistakable!! 

Every day, people search for something that motivates them. Things to get them out of bed, things to get them pumped up, things to help them make it through the day and so much more! What a great thing to be able to say about your job!

As in the locations that I am lucky enough to visit this week, each site employee, YOU, are the FSO difference! You're commitment to service, to exceed the client’s expectations, to notice that detail,to have that SKIP, FIRE, TWINKLE is uniquely FSO.  

The employee and client lovefest could not be stronger and I could not be more fired up!!

Have a fabulous late fall day filled with love and inspiration.  

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues our honors."

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

Access Staffing, Adecco Usa, ADP, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, Albert Einstein, College Of Medicine, Amazon Corporate, American Express Company, American Honda Motor Company, American University, Amgen, Amster Rothstein & Ebanstein, Anchor Associates Group Inc, Angelo, Gordon & Co., Anne Arundel County Govt, Aquantive, Arent Fox Llp, Arhus, Kobmandsskole, Arrowhead Aea, Ascena, Asrc Federal Holding Company, Llc, Aurelius Capital Management, Automatic Data Processing, Automattic, Ball State University, Baltimore Technology Park, Bank Of America, Barclays Financial Corp., BDBO New York, Bechtel Corp, Bell Canada, Best Buy, Black Oak Computers Inc, Blackrock Financial Management, Bloomberg Bloomberg, Brandprotect, Brookfield Asset Management,Brown Advisory, Bsnl, BT (UK searching for Denise), Cahill Gordon & Reindel, California Department Of Justice, California Education And Research Federation Network, California State University, Long Beach, Canon Usa, Carolinas, Healthcare System, Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, Cb Richard Ellis, Cbi Connect, Cdw - Cdw Llc, Ceasars Entertainment Group, Central Methodist University, Charles Schwab & Co., Choopa, Llc, City Of Los Angeles,  Citigroup, City Of Houston, Clyde & Co Llp, Colgate-palmolive Co., Colliers Abr, Inc - Cassidy Turley, Chubb, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, Columbia University, Completel, Comporium Communications, Commercial Bank Of Africa, Comstock Park Public Schools, Conagra Foods, Concordia College, Condenast Publications, Control Risks Group Llc, Coral Graphics, Cottage Hospital, County Of Marin, County Of Suffolk, New York, Credit Suisse Group, Credit Suisse Group / Canada, Cuddy & Feder Llp, Cwie, Llc, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., Data Control And Systems, Datagram, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Dental Of California, Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan, Department Of Administrative Services (Ohio), Department Of The Interior, Office Of The Secretary, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Detroit Public Schools, Dewitt Stern Group, Inc., Dod Network Information Center, Dow Jones & Company, Devry, Depaul University, Dga Security Systems, Dickstein Shapiro Llp, Discover, Financial Services, Distributed Systems Services, Do It Best Corp, Duane Morris, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom,Edelman Pr, Emerge212, Equity Residential, Ernst & Young Llp, Esi International, Espn, Estee Lauder, European Police Office (europol), Evercore Partners Services East, Llc, Facebook Corporate, Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Family Dollar, Federal Aviation Administration, Federated Systems Group, Fedex Office & Print Services, Fenwick & West, Fidelity National Financial, Fifth & Pacific Cos, First American Equipment Financial, Fisher Scientific, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Llp, Fujitsu Limited, Florida Department Of Management Services, Florida International University, Ford Motor Company, Fort Hays State University, Fortressitx, Free Sas, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.c., GE, Genentech, Georgetown University, Gerson Lehrman Group,, Llc, Gilead Sciences, Google Corporate, Goose Creek Consolidated Isd, Government Of Saskatchewan, Graphnet Inc., Gravitas Technology, Greenberg Traurig P.a, Griffin Information Systems Limited, Group M Worldwide, Hachette Book Group, Hamilton-clermont Cooperative Assn., Harris Government Sector, Havas Worldwide Llc, Hccs - Houston Community College System, Hearst Corporation, Hewlett-packard Company, Higher Colleges Of Technology, Hill & Knowlton, Inc, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Hma, Hotwire Communications, Hudson County Community College,  Hughes Hubbard & Reed Llp, Humber College, IBM Corporation, Ikon Office Solutions, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Immedion, Llc, Intergrated Office, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Times, International Monetary Fund, Io Capital Princess, Llc, Jefferies International Limited, Jewish Board Of Family & Children 's Services, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Apparel Group, Jones, Day, Jw Michaels Co., J. Walter Thompson, Reavis & Pogue, Kabel Bw, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hayes, And Hudler, Kddi Corporation, Kelley Drye & Warren Llp, King & Spalding Llp, Kirby Mcinerney Llp, Kirkland & Ellis Llp, Leaseweb Usa, Laughlin/constable, Inc, Latham Watkins, Legal Source Ls Llc, Leslie Digital Imaging Llc, Lexis-nexis, Linode Resources, Liquidnet Holdings, Lion Resources, Loeb & Troper, Cpa, Lombard Odier Asset Management, Los Angeles County Office Of Education, Loyola Marymount University, Macquarie Bank, Macquarie Holdings, Marriott International, Marsh, MasterCard, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Mcnc, Mckesson Technologies, Medex Pharmacy, Mediadata, Medimmune, Llc, Mellon Bank, Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center, Mercury Radio Arts, Merck And Co, Miami University, Michaels Stores, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, Micro Graphic Info Svcs, Microsoft Corp, Middle Country Public Library, Milbank - Milbank Tweed Hadley Mccloy, Ministry Of Education Computer Center, Miox Corporation, Montclair State University, Moody's Investors Service, Morgan Stanley Group, Moses & Singer Llp, Motorola, Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, Multiverse, Munsch Hardt Kopf Harr, Museum of the City of New York, Namesco Limited, Museum Of The City Of New York, Nassau County Board Of Cooperative Education Services, Nassau County Boces, National Board Of Medical Examiners, National Chiao Tung University, Navy Network Information Center, NBC Universal, Nbs, Nbty, Nco Group, Ncs Pearson, Neuberger Berman, New Mexico State University, New York City Public Schools, New York Power Authority, New York Public Library, New York University, Next Jump, Nomura International Plc, Northern Michigan University, Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association, Northwood University, Nyedc, Off Campus Telecommunications, Old Republic, Onewest Bank Fsb, Openband Multimedia, Llc, Orange, Orange County - Telecommunications Department, Orange Israel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Oshean, Oxford Networks, Paramount Pictures, Partners Healthcare System, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Llp, Pavlov Njencom Colo, Perfect Building Maintenance, Peter-paul_verduin Pfizer, Phonoscope, Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, Pitney Bowes Plc, Plum Creek Marketing, Pluk Pluk,  Plus One Health Management, Polaris Project, Polytechnic University, Powerspace & Services, Preferred Office Products, Privax Limited, Procter & Gamble, PwC (50 locations!); Queens Public Library, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges Llp, Qitx; R.r. Donnelley & Sons Company; r.sea; Readers Digest; Reed Smith Llp (PA); Regus Business Centers, Research In Motion; Revenue Assurance Test; Richards Kibbe & Orbe Llp; Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire; Robert Bosch Gmbh, Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire, Rockefeller Group Technology Solutions; Rothschild, Row 44; Royal Bank Of Canada; Rutgers University; Safra National Bank Of New York;; San Diego City Schools; San Francisco Marriott Marquis; Santa Clara County Office Of Education; Sarah Lawrence College; Scholastic; Sfr; Sedwick Llp, Sharp Electronics Corporation; Shearman & Sterling; Sidley Austin Brown & Wood; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Llp; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llp; Social Law Library; Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, Sify Limited, Smoothstone, Societe Generale; Socorro Independent School District; Softbank Bb Corp; Sony Pictures Entertainment; Soros Fund Management Llc, Spherion Corporation; src Federal Holding Company, Llc; Standard Motor Products; Starwood Hotels; State Of Minnesota , State Of Montana; Stinson Morrison Hecker Llp; Straub Clinic & Hospital; Sungard Availability Services Usa; Syracuse University; Systems Research And Applications Corp; Talktalk; Tadlock Law Firm Pllc, Target Corporation , Teco Energy; Tesoro; Companies; Texas Blending & Warehousing Corp; Texas Instruments; Texas Medical Center; The Chubb Corporation; The City Of New York; The Coca-cola Company; The Heritage Foundation; The Interpublic Group Of Companies; The Jnt Association; The Limited, The Metrohealth System; The Municipal Communications Utility Of The City O (Iowa); The New York Times Company; Tiaa-cref , Time; Toronto District School Board; Tower Group Companies; Trlg – Hq, Ttx Company; U.s. Bancorp; U.s. Bancorp, U.s. Center For Disease Control And Prevention; U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, Ungaretti & Harris, United Business Technologies, United Stationers Supply Co., University Of Arkansas, University Of Connecticut, University Of Dayton, University Of Florida, University Of New Mexico, University Of Notre Dame, University Of Texas At San Antonio, University Of Virginia, Urs Corporation, Us Department Of Defense Net, U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations, Varian Medical Systems, Viacom, Virgin, Virgin Media, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ, Virgo Penn Business Centers L, Viacom, Vivo, Virgin Media, Volumedrive,, Warrenville, Illinois, United States, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weitz & Luxenberg, Wellington Management Company, Llp, Wells Fargo & Company, West Corporation, West Publishing Corporation, White & Case Llp, Widnes, Halton,, Wisdom Tree Investments, Inc., Workforce Software, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, X--ray Optical Systems, Inc., Xerox Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Xilinx Incorporated, Yamaguchi Cable Vision Co.,ltd, Yaquinto Printing, Yon Lew, Zuckerman Spaede

Ted Tuesday: The Talks Everyone Talks About

"Google was not the first search engine and Facebook was not the first online social community. Very few TED Talks are about original ideas. Simon Sinek was not the first person to talk about identifying the purpose for your life and work, nor was Amy Cuddy the first person to talk about how your body language and posture shape your self-confidence."

Good Morning Folks,

The TED platform is about “ideas worth spreading.” Watch any TED Talk and you can observe that everything a speaker says is in service of advancing one key idea, and making audience members so passionate about the idea that they want to spread it as well. This is why so many TED Talks go viral. The speaker does not just successfully convey an idea — they make everyone watching excited to share it too.

If you look at any TED Talk, you will discover that the thought leader’s delivery style can be categorized in one of the following five ways. The speaker is either a:

==> Change agent: 
Uses language, stories, and pictures that show what is possible when the change being shared happens

==> Scientific expert: 
Relies on logic and evidence to present an idea

==> Performer: 
Incorporates theatricality into the delivery of a message

==> Vulnerable expert: 
Connects life experience and stories to a message

==>  Inventor: 
Discusses an original idea, product or service and breaks it down into easy to understand, digestible parts

When you look at the most successful companies — such as Google and Facebook, or popular TED and TEDx Talks by Simon Sinek and Amy Cuddy — most are not household names because they came up with something original. Google was not the first search engine and Facebook was not the first online social community. Very few TED Talks are about original ideas. Simon Sinek was not the first person to talk about identifying the purpose for your life and work, nor was Amy Cuddy the first person to talk about how your body language and posture shape your self-confidence.

What each company or person did, however, was improve upon an existing idea. That should be the goal of entrepreneurs. While being first to market is nice, it’s rarely possible. If an idea can be monetized, it likely already has been. Plus, the first incarnation of a product or service often has significant flaws in its design or user experience. Entrepreneurs can and should focus their attention and strategizing on advancing business ideas that already exist by improving upon problems or frustrations for its customers and clients.

Check out our extensive library of Ted Tuesday Talks featuring Simon Sinek and Amy Cuddy and others on life, love and happiness, HERE (scroll backwards).

Thanks to Forbes for today's message and to you for listening.

Have a GREAT day and…. Love Life,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Law Firms: Is Your Outsourcing Marriage On The Rocks?

"Your company continues to amaze me. I am in awe of what you have done in just a few short years. Your enthusiasm for your team is wonderful. What a joy it is to not only find a CEO who believes in his employees and business, but to find that your employees have the same goals and mission you do."

Good Morning Folks,

When you exchanged Wedding vows with your spouse, you accepted, comforted, honored and promised to keep each other in sickness or in health, for better or worse, so long as you both shall live.

Fortunately these vows don't apply to the marriage with your outsourcing partner.

So if you’re fed up with shoddy service, snails-pace bureaucracy, unhappy-unmotivated workers, low productivity and poor overall results, welcome to our world of outsourcing bliss.

From the first infectious smile that greets you by name in the morning and changes the whole demeanor of your day, such happiness is contagious –– when the boss has it, it trickles down throughout the entire organization. Today, an enormous opportunity exists to (re) imagine and reinvigorate your workplace and workforce with FSO.

Nixon and Peabody, PwC, NBC Universal, Brother, Y&R, AstraZeneca/MedImmune and have switched to FSO and will confirm significant and positive changes in employee attitude and results.

==> It's Time to Explore A Better Outsourcing Alternative:   
==> Get Personal Attention Instead of Voice Mail

==> Get Consistency Instead of New Faces

==> Get Decisions instead of A Chain of Command Without Authority to Act

==> Get New Ideas instead of More of The Problems You Hired Your Vendors to Solve

==> Get Unmatched White Glove Service From Friendly, Smiling, Accommodating And Productive People Matched To The Culture And Fabric Of Your Firm

==> Get All of The Above at Lower Cost

What Have We Done For Law Firms Lately?
At Weitz and  Luxenberg:
Turning a expense burden into a profit center: We recently completed the largest and most successful document conversion in the New York area, migrating over 35 million pages to electronic format. Savings come not just from eliminating each $900 lateral file, but also from freeing up Class A office space formerly used to store paper in order to be sub-leased for millions of dollars per year.

For another large law firm:
A reduction of the  record's department's real estate footprint from just over 26,00 sqf down to 9,500 sqf, thus providing the firm with cost-savings close to 50k annually, Cross-training of the entire records staff to improve efficiency and coverage needs, the destruction of 2,400 boxes and another 15,00 sent to offsite storage, a floor by floor audit and clean-up of all eight of the firm's floors in Newark, and the list goes on and on.
Can your incumbent do this?


What Customers Are Saying:

“They saw that our business is changing and actually came to us with suggestions on how to reduce costs.”

“Outsourcing to FSO frees us to leverage our core competencies.”

“Supply costs, headcount, workflow, equipment utilization and configuration — they’ve strategically explored options and (re)IMAGINED our operation from top to bottom.”

“People show up and work gets done. The front desk changed to outsourced model and is very successful.”

“They are like proactive, like a breath of fresh air. They’re well dressed, presentable and… cheaper!”

“Since shifting from in-house to outsourcing the cost is better and performance has improved”

“We are convinced the did the right thing and picked the right company. Things are getting done that were overlooked before. Now we have the manpower and expertise that was lacking and, as a result, improvements are being made all the time.”

Over 200 firms in 500 National locations have already made the switch, helping us to become the fasted growing privately owned company in the industry. The impact and results at these sites are nothing short of remarkable.

So if you are going home at night overwhelmed and under appreciated, and would like to turn those outsourcing frowns to smiles, you owe it to yourself to explore a better alternative.

Why not choose happiness instead?

Call me personally at 212.204.1193 and I’ll show you how to take the headaches off your mind and plate, put the fun back into work and a smile on your face.

Have a GREAT DAY as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it."


Friday, November 7, 2014

Inspire ME Friday: Be Inspired By Israel Sci-Tech Schools and My Appointment to Their Board of Friends

"Not only do these life-changing inventions benefit all of humanity, they promise high employment at good salaries contributing to the economy of Israel. I couldn’t be happier to be part of such a noble effort.”

Good Morning Folks.

It's an exciting day for me as news spreads across the US and beyond of my recent appointment to The Board of Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools.

The job-creating Israel Sci-Tech Schools, as you'll read in the press release that follows, is a perfect fit for FSO and my own passion to create opportunities for the underserved. 

Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools is the new North American non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and strengthening Israel Sci-Tech Schools network - the largest network of independent science and technology schools in Israel. This network includes 212 schools and colleges and 100,000 Israeli students as well as 500,000 alumni. The school network that the Friends organization supports was originally founded in Russia in 1880 and was established in Israel in 1949.  Funds raised by the Friends organization are designated for a variety of educational programs to keep pace with the ever-changing fields of science and technology and for special social and volunteer programs. Donations can also be earmarked to update existing classrooms and labs, or to build new schools. 

Here are some of the highlights about the initiative:
  • Focusing on science and technology; essential skills for gaining sustainable employment and making important contributions to society in the 21st Century and beyond
  • Offers opportunities to lower social communities with a vision to upgrade those communities, resulting in bigger potential for getting employment and earning a good salary
  • 60% students study subjects mechanic to nano technology versus 35% Israel average
  • Curriculum being developed and spread to schools throughout the US and Europe
  • Volunteering in community- 20,000 students volunteering as part of studies
    • Identifying Holocaust survivors, buying them computers, installing Internet connecrtions and teaching surveyors communicate with the world and share their life stories online
    • Student volunteers dispatched to children's hospitals- teach and play with cancer-striken kids on computers across ten hospitals across Israel

 Here is the press release:

Mitchell D. Weiner— Entrepreneur, Business Transformation Pioneer and Founder and CEO of one of INC 5000’s Fastest Growing Companies, Appointed to 
The Board of Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools

Tel Aviv, Israel and New York, New York, November 4, 2014— 
Israel Sci-Tech Schools, Israel's largest independent educational network of schools and colleges, and FSO, the USA’s fastest growing onsite outsourcing company, announce the appointment of Mitchell D. Weiner, CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of FSO to the board of directors at Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools.

Mr. Weiner’s appointment strengthens and expands awareness and support in the United States, ensuring the security and vitality of Israel through the advancement of a strong science and technology education for all its citizens. Israel Sci-Tech Schools' graduates are among Israel’s most productive citizens: a workforce of engineers, senior military personnel, high tech entrepreneurs and scientists who are the backbone and the future of Israel.

Said Zvi Peleg, Israel Sci-Tech Schools' Director General, “There was an immediate warm connection between Mitch and us and Israel Sci-Tech Schools. Our schools are known for outside the box thinking and in Weiner’s case there is not even a box! We look forward to working with Mitch on strengthening the bond between Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools in the US and our network of schools in Israel.”

Commented Weiner, “Israel Sci-Tech Schools operates one of the largest Research & Development and Training centers for science and technology education in the world. It develops innovative curricula for robotics, nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, teaching-learning methodologies and online pedagogy for implementation in Israel and export to education systems and hundreds of schools around the world. Not only do these life-changing inventions benefit all of humanity, they promise high employment at good salaries contributing to the economy of Israel. I couldn’t be happier to be part of such a noble effort.”

Adds Peleg, “In high school, did you ever see sparks fly off the sun through a state-of-the-art telescope or build a military vehicle for the IDF Armaments Corps? For nearly 1,200 students at Tzimbaum Israel Sci-Tech High School this is part of their daily learning. Tzimbaum is one of two aerospace schools in Israel – both belonging to the Israel Sci-Tech network. It caters to the full range of high school students and prepares its students to think creatively with innovative curricula including aviation, aerospace, physics, mathematics, computer programming, social studies and theater.”

“The business value of technology is limitless in this rapidly growing field. Humans already depend on robots in many spheres – robot-assisted search and rescue teams, surgeons making smaller incisions and enabling better prognoses, unmanned vehicles and airplanes, spray-painting cars,” says Weiner. “From creating food for astronauts, turning plastic into paper, to preventing tanker oil spills - Israel's accomplishments in science and technology continue to amaze all of us. Many of these life-changing inventions come from students.“

In addition to traditional learning, students of the Israel Sci-Tech Schools supplement their education with active participation in community service. “Mechubarim” (Connected) is an example of a program connecting hundreds of Holocaust Survivor to Cyberspace. 400 dedicated, tech-savvy teens put in the time to make a real, personal ‘connection’ with survivors.

Says Weiner, “It’s amazing, the students teach their elder partner how to use computers and explore the Internet. After they have learned basic skills, the seniors write their life stories on the computer bringing their past to life for their grandchildren and generations to come. This project helps the young and old bridge the generation gap. Together they learn to see beyond stereotypes and discover the value of each person.”

Mrs. Edith Everett – Chairman of the Board of Friends of Israel Sci-Tech school congratulated Mitch on joining the board and said “Thanks to the interest and support of Directors like Mitch Weiner, we are training teens with vision, a creative spirit and a desire to make a difference to Israel and the world.

The Israel Sci-Tech Schools network was established in Israel at 1949 and to date, has over 500,000 graduates.”

About 20 years ago, incoming Israel Sci-Tech Schools Director, Weiner, co-founded Archer Management. The company pioneered mailroom outsourcing – essentially bringing his employees into law firms and other companies to manage all aspects of the mailroom. After growing the company, Weiner was part of the sale of Archer to Oce  (now Canon) in the mid-1990s. He then repeated the success with a startup, rapid growth and sale of another outsourcing company, his third business success. With each, he’s laid a bit more of the foundation for FSO – and the acceptance of onsite outsourcing within multi-billion dollar companies. Like Israel Sci-Tech Schools, Weiner’s firm creates jobs and opportunities for the underserved which he believes, will be his corporate legacy.

I couldn't be more proud and honored to be part of this great organization. I look forward to spreading the word within the United States and to working with other great American organizations and their CEOs as they come aboard.

I will keep you posted in the months ahead.

Meanwhile there are times to work, rest and play. To fully enjoy your weekend let go of the working week. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! 

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken"
 —Oscar Wilde

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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