Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: Congratulations to Our Brightest Stars

"Frank is an amazing asset to our team. He is friendly, courteous and ALWAYS goes above and beyond! It is very difficult around here to get people to be accountable for their jobs and Frank is always willing to not only help out when other “Refuse” but, actually offers assistance when he sees a need."

Good Morning Folks,

Onsite Outsourcing is a challenging field, but it is also one of the most fulfilling careers a person could ever pursue. You have the chance to interact with humans everyday, and you never know how your interaction may deeply impact them.

It’s great to see People + Solutions + Technology in action— all delivered with a PERSONAL TOUCH.

Maya Angelou said, "Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good."

That in mind, It has been so inspiring and exciting to read all the kudos and recognition our employees and sites have been receiving– THANK YOU for all your hard work and tireless efforts to bring hospitality and our white glove services to life.

Desiree, Eni
"Thank you for your help and support this morning. I really appreciate the help and your always professional attitude. Keep it up."

Kimberly, IMG NY
"Thank you for all of your help and hospitality this past week. Great office, and you helped make everything top notch for all of our guests."

Allen, Nixon Peabody
"I just wanted to send you a note to commend Allen Moore on the wonderful help he gave me last Friday. I was filling in for a secretary on vacation, so I had my hands full working for 7 attorneys last week. One of the attorneys requested numerous jobs to be printed in the NYC office, both by Office Services and the NP library in NYC. At my request, these jobs were scattered among the visiting attorney office and Reception. The attorney then requested to have all of the documents he had printed Fed Ex’d to his home for Saturday delivery. Allen took care of printing the documents, amassing them, and Fed Exing them to the attorney. He followed up by sending me the Fed Ex tracking information. He not only took care of my various requests expeditiously, he did so with a smile on his face. This “one stop shopping” made my day infinitely easier. You are lucky to have Allen working in your office!"
Capco Team** Multiple Kudos in 1 Month**
"I wanted to reach out and say a big thank you to the FSO team. I know they really stepped up to make sure the CapcoConnect event tonight runs smoothly. They should all be recognized for their continuous support to our group."

Andrea, Capco
"On behalf of the DC Connect Team I would like to convey a special thanks to Divya, Allison, Season, Andrea, Jon and Taylor from the NYC team for helping us get our act together last night and for making the DC launch a grand success. We couldn't have pulled it off without you. Cheers!" 
Ausberto, Capco
"Ozzi, Season and Raghvi went the extra mile to help a guest attending our Capco Connect event who had an unexpected health problem! I was really happy to see how quickly and thoughtfully they handled the situation for the person, with the ambulance and the person's family, including follow up."

"I just want toexpress my gratitude towards the entire FSO team that helped put together our Capco event for December 17th. We have not made it easy for them (especially Andrea) and they have handled our requests with grace and a smile on their face. The biggest thank you to Ozzy, Jenna, Andrea, Deon, Monica, Katie, Saleem, and everyone else who contributed to the success of the event. We could not have done this without you all!! "

"Hi Reception team, I wanted to send this email to thank you all for your ongoing hard work and support. You all have been critical in helping me prepare for important client presentations. You've made my job easier and for the 3rd time, contributed to successful client events.  Keep up the great job and I look forward to working with you all in the future!"

"I know this comes on the tail end of an event last night but this email is really meant to be more. I can't thank the team here enough for all of their support. I don't want to pinpoint specifics of last night (though the holiday decorations are probably at the top of my list). The general support that the team here on the ground, not just in actions, but also in attitude really is appreciated. Thanks and Happy Holidays!"

"Yesterday the FSO team at Capco put together the most amazing event on behalf of CapcoConnect. It simply could not have been done without their support, flexibility, and hard work. Please pass along my gratitude to the whole team."

"I want to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all of you for taking care of business yesterday. Your speedy response, ability to remain calm and positive attitude is truly amazing."

"I just wanted to thank you all for your help with the NA Capco holiday card packages that were sent out a couple of weeks ago. Labeling, stuffing and mailing packages for 1,000 people is a tough and tedious job- it wouldn't have happened without all your help!!"

 Esther, Capco
"Esther has been extremely helpful in organizing the 'Breakfast with the Leadership Team' events.  She has been of great help in determining the logistics of numerous BLT events. Thanks for everything!"

Talmas, Capco **9 Kudos in 1 Month**
"Just wanted to say thank you for sticking around after hours tonight to resolve my IT mailbox issue. You saved me from an embarrassing situation with a client!"

"I called Talmas, in the afternoon with a laptop issue. My laptop would not load Windows, leaving me unable to work. Talmas tried to assist over the phone, but when he found that he could not, he met me at the office, and resolved the issue. Talmas  definitely went the extra mile!"

"Thank you for resolving my lap top issues and for your patient; you're a great person to work with."

"Appreciate you helping me out with my laptop issues and you are never too busy to assist when needed."

"Appreciate you helping me out with my laptop issues. Seemed like you were juggling a million laptops at the same time as well! Thanks again!"

"Thank you very much Talmas for helping with getting the ATP Alumni Association's email domain set up. You were very helpful and acted with such professionalism! Again, thank you very much!"

"Thanks so much for all of your amazing, expedient, and friendly IT help over the past few days!"

"Talmas was quick at resolving my email issues, he promised it would be fixed within the hour and he delivered!"

"Talmas thank you so much for helping me these past two months with virtual interviews set up. I think I am getting better at being able to set up the web cams on my own - but your ability to troubleshoot for me has been so helpful. Thank you!"

Chris Burns, FSO IT
"Tom, I wanted to reach out to share with you the exceptional experience I have had with Chris during my computer issues. I am sure the majority of the emails you receive are about issues and problems with the people that create these issues. This is not that type of email. I started having serious issues with my computer. Chris looked at the issues and spent an entire day checking on the computer and the solution options he was working on. He found that the computer issues were not easily repairable, but he was going to try. All the while he was working on my computer; he was building another computer to assure I didn’t have to really have down time. As you may know…I have a new computer. I had zero down time due to his planning and efforts. The new computer had the most current office suite and such.  Like all people, I understand the need for changes to make progress, but still, I’m as resistant as the next end user. He took the time to show my how to set up the things I needed to do. I did them overnight with no problems. He did follow-up on his own the next day to see if there were any issues."

"Since then, I have had 8-10 questions on things that are office/explorer user questions. He never lost patience with me. He took the time to research what was needed and provided me with super answers presented in a way that I can understand and remember. He taught me along the way. All in all, he is a super asset to your team and an amazing contributor here at FSG! I appreciate him very much and thought it prudent that you know what an amazing job he does."

Jessica, Central Region Admin **2 Kudos in 1 Month**
"Debra, with our focus so intense on providing client hospitality, it is easy to forget the acts of hospitality we perform for one another in the course of our daily routine. With that in mind, I would like to say that Jessica, acting in her new role as Administrative Assistant for the Central Region, has consistently demonstrated to me that she is always on her game. She has never failed to provide me with assistance, information, or guidance in all matters large and small. None of us can say we "never got the memo" anymore because Jessica makes sure WE ALL get the memo! Here's one example of Jessica's extraordinary acts of internal hospitality:

The other night I had forgotten to send in my Cintas invoice approval by EOD as her timely memo requested. I got online at home and sent it to her at 8:13 p.m. At 8:14 p.m, Jessica replied with an email kindly thanking me for remembering to send it in. That was a ONE MINUTE response and it came long after business hours! Jessica's lightning-fast, after-hours response to my email motivated me to step up my game with my team and my clients the following morning. Jessica's demonstration of service, hospitality, and professionalism is my new "Gold Standard" of service! Thanks for the inspiration, Jessica!"

"Awesome job supporting the Central Region as our new Administrative Assistant!  I have had much positive feedback already on the positive impact you are having. Personally, I don’t know how I managed without you before! Thanks for all you do!"

MARY, Munsch Hardt, Houston
 "I just wanted to acknowledge Mary and the “above and beyond” help that she has given us (Mary Koks/Terry Gage and myself) in locating missing documents – for days we have tried to find documents in a database and the hard copies in one of Mary’s files - Mary Cannon took it upon herself to continue digging making every effort to find these voluminous documents.. and she DID!   We can’t thank her enough!   Just like to give credit when credit is due .. She goes out of her way to assist my team!"

Lissette Umpierre, FSO
"Jim – just wanted you to know that Lissette Umpierre did an awesome job transitioning here in Memphis.  She ran into several road blocks from the vendor that was being transitioned out but handled herself professionally and did not let it get in her way of getting the FSO team ready."

Frank, Samsung
"I am an employee at Samsung (In Ridgefield Park). I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that Frank is an amazing asset to our team here at Samsung. He is friendly, courteous and ALWAYS goes above and beyond! It is very difficult around here to get people to be accountable for their jobs  and Frank is always willing to not only help out when other “Refuse” but, actually offers assistance when he sees a need.  He always goes above and beyond without hesitation.  I want to acknowledge how WONDERFUL Frank is and what a please it is to be able to have him on our team, since he is an exception to the rule around here. Thank you!"

Eric, Caplin Drysdale
"Per my request, Eric stayed 6 hours after his normal departure time to work on a project for me that I needed this morning by 9 am. When I arrived at 7:45 am this morning the project was in my office and ready for me. He made over 53 books for me, each were a couple hundred pages. Kudos to Eric, another brilliant job done by him."

Keyana, Unicredit
"I just wanted to show you something really great Keyana did on Monday while I was out of the office. I had explained to her that I needed the attached done for a KPI book I was putting together. Although I had notes in a binder of what to do, I did not have the opportunity to walk her through both sheets.  She put on her pro-active hat and figured it out on her own and sent it to me on Monday so I would have it today."

Our job in hospitality is to make the client feel as if they are at home and create memories and experiences that want to make clients "return." It is also our job to make sure that we supply our clients with that “WOW" factor that makes them feel special. As important as it is to take care of our clients, it is equally important to take care of all of our team members. The more enthusiastic and happy our employees are at work the more productive they will be. Without the support of each team member that “WOW” factor will never be given to our clients.”

To all of our honorees, CHEERS to you and THANK YOU for working tirelessly to deliver Service Extraordinaire with a smile. Keep up the great work!!

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." 
--Amelia Earhart
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Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies and ranked among the top 25 of New York's fastest growing privately held companies by Crain's magazine, FSO can proudly boast: 
  • 98 % client retention with ZERO displacements 
  • 98 % employee retention – twice the industry average 
  • 300+ years of industry experience residing in its Senior Leadership Team 
  • 120+ corporate support staff supporting our national footprint (HR, IT, Analysts, Subject matter experts etc) 
    Led by Mitchell Weiner, the co-founder and pioneer of onsite outsourcing, FSO was created to deliver what the industry has lost sight of – and everything you deserve: 
    • An outsourcing experience powered by passionate people. 
    • An intimate and personal approach to service. 
    • A partnership based on care, trust and mutual success. 
    • Involved owners listening to your needs and proposing customized solutions. 

    To learn more, please contact our national direct line: 212.204.1193.

    Tuesday, January 6, 2015

    Ted Tuesday: John Wooden— The Difference Between Winning And Succeeding

    "This charming talk is like listening to your favorite grandfather give you life advice in the living room"

    Good Morning Folks,

    With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves.

    John Wooden, affectionately known as Coach, led UCLA to record wins that are still unmatched in the world of basketball. Throughout his long life, he shared the values and life lessons he passed to his players, emphasizing success that’s about much more than winning.

    Born in 1910, Coach John Wooden was the first person to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame both as a player and coach, while ESPN ranks him as the greatest coach of all time, across all sports. In his 40 years at UCLA, he mentored legends such as Bill Walton and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. He has created a model, the Pyramid of Success, and authored several books to impart his insight on achievement to others.

    Coach wanted his players to be victors in life and not just on the court, so he treated them as an extended family and emphasized that winning was more than scoring. Indeed, most of his inspiring theories were born from conversations with his father, as a boy on their farm in Indiana. One that sums up his ideology quite well is his often-quoted definition of success: "Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

    In this inspiring TED talk, John Wooden, considered by many to be the greatest basketball coach of all time, gives a definition for success that you can apply to your family or working life to reach happiness. He also clarifies the difference between winning and succeeding.

    The great surprise about John Wooden’s definition of success is the humility in it. It is astounding for someone who didn’t lose a game for 3 straight years in UCLA’s famous 88 game win streak and may be the greatest coach of any team in any sport of all time. Maybe he knew about the importance of humility in success.

    Much of this video also reminds me that if you truly believe that something will happen, not just say it or hope it will, you will naturally start to do the things necessary to make it happen.

    Sometimes when you get there, there’s almost a letdown. But there’s getting there that’s the fun.

    Some inspiring quotes from the Coach:
    "If you make effort to do the best you can regularly, the results will be about what they should be." 
    Wooden’s Definition of Success:
    "Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you’re capable."
    The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding:
    "I believe that we must have faith. I believe that we must believe, truly believe. Not just give it word service; believe that things will work out as they should, providing we do what we should." 
    "I say to you, in whatever you’re doing, you must be patient." 
    "Don’t whine. Don’t complain. Don’t make excuses. Just get out there, and whatever you’re doing, do it to the best of your ability. And no one can do more than that." 
    "Never mention winning. My idea is that you can lose when you outscore somebody in a game. And you can win when you’re outscored."
    John Wooden wanted to “abolish the dunk,” he hated “the one and done rule,” he supposedly was “disgusted” by Allen Iverson and pretty much disliked everything else I liked about basketball. With that said, I have all the respect in the world for the “Wizards of Westwood” – he also hated that nickname.

    Here’s a great video of him on the always entertaining and thought provoking TED Talk series.

    Coach Wooden is a humble, private man who has selflessly given up his life to make other people’s lives better ... John Wooden gave us the necessary tools to overcome the adversity and obstacles that he knew from the beginning would always be in our way. He taught us to find a source of motivation to inspire us to ever higher levels of preparation and work.

    Have a GREAT Day,

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer

    Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

    About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
    Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

    Sadik-Khan has served as commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation since 2007. Previously she was senior vice president at the engineering firm Parsons Brinckerhoff and served as deputy administrator of the Federal Transit Administration in Washington.

    Monday, January 5, 2015

    Shift Happens. Starting Now.

    "We live and work in difficult times. Today, change is everywhere, competition is fierce, and windows of opportunity slam shut before they’re even fully open. You've got to lead or be trampled. And, after months of strategy sessions and careful planning, lead is exactly what FSO intends to."

    Good Morning Folks,

    I hope you are as rested and relaxed as I am after a long holiday break and ready to plunge head-first into 2015 with all the passion, enthusiasm and quest for success that we aspire to.

    One of my favorite  bloggers, Seth Godin, served his short but pithy messages to over 3 million folks last year and got enough accolades to have his most popular messages reprinted by the New York Times. That alone shows you a shift in media, a shift in thinking and a trend which ushers in this New Year in general— Shift, change or get out of the way.

    We live and work in difficult times. Today, change is everywhere, competition is fierce, and windows of opportunity slam shut before they’re even fully open. You've got to lead or be trampled. And, after months of strategy sessions and careful planning, lead is exactly what FSO intends to.

    One of Seth's final posts of 2014 was titled "Used to be." He reasoned:

    • This hotel used to be a bank. 
    • That conference organizer used to be a travel agent. 
    • This company used to make playing cards.
    "Used to be," is not necessarily a mark of failure or even obsolescence. It's more often a sign of bravery and progress.

    At FSO we are we are fired up and ready to step up our operations and deliver better services that have substance, an impact on the bottom line, operational and strategic smarts.  2015 at FSO are focused on a very clear business model of People + Solutions, + Technology with greater energy, investment, smarts and focus than ever before.

    Technology and business are evolving faster than your ability to adapt. "Used to be," counts for less and less. Therefore, 2015 will be all about Possibility: The ability of Outsourcing to support any and every strategic business need.  Our caring and supportive employees are here to provide unlimited value add services to help you gain additional revenue.

    We express this in three simple buckets People + Solutions + Technology. 

    + People
    People have always been our strength and focus and remain the foundation upon which to build every service offering. Our strategy is straightforward - we team the latest technologies with a highly trained, motivated, team oriented, passionate people who care about delivering the FSO Experience and doing a great job for our clients. We will stand out from the crowd with the most comprehensive training, awards and recognition programs in the industry and will be the happiest place to work. FSO’s employees will always have that “twinkle in the eye, skip in the step, fire in the belly,” which ultimately results in exceptional service delivery. 

    + Solutions
    Outsourcing is increasingly considered to be a strategic decision. By pairing People + Solutions + Technology, FSO is adding real innovation to outsourcing to deliver value added services and gain additional revenue. Outsourcing is no longer just about saving costs. FSO provides operational expertise, service lines, resources and capabilities many companies do not possess and we are committed to challenging our clients to open their minds to the world of possibilities in the strategic and tactical running of their business.

    New technologies can have revolutionary impacts with widespread and unexpected benefits. But how technology adds value to the people solutions and advice we provide is what sets FSO apart. With the introduction of BlueSky Solutions, powered by, we have many unique offerings in the market and competitive advantages which delivers a unique level of strategic support and advice for our clients. While we are partners, we are always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, and make visibility, transparency and accountability a real time event.

    FSO has dedicated significant resources in order to further support the growth and expansion nationwide. But we could not make the shift without a strong leadership team who collectively has hundreds of years of onsite outsourcing experience, having created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and solid solutions that have provided decades of success to tens of thousands of organizations.

    FSO is all about engagement with our clients and becoming part of your business family. Our leadership team’s experience and ideas have come from the streets and not from behind a desk or from sitting in board meetings with endless graphs full of “why nots.” Our leadership team is out in the field with you - our clients – listening, impacting and improving the services we deliver every day. In addition to our proven leaders, Our Future Leaders are truly one of our greatest assets. Our mission with Future Leaders is develop business leaders across the FSO enterprise.

    My commitment is to be out in the field amongst our employees and clients every single day to ensure that his personal touch and commitment to them is being felt and experienced by all. 

    Every account we've won and in growing the business so rapidly in just 60 months was a client of someone else who let them down. In this economy, bigger conglomerates look to cut costs, but make a big mistake when they skimp on training. By neglecting to properly and consistently train their folks, our competitors have opened the door for others to eat their lunch.

    Training is OUR competitive difference, and folks from all walks of the company are taking advantage of it. We couldn’t be more excited with the well-deserved promotion of Missy Adriazola to lead the charge. 

    As technology continues to move faster and faster, rapidly innovating companies will find that trustability and management accountability will become indispensable. Moreover, when it’s not your core competency  it’s vital to have someone else managing it who knows how to hire and train in that type of role.

    FSO's surge in growth and expansion throughout the United States has been largely driven by market and client demands. Our clients are asking us to grow with them. As they expand, they want FSO by their side. Leading that charge is Jim Caton.

    Hospitality is Jim’s DNA. He has perfected the art of working closely with our national clients and our onsite teams in the field and remains highly engaged with every aspect of our client’s operations. Jim is tasked with expansion, while overseeing and ensuring service extraordinaire for existing business.

    Operational best practices continue to be our greatest asset. Accordingly, Bomsi Billimoria joined FSO as Chief Operations Officer (COO) and our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to apply his first-hand client-side insights working among 160,000 employees and $2 trillion in total assets! Bomsi reports directly to Mitch and is responsible for all of the tri-state operations and staff. 

    In a day and age when technology carries equal weight in relevance to people + solutions, Our Chief Information Officer, Thomas Pategas, provides a unique level of strategic support and advice for our clients.  Not only does our CIO provide unbiased hardware and software recommendations, but he also has the strategic experience to ensure our solutions are in line with our clients overall IT device management, strategic goals, and budget. HE is always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, while making possible for you what was not possible before. 

    While we are partners, we are always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, and make visibility, transparency and accountability a real time event.

    We appreciate and value your trust last year - we are blessed to have such loyal customers.

    Look out to 2015!!!  Where you can count on us to show you new possibilities, new revenue and all the happiness and peace of mind you’ve come to expect from FSO.

    Have a GREAT DAY as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer

    "Give your customers the ability to do what they would want to do if only they knew it was possible.” 

    Tuesday, December 30, 2014

    Ted Tuesday: How To Learn A New Language: 7 Secrets From TED Translators

    While I enjoy some holiday time out today, I'll let you screen a few interesting Ted Talks and let ME know which YOU would recommend to feature on a 2015 Tuesday. 


    Originally posted on TED Blog:
    Learning_a_languageBy Krystian Aparta
    They say that children learn languages the best. But that doesn’t mean that adults should give up. We asked some of the polyglots in TED’s Open Translation Project to share their secrets to mastering a foreign language. Their best strategies distill into seven basic principles:
    1. Get real. Decide on a simple, attainable goal to start with so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. German translator Judith Matz suggests: “Pick up 50 words of a language and start using them on people — and then slowly start picking up grammar.”
    2. Make language-learning a lifestyle changeElisabeth Buffard, who in her 27 years of teaching English has always seen consistency as what separates the most successful students from the rest. Find a language habit that you can follow even when you’re tired, sick or madly in love.
    3. Play house with the language. The more you invite…
    4. Let technology help you out. Dmitrochenkova has a great idea: “A funny thing like resetting the language on your phone can help you learn new words right away,” she says. Ditto for changing the language on your browser. Or you can seek out more structured learning opportunities online. Dutch translator Els De Keyser recommends Duolinguo for its gamified approach to grammar, and Anki for memorizing vocabulary with its “intelligent” flashcards.

    Have a GREAT Day,

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer

    Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

    About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
    Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

    Monday, December 29, 2014

    From Deathbed Confessions Come Five Great New Years Resolutions For A Happier Life

    “Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.”

    Good Morning Folks,

    I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season with friends, colleagues and family. For those who continue to work straight through to support our clients - we extend a very heartfelt and appreciative thank you. 

    On my time-out last week I was catching up on reading from some of the social bookmarks I save for all of us (please follow me) on my Twitter feed to catch when/if we have time. You will always find a GREAT read among them “a Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed.

    She blogs “For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.”

    “People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them. When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

    1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

    2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

    3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

    4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

    5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

    You can read he details behind # 1-4 at the source article HERE. 

    With regard to #5, as your Chief Happiness Officer, I must say is a surprisingly common one. 

    The Nurse noted, “Many did not realize until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.”

    “When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.”

    As you make your new year’s resolutions, these 5 commitments would be a great place to start.

    Always remember folks, life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness. Look in the mirror, because the only thing stopping from realizing your true human potential to be happy is you.

    Thanks to everyone for their great efforts this year - we are blessed to have such dedicated and employees - look out 2015!!! 

    Have a GREAT DAY as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer

    “You only live once-but if you work it right, once is enough.”

    About the Author:
    Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

    Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email