Thursday, February 12, 2015

Link UP! Thursday: Discovered By Me, Passed On To You With Deepest Affection

 "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." – Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft.

Good Morning Folks,

In between posts here, you'll find me curating and sharing informative articles I stumble upon on social media.

You may need to be logged into LinkedIn to view some of these. If we are not connected there yet, hit me up for an invite. 

And to keep up on my shares between blogposts, follow my PERSONAL twitter account where you can scroll back through nearly 5,000 of no BS, hand-selected articles discovered by me, and passed on to you— to help improve your life and career. 

Leading to all the love, happiness and success you deserve.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: Kudos To Outsourcing's Best and Brightest Team

"I wanted to let you know that your staff of Ron, Rob, Kevin and Tyrone have been so very accommodating and helpful during this 'busy tax season' and during the year. I can't thank them enough for moving boxes from floor to floor, obtaining the many empty boxes needed and anything else I ask of them."

Good Morning Folks,

As FSO continues its expansion nationally, we remain focused on the people and constantly raising the bar to (re)IMAGINE™ the way to go to business - ensuring we deliver the very best experience to our clients and employees. 

We believe people make or break the success of an organization. Great people like those featured here today want to be part of FSO as clients and employees because we are passionate and we CARE about what it means to be there for them.

Our clients love what we are doing for them.  Hear it direct from their mouths. Below are a few kudos for the Month of February:

Ausberto, Capco **2 Kudos in 1 Month**

"Ausberto, Per usual, thank you for taking the time to help our team. We can always count on you to address all of our concerns and assist with ALL OF OUR ISSUES. You consistently go above and beyond the call of duty."  
Oz, Capco
'Oz- thank you so much for your help with Peter's visit on Wednesday! The day had so many moving parts and last minute changes- but as always you haddled it like a pro and made the appropriate adjustments and everything went off without a hitch. Thank you so much-we couldn't have done it without you!"
Andrea, Capco
"Andrea as been instrumental in helping to plan all of our Capco Connect events. Her constant dedication, performance, professionalism, and positive attitude is unparalleled. She has done a wonderful job and deserves thanks!" 
DeAndre and Andrew  Capco
"I am writing to let you know of the above and beyond help that DeAndre and Andrew provided me this morning.  These two guys continue to amaze me. They are always good but this morning they have been exceptional. Please consider this as a commendation for a job well done!"
"Thank you so much for your help with Peter's visit to Capco. You made all the difference being our look-out and extra pair of hands to make sure everything went smoothly. Thank you!!" 

Jenna Solis and Jose, Capco 
"Thank you and Jose for arranging the keyboard tray and nice installation! " 

Kaydeon, Capco
"Thank you so much for your help with Peter's visit to Capco! You were an enormous help to make the day go smoothly. You rock! Thank you!"
Monica , Capco
"Many thanks ladies for your efforts in making today’s event a roaring success. Great job."

Joanne, Enrrico
"I was expecting an important package last week via USPS, which turned in to a delivery mess. At one point, it completely dropped off the tracking system and the package seemed to be lost.  I called the mailroom to ask about the package and got Joanne. Joanne tracked it down for me with the help of a contact at the post office. From that point on, Joanne went above and beyond looking out for the delivery. It actually got lost again and there is no way that I would have received it without her.  I wanted to be sure that someone was told how amazing and helpful she is."

Rosetta, Neuberger Berman
"Is extremely dedicated/committed/flexible, makes it a point to go above and beyond each day (no matter how challenging the day) and definitely without a doubt, exhibits enthusiasm and passion for what she provides on a daily basis for the client and FSO."

Stephon, NY TIMES
"This is to advise you how much we rely on and value Stephon. He is efficient, courteous, and pleasant to work with. He is always ready to assist with any issues or questions. Stephon is an asset to the newsroom."

Rasheida, PwC Florham Park

"Rasheida has been doing an awesome job dealing with the Florham Park invoices. For over a year she's been taking ownership of this task and relieving me of the work so I can focus on other issues. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the help. Rasheida always approaches the task with a smile and is always asking if she can help me with this or that. She also follows up to let me know that invoices have been processed as well as the status of some issue we're working through.I really really appreciate her work and enjoy working with her. Thanks for everything Rasheida!!" 

Ron, Rob, Kevin and Tyrone, PwC Philly
"I wanted to let you know that your staff of Ron, Rob, Kevin and Tyrone  have been so very accommodating and helpful to me during this 'busy tax season' so far and during the year also. I can't thank them enough for moving boxes from floor to floor, obtaining the many empty boxes needed and anything else I ask of them. Each and every one of them has, on occasion, stopped me in my tracks to ask me if I need help and Ron (assigned to my floor) is always stopping by my desk to see if I need anything. I know it's all part of their job but not everybody goes above and beyond their assigned responsibilities like these men. I wanted you to be aware of this and give credit where credit is due. None of us get enough recognition in our busy lives when we do something that we should be recognized for. Have a great weekend."

It's clear from these kudos that everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.    

Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"It comes down to finding something you love to do and then just trying to be great at it."
 -- Mark Cuban

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ted Tuesday: How Do Dogs See With Their Noses - Alexandra Horowitz

Is this the reason why dogs sniff other dogs' butts?  (They have sent glands on their butts that tell them who individuals are and about their emotion/mood and health.)

Good Morning Folks,

Welcome to Ted Tuesdays where we inform and delight sharing my favorite inspirational talks from Ted. Ted is one of the best things that's been made possible by the Internet that was never possible before. It's opened up a world of knowledge delivered to your desktop that enhances life's experience.

I have dozens of Ted talks bookmarked to share with you. But this weekend I came across a just released one that I thought it was super interesting! If you've ever wondered why dogs have to sniff every single thing they come across then this will probably shed some light!  I would gladly trade our "better" sense of sight for a canine-like sense of smell! It's crazy the amount of things you can pick up on and has made the world of dogs much more interesting to me! 

You may have heard the expression that dogs ‘see with their noses.’ But these creature’s amazing nasal architecture actually reveals a whole world beyond what we can see. Alexandra Horowitz illustrates how the dog’s nose can smell the past, the future and even things that can’t be seen at all.

Their sense of smell is 100 million times more sensitive than humans'. They can read minds -- sensing emotions through smell. They can see the past, by sensing lingering odors of people and creatures that have moved on. And they can see the future, smelling oncoming people and creatures before they arrive. 

Also, they can sense what direction a smell is coming from, and the direction it's going. 

Lets us learn How do dogs see with their noses - Alexandra Horowitz (HD)
I haver been told that when dogs go the dog park the attraction is to "read the newspaper" sniffing out who else was there when and with how,

Well I just learned a thing or two about our own dogs. Who says an old dog like me can't learn some new tricks? j How about you?

Thanks for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, February 9, 2015

CFO’s: It’s About The Right Resources Doing The Right Work For The Right Cost

"Nixon Peabody, PwC, NBC Universal, Brother International, Y&R, Kate Spade, AstraZeneca / MedImmune and hundreds more have partnered with FSO and will confirm significant and positive changes in employee attitude and results."

Greetings , 

Did you know that we work with dozens of CFOs in your city helping them to drive revenue growth? 

They turn to us with these three of the most pressing concerns facing their company:

1. Healthcare costs
2. Controlling spending and improving profitability
3. Staff morale and motivation 

One way more and more businesses are actively managing costs is by making use of flexible staffing strategies. By using Onsite Outsourcing, companies can convert a portion of one of their largest VARIABLE costs - labor - into a fixed expense that provides for stability and certainty in managing budgets.

Contracting Outsourced professionals can also help boost morale. FSO provides the most generous rewards, recognition, training and development programs in the industry that are tailored to our employees' needs and desires - with outsourcing they have a career which allows them to spread their wings beyond a single client.

Onsite Outsourcing also solves the CFO's largest problem by shifting the burden of healthcare to our shoulders. As a bonus, Outsourcing provides new resources, expertise and technology to make possible what as not possible before.

Before you cut costs unilaterally or advance any significant change initiative, we'd like to help you conduct a complimentary assessment to see what can be streamlined, cut or (re) Imagined to build your bottom line in a more efficient and profitable way.

Nixon Peabody, PwC, NBC Universal, Brother International, Y&R, Kate Spade, AstraZeneca / MedImmune and hundreds more have partnered with FSO and will confirm significant and positive changes in employee attitude and results.

I am happy to discuss various options as they pertain to your organization's unique needs or the needs of others you may know! 

Call me personally 212-204-1193.

Have a GREAT Monday and a wonderful week!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“I always strive to do better today than I did yesterday.”
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Friday, February 6, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: "We All Shine As Individuals, But We Are On Fire As A Team!"

"I talk to my team. I listen to my team. I advocate for my team. But most importantly, I respect my team, and that comes back to me AND the client ten-fold."

Good Morning Folks,

To be the best of the best in our industry we need all engines of FSO firing across the nation. From our front end sales team to our hardworking operations team - our success depends on everyone of us supporting each other with care, respect and commitment.

I often refer to the wonderful motivational messages that are being communicated throughout the week internally at FSO by folks from all walks of the company.

Today I'd like to share a recent message from Business Experience Manager Andrew Kleinwaks, leader of the co-winning team that took home the 2014 Site of the Year for PwC and FSO.  Andrew....

"As a co-winner of the 2014 Site of the Year for PwC and FSO, I have been asked to deliver a message this morning describing what it took to get us to that point. The answer is simple. Hard work, dedication, and pride.

The FSO message is, and has always been to put the client first. After all, without the client, I wouldn’t be writing this, and you wouldn’t be reading it. But, for folks with a strong work ethic, putting the client first comes naturally, whether in an outsourced environment or as a direct hire. Providing a high level of service and top tier hospitality comes naturally as well. It’s not faked, it’s not forced, it’s not contrived. There has to be that certain gene within your make-up that drives you to excel; one that gives you the passion. As a certain RD I know & respect once commented, “You can’t fake passion”.

The Florham Park Team has to “make the sale” each and every day. We are selling the Mitch Brand. We’re selling the FSO Brand. But just as importantly, we’re selling our individual brand. What we do here on any given day defines us as individuals. If our individual brand excels, so too do the Mitch & FSO Brands. When I meet with candidates for spots on my team, I let them know what is expected of them, and challenge them to tell me how they would meet those expectations. I want specific examples.
Once on board, they’re trained how to practice hospitality our way. Some minor tweaks are required, because of our brand. We practice the 10/4 rule daily, we provide exceptional hospitality at every turn, we garner as many Kudo’s as we can (but not as many as we deserve), and maintain a near spotless facility. We display the Skip, the Twinkle and the Fire day in and day out. This is a direct reflection on my team as a group, the members individually, myself as their on-site leadership, and FSO on the whole. We’re selling a package deal.

In just over a year, our team has collected close to 100 Kudo’s from the client. One member of this team received 20 in a two month period. An exceptional achievement to say the least. Sure, these are simply postcards signed by Mitch & Jim, acknowledging an achievement, but more importantly, they validate for the employee that he or she accomplished what they set out to do when they walked in the door: WOW the client. Deliver a client experience unlike any they have had in the past. Be proud of a job well done.

It’s hard work to maintain the site. It’s the dedication that each of my team members have to me, to the client and to FSO. It’s the pride they take in leaving at the end of the day knowing they have performed at their peak. I ask them for nothing less, and often get more.  The drive displayed by my team shows with each floor-walk, and with each submission of monthly KPI’s. We are scoring consistent 5’s across the board. Are we perfect? Of course not, but we try to come as close as we possibly can each and every day.

I talk to my team. I listen to my team. I advocate for my team.  But most importantly, I respect my team, and that comes back to me AND the client ten-fold.

All our efforts in Florham Park culminated on January 7, when 2 members of our team (Nick Gonnella – Associate of the Month – Galactic Group, and myself for Manager of the Year), AND the site were nominated for awards. Simply having nominations in three categories would have been enough for me, but taking home one of the trophies for Site of The Year couldn’t have made me more proud of the team we have assembled here. We all shine as individuals, but we are on fire as a team."
I hope from the field messages such as this you have been reading from 2014 Winners that you have been hearing a common thread. 

FSO's Business operations managers (BOM's) or Experience Managers take ownership of their sites, their employees and their client. They proudly represent FSO in so many of the right ways which includes:

1.Building a great team at their site. 
A smart BOM may have recruited for their own team members or spotted great talent and made sure they joined their site. 

You can only achieve this if you embed yourself into the industry and FSO. Get to know who's who and use the resources available to you when needed. You should be proud of every single member of your team and only settle for the best of the best. 

2. Knowledge - a great BOM runs their site with a business mentality. 
Always looking for ways to apply best practices, increase productivity, add value, do more with less and always look for ways to EXPAND onsite services. That is what is expected of you as a leader. Knowledge and leadership ensures that your team is focused on the right SLAs and KPIs and delivering with perfection. 

3. Owning the client and loving the employees. 
A BOM's relationship with their client contact is professional, respectful and rock solid. You take care of their operations and they will take care of FSO. Mistakes will happen however if you have done right by our client they will do right by you. This means operating with integrity, honesty, care and trust. 

A true BOM is always recognizing great work and those who go above and beyond at their site. They are training their staff and not holding great talent back - but nurturing and looking for ways to promote their employees.  As FSO grows, we are always looking to promote people. 

I hope you look forward to reading more success stories like this one as I do. I can only ask that our leaders in the field all take a big step up together and work towards building a company that is truly the best of the best. 

Good Morning FSO-USA, and Happy Friday!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email