Thursday, July 31, 2014

Throw Back Thursday: The Origins of The Necktie and Return of the Bow Tie

“You always feel better about yourself when you work to look your best, which means you project that image to others. They take notice.”

Photo: Fashion-forward FSO Experience Director  Shawn Curwen 
opts for the Bow Tie

Good Morning Folks,

One of our most popular posts provides guidance on proper business attire. Then in a Throw Back Thursday post we showcased the history of court attire going way back to customs of white powdered wigs and black robes… still used in the Supreme Court and some countries (such as you've seen if you've been watching the judge to the left in news clips of the Pistorius trial).

What she wears that also distinguishes Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who remarked in a Katie Couric Yahoo interview today saying when asked if the 82-year old would retire soon, she responded that she's not ready to hang up her Jabot).


Jabots survive in the present as components of various official costumes. The white bibs of judges of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany are officially described as jabots, as are those worn by judges and counsel throughout Australian courts. Jabots are prescribed attire for barristers appearing before the Supreme Court of South Australia.

French magistrate court dress and French academic dress include a jabot, called Rabat. It is usually of plain cotton, except that of academic high officials, which is made of lace.

In the United States Supreme Court, jabots are worn by some female justices, but are not mandatory. Both United States Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor often wear jabots with their judicial robes;Justice Elena Kagan, in contrast, does not.

The Speaker of the British House of Commons also wears a jabot along with a black and gold robe and lace frills.

Jabots continue to be worn as part of the highest formal Scottish evening attire and a former part of Scottish highland dance costumes from the 1930s to the 1970s. They are usually worn with high-necked jackets or doublets (Sheriffmuir or Montrose), often with matching cuffs for both genders and a fly plaid of the same tartan as the kilt, draped over-the-shoulder for men.

But here in the USA,. the necktie still rules. So...

Today we share Jennifer Busch's LinkedIn article "The Origin of the Necktie" -- Jennifer, over to you.
While the tie as we know it is a fairly modern invention, specific neckwear was worn by Romans in a similar way to accentuate and identify the military or in sports today to identify a team or troop. 
Cravat, which has become universal for tie origins are based in the Croatian mercenary’s terminology.  
The Croatian mercenary’s who fought with the French during the 30 Years War wore cloth around their necks both as decoration and to tie their shirts. “Croat” became “cravat” and the origins of the necktie were born. King Louis IV, who wore lace cravats when he was a boy, liked cravats so much he made them mandatory attire at Royal gatherings. Soon enough, the always chic Parisian nobility started wearing them and the cravat craze spread to other parts of Europe. 
The natural progression from the cravat was the bow tie. While the bow tie has evolved over time the early renditions were difficult to knot and easily loosened, making them impractical for men who worked in physically demanding jobs. By the beginning of the 20th century, instead of being tied into a bow, the fabric was knotted to hang down from the neck. This is how the necktie came into fashion. Made from silk, it often had stripes. 
While it was easier to knot than a bow tie, it was hard to keep the fabric straight. 
In 1924 an American tailor, Jesse Langsdorf, tried cutting the fabric at a 45-degree angle across the silk’s grain to see if it would stop the problem of curling at the bottom and give the tie a neater, sleeker look. He also cut the fabric into three sections, two equally long sides and a shorter piece to go around the neck in such as way so that the seams would match. This design also made it easier for men to loosen the tie without it becoming undone. 
What became known as the Langsdorf tie has been the standard for the last 90 years. While patterns, fabrics, lengths and widths have come and gone, the basic cut has not changed. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it and this accessory has seemed to work well for men, and even women, who want to spice up their look.
Speaking of ties, have you seen the 12-year-old 'kidpreneur' who captured the hearts and minds of ABC's Shark Tank panel and has Daymond of FUBU fame as his personal mentor?

This kid named MO has the FSO skip, fire and twinkle for sure and is bound for greatness. 

Moziah Bridges didn't get an investment when he stood before Shark Tank's panel of five angel investors looking for financial help to grow his bow tie business. He got something much more—a mentor.

Daymond John, the founder of the FUBU clothing line. John said that back in 1989, when his company was nothing more than a few hats, he rejected an offer for $10,000 for 40 percent of that company. Ten years later, that equity would have been worth $40 million.

According to his website Mo's Bows, "Mo's Bows is a company I started in Memphis, TN in 2011 when I was just 9 years old. I couldn't find fun and cool bow ties, so one day I decided to use my Granny's scrap fabric to make and sell my own. I like to wear bow ties because they make me look good and feel good. Designing a colorful bow tie is just part of my vision to make the world a fun and happier place." Love it!

Whether MO achieves his goal of bringing back the bow-tie remains to be seen. But some of our most fashionable leaders like Shawn Curwen have already embraced it. As long as I don't have to wear a powered wig and gown to call on a law firm (lol), I'm good with diversity in dress.

And remember even those who are not expected to wear a suit and tie everyday shouldn't forgo all style and fashion sensibility. 

Here are LinkUPs that will help you dress for success:

What IS Business Casual?

3 Tips For Expressing Your Style And Enhancing Your Personal Brand

Have fun kids and you MUST.. ENJOY THE RIDE... we are a blessed and excited group!

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ted Tuesday: Dan Dennett — Cute, Sexy, Sweet, Funny

"Why are babies cute? Why is cake sweet? Philosopher Dan Dennett has answers you wouldn't expect, as he shares evolution's counterintuitive reasoning on cute, sweet and sexy things."

Good Morning Folks,

Today on I am pleased to share another of the dynamic TedX talks that have been viewed by millions of people worldwide.

We think backwards. As a species we tend to think of cause and effects as reversible: “post hoc ergo propter hoc.” That means “after this, ergo because of this.” This is of course a logical fallacy, because saying that “since something came after this event, it was obviously caused by the event it came after”. Yet it is the way we as human beings think all the time.

Why are babies cute? Why is cake sweet? Philosopher Dan Dennett has answers you wouldn't expect, as he shares evolution's counterintuitive reasoning on cute, sweet and sexy things (plus a new theory from Matthew Hurley on why jokes are funny).

What about funny? What is funny for? It must be important, mustn't it? We spend billions of dollars annually on candy and cookies, sexy advertising and pornography, and the cute mice, bears, dragons, and fish of the animated film industry, but we also spend billions on comedy -- funny movies, funny television, funny books, and comedians. We pay good money, and stand in line, and even take time out from eating and making love to satisfy our voracious appetite for humor. Why do we have the taste at all? What good is a funny bone? Other species don't seem to need one.

And why has it taken so long for someone to realize that this is an important puzzle? 

In this video Dan explains a very similar idea. We think of something a certain way, not because of a quality innate in it’s materials, but because of our brains interpretation of it. As Dan used in his example, Babies in and of themselves are not cute. Cute is just our interpretation in our brain, explaining our need to keep it alive. Humans can sometimes learn this way, as a child we can learn, that things are dangerous, not because they actually are, but because we have mental associations with it (ex: we’re spanked if we steal.) In and of itself, the act of stealing is not negative, but because of our brains, we interpret it as bad.

This video is simple in its approach and well done. It’s definitely with the seven minutes to watch it.

Thanks, Daniel, for continuing to stretch my thinking and approach to this world. Thanks to TedX project and Huffington Post and most of all to you for listening.

Let's all go make things happen today. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form.TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the second consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Company That Emphasizes Happiness, And Positively Reinforces Great Service Is One You’ll Want To Know

"Permanent happiness comes from you choosing to be permanently happy. When you choose happiness, then you attract all the happy things as well. The happy things are the icing on the cake, but the cake is happiness" ~~Rhonda Byrne

Good Morning Folks,

Whether it is health, money, a loving relationship, material things, accomplishments, a job, or anything at all, the desire for happiness is the bottom line of all of them. But remember that happiness is a state inside of us, and something on the outside can only bring fleeting happiness, because material things are impermanent.

Regardless of your looks, skills or intelligence, or what struggles you have had in your life --  if you don’t have a good attitude, if you don’t believe that happiness is a “choice”, if you don’t believe you can accomplish great things then you will never achieve success.  

Look around you. You work for a HAPPY company, with a Chief HAPPINESS Officer at the helm - who truly wants you to be happy, who gives you all the tools, opportunities and support to grow and be happy at what you do. You know why? 

Unhappy people, negative people, uncooperative people, complaining people just attract more unhappiness, negativity and difficulty into their lives. Those people can never truly be PERSONAL, PASSIONATE and PRODUCTIVE. 

But... on the FSO side of the coin... happy employees are contagious. Happy employees create a great work environment, and happy employees create more opportunity.

Our Sales, Marketing, and Operations teams are firing on all cylinders! We have the competition on their heels, with more and more of their clients taking a serious look at FSO and deciding that we are the only real choice when it comes to outsourcing.   

The FSO Train is screaming down the track, exceeding our client’s expectations and delivering on our promise to love and nurture our most valuable asset, our employees!  

==>  FSO is the Fastest growing outsourcer in the Industry
==>  FSO is the displacing its competitors every day
==>  FSO is the best place to work in the industry
==>  FSO is providing thousands a chance to reach their goals
==>  FSO is the most sought out company in the industry to work

What a great thing to say about your job!  

I talk to a lot of prospects that have our competitors currently. EVERY time I speak with them I get a bit nauseas because they tell me they are marginally happy, that they do not get any ideas from the current provider, that the staff onsite isn’t happy, that the management from the current company has never been to the site or met with them, that the local manager never provides reports, and the list goes on. UGH! I have seen the great work we do on-site and I am a true believer that (re)Imagine is our differentiator. 

Every time we (re)Imagine we win! Do not underestimate the impact that wiping off finger prints on a glass door can have. Do not underestimate the impact of your smile on a customer. Little things like straightening up an unsightly lobby, helping to set up a conference room when it is not our service agreement, it is the kind words and great attitude and providing ideas and recommendations for improvements. 

Your career and your growth is top of mind for me every single moment of the day. We have excitement in our company and I want you all to be excited. 

YOU are always appreciated for what YOU do, being who YOU are and the role YOU play in the company. Without YOU there could be no FSO. 

Set your goals and expectations high but more importantly, achieve them.  

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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“We need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable” 
~~Oscar Wilde.  
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Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies and ranked among the top 25 of New York's fastest growing privately held companies by Crain's magazine, FSO can proudly boast: 
  • 98 % client retention with ZERO displacements 
  • 98 % employee retention – twice the industry average 
  • 300+ years of industry experience residing in its Senior Leadership Team 
  • 120+ corporate support staff supporting our national footprint (HR, IT, Analysts, Subject matter experts etc) 
    Led by Mitchell Weiner, the co-founder and pioneer of onsite outsourcing, FSO was created to deliver what the industry has lost sight of – and everything you deserve: 
    • An outsourcing experience powered by passionate people. 
    • An intimate and personal approach to service. 
    • A partnership based on care, trust and mutual success. 
    • Involved owners listening to your needs and proposing customized solutions. 

    To learn more, please contact our national direct line: 212.204.1193.


    Friday, July 25, 2014

    InspireME: An Old Man Was Walking On The Beach One Morning After A Storm...

    "Each and every one of us are FSO starfish; every day it should be our goal to spread the love and happiness of our wonderful company to the field, the clients and future members of our family. The love running throughout this company is infectious and it’s impossible to not share it with everyone I come in contact"

    TGIF Folks,

    This is Friday, InspireME Friday to be exact, the day of the week day when sends you off to your weekend on a high note. Because, achievement begins with an inspiration. 

    For the past few weeks we've gotten great response selecting and sharing with the world some very special motivational messages that our own employees, from all walks of the company, publish internally every day.

    To cap off an amazing week I know a girl, she puts COLOR inside my world. She's my daughter, FSO people Solutions Specialist, Chelsea Weiner. Today I share her story and an analogy that is incredibly meaningful to her, as it soon will be to all of us, in a highly personal way: The tale of the Starfish. 

    Whenever someone brings anything Starfish related to Chelsea's attention it reminds her that she has kept promise to a dear friend whose young life was cut short when he volunteered to be designated driver from a party and got rear ended at a stoplight by a drunk driver which pushed the car into oncoming traffic. He was killed instantly and everyone else in the car survived. This story is Chelsea's way of honoring her friend's memory and letting his love and light shine brightly on. Chelsea writes:
    What a great day for everyone to reach out their arms (NO YAWNING HAHA) and spread the FSO love!
    Speaking of spreading our arms; did you know if you cut a starfish into pieces all of its appendages will grow back, creating a few new starfish?! How cool is that! Each and every one of us are FSO starfish; every day it should be our goal to spread the love and happiness of our wonderful company to the field, the clients and future members of our family.

    Imagine you’re one of the pieces of the once whole starfish; this is your chance, today, it’s your new beginning! You have been given the opportunity to show what you’re made of, to be so much stronger and better than you were just the day before.

    We are so lucky that we have Mitch, our incredible and fearless leader, who continues to pave the way for us every day. He never fails to show us the true meaning of being available 25/8 not 24/7. Mitch is the perfect example of what it means to be an FSO starfish; going above and beyond and giving everything he has to us, the field, and the clients. It’s our job to give that same effort and more back to him and the field as well! Show ‘em what you’ve got!

    Recently, I have shifted from spending all of my time training and developing our employees to having the privilege of meeting with clients, sitting in sales meetings, meeting future prospects and more. I have been given the opportunity to be a starfish myself! I wear my FSO pin proudly while showing what PERSONAL, PASSIONATE AND PRODUCTIVE means everywhere I go. What do you do every day to do the same? Are you an FSO brand ambassador?

    The love running throughout this company is infectious and it’s impossible to not share it with everyone I come in contact with (and if you don’t feel the love, let me know, and The Wonder Twins will show you what it’s all about!!). So as you get ready to start your day take a second to think; how am I contributing to the FSO competitive difference? How can I be better? How can I get to infinity and beyond? How can I be that starfish?

    ~~  Chelsea Weiner
People Solutions Specialist
    How did the Starfish become a powerful and fitting tribute to her friend's life? Chelsea explained, "On my 16th birthday he told me he couldn’t make it to my party but brought me a gift which was a starfish necklace. It was BEAUTIFUL, he told me that starfish can be cut up into little pieces and re-grow their appendages and that reminded him of me. I asked him why and he said because I’m was part of every clique in the school - athletes, popular, choral, acting, skater, loners, etc. He could see that I just loved making friends, letting people know that I was someone they could always come to; he had never met anyone else like me. I was in tears just listening to him and he made me promise that no matter what I would never lose that characteristic."

    Though it's a sad story where Chelsea's love of Starfish came from, it is a constant reminder that friends are always looking over us. That in mind, it's not just an advertising slogan that "friends don't let friends drink and drive."

    Remember alcohol + driving = death. It happened to Chelsea's friend and it can happen to anyone. Please drink responsibly.

    With this weekend approaching seasonal halftime and "peak party", I can't think of a more important message to leave you with as you soak up all of the weekend fun that is uniquely summer and precious in the time that remains.

    Make a difference - catch someone doing something good… make it count.. make it great and always SMILE!

    Enjoy your weekend and Love Life!

    Mitchell D. Weiner

    Thursday, July 24, 2014

    Shout Out Wednesday: Congratulations to Our June Award Winners

    "You, our employees, are the heart and soul of FSO. Every day, the Executive Leadership Team receives countless messages from our clients telling us about the fantastic deeds all of you are doing."

    Good Morning Folks,

    July is almost over and we are already into the throws of summer. We passed the halfway point of 2014 and what a first half it has been! 

    Last week we shared Kudos from clients about our employees and our June COO Shout Outs. Today we celebrate the best of those best.

    As always, I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued commitment to exceeding the expectations of our clients. 

    You, our employees, are the heart and soul of FSO. As we continue to grow and spread our message across the country, the stories of your exceptional performance and dedication to making sure all of our clients are treated in that special FSO fashion grows along with us.  

    Every day, the Executive Leadership Team receives countless messages from our clients telling us about the fantastic deeds all of you are doing. This is what sets us apart, something no other company can brag about, the PERSONAL, PASSIONATE and PRODUCTIVE approach we take in everything we do. 

    Before we say goodbye for this month, we’d like to share with you some scenes from one of our latest site openings at Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr in Dallas & Houston Texas!

    We grow every day.... yes... EVERY DAY..... We accomplish that by having the BEST people on our team, folks like those I've honored here today.

    Perhaps that is why I love Wednesdays.... because it gives everyone an opportunity to reflect upon things, and challenge oneself to make the rest of the week great!! Because the "rest of the week" is just a little bit of our future.... so what we do great today makes our future even greater!!  

    To all of our winners, CHEERS to you and THANK YOU for working tirelessly to deliver Service Extraordinaire with a smile. Keep up the great work!!

    People like you make our clients jobs a lot easier. We are not business as usual. FSO is firing on all cylinders, there is no company out there that can come close to us to what we are doing. We are, I promise, the ones to watch.

    Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

    Mitchell D. Weiner
    Chief Happiness Officer  

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    "The most effective way to do it, is to do it." 
    --Amelia Earhart
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    Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies and ranked among the top 25 of New York's fastest growing privately held companies by Crain's magazine, FSO can proudly boast: 
    • 98 % client retention with ZERO displacements 
    • 98 % employee retention – twice the industry average 
    • 300+ years of industry experience residing in its Senior Leadership Team 
    • 120+ corporate support staff supporting our national footprint (HR, IT, Analysts, Subject matter experts etc) 
      Led by Mitchell Weiner, the co-founder and pioneer of onsite outsourcing, FSO was created to deliver what the industry has lost sight of – and everything you deserve: 
      • An outsourcing experience powered by passionate people. 
      • An intimate and personal approach to service. 
      • A partnership based on care, trust and mutual success. 
      • Involved owners listening to your needs and proposing customized solutions. 

      To learn more, please contact our national direct line: 212.204.1193.

      Tuesday, July 22, 2014

      Ted Tuesday: The Emerging Work World in the Participation Age | Chuck Blakeman | TEDxMileHigh

      In this funny and insightful talk, Chuck Blakeman explores the hallmarks of the Participation Age (a workforce who wants to Make both Money and Meaning at work)— and its attraction to the next generations of stakeholders and leaders.

      Good Morning Folks,

      What does it mean to be a company that has joined the Participation Age? How does this new business perspective affect the bottom line? In this funny and insightful talk, Chuck Blakeman explores the hallmarks of the Participation Age, and their attraction to the next generations of stakeholders and leaders.

      Says Chuck in a piece he penned for INC, "We are living at the intersection of two opposing work worlds, The Industrial Age, which is still strangely dominant in the front office of most companies. And the Participation Age, which is emerging as the new standard for how we work."

      "In the production area, we have replaced Industrial Age assembly lines and smokestacks with things like nanotechnology and clean rooms. But the front office looks pretty much the same way it did a hundred years ago, with managers in ties making all the decisions. These Industrial Age management practices, which recreated humans as extensions of machines, are colliding with the emerging Participation Age workforce that wants to Make Meaning at work.

      This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences.


      Well done Chuck I always love your articles and your forward thinking. 

      Let's all go make things happen today. I look forward to seeing you soon.

      Love Life!

      Mitchell D. Weiner
      Chief Happiness Officer  

      Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form.TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

      About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
      Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the second consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

      Only Great Leaders Create Great Companies

       “Everyone has the right to have a career not just a job at my company. Your job becomes your career the moment you see the possibilities for growth and satisfaction.” ~~ Mitch Weiner

      Good Morning Folks,

      Welcome to Monday. The dawn of a new day is the light of a new way. There is always a chance, a new opportunity but it starts today. So forget about the past and do not dream too much of the future. Stop searching and start being. Happiness is not a destination. It's HERE.

      Today we can be the best father, the best mother, the best son and daughter. Today is the day to be the best brother and sister. Today we can be the best informtionalist. The best trainer. The best sales person. The best receivables collector. The best analyst. The best marketing director. The best manager.

      ==> Because Only Great Leaders Create Great Companies. 
      Great leaders will challenge and inspire their people in their quest for excellence. People will only experience a feeling of pride when they worked hard for their success. If success comes easily, overnight, without too much effort, pride will not enter the equation.

      The quest for excellence never stops and is all around. In every piece of packaging. Every swipe of the finger. Every "How can I help you?" Everything.

      And it doesn't matter just some of the time. It matters all of the time. A great leader must be able to light that spark of continuous improvement within each and every employee. One cannot become motivated just because the boss says so. Only intrinsically motivated people are able to amaze themselves and as a result amaze the world.

      Whether you're making a product or offering a service, it all starts with the passion you have for whatever you do and the ability you have to focus your energy to become successful. A great leader creates a clear and compelling vision that makes people passionate.

      That is our special sauce, a personal, passionate and productive culture that can't be failed or duplicated.

      Over the years what I have found is the true personality of the leader becomes the personality of the business. If a leader truly has respect and trust built into their DNA then ultimately it flows through to the business. It may start by hiring like minded people. Typically when an entrepreneur starts out he or she will need support staff and the leader will hire based on skills and expertise. But there is a quiet voice from within the leader that says they want people to join their team that have similar values, traits and some form of commonality to their character..

      ==> A New Breed of Worker is About to Attack Everything You Hold Sacred.
      In 2008, the renowned TV news program, 60 Minutes ran a story about Gen Y in the workplace and proclaimed that a "new breed of American worker is about to attack everything you hold sacred." The program described millennials as cynical, unaccustomed to hard work and having fragile egos because their childhoods filled with trophies and adulation didn't prepare them for the cold realities of work.

      Gen Y sees what is known as the American Dream or middle class dream as less about money and more about living a fulfilling, meaningful life. So a couple of things are clear. First, Gen Y has a significantly different attitude toward work and life in general than the current dominant Baby Boom generation; and second, the current ongoing difficult economic times are placing the economic and social welfare of Gen Y in jeopardy, something that is not of their doing. We can only hope Gen Y will not be recorded in history as another “Lost Generation.”

      As I wake up in wonderful New York City, the epicenter of world business- I can't help but think how awesome it is that we have so many cities and teams across FSO USA - how amazing are the opportunities for every single person in our great company - what a time in everyones careers to know that your future is so bright

      Many of our competitors have fulfilled their declaration. In the meantime, they are maintaining status quo. Unless corporations create new declarations, their future will continue to experience results which resemble the past, with the addition of more, better or different. Quantum leaps require bold declarations and a clear committed mindset to navigate though change.

      ==> How Extraordinary Leaders Separate Themselves from Ordinary Leaders
      Leaders do not have the luxury of falling back into their comfort zone. In some cases, creating a problem is designed to transform an existing problem. In other cases, it is designed to create a new and empowering future.

      For example, when Jack Welch became the CEO of GE, there was nothing wrong with the enterprise. It was not in distress or in need of a turn around. Yet, he was committed to building an extraordinary corporation. So, he created a problem. He declared that every business unit had to be number one or number two in its respective industry. If they were not, the unit would be sold. If your unit were ranked number six in its industry, you would have had a problem.

      At the same time, Welch stood for his people. Instead of micro managing them, he ensured they had the appropriate training and development to fulfil his declaration.

      Is it possible for a CEO to create a new future for their organization? A big part of the CEO’s job is to do just that. Yet, many companies don’t invent the future. They maintain status quo. As a result, they become casualties of the economy or worse, the competition? Inventing the future requires one to rock the boat. Doing so, results in innovative products and services or significant cost cutting initiatives.

      Nevertheless, many organizations choose to protect status quo because they are too vested in the existing infrastructure. On the other hand, when you look at extraordinary leaders, you find a complete disruption of status quo.

      That's not about to happen here, Nevertheless, once a future is distinguished as is ours, it helps a person clearly distinguish the future as well as the necessary actions to fulfill it.

      That's why on a day when the big news in business is that Nasdaq’s computers were hacked and Shakira Has hit 100 Million Fans on Facebook, we are a growing company, and with growth comes opportunity, inspiration, and of course some speed bumps along the way.

      ==> The True Personality Of The Leader Becomes The Personality of The Business
      Almost most of our major competitors have all the mentioned ingredients in place but still most fail to get extra mile / advantage. 

      The company culture takes on the trust, respect, inspirations and other positive traits that one looks for in a leader and manifests itself into a language that also encompasses action which the company fulfills in the marketplace. The brand will embrace those actions in your services and methods of communication.

      At the end of the day, we need to stay in-tune and continue to communicate those positive attributes we all strive for. We emulate them, we learn from them, we teach them and finally we simply share them. Living a positive life that helps others to grow. And so it continues....deeds will speak for themselves and build the trust and respect we all yearn for.

      My commitment to you is that we will do all that we can and then some to meet and exceed your needs and expectations of FSO.

      Be sincere, believe in why you do it & listen to people & bring people on board who have good character. Then you will truly lead to make a difference.

      And most of all while growing, building and ensuring profitable galactic growth, we are inspiring our staff, our clients, our readers and that everyone is having some fun along with all the hard work.

      Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

      Mitchell D. Weiner
      Chief Happiness Officer  

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      "The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset" 
      ~~Jiddu Krishnamurti"
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      ABOUT FSO:
      Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies and ranked among the top 25 of New York's fastest growing privately held companies by Crain's magazine, FSO can proudly boast: 

      • 98 % client retention with ZERO displacements 
      • 98 % employee retention – twice the industry average 
      • 300+ years of industry experience residing in its Senior Leadership Team 
      • 120+ corporate support staff supporting our national footprint (HR, IT, Analysts, Subject matter experts etc) 

        Led by Mitchell Weiner, the co-founder and pioneer of onsite outsourcing, FSO was created to deliver what the industry has lost sight of – and everything you deserve: 

        • An outsourcing experience powered by passionate people. 
        • An intimate and personal approach to service. 
        • A partnership based on care, trust and mutual success. 
        • Involved owners listening to your needs and proposing customized solutions. 

        To learn more, please contact our national direct line: 212.204.1193.


        About the Author:
        Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

        Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email