Sunday, October 26, 2014

==> Wealth, Power, and Success

"So, how can you find more success, peace, and happiness in your life? You have to make a decision. The decision is whether to pursue your passion and enjoy it and be at peace with that path in life … even if you never make much money doing it."

Good Morning Folks,

What a beautiful fall, pumpkin picking weekend it was on Long Island.. amazing.. chilly, quiet, peaceful, and more.. a day full of inspiration and spirituality.

I was catching up on my reading file links this weekend and really liked this piece by ace copywriter Bob Bly. As Bob sees it, there are 6 factors responsible for any individual’s success or lack thereof, especially in business and wealth building.

They are:

==> Aptitude … 
some people gravitate towards activities that make money (e.g., they are interested in investing or business) – while others are naturally attracted to fields that are less lucrative (e.g., poetry, pottery).

==> Hard work … 
some people are willing to put in grueling hours to achieve great wealth and material abundance. Others are not willing to sacrifice their hours for dollars, and would rather spend their time in other ways, from playing golf to going camping with their kids.

==> Luck … 
no matter how much of a technical genius or savvy businessman Bill Gates is, a lot of his success was largely the result of being in the right place at the right time.

==> Perseverance … 
many rich and successful people got that way simply because they persisted vs. the vast majority who give up at the first roadblock or failure.

==> Brains … 
being smart – either in the classic I.Q. smart or street smarts – is a decided advantage. And despite what our Constitution says, not all of us are born equal in this regard.

==> Talent … 
no matter how much I want it or how much I train, there is no chance on Earth of me becoming the next American Idol – or even runner-up.

All of these factors obviously have a great effect on the course of your life. But of these, I believe aptitude is the most important – and unfortunately, the one least under our control. I mean: you like what you like.

You read about those guys on Wall Street with their million-dollar bonuses. And maybe you turn green with envy. But in your mind you know — and say to yourself — “Hey, that ain’t for me.”

The comforting old saying motivational speakers love to spout is that “if you pursue your passion, the money will come.” Sadly, this often isn’t true.

My friend SB pursued his passion as a poet for over 40 years. He had dozens of his poems published in magazines. But he is neither rich nor famous – although I believe (but don’t know for certain) that SB is pretty happy.

So, how can you find more success, peace, and happiness in your life? You have to make a decision. The decision is whether to pursue your passion and enjoy it and be at peace with that path in life … even if you never make much money doing it.

Or, you can decide that your primary goal is money; i.e., You want to be rich, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen – reasoning that once you are rich, then you can afford to indulge in your passions.

Which path have you chosen — and why?

Have a GREAT Day and LOVE Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Friday, October 24, 2014

Inspire ME Friday: Don Adams- "I Am A Champion"

Don Adams w/ Other FSO Champions
"I will acknowledge the fact that I am an elite warrior who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by any means at my disposal. I accept the fact that my team expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than our competitors . Never shall I fail my comrades. "

Good Morning Folks,

Get ready to be fired up today from Experience Director Don Adams, my selection for the best of the best internal posts to share. Don....
Good Morning and welcome to a brand new day at the happiest place on the plant. I thought I'd start the day with a simple question....are you a champion?

I will conquer what has never been conquered. Defeat will not be in my creed. I will believe where all those before me have doubted. I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team. I have trained my mind and now my body will follow! 
I will acknowledge the fact that I am an elite warrior who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by any means at my disposal. I accept the fact that my team expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than our competitors . Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be. One hundred percent and more. 
Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained warrior. My heart and my soul will be the fuel to carry my body when my limbs are to weary. I will never falter, I will never lose focus as long as there is hope in my mind and my heart still beats. I will never give in to the evil that is weakness and I will fight that evil with my dying breath. 
Energetically will I meet our competitors, no one will challenge me, none will stop me from my goal. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Champion's word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of our competitors and under no circumstances will I ever surrender. 
Readily will I display the discipline and strength required to fight on to my objective and I will complete my mission. I will rise when I fallen.  My competitors need not fear me but he will respect me and if he does not. I will make him respect me with all that I have to give. 
History will remember my name and he will not have to be kind. For I will have denied his criticisms and put in my own praise, No one will define me, no one will tell me what I can achieve, none will say I have not given all I have to give and none will take my glory.
WHO AM I? ….  I AM FSO/USA and FSO/USA is ME!!! .....Don
Neal Michael shared another fantastic email yesterday talking about our competitive differences and the lack of care for our new client from the haphazard way they maintained the space and cleanliness, to how they failed to provide any process improvement, innovation and can’t even think about what (re)IMAGINE looks or feels like. None of our competitors can and they just don’t get it.

More than the passion to care about ourselves and our client's welfare so deeply, it's all the happy, inspired people like Don Adams and Neal Michael who do a great job supporting us every day that have made FSO the unstoppable force in outsourcing. Thanks for all you do.

Be Inspired Today as I am and Make a Difference!!!!!!!  

To fully enjoy your weekend let go of the working week. There are times to work, rest and play. Weekends are for all of the above but in a relaxing way.

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten" 
~ David Ogden
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throwback Thursday: The Evolution of the Office Desk

In the Beginning, Office with clerks working at
slant-top standing desks.
How from the eighties till now our working instruments and habits are changed, visually, technologically and substantially.

Good Morning Folks,

Whether you like it or not, the fact is, we depend on technology more than you know. How has your desk evolved over the last 35 years? Do you still have that Rolodex in front of you? Probably not. What about that clunky dictionary, or the answering machine? Technology (and the cloud) has replaced most of our desktop items.

In this video produced by Harvard Innovation Lab, genuine vintage items were sought after and purchased in order to recreate the look and feel of an 80′s work desk.

Shout-out to the producer of the video, Best Reviews!

I want take this opportunity to thank you for what you do every day to make FSO GREAT!

If know of someone who would enjoy working for or with FSO please do not keep us a secret.

Have a Personal, Passionate & Productive Day!


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Learn more about what DIFFERENTIATES FSO here

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Everybody is Feeling The FSO Experience

"Her smiling personality and professionalism is always shining when she greets our guests and our employees and she is always willing to take the extra step to assist others when she can. If your company engages in an employee incentive program such as “Employee of the Month” I would highly recommend Kelly."

Good Morning Folks,

Any job you work in has the opportunity to capture both your head and your heart. When a business captures your head, you are fully involved with the decisions/outcomes of every business activity. When a business captures your heart you are totally passionate about how the business positively impacts people and society.

It is rare to find a job that captures both your head and your heart. However, one’s head and heart must be engaged to live a worthwhile life.

We have an amazing team of people here, and when we all come together in pursuit of happiness it’s truly magical. 

Your passion, professionalism and pride is contagious. The kudos; thanks; admiration; praise and general good will continue to flow our way.

Kelly, Brother International
"Kelly is our receptionist since April and it is a pleasure having her to meet our guests. Her smiling personality and professionalism is always shining when she greets our guests and our employees and she is always willing to take the extra step to assist others when she can. If your company engages in an employee incentive program such as “Employee of the Month” I would highly recommend Kelly."

Jeannette, FSO Floater, ARGO
"This to inform you that Jeanette was a great help to the staff here at ARGO, she worked professionally and diligently in regards to getting our Records project bar-coded and scanned and into a database. Jeanette also was involved with the organizing and filing of documents for various projects which really helped to catch up.  I am confident that she will be a great addition to any site in the FSO family. Thank you for sending such a great FSO employee to ARGO. Thanks again!!!"

Tracey & Rivera,  RKO

"I wanted to let you know that Tracy and Louie have been amazing this week.  I had two major (stressful) meetings this week that they helped me with.  The first on Tuesday with all the Litigation Partners and the second on Thursday with all the corporate Partners.  I had to have a lot of duplicating done (of a confidential nature) and they not only completed everything, but were proactive in seeking the work, helping with last minute changes ,  staying late to complete it and keeping me up to date every step of the way. They really went above and beyond.  Their work product was excellent and I could not have done it without them."

Desiree, eni Petroleum
"On behalf of the eni Petroleum SEQ Department, it is my pleasure to report a JOB WELL DONE for Ms. Desiree . One of our SEQ Managers were waiting on a rush PPE order to be delivered to the Houston office. The tracking indicated the order would not be at our location in time for the Manager to receive it. Ms. D used her knowledge of the shipper’s procedures and schedules and found a way to make certain our Manager received his package on time. I feel Ms. D deserves recognition for going above regular duty, sharing concern about our dilemma and doing what she knew how to do to solve our problem. Thank you again Desi for your work at eni Peteroleum! Your attention to safety and getting the project competed in a timely manner is noticed and appreciated. Thank you again for JOB WELL DONE!" 

Kevin Jackson, ASME
"I'd like to extend my thanks as well. And a special acknowledgement to Kevin, who left his home phone number with the messenger, got a call at 630 this morning and came to the office by 7.  Bravo team."

"Thank you all for coming together so quickly to help out. It is really appreciated."

Facilities & Mailroom Staff, ASME
"All- Since you all are such a huge help (facilities &mailroom staff), I have ordered a catered lunch for you all, this coming Monday the 15th at noon. Enjoy!"

"We had less than a month to do what WPP had been planning for a year…I know I was driving many of you nuts with my detail obsessing…we had a limited budget….and a space that can be challenging……and it all didn’t just work …IT ROCKED!  I was very proud – we have the best team in the industry!!!!!"

"I just wanted to thank facilities and reception for the amazing help they are providing to get an ATP L&D Social Event underway for today. Facilities were so kind to helping with preparations (set up the Innovation Lab, obtain required materials, etc.) and Reception was able to help with ordering food and beverages at a discounted price too! It's always been a pleasure to speak with them and their thoughtfulness and attentiveness to helping manage and operate this event has been nothing short of amazing. Again, thank you so much and best regards,"

Saleem, Capco
"Would like to thank Saleem for his unwavering dedication & professionalism... always eager to help in a pinch, accommodates any situation, and does it with a smile.  Really appreciate all you do. THANKS!"

It's clear from these kudos that everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.

Great people like those featured above today want to be part of FSO as clients and employees because we are passionate and we CARE about what it means to be there for them.

Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up"
~~ Jesse Jackson

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ted Tuesday: Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem? - Peter Attia

"This guy remembers what medicine is all about: treating people. That should always guide the conversation, never politics, money, or government. There are many skinny 12 year olds that have diabetes.. We live in a world..where looks matter..and fat is ugly and gross..if it was vice versa..doctors and the media, would be talking about a SKINNY Epidemic.. And how were going to be dropping dead by 35..."

Good Morning Folks,

We are a company that moves, innovates and constantly (re)Imagines. 

We are also a company that cares about its people. We're growing faster than any of our competitors, so it's more important than ever that we encourage our employees to take pride in their health and happiness.

Many people spend their lives waiting to be happy. You may think, “if only I had more money,” or “could lose weight,” or you fill in the blank, then I would be happy.

Well here’s a secret: you can be happy right now. It’s not always easy, but you can choose to be happy, and in the vast majority of circumstances there’s no one who can stop you except for yourself.

That's why I am so excited to present Dr. Peter Attia's very different take on diabetes, a subject many of our talent force are facing firsthand.

As a young surgeon, Peter Attia felt contempt for a patient with diabetes. She was overweight, he thought, and thus responsible for the fact that she needed a foot amputation. But years later, Attia received an unpleasant medical surprise that led him to wonder: is our understanding of diabetes right? Could the precursors to diabetes cause obesity, and not the other way around? A look at how assumptions may be leading us to wage the wrong medical war.

Here is a clip from the transcript that really hit home for us: 

“This is a really subtle distinction, but the implication could be profound. Consider the following analogy: Think of the bruise you get on your shin when you inadvertently bang your leg into the coffee table.

Now, imagine we thought bruises were the problem, and we evolved a giant medical establishment and a culture around treating bruises: masking creams, painkillers, you name it, all the while ignoring the fact that people are still banging their shins into coffee tables.

How much better would we be if we treated the cause — telling people to pay attention when they walk through the living room — rather than the effect? Getting the cause and the effect right makes all the difference in the world.”

Proactive vs. Reactive Health Awareness 

What if we treated our personal health the same way: working to prevent sickness and disease, rather than reacting when it’s already too late?

ou should watch this even if you don't care about diabetes. Peter Attia is a doctor who has developed a deep, empathic humility. It is motivating him to question how we currently view diabetes and obesity. The story is personal, but also clinical, and it may change the way you see doctors.

Back to diabetes, Attia has found that insulin resistance causes obesity, rather than obesity causing diabetes. This is a huge difference and it turns our conventional wisdom about obesity upside down. Fat people are becoming obese and diabetic because of another process that is going on - NOT because of overeating and lack of exercise.

This other process, the cause of insulin resistance, may be the consumption of processed sugars and grains. It may be due to consuming too much corn syrup and our over-glutenized wheat. These are both relatively new foods for us, popularized by convenience foods that emerged in the 1950's and have now come to dominate our food supply. Fortunately for us, Dr. Attia has stepped up and is working on a research team that is looking into different aspects of this problem.

Said one commenter on the Ted site, "Wow - incredibly powerful - His theory definitely needs more consideration - the obesity crisis is destroying humanity. I for one haven't been able to figure out why my diet of 1500 to 1800 calories a day of whole foods - and exercising at least an hour or two strenuously every day keeps me at 270 pounds - at 6 feet tall - and I'm 62.  Three slices of pizza causes me to gain 4 to 5 pounds."

According to the Kaiser Foundation, the cost of employer-sponsored health coverage for families has increased nearly 100% during the past decade. In addition, total health spending accounted for approximately 18% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2010.

Bottom line: Staying healthy not only costs a lot of money but requires an investment of time. The investment pays off in employee productivity, morale and high performance. Smart companies are starting to direct energy to educating employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's good for employees, and it's good for business.

We are a company that moves, innovates and constantly (RE)imagines. We are also a company that cares about its people. We're growing faster than any of our competitors, so it's more important than ever that we encourage our employees to take pride in their health. 

But the benefits of health no longer have to be restricted to FSO employees only. What better way to encourage employees to take care of themselves than by using social tools? After all, we have our phones and tablets with us all the time. Here is a link to 5 Social Apps To Encourage Employee Health and Wellness so you can take full advantage of the connectivity to improve your health and well-being. 

My commitment to my employees and their future is paramount, hence why we are continuing make to these types of investments in our talent.

Thanks to you for “caring” (and sharing!).

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Only 51 More Days Till The Happiest Time of The Year... Unless...

Photo: BitterSweetColours
"There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories
Of Christmases long, long ago
It's the most wonderful time of the year"

Good Morning Folks,

It's love at first chill with Christmas already in the air. 

New York City is always great but I think it's magical on Christmas! It's bustling with so much energy and life. Everyone is walking briskly, smiling, saying hello, preparing to tip and thank the service people who support and make possible the great lives they enjoy in a very special place.

Such expressions of gratitude are an emotion so powerful it can transform ones mood from darkness to healing light and renew our zest for life.

Being grateful is an attitude of deep appreciation for the realities that surround us "moment to moment"...each day of our life.

But you don 't have to wait for Christmas to be happy. If you are stuck in a dead end job or responsible for back office support and get greeted in the morning by the Debbie Downer receptionist face, find deadlines unmet, critical support staff calling in sick, criticism rather than compliments from the boss, voice mail loops and layers of management bureaucracy instead of answers, FSO can change your destiny. Because happiness lives, breathes and starts everyday with you smiling right here. 

FSO is driven by passionate people and the value they create. They are passionate about their work. Their passion and enthusiasm are the fuel that ignites our success. If there's one thing that FSO lives and breathes everyday – it's the employee experience. We focus on motivating and driving the hourly employee to deliver great service with a skip to their step, twinkle in the eye and fire in the belly.

Growing our folks is my legacy. My care. And my passion. 

Such happiness is contagious –– when the boss has it, it trickles down throughout the entire organization and beyond to its clients. Happiness can spread to everyone who has a dream, a goal, and the will to change. Happiness can elevate and inspire people to make real and lasting changes in their own lives. Today, an enormous opportunity exists to (re) imagine and reinvigorate your workplace and workforce with FSO.

Clients like to think of FSO as the Ritz Carlton of the outsourcing business. Our team takes great pride in all that we do for you. We're all about making the Hospitality service, a pleasant and seamless experience, every single day. Whenever, wherever and however, our Team we'll always be there. 

We continually strive to go "above and beyond" with our clients to provide the most enjoyable experience with the finest personal service and facilities and fulfilling even the unexpressed wishes and needs.

And we always deliver the rare, exceptional level of service that is really worthy of your gratitude. Unlike those Christmas envelopes you'll soon be delivering then shaking your head pondering "for what"?

There is  a poem. by an unknown author I discovered on Kate's site...

Smiling is infectious
You can catch it like the flu.
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too.

I passed around the corner
And someone saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized
I’d passed it on to him.

I thought about that smile,
Then I realized it’s worth.
A single smile just like mine
Could travel round the world.

So, if you feel a smile begin,
Don’t leave it undetected,
Let’s start an epidemic quick
And get the world infected!

That in mind please enjoy with my compliments this amazing version of the #1 Christmas anthem of all-time, based on the movie of the same name, It's the Most Wonderful Time featuring Natalie Cole and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

If you'd like the words from the song, go here. If you'd really like to get into the spirit f the season by viewing photos of New York at it's finest from the source of the one featured above go here.

And if you'd like to turn those outsourcing frowns to smiles, talk to us, witness us. We'll   take you on a tour of client sites and and let you taste the FSO experience first-hand where you'll see how different life has become for some of the best known-brands in the world.

Call me personally at 212-204-1193.

Feel the FSO Experience - and ensure everyone around you does too. 

Here's to a wonderful week!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. 
It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.” 
~~ Ashley Montagu
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Thursday, October 16, 2014

InspireME Friday: Nothing Makes You Happy; You Have to Decide to be Happy.

"The thrill of creative effort gives a slightly different type of happiness. It is a feeling of action, rather than completion. Putting effort into making something potentially beautiful from random thoughts, ideas, and raw inspiration is really quite a rush. 

Good Morning Folks and Happy Friday!!  

Since its Friday and we all enjoy, and are moved by quotes, I decided to start this morning message with a quote about how we should be at work and in life…HAPPY.

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” Franklin Roosevelt

Which leads me to this week's pick of the best of our employee communications. Today our always best-dressed Regional Director, Shawn Curwen
, returns to knock it out of the park a second time with a post titled "Nothing Makes You Happy; You Have to Decide to be Happy":
"This quote means a lot to me and says that the joy of achievement is one pathway to happiness. How do you feel when you achieve something? I tend to make me feel happy, especially when it was an achievement that means something to me.  Working for FSO means you always have the potential to be happy and share it with others.  Achievement is all around us waiting to be experienced.   
At the top, signifying this potential is our very own CHO- Chief Happiness Officer, Mitch Weiner!  The “smile” is always there because he sees achievement all around him. Not just in the success of a business that has “only just begun” but in the people that support this business. The Power of Focus…the vision, the strategy and the execution were all involved and are the building blocks to this success and Happiness! 
Ironically, this quote also mentions the thrill of creative effort as another path to happiness. Do you enjoy the creative process, and the effort involved? At the best Onsite Outsourcing Company in the nation, you have every opportunity to show your creativity!  
It’s one of the biggest differentiators in working for FSO and biggest reasons we have been successful. Because of YOU, we can share in the happiness.  Coming up with crazy ideas to please a client or giving kudos to an employee who has done an exceptional job should inspire us to inspire others to be creative.  I believe this is part of the reason I love where I am and what I do. The other half is that I truly believe that i 
I’m not having fun what am I doing any of this for. The thrill of creative effort gives a slightly different type of happiness. It is a feeling of action, rather than completion. Putting effort into making something potentially beautiful from random thoughts, ideas, and raw inspiration is really quite a rush. At FSO you can quench your creativity by writing a blog, a newsletter, a morning message, creating something graphically, creating or improving an innovative way to process something electronically. These are just some small examples how we create “the happiest place to work” at FSO USA. 
Remember, nothing makes you happy; you have to decide to be happy. There is a satisfaction in accomplishing or creating something. It’s what we continue to do at FSO every day. Always have fun as you do the things that bring joy and thrills to your work and life.
All the best to you, today and always!
As Stacey wrote to me recently, "When I think of hospitality, I think of hotels and when I think of the most hospitable hotel in the world, the Ritz Carlton comes immediately to mind. I like to think of FSO as the Ritz Carlton of the outsourcing business. 

We continually strive to go "above and beyond" with our clients to provide the most enjoyable experience. 

Many of the Ritz's beliefs mirror the beliefs of Mitch and FSO. "Provide genuine care and comfort for your guests; provide the finest personal service and facilities and fulfill even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests" (clients)."

My dream of building the best outsourcing company in the world is unfolding right before our eyes. Let's jump on board and be a part of the journey at the happiest place to work in the nation.

Cheers and have a HAPPY, SAFE and JOYOUS weekend.

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"The higher you climb the better the view"

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email