Monday, December 21, 2015

FSO: Delivering A Warm And Memorable Experience At First Touch.

"First impressions are everything and having Kelly represent us the way she does leaves a lasting impression with our guests.”

"Her smiling personality and professionalism is always shining. She is willing to take the extra step to assist greets our guests and our employees.”

“I couldn’t be happier with my decision, when I walk in the door and present this building to my customers.”

Good Morning Folks,

Your front of house is the storefront for your organization.  The first impression makers on duty must bring your brand values to life by delivering an exceptional experience. Our clients ask: “What we can do differently to stand out in the market?”

For starters, our Company Culture (Personal, Passionate And Productive) ensures that our staff is properly trained to create a warm and highly inspirational experience for your valued employees and guests.  We provide five star-white-glove front of house solutions, delivering a full range of services, including reception, switchboard, corporate concierge and office support. 

FSO's Concierge Associates are all about that first smile, service and information delivered as your organization’s ambassador.  They always seek new ways to make our client’s life better. Our strategy to constantly improve and stay ahead of the curve is not a “moment in time,” but rather a way of life. 

Fed up with the status-quo, and in search of a better Outsourcing experience, 200+ clients in 60+ cities have migrated to us for new ideas and total solutions. No other onsite outsourcing organization is as committed to leveraging the most productive combination of People, Solutions and Technology to take better care of the people, improve service, and reduce/control costs. 

From back office support to reception, FSO is a go-to group, totally invested in going "above and beyond” to assist. 

Our Innovative Services Include.

+ Conference Services

+ Digital Document Services

+ Facilities Management

+ Front Of House
+ Hospitality Services
+ Hoteling Services 
+ Information Technology
+ Litigation Support

+ Records Management Solution

+ Reprographic Services

Security Services

+ Traditional Services

Equipment Management 

Mail & Logistics Services

Messenger Services
Records Management Solution

Reprographic Services

If we can help you, or someone you may know of, call me personally at (212) 204-1193.

Have a GREAT Day. Love Life.

I'll be a seeing you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  
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“His big smile and friendly hello I so welcoming.
Now every day, I get that same warm hello, 
regardless of how hot it is outside,
and it just helps me start my day off right.”
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Friday, December 18, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: “So, Tell Me About Yourself”

'If it’s social, keep it more factual than self-promoting, but still something you’re proud of. “I coach t-ball,” or, “I just finished running my first 5K.

Good Morning Folks,

For those of us in New York City, what a great week! What a treat walking to work in warm weather rand being able to take in all the Christmas decorations and store windows.

Introverts tend to hate the holidays. Extroverts love them. With all the socializing we are about to do over the next two weeks, I thought this morning's topic would be of high interest:

When someone asks, “So, Tell Me About Yourself” how do you respond?

According to our friend Drew, this question comes up two places–job interviews and awkward social encounters with strangers. In both contexts it’s a sort of informal aptitude test, a way of finding out, “Am I going to want to continue spending time on you or not?”

It’s a good idea to think about your answer to this question in advance. You can rehearse your answer if you are a rehearsing-your-answer sort of person, but really what you need is this three part formula.

1) One thing you think they want to hear.

2) One thing you are really proud of that’s different from #1

3) One personal, idiosyncratic thing that shows your human side

1. One thing you think they want to hear

If it’s a job interview, this is where you mention that you love working on a team or that you love working independently or that you love dealing with irate customers or whatever.  Don’t go on and on about it, one or two sentences is plenty.

If it’s a picnic where you are meeting in-laws or some other awkward social event, stick to what you do with your days and maybe some geographical history. “I’m an administrator for a nursing-home and I’ve lived in Smallville for seven years now–I love it here!”

2. One thing you are really proud of that’s different from #1

On a job interview this is the place for a little bragging, “I’m a whiz at Photoshop,” or, “I get a charge out of negotiating prices.” Just as long as it’s truthful and short.

If it’s social, keep it more factual than self-promoting, but still something you’re proud of. “I coach t-ball,” or, “I just finished running my first 5K.”

3. One personal, idiosyncratic thing that shows your human side

For work or socializing this is something ideally expressed as a positive rather than as a negative. So you could say, “And I am crazy about radishes–I plant my own every year!” But it’s not so great so say, “I hate country music,” because–hey, why be negative, and why possibly alienate your interviewer?

At work or socializing, it’s important to be short–three sentences is plenty. This isn’t meant to be an in-depth question with a lengthy answer, it’s more like a ritual coming from someone who is just as nervous as you are about what to do next.

Have a HAPPY, SAFE and HEALTHY Weekend.

Love Life and Light It UP!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door" 
~~ Milton Berle
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by DREW: Declassified from VIP JUNE 10, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Throw Back Thursday: Everybody Leads; Everybody Cares

"Likewise, inspire and encourage your teams, “honk” by recognizing and rewarding an employee with a pat on the back, a kudo, a special mention during the daily huddle, it will go a long way to making everyone feel appreciated as well as promote camaraderie and teamwork."

Good Morning Folks,

Whether you have heard this tale before, or are taking it on for the first time, today's "TBT" post will always lift you up.

There was a time when the lone eagle on the mountain was a popular symbol for leadership.  But in a fast-moving organization such as FSO, we should have – MUST HAVE – leaders at EVERY position.  If you want a better metaphor than the eagle, consider the wild and wily Great Northern Geese.


A flock of Great Northern Geese will fly thousands of miles in a perfect V formation – and therein lies the secret: As each bird moves its great wings, it creates an uplift for the bird following.  Formation flying is 70 percent more efficient than flying alone.  If every associate at every site is aligned and FOCUSED  on delivering the hospitality experience, we will create an uplift for each other to continue delivering white glove service as a unit.


At a distance, the flock appears to be guided by a single leader.  The lead bird does in fact guide the formation, winging smoothly and confidently through the oncoming elements.  If the lead bird tires, however, it rotates back into formation and another bird moves quickly to the point position.  Leadership is willingly shared, and each bird knows exactly where the entire group is headed.  At FSO, every associate knows where we are headed and can see 2020 clearly.  Each one of our teammates should be able to wing smoothly and confidently through any and all challenges they may face on a daily basis.


Each flock finds its own unique rhythm and spirit.  The pulsating sound of the huge wings beating together excites and energizes the entire formation.  The geese enthusiastically honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up with their speed.  Likewise, inspire and encourage your teams, “honk” by recognizing and rewarding an employee with a pat on the back, a kudo, a special mention during the daily huddle, it will go a long way to making everyone feel appreciated as well as promote camaraderie and teamwork.


In good time or bad, Great Northern Geese stand by each other.  When a member of the flock gets sick, wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formation and follow it down to help and protect it.  They stay with it until it is able to fly again.  Then they soar off together to catch up with their flock.  Know that you have easy access to an entire NATION of counterparts that can support you and guide you at any time…  all you have to do is reach out and they will help and support you to soar along with the rest, the best, FSO.

If WE have as much sense as geese, we TOO will share the leadership and stand by each other in difficult times as well as when we are strong.

What a terrific, informative and timely message for all of us at FSO. Absolutely loved the message of unity, leadership and teamwork and I am always amazed how much we can learn from one of God's creatures.

In the spirit of the season.... CHEERS!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

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"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more,
do more and become more, you are a leader." 
~~John Quincy Adams
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TED Tuesday: Jeff Iliff: One More Reason to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

"Jeff Iliff discusses the scientific reasons behind One more reason to get a good night’s sleep. He speaks with emotion and includes the audience by creating an engaging atmosphere using various methods that can be connected to WOVEN. His main statement in the talk is that sleep is when our brain clears out all of the waste byproduct from a long day. His presentation is well worded to include everyone, even people who know very little about biology. "

Good Morning Folks,

Welcome to this week’s edition of TED Tuesday where I feature a different TED Talk each week from the areas of Personal Development, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Nutrition, Lifestyle Design, Sleep, Stress Management, Travel & Adventure, Small Business or any other inspirational and motivational messages I come across which I think our community would benefit from.

In this week’s edition, Jeff Iliff tackles a subject I struggle with myself: sleep. Although I do my best to get 7-8 hours of shut-eye each night, the temptation of reading another article, working more on the blog or just checking social media is always there. But I’m working on it :)

Jeff begins with a noteworthy point: we spend a third of our lives sleeping, yet very few of us really understand what it’s all about, or why it’s so important.

See, many people think sleep is what you do when you do nothing, but in fact there some vitally important processes which take place while you’re skipping around dreamland.

The brain uses a quarter of the body's entire energy supply, yet only accounts for about two percent of the body's mass. So how does this unique organ receive and, perhaps more importantly, rid itself of vital nutrients? New research suggests it has to do with sleep.

We've found that sleep may actually be a kind of elegant design solution to some of the brain's most basic needs, a unique way that the brain meets the high demands and the narrow margins that set it apart from all the other organs of the body.

Filmed September 2014 at TEDMED 2014 with almost 4 million online views, here's Jeff:

Jeff brings up images throughout the presentation to help paint a clear image of what is taking place as we sleep. He even uses evidence to argue his point through the data from a scientific studying showing the blood vessels of a mouse’s brain while resting versus awake. He includes brief labels on these diagrams to further prevent any confusion with his scientific terminology. While speaking, Jeff maintains a comfortable eye contact that keeps the audience interested in what he is saying. His hand movement is limited- not overwhelming- but just enough to be relaxed. He faces many directions of the audience to engage everyone viewing, not only those who sit directly in front. He also maintains a good pace when moving from image to image. He moves slow enough for the audience to understand his point but not lingering on anything long enough for the audience to become bored.

Looking specifically at the time between 5:01 and 5:11, we see how he transitions from his talking point o the image of the brain of a mouse. His tone is not arrogant when pointing out his personal findings in the research. Instead, he continually uses the word “us” and his voice is the mere awe that matches that of his viewers. Combining visual representations with an interactive speech creates a strong argument and makes for an effective presentation by Jeff Iliff.

So what this new research tells us, then, is that the one thing that all of you already knew about sleep, that even Galen understood about sleep, that it refreshes and clears the mind, may actually be a big part of what sleep is all about. See, you and I, we go to sleep every single night, but our brains, they never rest. While our body is still and our mind is off walking in dreams somewhere, the elegant machinery of the brain is quietly hard at work cleaning and maintaining this unimaginably complex machine. Like our housework, it's a dirty and a thankless job, but it's also important. In your house, if you stop cleaning your kitchen for a month, your home will become completely unlivable very quickly. But in the brain, the consequences of falling behind may be much greater than the embarrassment of dirty countertops, because when it comes to cleaning the brain, it is the very health and function of the mind and the body that's at stake, which is why understanding these very basic housekeeping functions of the brain today may be critical for preventing and treating diseases of the mind tomorrow.

What were your biggest takeaways from today’s talk? Are you getting enough sleep or still neglecting it? How much sleep do you get on an average night?

With the holidays coming, and more time off, it might be something you'll want to catch up on and add to your New Year's resolution list

 Thanks to Eric Rettberg and Big Healthy Me for inspiring me today and to you, for listening.


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form.TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing

Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the second consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

See a brief video portrait of who we are and what can can do for you, HERE

Monday, December 14, 2015

Supporting For The Legal Community For Over 30 Years

“She is a motivated, self-starter, who is incredibly responsive to our lawyers, staff and clients in a very professional and friendly manner.”

“Anything I’ve needed for my attorneys in the last few weeks, I get an immediate response from the front desk, and a follow up call to make sure everything is taken care off."

Good Morning Folks,

In an environment where the only constant is change, law firms MUST run as better businesses. They are looking for “Service Partners” (not just “vendors”) to help them (re)IMAGINE…. to educate them and provide services that are NOT what they are getting today or what they have traditionally gotten over the years

We bring more experience in serving the legal profession than any company in the outsourcing industry. From the start of a case through the end of the trial, whether the assignment is a quick turnaround photocopy job to the most complex e-discovery project, FSO can improve your operations onsite.  We will…

Give you access to operational expertise, service line resources, and capabilities you may not  possess today

Provide right-sized headcount for immediate cost savings

Help you reduce real estate footprint with digital records

Leverage new technologies with revolutionary impacts and widespread benefits

Ensure the security and consistency of all mail and courier package deliveries

Replace an unmotivated team with hospitable, friendly associates who will bring your brand values to life and make guests feel warmly welcomed.

Our Innovative Services Include..
+ Conference Services
+ Digital Document Services

+ Facilities Management

+ Front Of House

+ Hospitality Services

+ Hoteling Services  
+ Information Technology

+ Litigation Support

+ Records Management Solution

+ Reprographic Services

Traditional Services Include..
+ Equipment Management 

+ Mail & Logistics Services

 + Messenger Services

+ Reprographic Services

+ Security Services
Many of the best-known names in AMLAW 200 legal services have upgraded their business support by partnering with FSO. Each can confirm that we have streamlined existing processes, and met their objectives of reducing administrative burden and cutting costs.

If we can help you, or someone you may know of, call me personally at (212) 204-1193.

Have a GREAT Day. Love Life.

I'll be a seeing you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  
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“Richard is valuable to the IP group having downloaded and checked over 800 patents. He keeps the files in order and gets files whenever needed right away.”
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Friday, December 11, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Nothing Better For The Holidays Than A Handwritten Note

"Not a single person I've sent a card to has NOT written to thank me for the sentiment, and the card itself. It truly is a present in itself."

Good Morning Folks,

Handwritten cards are an undervalued and underutilized business tool. When was the last time you received one via snail mail?

Now when was the last time your email pinged? 

If your inbox is like mine, it is full of emails that need reading, responding and filing. Even with filters and spam guards, it only takes a couple hours for my inbox to get cluttered and my productivity to take a pummeling.

Because of this, I have come to rather enjoy receiving snail mail and the brief reprieve it brings. And, when I receive a note from a colleague or new acquaintance, the rarity makes the task that much more enjoyable.

I understand that the task of writing cards is cumbersome (not to mention outdated) and has been largely replaced by emails, Facebook messages and tweets. Sending a hand written note, however, to thank someone for a meeting or offer congratulations for a promotion, communicates volumes of in just a few words.

Yes, it is time consuming, but because this small gesture can make such a large impression, here are some tips for streamlining the process and maximizing their impact.  

Keep the presentation simple.
You can find simple, blank cards in the clearance aisle at OfficeMax or at Dollar General. Buy a box and keep a few with you at all times. Remember, it's the thought that counts. If you want to perk up your presentation, you can beautify your stationary through online services such as, which will create customized, high-quality notecards for a premium.  

Pre-label and pre-stamp envelopes.
Take a few minutes to prep your envelopes with a return address label and stamp. This will not only cut out this step in the process, but it will make you more inclined to actually use them. And, yes, buy stamps. Real stamps. You've gone this far in the process, so don't ruin the impression with a generic red stamp from a postage meter.  

Keep the message brief.
A long, detailed note defeats part of the original purpose. Simply include a brief reminder of where you met, what you discussed, and how thankful you are for their time. Anything more will most likely be seen as insincere and as an overzealous marketing ploy (it is, but it should not come across as such).  

Include a business card.
Instead of using valuable notecard real estate reminding the recipient of who you are, include a business card and let it do the talking. Just make sure your business card says what you want it to say.  

Use a good pen.
I find that having a high quality pen helps. While I will make small corrections on the card, if the pen leaks, bleeds, or runs out of ink mid-message, it kills the presentation.  

You can even find online help (if you need it).
If you find carrying cards with you too much, or you simply don't know where the nearest post office is located (hey, nobody's judging), then consider an app that will do the same thing. For instance, Felt is an app that allows users to create customizable greeting cards with handwritten messages on an iPad, which are then printed and mailed for you. It even allows you to handwrite the address on the envelope. Cost is steep at $3.99 per card, but the presentation is very nice.

Sending handwritten cards does not have to be a time consuming and burdensome task. The return on investment for your time, however, is priceless. And, if doing so gets you away from the anxiety of an Outlook inbox packed with email, even for just a few minutes, well, that may just be worth it all in the end.

Two very important takeaways are: 
1) Keep it brief
2) Include a business card. (lot of people don't do that).

If you really want to make an amazing impression, invest in note cards from Sweet Jane Papery.  Not a single person I've sent a card to has NOT written to thank me for the sentiment, and the card itself. It truly is a present in itself.    

Hooray It's The Weekend!

Be great and (re)IMAGINE!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"A conclusion is the place where you got tired thinking."
- Martin H. Fischer
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Shout-Out Wednesday: Kudos To The Nation's Best Outsourcing Team

"The level of service that I have received has been outstanding to say the least. He is one of those folks that you look forward to seeing and always know that he has your back and is willing to work with you under high pressure deadlines."

Good Morning Folks,

FSO entered into strategic partnerships with clients to (re)IMAGINE non-core functions including Reception, Guest Services, Hoteling, Copy/Reprographics and Records, so enabling our clients to concentrate on their core competency of creating value for THEIR customers.

In a time of rapid business change and disruption, FSO has been able to make a positive and powerful impact on our client's bottom line. Every day our hospitable teams across the USA helps clients improve service, reduce cost and take better care of the people who help make it possible. 

Today we hear directly from client management about some of the AWESOME ways our motivated, team oriented, passionate people supported them in the month of November.

Manager at Wireless giant
"Every training session with you is always a delight for me and I’m sure the rest of attendees would agree. In this particular session, I really got a lot of it I’d been reading effective time management articles lately and  your training session tied it all together for her. Especially with my new position as manager of facilities in Atlanta. Great timing on FSO’s part. I needed this!"

Brian/Tyler at a Wireless giant
"I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate Brian AKA Tyler. He has been a tremendous asset to the Canyon Pointe campus. Every time we ask him to support us with anything he is right there willing to jump in and help us! He always has a great attitude and excellent customer service."

Nikeisha, on the case for us largest professional services firm in the world, and one of the Big Four auditors...
"Hat's off to Nikeisha" for the quality work you have consistently done to help my partner, Lillian, and I book rooms, modify reservations, "brainstorm" & prepare for her events. I know this is probably something you do frequently, but it's really great to have someone knowledgeable and helpful to complete things correctly and on time, and to work professionally with us. You have been a huge help and I hope you will forward my email to your supervisor so that he/she knows you are making a difference."

From an AMLAW 200 Firm... for the work we did helping them set up an event for a non-profit client of theirs..
"Thank you so much for your help coordinating our graduation yesterday! You made my job so much easier and really helped the event run smoothly! I hope you didn’t have to stay too late with clean up."

Mary, reception at Luxury Building
"I just wanted to pass along some feedback from a resident regarding Mary at the front desk. He wanted to compliment her on a job well done a few weeks back. Apparently there was quite a ruckus after an event at VB3 and several intoxicated people were blocking the entrance to our parking garage and causing a disturbance at the back entrance to the building. The resident said while he was attempting to get into the garage he witnessed Mary dispersing the crowd and taking control. He said she did a wonderful job of managing a very difficult situation. The resident said he often sees her in evenings and she is a pleasure." Always nice to get some positive feedback! Thanks to Mary for a job well done.

Jamie- on the job at a Washington DC think tank...
"I just wanted to take a minute to highlight how talented Jamie is. I think too often we take for granted how lucky we are to have her here. As you know, we are extremely family oriented. We care about the FSO staff very much. Jamie in particular has quite the fan club here. Jamie is passionate about her job and takes it very seriously. In my opinion, her professionalism and talent have grown tremendously just in the time I have worked with her these past 10 months. It has been a pleasure to not only work with her in the Conference Center but to also get to know her on a personal level."

"Though I receive positive feedback about Jamie fairly regularly, this email is inspired by this morning’s events. A group of ours had been in one of our meeting rooms and Jamie noticed that this staff person was trying to squeeze extra chairs in at the table. Turns out, this group had grown overnight and consequently had outgrown this particular space. Jamie took it upon herself to find a larger room available. Not only did she prove that she knows how to use our meeting scheduling program efficiently and effectively (which I had never seen her do), she also moved all the tent cards, catering, and even took care of the microphones on her own – all before I had made my way upstairs at 7:45am!! She saw a challenge, she found a solution and she reacted quickly. She is a catering ROCKSTAR!"

"As soon as I got upstairs she told me with confidence what had happened. A few minutes later a member of our IT staff commented how pleasantly surprised she was that Jamie even knew how to maneuver the technology in the meetings rooms and did exactly what I would have done. Shortly after that, the staff  lead for this meeting came up to me to commend Jamie for her hard work. She was so grateful that Jamie was able to think on her feet and accommodate her. I believe her closing statement was 'we all just LOVE Jamie because she is the best!'"

"She couldn’t be more right. We do love Jamie. This is just one of the many times Jamie has stepped up to the plate and handled something with ease, accuracy and professionalism. She truly deserves to be recognized for all she does, more than our many praises ACC wide."

Yoshi, working for us at the Chicago headquarters of the world’s leading independent audit, tax and advisory firm...
"Our Team managed a very important Japanese Business Professionals Event.  A prospect client of GT was very impressed with the level of service we provided for them.  This included staying late to provide white glove bar service for the group. Thank you for your help during the event yesterday.

"Starting from cleaning the area where we had the event and escorting the guests to our event space, then making sure if we needed anything, and we got great help even after the event while we were hanging out at the fireplace area!  It was great to show our hospitality to external guests, and not only the guests but we were very impressed.  We couldn’t do well like that without your help."

Stephen and Jimmy at Boston Headquarters of AMLAW 200 leader...
"I just wanted to say that I have seen a HUGE improvement to Boston Records!!! I want to particularly single out Stephen and Jimmy!!!!    They are unbelievable!  When you ask for labels, you get them right away! I also ask for stacks of files and I feel that the lists are shorter than ever. The requests are done quickly and efficiently."

Richard at the NJ branch offices of the above-mention AMLAW 200 leader
"Just want you to know how valuable Richard is to the IP group.   He keeps the files in order and gets files whenever needed right away. The group is conducting a patent review and Richard downloaded and checked over 800 or more patents. Today he is downloading more patents for another freedom-to-operate search. The IP group keeps him very busy.  He also files correspondence in the files and rearranges the files on the shelves when needed. The file room is in good order. He is very thorough and careful with work given to him and is very pleasant."         

To all the FSO employees that clients took note to brag about, THANK YOU for working tirelessly to deliver Service Extraordinaire with a smile. Keep up the the EXCELLENT work!

From logging in the package to completing the sweep to standing up and greeting every guest coming to us for assistance with a big hospitable smile, clients can count on us because we can count on you.

All of you are out in the field and have the power to make an incredible impact and a difference in the wealth and success of others.

I look forward to hearing more stories from our clients how our team has made a difference.

IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"If you are not afraid to face the music, you may someday lead the band"
~~Spuk Tiding

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email