Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday's LinkUP: EV Williams (re) IMAGINES The Article 3X and The "Happy" Writings of Kid Bombay on Medium, EV's Latest Invention

"It takes (re)IMAGINEERS like Williams and Weiner to keep pushing the world forward. For without their vision to imagine a future very different and easier and better in the way we do things tomorrow, there would be no progress."

Good Morning Folks,

The Internet is such a great invention. So many wonderful, useful things that can be applied to our greatest challenges and opportunities in unexpected ways. Things they don't teach you in Harvard Business School. Things just waiting to be discovered or to be pointed out by a friend... which brings me to why we do these LinkUp's on most Thursdays on

What ties today's stories together with FSO is the movement of (re)IMAGINATION that is taking place in every company of every industry today. Forced to innovate or capitulate in a technology-leveled playing field, (re)IMAGINE is something so simple as it is Revolutionary, showing clients how to look at their business from a completely new perspective, that of a blank canvas. Looking not at “What is” but “What can be”. 

We are doing it with outsourcing just the way EV Williams (our subject today) has done it with publishing: blogging, tweeting, direct conversations between makers and buyers without all of the intermediaries and costs that once stood in the way.

Today guest blogger has been writing on, a new platform launched by Twitter co-founder and "blog" inventor, Evan Williams. Medium describes themselves as:
Medium is a new place on the Internet where people share ideas and stories that are longer than 140 characters and not just for friends. It’s designed for little stories that make your day better and manifestos that change the world. It’s used by everyone from professional journalists to amateur cooks. It’s simple, beautiful, collaborative, and it helps you find the right audience for whatever you have to say..
==> Williams Background via Wikipedia:
Williams grew up on a farm in Clarks, Nebraska, where he assisted with crop irrigation in summers. He attended the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for a year-and-a-half, but eventually left to pursue his career.After leaving school, Williams worked at various technology jobs and start-up firms in Florida, at Key West, and in Texas, at Dallas and Austin, before returning to his family farm in Nebraska. In 1996 Williams moved to Sebastopol, California in Sonoma County to work for the technology publishing company O'Reilly Media. He started at O'Reilly in a marketing position but eventually became an independent contractor writing computer code, which led to freelance opportunities with companies including Intel and Hewlett Packard.
Pyra Labs and Blogger
Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan co-founded Pyra Labs to make project management software. A note-taking feature spun off as Blogger, one of the first web applications for creating and managing weblogs. Williams invented the term "blogger" and was instrumental in the popularization of the term "blog". Pyra survived the departure of Hourihan and other employees, and was eventually acquired by Google on February 13, 2003. 
In 2003, Williams was named to the MIT Technology Review TR100 as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35. In 2004, he was named one of PC Magazine's "People of the Year", along with Hourihan and Paul Bausch for their work on Blogger.
Odeo, Obvious and Twitter
Williams left Google in October 2004to co-found Odeo, a podcasting company.[Among Obvious Corp.'s projects was Twitter, a popular, free social networking and micro-blogging service. Twitter itself was spun out into a new company in April 2007, with Williams as co-founder, board member, and investor. In October 2008, Williams became CEO of Twitter, displacing Jack Dorsey who became chairman of the board.h 
By February 2009, ranked Twitter the third most-used social network based on their count of 6 million unique monthly visitors and 55 million monthly visits. As of February 2013, Twitter had 200 million registered users. It gets 300,000 new users a day and receives 180 million unique visitors a month. 75% of its traffic comes from outside of On 4 October 2010, Williams stepped down from the CEO position, explaining "I’ll be completely focused on product strategy", and appointed Dick Costolo as his replacement. 
Following the announcement of Twitter's initial public offering (IPO) in 2013, the company was valued at between US$14 billion and US$20 billion. One media report anticipated that Williams, with a 30 to 35 percent stake in the company, would see his personal wealth grow from US$2 billion to US$8 billion in the wake of Twitter's stock flotation. 
According to the October 2013 Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, his 12 percent stake in Twitter will be worth US$1.2 billion when the company goes public.[20]
On September 25, 2012, Williams and Stone created a publishing platform called Medium (at It was initially available only to early adopters, but was opened to the public in 2013. 
On April 5, 2013, Williams and Stone announced that they would be unwinding Obvious Corp as they focused on individual startups.
Over at Medium I found Kid Bombaby's wonderful missive on my favorite topic happiness. Yes that's the happy ending to this long story. 

From Pherrel's song Happy to the happy smiling cultures being reborn in companies all around us, the happy theme is here to stay and Kid writes so eloquently about it. Kid Bombay, is the stage name of Ketan Anjaria, who self-describes himself as "Designer, Writer and Startup Advisor. I like to create things."

Today he's created a simple recipe called How To Be Happy: Simple steps to lead a simple and content life. Kid has a wonderful silicon sense of life living in the Bay Area where life is slower and gentler and kinder.

Kid, over to you....

7. Stop checking email in the morning.
Seriously cut that garbage out. Your brain actually functions differently when you first wake up, spending that time doing the busy work of email is a terrible waste of neurons. Email has become a job for most people and if someone asked you to clean out their garbage first thing in the am, would you do it?
  • Things to try when you first wake up:
  • Just lie in bed and think about one thing you want to do better today.Go for a walk
  • Make love. No kidding but sex stimulates more than your lower regions.
  • Sketch, visual playtime is great.
  • Play with your kids. School can wait.
6. Don’t compare your place in life to others.
It’s hard and almost everyone does it but this is one of the easiest ways to spiral into unhappiness. We are not cookie cutter material. Each of us has made different choices and arrived at different paths. While jealousy can be a motivator for some people, it’s a trait that never leads to positive outcome.

Things to try to compare yourself to:
  • You, 3 months ago. How are you doing since then? 
  • What can you improve? What got worse?
  • A favorite character or religous story. 
  • How would they handle your situation? 
  • What can you learn from them?
5. Be grateful.
It’s really simple. What is one thing today you are really grateful for?

What is another? If you can list 3 things a day, you’ll see you have much more going for you than you thought. Soon your list will get so long you’ll be beaming with energy.

Things to be grateful for:
  • Your health. You are alive, and sick or not, you are able to enjoy the wonder that is this world.
  • Your friends. Whether one friend or a thousand, which friend of yours makes you smile when you think of them?
  • Your family. Crazy or not, in what ways has your family been there for you? Even if it’s not recent, what’s one thing your mom or dad did that you have fond memory of?
  • Yourself. You. Are. Awesome. No really, you right there. Your smile, your perseverance, your kindness, what things about yourself are you most grateful for?
4. Go outside.
  • Ok put down your iThing and step away from the TV.
  •  Humans have been blessed with the most beautiful planet this side of Alpha Centauri. 
  • We live on a rare and giving world. Go enjoy it. 
Things to do outside:
  • Take a walk. Even if it’s 5 minutes, walking is the best exercise and head clearer.
  • Sit on a bench on a park with a good view. (I highly recommend Dolores Park if you are in San Francisco.)
  • Take photos. It works for me at least and helps me see the beauty around me.
  • Meet new people. Say hi to a stranger, you never know what could happen.
3. Give to someone else.
Whether it’s something simple like buying a coffee for a friend or doing charity work, the act of giving opens up your heart. The heart is a muscle and must be exercised. Giving outwards prepares you to give inward. If you can show someone else kindness, their smile will work its magic back to you.

Things to give to people:
  • Your time. Lending an ear is the simplest gift.
  • A meal. Share food with someone whether you made it or not.
  • Compliments! Everyone loves a good compliment. Even if it’s as simple as you have a great smile. Light up the room when you walk in.
2. Write your thoughts down.
This may sound odd but many times we aren’t actually unhappy, but we just have a bazillion thoughts running around in our head. Writing is a simple act that can help clear your mind. You’d be surprised how great you feel once you clean out the cobwebs.

Things to write down:
  • Your dreams. A notepad next to your bed will change your life.
  • Places you want to go. Where do you want to travel to?
  • Stories, songs, poems, whatever. 
  • Get emo and creative. Don’t edit yourself, just let it flow.
  • Problems you are having. 
  • Make a pro/con list. 
  • Be analytical and figure out how can you fix that problem.
  • Funny quotes or things you hear that strike you. 
  • I have a note file, 18 pages long with quotes. Great memories.
  • The person you want to be. 
  • Write down traits you want to have in yourself. 
  • Do it everyday.
1. Give to yourself.
Dude, quit hating on yourself. Yes, you eat too much, drink too much, yell too much, whatever. We all make mistakes. We are all human as well and humans are not perfect creatures. When you learn to accept yourself, true happiness quickly arises.

Things to give to yourself:
  • Forgiveness. 
  • Yes you made a huge mistake, now learn from it and move on.
  • Time. 
  • Yes you may think you don’t have time, but you actually do.
  • Knowledge. 
  • Go learn something new. Or improve what you already know.
  • Health. 
  • Go take a walk. 
  • Seriously, put this article down and go take a walk right now.
So for all my friends, whether close or casual, or just because. Everyone will go through some hard times at some point. Life isn't easy. Just something to think about...did you know the people that are the strongest are usually the most sensitive? Did you know the people who exhibit the most kindness are the first to get mistreated? Did you know the ones who take care of others all the time are usually the ones who need it the most? Did you know the three hardest things to say are I love you, I'm sorry, and Help me? Sometimes just because a person looks happy, you have to look past their smile and see how much pain they may be in. To all my friends who are going through some issues right now--let's start an intention avalanche. We all need positive intentions right now to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. 

Now that you have seen what (re)IMAGINE has done for the communications you use in your own daily lives and the fact they didn't just appear, but were driven by passionate folks with fresh ideas about new and different ways of doing things, consider how we apply the (re)IMAGINE principle to the blank canvas of outsourcing:

Looking not at “What is” but “What can be”, that is what sets FSO apart from the other outsourcing companies and what has made us the fastest growing outsourcing company in the nation.

It is woven into the culture of who we are, it is part of everything we do. (re)IMAGINE allows us to uncover those hidden cost savings every company is looking for, identify innovative ways to improve their business, and inspire those who take care of them. 

By (re)IMGAINING our client’s business FSO becomes part of the fabric of their organization, permitting us to be a trusted advisor for all issues related to their administrative needs.

Founded by Outsourcing Pioneer & Thought Leader, Mitch Weiner ( a man who thinks outside the box much like Ev Williams) , FSO is collective of industry experts with decades of experience in the outsourcing marketing, our promise is simple:

·         Take Better Care of your people
·         Improve your service: It is an A+ FSO will make it an A++
·         Reduce & Control your costs: Guaranteed!

Finding the right onsite outsourcing partner is time consuming and difficult. There’s a lot on the line, not just for you but also for your company. Outsourcing to the wrong partner can be risky.

Our clients weren't looking for suppliers or contractors, but partners who would play a key hands-on role driving an evolution of everlasting change. Because brands who have stopped challenging their culture are destined to disappear.

Therefore cultural fit is key to success in outsourcing and is where we believe FSO adds the most value. If client and supplier are out of alignment with regards to shared goals or objectives, then the contract is doomed to failure. At FSO, with our (re)IMAGINE approach, we even take the lead when it comes to pioneering culture. But, an RFP alone will not always reveal these advantages nor result in the most productive and profitable relationship.

If your outsourcer is not keeping their commitments nor fulfilling the promise of all the advancements and new technology at its hand, I invite to you call me directly and I'll set up a time for you meet with a member of our (re)IMAGINE team and learn why of 250 companies have made the switch to FSO in the past 4 years.


Call me directly at 212.204.1193.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Learn more about what DIFFERENTIATES FSO here

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shout Out Wednesday: Kudos To The Best Outsourcing Team On The Planet

"I appreciate you all hustling over the past couple hours to help us reserve the room, coordinating to get the room setup properly, checking our remote connectivity to the MS network, etc.  All of your flawlessly executed contributions this morning gave us a strong foundation to have a successful meeting."

Good Morning Folks,

As FSO continues its expansion nationally, we remain focused on the people and constantly raising the bar to (re)IMAGINE™ the way to go to business - ensuring we deliver the very best experience to our clients and employees. 

We believe people make or break the success of an organization. FSO hires for character, desire and attitude and then takes better care of that individual than one could ever imagine. We take care of our people and in turn, they take care of you.

Our clients love what we are doing for them. When they take time to write like this after months of being let down by their former suppliers, it is testament to what I've been saying all along: At FSO, our difference is people. They bring a passion for hospitality and service that just can't be faked or duplicated.  

Hear it direct from our client's mouths. Below are a few kudos for the Month of July:

Courtney Mainer, Continuum
"Last week, I had occasioned to telephone the call center and had the good fortune of speaking with Ms. Courtney Mainer, Benefits Representative. I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that Ms. Mainer is a professional, responsible, efficient, patient and courteous benefits representative. It was pleasure to have her assist me. If all your representatives are as she, you have exceptional staff. Thank you! ~~ Joy V. Silber/LMSW/Retired-Beth Israel Medical Center

Monica Veloz and Taylor mason, Capco
"Thank you for your quick assistance today.  The workshop/meeting with Morgan Stanley Wealth was very productive, and they were very impressed with the innovation lab. I appreciate you all hussling over the past couple hours to help us reserve the room, coordinating to get the room setup properly, checking our remote connectivity to the MS network, getting the guests preregistered, ordering/setting up the food, etc.  All of your flawlessly executed contributions this morning gave us a strong foundation to have a successful meeting.  Thank you!" ~~ Nitesh Kadakia/Capco

Michael Paz, Lowenstein
"Michael Paz was a tremendous help this evening in getting documents turned over to Michael Lichtenstein, Mary Knodel and Office Services.  I had to download voluminous pleadings from PACER for Michael L. and Mary K.  Without Michael’s direct assistance, I could not have expeditiously completed the assignment. Thank you Michael and thank you Angel for having such a great staff!' ~~ Clair J. Palumbo-Valentino/Evening Legal Secretary/Word Processor/Lowenstein Sandler LLP

Crissette Maxwell,
"Wanted to recognize Crissette for being so amazing with getting our folks on board and especially helping the new employees with paychex.  She has been so patient and helpful with the group from Empire. Good Job Crissette!!"  ~~Nitza Plaud/ Associate Director

Saleem  Abdullahi, Capco
I wanted to talk to you the last time I saw you at Capco but I did not have a chance.  I just want to bring to your attention that a lot of us think Saleem is doing a wonderful job.  He is always very helpful, flexible and very easy to work with.
Thank you for bringing him to Capco. ~~Nini/ EA/ Capco

It's clear from these kudos that everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.    

Great people like those featured above today want to be part of FSO as clients and employees because we are passionate and we CARE about what it means to be there for them.

Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"If not us, who? If not now, when?  ~~Hillel the Elder

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ted Tuesday: Amy Cuddy on The Power of Body Language

"So I think it's more interesting, especially when watching leaders, to look for warmth and trustworthiness nonverbals. Look for natural smiles, for body language that is inviting, positive, and that signals interest in the other person or people. Even a gentle touch -- one that's appropriate, of course -- like when one candidate gently touches the other on the shoulder. ~~Amy Cuddy

Good Morning Folks,

I found a really interesting Ted Talk for you this morning. One that really makes you think about something you never gave much thought to before. But in the service business, as we are, body language speaks volumes in conveying trust and making lasting impressions, good or bad. So take heed,

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy (#37 if 50 Women Who Are Changing The World), shows how "power posing" -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident -- can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.

Everyone talks about the importance of "body language," but few people understand how much of an impact it actually has — not just in the way others perceive us, but in terms of how we actually perform.
Professor Cuddy studies "body language"--the non-verbal communication 
that can tell us almost everything about what is going on in a given situation.  
Says Cuddy, "So I think it's more interesting, especially when watching leaders, to look for warmth and trustworthiness nonverbals. Look for natural smiles, for body language that is inviting, positive, and that signals interest in the other person or people. Even a gentle touch -- one that's appropriate, of course -- like when one candidate gently touches the other on the shoulder. A nice, relatively recent example is watching Obama when he sings the first little bit of the Al Green song "Let's Stay Together." Not only does he have a surprisingly good voice, but when I watch people watch him break into that big smile, I watch them melt -- I watch them warm up as they're watching him. It's contagious and hard to avoid. Obama has become pretty good nonverbally on both dimensions, although I think his ability to convey warmth has gotten much better as he's become more relaxed. You see more of those natural smiles. He comes across as strong without seeming like an over-aggressive alpha. And I think he knows when it's time to be really powerful nonverbally, and when it's time to play it down a little bit."

Certain "power poses" don't just change how others perceive you, Professor Cuddy says. They immediately change your body chemistry.

And these changes affect the way you do your job and interact with other people.

One thing to note in this talk already seen by five million folks around the world is Professor Cuddy's tips for giving the kind of dynamic presentation you are about to see— fuel your mental engine:
  • Dopamine and epinephrine help regulate mental alertness. Both come from tyrosine, an amino acid found in proteins.
  • So make sure to include protein in the meal you eat before you need to be at your best. And don’t wait until the last minute. When you’re really nervous the last thing you may want to do is eat. -
Professor Cuddy concluded her talk with a startling revelation about herself, one that led her to choke up momentarily. Then the talk ended in a standing ovation. Have look at a great speech from great speaker:

Thanks to INC, Huffington Post and Business Insider who helped me prepare his post and most of all to you, for watching.

Let's all go make things happen today. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form.TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the second consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Difference is Culture

"At FSO, every person, from the bottom to the top, is empowered to do what’s right for the customer, and encouraged to think and act like an owner."

Good Morning Folks,

Finding the right onsite outsourcing partner is time consuming and difficult. There’s a lot on the line, not just for you but also for your company. Outsourcing to the wrong partner can be risky.

Our clients weren't looking for suppliers or contractors, but partners who would play a key hands-on role driving an evolution of everlasting change. Because brands who have stopped challenging their culture are destined to disappear.

Culture  goes much deeper than simply mission statements, vision and values, which invariably are found on company websites and sometimes that where it remains. Yes, these can all play a part in defining a partner's culture/ belief system, but more fundamentally it is how the people who will be sent to your front lines feel about their own self worth and contribution, how they are managed and the passion and pride they express during service delivery. 

Therefore cultural fit is key to success in outsourcing and is where we believe FSO adds the most value. If client and supplier are out of alignment with regards to shared goals or objectives, then the contract is doomed to failure. At FSO, with our (re)IMAGINE approach, we even take the lead when it comes to pioneering culture. But, an RFP alone will not always reveal these advantages nor result in the most productive and profitable relationship.

So how can you ensure that your “final” list of potential partners and outsourcing criteria will uncover what’s truly best for you?     

Companies shopping for a new or improved outsourcing provider should take the "speed-dating" approach— meet and spend time with supplier's leadership one-on-one before even considering them to be invited to bid. 

What you discover here is that at FSO, there is no such thing as an unimportant person, role, task or idea. When we roll out of bed each morning, we go to work knowing that, regardless of our title, we are not only needed, but appreciated.

At FSO, every person, from the bottom to the top, is empowered to do what’s right for the customer, and encouraged to think and act like an owner. Here, leadership is action not position. My mission is everyone’s mission, and any obstacle is considered everyone’s obstacles. “It’s not my job” is one phrase that is seldom heard. Everyone ensures that his or her team is charged up, in touch with the big picture, and willing and able to lead.

At FSO, no one is to blame, but everyone is accountable. No one points fingers, but everyone lends a hand. No one takes credit, but everyone freely gives it away.

If all this sounds like a smart way to run an organization, it is. It's in our DNA. It's our culture. While our business model may seem pretty simple, no one else can or has been able to replicate it because it comes from our hearts. 

Cultural alignment, I believe, will ultimately drive change, improvement and innovation. Make sure to align yourself with the right partner that sees eye-to-eye on what is important to you in order to develop a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask them tough questions. You should be looking for a partner that won’t just show up but innovate.

Thanks to all our employees for NEVER settling for mediocrity. 

Every site employee, YOU, are the FSO difference! Your commitment to service, to exceed the client expectations, to do just that little bit more, to be more professional, to have that better idea, to notice that detail, to take action when no one is watching. YOU make this company the best outsourcing provider in the business. YOU are the reason we have nothing in common with our competitors. Your smile, your enthusiasm and your hard work is what makes my vision come alive at FSO.

And that's not only what makes us different, it makes us better.

Discover how our capabilities and unique differentiators can be applied to your advantage.


Call me directly at 212.204.1193.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Learn more about what DIFFERENTIATES FSO here

Friday, August 1, 2014

InspireME Friday: 'Happy Friday! Whoo-hoo! Let's Celebrate!!'

"These are not just words or “things” that we think sound nice… or “things” that we think you want to hear… this is the fabric of FSO. This is what makes us different from every other outsourcing company."

Good Morning Folks,

It is so hard to believe how fast the week goes… I can’t believe that it is already the end of another month and we are at summer's halftime! The stats are in and July 2014 we have 2.5 times the readers we had on this blog a year ago. Thanks for all your support.

Before I share my pick from this week's inspiring, internal communiqués, I wanted to share some thoughts.

Did you know that we promoted 45 Future Leaders Program (FLP) members this year? Isn’t that AWESOME?! I am so proud of each of YOU…the hard work, the dedication, the skip, fire, twinkle…


We have 260 more employees in the FLP and I want to see at least 45 more promotions before the end of the year!! 

We provide GREAT training as I blogged about yesterday, and we just need YOU to WANT to be promoted… to want to receive the training so when that next GREAT OPPORTUNITY arrives, you are READY for the BIG promotion. Are you in?? 

EVERY day my mind is focused on YOU… about loving our employees, about loving our clients, about CARE… the HAPPIEST PLACE TO WORK. These are not just words or “things” that we think sound nice…or  “things” that we think you want to hear…this is the fabric of FSO. This is what makes us different from every other outsourcing company. 

We want you to WANT to come to work every day and LOVE what you do and LOVE working for FSO and we WANT our clients to see you SMILING every day and delivering the WOW! factor that you all know is expected.

We have so many great communications, actions and initiatives in play across FSO — so… now ripped from the pages of FSO's internal communications is a Friday dose of inspiration to send you off to the weekend on a high note… Here is Southeast Region Experience Director, Lissette Umpierre's piece appropriately titled "Happy Friday! Whoo-hoo! Let's Celebrate!!
Good Morning TEAM Us/FSO USA – Happy Friday! Hoot – hoot!! I hope this email finds you with a twinkle, fire, skipJ

I think we should all celebrate each other, because I think we sometimes forget how great the people here at FSO can be. I challenge YOU today for YOU to celebrate YOU/Us, YOUR Family, Friends, Pets, Team(s), Client(s), and Peer(s). No PO needed to celebrate (LOL) – PromiseJ.

We have so many people to Celebrate and so much to be thankful for.   You/Me/Us are a part of industry history and a part of a blessed Family/ Company that truly cares. 
Our Founder, Owner and Chief Happiness Officer Mitch Weiner celebrates You/Us, the field employees and our Clients everydayJ! Yes we have the best field events because we work hard – and so we play hardJ!  But what about that personal note signed by our Founder, returning emails on the fly (how many Founders/Owner you know personally that returns field employee emails?), being our Visionary to make sure we have career opportunities, Fulfilling Dreams (I am a Believer – because I live it every day), empowering, stretching and strengthening Us, helping and believing in Us that we can be the Master of our Trade and make solid business decisions. I will not mention the dollar investments because I said no PO neededJ.

Today as YOU are getting ready to start YOUR day – look at YOURSELF in the mirror and tell YOURSELF – I am FABULOUS and I am LOVEDJ -- FSO Ownership truly cares and loves you! I challenge YOU to celebrate your Team(s) and Client(s) with the same Passion our Founder has for Us. Have that one on one with that employee that works hard every day and has the potential to be a FLP – perhaps that employee needs your validation and needs to feel empowered or confidence to get to the next level. Drop off a “Happy Summer” note to your Client with one of our cool summer promos or leave an appreciation note to your Peer who helped you with a solution.

Let’s CELEBRATE our Wins, Goals, Visions, Mission, and Blessings - lend a hand to those who need guidance, training, or industry knowledge.

Let’s CELEBRATE one another – WE are the BEST of the BEST in our Industry and handpicked to be part of History and the Happiest Place to Work.

Strong message, Lissette, thanks!

Summer soldiers on with so much momentum in the market and so much talent across our great company as we continue to attract new blood. We have something special that no competitor no matter how they try, will have my heart and care for employees and clients. You can take that to the bank. :-))

I have a favorite line. It is not a matter of if. "It is a matter of when. I will get to it all." Just have to keep me healthy, smiling and strong. Lol

I trust you feel my passion - we will deliver and execute to perfection and we will keep smiling… and keep making a DIFFERENCE.

We are FSO USA!!!!!  

Enjoy your weekend and Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Throw Back Thursday: The Origins of The Necktie and Return of the Bow Tie

“You always feel better about yourself when you work to look your best, which means you project that image to others. They take notice.”

Photo: Fashion-forward FSO Experience Director  Shawn Curwen 
opts for the Bow Tie

Good Morning Folks,

One of our most popular posts provides guidance on proper business attire. Then in a Throw Back Thursday post we showcased the history of court attire going way back to customs of white powdered wigs and black robes… still used in the Supreme Court and some countries (such as you've seen if you've been watching the judge to the left in news clips of the Pistorius trial).

What she wears that also distinguishes Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who remarked in a Katie Couric Yahoo interview today saying when asked if the 82-year old would retire soon, she responded that she's not ready to hang up her Jabot).


Jabots survive in the present as components of various official costumes. The white bibs of judges of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany are officially described as jabots, as are those worn by judges and counsel throughout Australian courts. Jabots are prescribed attire for barristers appearing before the Supreme Court of South Australia.

French magistrate court dress and French academic dress include a jabot, called Rabat. It is usually of plain cotton, except that of academic high officials, which is made of lace.

In the United States Supreme Court, jabots are worn by some female justices, but are not mandatory. Both United States Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor often wear jabots with their judicial robes;Justice Elena Kagan, in contrast, does not.

The Speaker of the British House of Commons also wears a jabot along with a black and gold robe and lace frills.

Jabots continue to be worn as part of the highest formal Scottish evening attire and a former part of Scottish highland dance costumes from the 1930s to the 1970s. They are usually worn with high-necked jackets or doublets (Sheriffmuir or Montrose), often with matching cuffs for both genders and a fly plaid of the same tartan as the kilt, draped over-the-shoulder for men.

But here in the USA,. the necktie still rules. So...

Today we share Jennifer Busch's LinkedIn article "The Origin of the Necktie" -- Jennifer, over to you.
While the tie as we know it is a fairly modern invention, specific neckwear was worn by Romans in a similar way to accentuate and identify the military or in sports today to identify a team or troop. 
Cravat, which has become universal for tie origins are based in the Croatian mercenary’s terminology.  
The Croatian mercenary’s who fought with the French during the 30 Years War wore cloth around their necks both as decoration and to tie their shirts. “Croat” became “cravat” and the origins of the necktie were born. King Louis IV, who wore lace cravats when he was a boy, liked cravats so much he made them mandatory attire at Royal gatherings. Soon enough, the always chic Parisian nobility started wearing them and the cravat craze spread to other parts of Europe. 
The natural progression from the cravat was the bow tie. While the bow tie has evolved over time the early renditions were difficult to knot and easily loosened, making them impractical for men who worked in physically demanding jobs. By the beginning of the 20th century, instead of being tied into a bow, the fabric was knotted to hang down from the neck. This is how the necktie came into fashion. Made from silk, it often had stripes. 
While it was easier to knot than a bow tie, it was hard to keep the fabric straight. 
In 1924 an American tailor, Jesse Langsdorf, tried cutting the fabric at a 45-degree angle across the silk’s grain to see if it would stop the problem of curling at the bottom and give the tie a neater, sleeker look. He also cut the fabric into three sections, two equally long sides and a shorter piece to go around the neck in such as way so that the seams would match. This design also made it easier for men to loosen the tie without it becoming undone. 
What became known as the Langsdorf tie has been the standard for the last 90 years. While patterns, fabrics, lengths and widths have come and gone, the basic cut has not changed. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it and this accessory has seemed to work well for men, and even women, who want to spice up their look.
Speaking of ties, have you seen the 12-year-old 'kidpreneur' who captured the hearts and minds of ABC's Shark Tank panel and has Daymond of FUBU fame as his personal mentor?

This kid named MO has the FSO skip, fire and twinkle for sure and is bound for greatness. 

Moziah Bridges didn't get an investment when he stood before Shark Tank's panel of five angel investors looking for financial help to grow his bow tie business. He got something much more—a mentor.

Daymond John, the founder of the FUBU clothing line. John said that back in 1989, when his company was nothing more than a few hats, he rejected an offer for $10,000 for 40 percent of that company. Ten years later, that equity would have been worth $40 million.

According to his website Mo's Bows, "Mo's Bows is a company I started in Memphis, TN in 2011 when I was just 9 years old. I couldn't find fun and cool bow ties, so one day I decided to use my Granny's scrap fabric to make and sell my own. I like to wear bow ties because they make me look good and feel good. Designing a colorful bow tie is just part of my vision to make the world a fun and happier place." Love it!

Whether MO achieves his goal of bringing back the bow-tie remains to be seen. But some of our most fashionable leaders like Shawn Curwen have already embraced it. As long as I don't have to wear a powered wig and gown to call on a law firm (lol), I'm good with diversity in dress.

And remember even those who are not expected to wear a suit and tie everyday shouldn't forgo all style and fashion sensibility. 

Here are LinkUPs that will help you dress for success:

What IS Business Casual?

3 Tips For Expressing Your Style And Enhancing Your Personal Brand

Have fun kids and you MUST.. ENJOY THE RIDE... we are a blessed and excited group!

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer
About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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