Tuesday, August 11, 2015

TED Tuesday: Nigel Marsh— How to make work-life balance work

"Feel like your work-life balance is off? 
This talk is for you."

Good Morning Folks,

Work-life balance, says Nigel Marsh, is too important to be left in the hands of your employer. At TEDxSydney, Marsh lays out an ideal day balanced between family time, personal time and productivity — and offers some stirring encouragement to make it happen.

This TED talk works for me on a number of levels:

  • The content really spoke to me. As someone who had previously made the idle boast that “work life balance is for people who don’t like their jobs”, this talk made me realize that there was something to be gained from cultivating interests, activities and relationships that did not revolve around work. And that it would take work to do that. Not just that, that society is such that making work life balance work is an individual responsibility.
  • Nigel has got a great presentational style. It’s very conversational, pretty funny and candid. You get a real sense that this is the “real” Nigel. He embodies something that our presentation skill training aims to do, namely “Be yourself. More. With skill.” His timing is superb and he absolutely nails the “Strong start” with the smart use of quotes. Yes, he’s funny but the humour is from the absolute conviction of his delivery and the hard hitting truth of what he’s saying. There isn’t a “joke” in sight…
  • There is a very strong call to action:  This talk entirely pivots in the last paragraph which I set out below in full. From the very specific details of one man’s quest to find work life balance he actually calls for a revolution in the work place.  It’s very profound and yet it’s delivered with economy and precision. It’s a strong ending for the talk and just as strong an ending for this blog post.  
  • “Now my point is the small things matter. Being more balanced doesn’t mean dramatic upheaval in your life. With the smallest investment in the right places, you can radically transform the quality of your relationships and the quality of your life. Moreover, I think, it can transform society. Because if enough people do it, we can change society’s definition of success away from the moronically simplistic notion that the person with the most money when he dies wins, to a more thoughtful and balanced definition of what a life well lived looks like. And that, I think, is an idea worth spreading.”
Have a look:

Nigel Marsh is the author of “Fat, Forty and Fired” and “Overworked and Underlaid.” He’s the Regional Group CEO of Young and Rubicam Brands for Australia & New Zealand. In 2005 he came second last in the Bondi to Bronte ocean race.

Thanks to Creative Shift UK for inspiring me today with this recommendation and to you, for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on MitchWeiner.com highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, August 10, 2015

It's Easy To Get Hooked On FSO Hospitality

"FSO is nearing its five year anniversary and we have lots to be proud of. But we have only just begun. We have one goal. To be the best on site outsourcing company this industry has ever seen."

Good Morning Folks,

Our wonderful team at FSO truly embodies what it is to be hospitable, and I believe hospitality is where most outsourcing relationships lose steam. It's the advantage that's enabled FSO to best competitors whose incumbent client relationships go back for decades.

What is hospitality?  How do you make employees in the field more hospitable? How do you make the client feel the hospitality that separates FSO from all of its competitors?

Just like you have introverts and extroverts in life, hospitality starts for having an eye for personality as well as skill. It’s that twinkle in the eye, that skip in the step, that fire in the belly that makes our people different from any of our competitors’ from day one.

And for those who have been with me for years, I have always made this very simple. You can't teach people the DNA. But you can teach them the business. Right? But it has to come from within, within you to have that positive attitude and energy that allows anything to be overcome. It's about quality performance, personal service and a do-anything-for-the-customer commitment 

Many of our associates join us after eating, sleeping, and breathing hospitality for prior years in positions of service. We have even plucked customer service and hospitality folks from the front desks of several well-known New York City hotels and finest private clubs.

The First Impression Makers

Your front of house is the storefront for your organization. Our team brings your brand values to life and make visitors feel warmly welcomed. We deliver high-quality visitor experiences that perfectly reflect your values.

The folks we place in concierge, security or front desk reception positions (that we call informationalists because they are also cross-trained, multi-tasking utility players), looks to make a great First Impression and FSO's Concierge Associates are all about that first smile, service and information delivered as an ambassador for the organization. FSO ensures our customer service oriented staff perform at 5-star levels to make that front desk experience a truly warm and memorable experience.

Says one of our top concierges' serving at one of the nation's largest public relation firms, "I learned a great deal from being on the front lines of customer issues throughout my prior positions. For one, I learned that a smile goes a long way! A smile can totally change the way somebody approaches you and how they interact with you. Secondly, maintain eye contact and use the customer’s name. By using the guest’s name you are showing them that they are important and it helps to build upon the relationship. The final lesson I have brought with me to FSO is providing the unexpected. In Hotels, we often provide guests with a complimentary upgrade or sending an amenity up to a guest’s room after you find out it is their birthday or anniversary or another special event. These small actions can enhance relationships and make the guest coming back for years."

Using client’s and guest names when they approach us, making eye contact, always smiling, and going above and beyond to surprise a client or guest by doing something unexpected is what we are there to do! When incumbents aren't doing any of the above, then they aren’t being seen as delivering a superior experience, can’t be making an impact at all and worse, are opening up the door for competitors like us to eat their lunch.

You Can't Deliver 5-Star Hospitality, Without Passion

What we do is core to us and non-core to our clients so we do it better. Passion is a great gift, and we have a lot of gifted people taking care of our clients and always doing more to assist, which is what hospitality is all about. Most importantly our galactic growth continues to fuel the creation of new jobs and provides advancement opportunities for roles that traditionally had been glass ceilings.

Industry leading training, incentives, rewards, recognition and a TRUE career path sit at the heart of a successful company culture of hospitality and service that’s made the difference between a workplace people dread and one they brag about.

Penultimate Hospitality Takes Leadership

I read a very interesting article recently on Leadership and the premise was "Leadership is Simple." Great leaders are simply great guides on other people's journeys. So, what will make YOU a great guide (leader)? 

  • You know and live the culture 
  • You prepare and you keep your skills sharp
  • You listen and work with the team 
  • You support them, keep them moving and on track, and remove obstacles 
  • You allow the team, through their own skill and will, to reach success safely. 

In closing, tell someone today that they’re awesome. This is how you have a Super Life. Spread positivity. Our employees are unbelievable. As long as they have so much hustle in their hearts, and have no room to criticize, hate or challenge I’m on their side. 

FSO is nearing its five year anniversary and we have lots to be proud of. But we have only just begun. We have one goal. To be the best on site outsourcing company this industry has ever seen.  

We are healthy. We are strong. We are family. And we are all in this together. 

Have a great day and thanks for supporting our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"Nothing is impossible, the word it self says I’m possible"

Friday, August 7, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: The Yellow Cab Ride

"Great moments often catch us unaware—beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one."

I liked liked this story even more because it reminded me of the kind of heart we collectively exude, here at FSO."

Happy Friday Folks,

Today's inspirational story I discovered on Facebook and is perhaps one of the most touching stories I've ever heard with regard to service. There's holding a door for someone, opening your umbrella and escorting them to a cab... as I've blogged about our teammates doing...  but this goes even a step further.

What a beautiful, beautiful, very touching story. What a magical thing he did for the nice lady, it brought tears to my eyes, as it will yours.

I liked liked this story even more because it reminded me of the kind of heart we collectively exude, here at FSO.

Via @MarkHewerMusic 
A NYC Taxi driver wrote:
"I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor. 
After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie. 
By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets. 
There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard. 
box filled with photos and glassware. 
'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman. 
She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb. 
She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated.' 
'Oh, you're such a good boy, she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive through downtown?' 
'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly.. 
'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice. 
I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice.'The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter. 
'What route would you like me to take?' I asked. 
For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. 
We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. 
Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing. 
As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired.Let's go now'. 
We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico. 
Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move. 
They must have been expecting her. 
I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair. 
'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching into her purse. 
'Nothing,' I said. 
'You have to make a living,' she answered. 
'There are other passengers,' I responded. 
Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.She held onto me tightly. 
'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.' 
I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life..
I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away? 
On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life. 
We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. 
But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one."
So touching it brought tears to my eyes...... Something worth reading and passing along because we never know the path we walk.........and when it will end. I can't even imagine what that trip down memory lane would be without family.

"I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated." he said. Beautiful. Folks, love each other and help each other. That's what life is about.

Now as the summer is inching to an end before we know it, take sometime out to enjoy the weather, enjoy the weekend and enjoy your loved ones.


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“Happiness at work is being a good listener, a good friend, 
being generous, not critical, never finding fault, but always smiling."

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of MitchWeiner.com:

Access Staffing, Adecco Usa, ADP, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, Albert Einstein, College Of Medicine, Amazon Corporate, American Express Company, American Honda Motor Company, American University, Amgen, Amster Rothstein & Ebanstein, Anchor Associates Group Inc, Angelo, Gordon & Co., Anne Arundel County Govt, Aquantive, Arent Fox Llp, Arhus, Kobmandsskole, Arrowhead Aea, Ascena, Asrc Federal Holding Company, Atkina, Llc, Aurelius Capital Management, Automatic Data Processing, Automattic, Ball State University, Baltimore Technology Park, Bank Of America, Barclays Financial Corp., BDBO New York, Bechtel Corp, Bell Canada, Best Buy, Black Oak Computers Inc, Blackrock Financial Management, Bloomberg Bloomberg, Brandprotect, Brookfield Asset Management,Brown Advisory, Bsnl, BT (UK searching for Denise), Cahill Gordon & Reindel, California Department Of Justice, California Education And Research Federation Network, California State University, Long Beach, Canon Usa, Carolinas, Healthcare System, Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, Cb Richard Ellis, Cbi Connect, Cdw - Cdw Llc, Ceasars Entertainment Group, Central Methodist University, Charles Schwab & Co., Choopa, Llc, City Of Los Angeles,  Citigroup, City Of Houston, Clyde & Co Llp, Colgate-palmolive Co., Colliers Abr, Inc - Cassidy Turley, Chubb, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, Cooley Llp, Columbia University, Completel, Comporium Communications, Commercial Bank Of Africa, Comstock Park Public Schools, Conagra Foods, Concordia College, Condenast Publications, Control Risks Group Llc, Coral Graphics, Cottage Hospital, County Of Marin, County Of Suffolk, New York, Credit Suisse Group, Credit Suisse Group / Canada, Cuddy & Feder Llp, Cwie, Llc, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., Data Control And Systems, Datagram, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Dental Of California, Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan, Department Of Administrative Services (Ohio), Department Of The Interior, Office Of The Secretary, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Detroit Public Schools, Dewitt Stern Group, Inc., Dod Network Information Center, Dow Jones & Company, Devry, Depaul University, Dga Security Systems, Dickstein Shapiro Llp, Discover, Financial Services, Distributed Systems Services, Do It Best Corp, Duane Morris, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom,Edelman Pr, Emerge212, Equity Residential, Ernst & Young Llp, Esi International, Espn, Estee Lauder, European Police Office (europol), Evercore Partners Services East, Llc, Experian Revenue Assurance Test, Facebook Corporate, Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Family Dollar, Federal Aviation Administration, Federated Systems Group, Fedex Office & Print Services, Fenwick & West, Fidelity National Financial, Fifth & Pacific Cos, First American Equipment Financial, Fisher Scientific, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Llp, Fujitsu Limited, Florida Department Of Management Services, Florida International University, Ford Motor Company, Fort Hays State University, Fortressitx, Free Sas, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.c., GE, Genentech, Georgetown University, Gerson Lehrman Group, Godaddy.com, Llc, Gilead Sciences, Google Corporate, Goose Creek Consolidated Isd, Government Of Saskatchewan,Government Of Singapore, Graphnet Inc., Gravitas Technology, Greenberg Traurig P.a, Griffin Information Systems Limited, Group M Worldwide, Hachette Book Group, Hamilton-clermont Cooperative Assn., Harris Government Sector, Havas Worldwide Llc, Hccs - Houston Community College System, Hearst Corporation, Hewlett-packard Company, Higher Colleges Of Technology, Hill & Knowlton, Inc, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Hma, Hotwire Communications, Hudson County Community College,  Hughes Hubbard & Reed Llp, Humber College, IBM Corporation, Ikon Office Solutions, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Immedion, Llc, Ing Investment Management,, Intergrated Office, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Times, International Monetary Fund, Io Capital Princess, Llc, Jefferies International Limited, Jewish Board Of Family & Children 's Services, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Apparel Group, Jones, Day, jp Morgan Chase, Jw Michaels Co., J. 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Thursday, August 6, 2015

FSO On The Fast Track Welcoming A Record Breaking Surge of New Accounts

"Imagine you are a customer choosing FSO as a business partner. You sign the contract and immediately become part of the FSO family! But wait, it does not end there, you now have a specialized transition team assigned to you with Client Relations Directors, Client Relations Managers, Team Leads, Associates, and members of our operations, finance, people solutions and  IT teams ready to help you (re)IMAGINE your business."

Good Morning Folks,

Since the company’s launch in 2010, Future State Outsourcing (FSO) has been on a roll, signing a record-breaking number of accounts in all verticals with no sign of slowing down.  

FSO has dedicated significant resources in order to further support this surge of growth and expansion nationwide. But we could not make the shift without a strong leadership team who collectively has hundreds of years of onsite outsourcing experience, having created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and solid solutions that have provided decades of success to tens of thousands of organizations.

FSO is all about engagement with our clients and becoming part of your business family. Our leadership team’s experience and ideas have come from the streets and not from behind a desk or from sitting in board meetings with endless graphs full of “why nots.” Our leadership team is out in the field with you - our clients – listening, impacting and improving the services we deliver every day. In addition to our proven leaders, Our Future Leaders are truly one of our greatest assets. Our mission with Future Leaders is develop business leaders across the FSO enterprise.

Finally. An Outsourcing Partner Who Won't Disappoint You

Every account we've won and in growing the business so rapidly in just 60 months was a client of someone else who disappointed them. In this economy, bigger conglomerates look to cut costs, but make a big mistake when they skimp on training. By neglecting to properly and consistently train their folks, our competitors have opened the door for others to eat their lunch.

Training is OUR competitive difference, and folks from all walks of the company are taking advantage of it. 

As technology continues to move faster and faster, rapidly innovating companies will find that trustability and management accountability will become indispensable. Moreover, when it’s not your core competency  it’s vital to have someone else managing it who knows how to hire and train in that type of role.

FSO's surge in growth and expansion throughout the United States has been largely driven by market and client demands. Our clients are asking us to grow with them. As they expand, they want FSO by their side. Leading that charge is our President, Jim Caton.

Hospitality is Jim’s DNA. He has perfected the art of working closely with our national clients and our onsite teams in the field and remains highly engaged with every aspect of our client’s operations. Jim is tasked with expansion, while overseeing and ensuring service extraordinaire for existing business.

Operational best practices continue to be our greatest asset. Accordingly, Dean Graves joined FSO as Senior Vice President, Operations and our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to apply his first-hand client insights. Dean reports directly to Mitch and is responsible for all of the tri-state operations and staff. 

In a day and age when technology carries equal weight in relevance to people + solutions, Our Chief Information Officer, Thomas Pategas, provides a unique level of strategic support and advice for our clients.  Not only does our CIO provide unbiased hardware and software recommendations, but he also has the strategic experience to ensure our solutions are in line with our clients overall IT device management, strategic goals, and budget. HE is always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, while making possible for you what was not possible before. 

While we are partners, we are always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, and make visibility, transparency and accountability a real time event.

A Sleep-Easy Transition

With all these new accounts coming in, besting relationships with incumbent partners that, in some cases, go back decades, the question I am often asked is "what about the transition," "how will you deal with my current teams, many of whom we like?"

FSO understands the importance of a seamless transition plan. A seamless transition is the result of careful planning and setting the expectations required to persevere through it.  Our signature Sleep Easy Transition methodology brings together skilled leaders from both sides working harmoniously to minimize culture change and service disruption. A seamless transition features a communication plan to inform employees, vendors, providers, and others involved.  

The key components of FSO’s Sleep Easy Transition process are as follows:

  • Kick Off & Announcement
  • FSO Experience Greatness
  • Sleep Easy Documentation
  • The Next Generation

Each component is executed in the weeks leading up to the Go Live or Launch date.

FSO has an extremely robust transition process in which executive members of our sales, Operations, Finance, HR and IT departments are included. This senior level involvement ensures that every facet of the transition process and your company’s needs are covered.

In the event that your firm or organization has decided to outsource, FSO will help lead and guide the staff transition process once the announcement has been made. We are there with you each step of the way to ensure all legacy staff can “sleep easy” throughout the transition process.

It's all explained in detail in the business plan we will propose to you.

To existing clients: We appreciate and value your trust - we are blessed to have such loyal customers.

To those that have, or may know someone with, the need for a refreshing approach to onsite outsourcing, call me personally at (212) 204-1193. Bottom line: Our clients love us and you will too. It doesn't hurt to look and I promise we can help you to improve.

Look out to the remainder of 2015!!!  Where you can count on us to show you new possibilities, new revenue and all the happiness and peace of mind you’ve come to expect from FSO.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Read My Post: Finally. An Outsourcing Partner Who Won't Disappoint You

"The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership." Harvey S. Firestone

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: Amazing Stars That You Can Always Count On

"These gentlemen are truly an example of what team work is all about. I am extremely proud of them and our client is too."

Good Morning Folks.

Taking care of our clients and always doing more to assist is what hospitality is all about. 

Passion is a great gift, and we have a lot of gifted people. Their contagious enthusiasm and cheerful smiles engages senses, touches hearts and starts the day pleasantly for everyone they meet. Their sense of personal pride motivates managers and associates to act as if it's their name on the door. That's why we question everything. From comparing shipping prices to find better service at lower rates, or examining packaging so as to reduce costs and be kinder to the environment.

The ladies and gentlemen of FSO that I honor here today are truly an example of what team work is all about. I am extremely proud of each and every one of them, and our clients are too— they've even taken the time to commend them. Now hear from the customer's mouth kudos to....

Ervin- GroupM
"He embodies everything our company is about. Ervin goes above and beyond, to provide the best service possible to our client. All week has taken on more responsibilities that we have assigned him, but this has not stopped him coming up to us  asking what more he can do. This is just the type of person Ervin is. Ervin had just taken a seat at his desk, for the first time all day. An employee walked in asking about her lost ID, Ervin stood up with a big smile on his face and said, "let me show you where to go for that." He walked her all the way to our Facilities department, where he made sure she was helped by the staff there. Ervin could have told the employee to talk to Joe or I. He could have just explained where she needed to go, But that is not the type of person Ervin is. Ervin is the type of person, that when he comes back in from helping an employee who is  looking for a lost ID(not part of his job description), he is singing and dancing!"

Charlie, Darryl & Ray- GroupM
"We’ve been short a person this week, another called out and a third had today as a scheduled day off. We literally ran half staffed. But Charlie, Darryl and Ray didn’t let that affect them, they divided up the workload took only a half hour break and got the job done. I bought them lunch and told them to stop and eat…did they? No, they continued to get the work done and only when it was complete did they stop and take a break. These gentlemen are truly an example of what team work is all about. I am extremely proud of them and out client is too."

Cleon & Alex-PHD
“Just a note of praise for Cleon… Besides him always having a smile and a good morning for everyone, he works extremely hard and is willing to help with any project needed at any time. I just wanted you to know he is really magnificent and a wonderful asset.” Way to go Cleon!!"

"Alexa has done an excellent job in providing PHD Executives and other personnel’s within the company, with very timely and useful assistance concerning the procurement process of PHD. She is always quick to respond and very kind and friendly, making for both an informative, and enjoyable conversation. It is a pleasure to work with her, PHD is sure she will continue her exceptional services into the future."

Roger , Lisa & Robert - IMG (NY& Cleveland)
"Roger has really answered the leadership call. He is focused and proactive in assisting with the management of the IMG team. He has done such a great job communicating with the team and organizing out PTO schedule. Great job!"

"Lisa is the IMG Cleveland Informationalist who definitely ensures the team is abreast of the latest IMG company information. Lisa's years of reception experience are instrumental in the guidance she shares with her colleagues. She is truly a great member of the IMG team."

"Robert is the first one in the office and would be the last one to leave if it were allowed😊. Robert continuously takes great pride in his work and always had a bright shining face."

Daniel and Anthony - Sarah Lawrence College
"You are always willing to go above and beyond. The customer asked the team to participate in a short video to send to a student and the team made it happen! She was so glad that we participated in her odd request, that she sent us a Thank You email!!"

Donna – Fross Zelnick
"Donna has been with us for ONE WEEK, and has made an immediate impact since DAY ONE. End users are telling me that she has made a huge difference, I see the pride she takes in her work……….. the perfect example for her other teammates. So glad she’s on board."

Marcos and Lale -United Nations Book Shop
"Marcos has done a fantastic job dealing with the installation of the newly renovated book shop. The new client contact is very impressed with the way the shop operates. The team hit record numbers in sales over the past few months and are on target to exceed annual projections. SOOOOO appreciate the hard work, leadership and dedication shown by Marcos!!!!"

"Lale is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that the customer is satisfied with the United Nations experience. She is very dependable and always willing to help."

Davidson, Edward, & Andre – Roberts & Holland
"Davidson, Eddie & Andre have provided steady, consistent and quality service to all the end users at R & H. The client absolutely loves them  and could not be happier with the team. This week they are in the process of moving Wills, etc…..from one bank vault to another – showing that FSO is and can be a true partner…….no matter what the task is."

Jannel & Inmaculada-VOYA
"We have had changes here where two people departed the company. Jannel has been working here for a while receiving plenty of training in Office services and at the reception desks. With the departure of Karina who assisted in Office services matters and as an Informationalist, Jannel has done a remarkable job in transitioning over and assuming both Office services duties and reception duties all while assisting in training our new Informationalist"

"I would like to also give a shout out Inmaculada . She has been great in providing coverage as an Informationalist and assisting us with our mailing and reprographics as well assisting me directly in binding materials for our clients."

As you can see from the client feedback, we are company on a mission to fulfill people's dreams. We also have strong client relationships with great potential to discover the art of the possible for mutual benefit.

Industry leading training, incentives, rewards, recognition and a TRUE career path sit at the heart of a successful company culture of hospitality and service that’s made the difference between a workplace people dread and one they brag about.

To employees: I  cannot think but how lucky we all are not just because we all have a job to provide for our families, but because we all have the opportunity to have fantastic careers here at FSO.

The fast-track we are on to growth and prosperity means promotional opportunities, an opportunity to earn more money to take care of your family and expand your knowledge and experience base.

I will work with you to ensure that PERSONAL, PASSIONATE, and PRODUCTIVE culture of FSO is not only maintained but enhanced.

Lets move mountains together so that we continue to be THE BEST ONSITE OUTSOURCING COMPANY IN THE WORLD!

Bottom line? We love what we do and know you will too.

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"It's not our core competency so it’s nice to have someone else who is managing it and knows how to hire and train in that type of role.”
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Kevin Breel— Confessions Of A Depressed Comic

"So we need to stop the ignorance, stop the intolerance, stop the stigma, and stop the silence, and we need to take away the taboos, take a look at the truth, and start talking, because the only way we're going to beat a problem that people are battling alone is by standing strong together, by standing strong together."

Good Morning Folks,

You have heard me refer to the Mitch Institute of Training (MIT) at FSO where we aim to be life coaches as much as business coaches. Because we believe employees with a healthy work life balance enable better customer experiences.

Today's TED Talker, with almost 3 million combined views on multiple platforms,  tackles a subject most of us are a little uncomfortable with. Yet its something very misunderstood that touches the lives of those we may know and perhaps even someone reading this right now. So in the TED spirit of sharing and enlightenment, where I have brought you difficult subjects (like addiction) in the past to generate awareness and compassion, I present  Kevin Breel— Confessions of a depressed comic.

Kevin Breel didn't look like a depressed kid: team captain, at every party, funny and confident. But he tells the story of the night he realized that -- to save his own life -- he needed to say four simple words.

In Breel’s talk, given at TEDxKids@Ambleside, the 19-year-old reveals that, while he seemed to be living a great life as a high school basketball player, he was actually contemplating suicide. He urges people to break the silence that surrounds depression because “as much as I hate some of the places that my depression has dragged me down to, in a lot of ways I’m grateful for it.” On the Today Show, interviewer Willie Geist asks Breel about this bold statement.

“Life is about duality,” Breel says. “There’s happiness; there’s sadness; there’s light; there’s dark; there’s hope; there’s hurt. And I think that, for me, nothing in my whole life has ever helped me understand more about myself, more about others, more about life than dealing with depression.”

According to Kevin, "The world I believe in is one where we're measured by our ability to overcome adversities, not avoid them."  In this episode you’ll learn:
  • Why there’s no “easy” cure for depression.
  • What to do when you’re struggling to get out of bed.
  • The importance therapy and how it might help you.
  • How looks can be deceiving.
He explains in the talk...

I hope you found this as informative and inspirational as I did.

Thanks to TED and to you for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on MitchWeiner.com highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.
About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email