Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: Capco Team Gets a Thumbs Up In CEO's Blog

"Thank for always being proactive when helping with setting up for Induction.  I can always count on you to get the job done."

Good Morning Folks,

Today's featured kudo comes directly from our client, Capco CEO Ismail Amla's, personal blog.

It shows FSO culture meeting Capco culture! We recently joined in a little fun sing-along for some important clients visiting Capco. He blogs....

"Over the last two weeks, we had multiple clients visiting at the same time (Standard Life, Amex, Capital one), over 60 new people join us, an ATP class in progress and multiple internal meetings to kick off the new year. One of the more bizarre happenings was the ATP class led by Fiona, Casey, Yanna, Maryanne, Esther, Ozzy, Jenna and Nini singing (yes singing) to the Standard life client in response to a challenge. "

I think its great! It says a lot about our culture that the no one thought it unusual … we clearly have some crazies working for us. We had no clue the video would have reached the CEO's desk.  Great times!

And what would be a Shout out Wednesday without another consistent nod to the great folks at Capco:

Capco Team*
"All, A Massive Thank You for all your support, flexibility and hospitality in preparation for the Standard Life workshop and over the last two days. The client commented specifically on this in their closing remarks which is great too. Thanks also for organizing and filming the sing-along yesterday...client was completely surprised (in a good way) by how this was orchestrated."

"Thank you Kaydeon for always being proactive when helping with setting up for Induction.  I can always count on you to get the job done  :)"

An additional kudo this Wednesday goes out to our man Israel at Sarah Lawrence College

"We just wanted to send you a quick thank you for all the work you put into turning those brochures around so quickly for us this week.  The event went very well and it couldn’t have been so smooth without your hard work. We really appreciate it."

THANK YOU.. thank you for your efforts.. thank you for the care.. thank you for being part of this great company.. thank you for believing, and thank you for being part of history in the making.

Be inspired. Power of focus and positive energy. It's FSO that makes a difference and you lead the charge.

Have a fabulous day filled with love and inspiration.

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Excellence is not an act, but a habit."

Monday, January 26, 2015

CEO of a Fortune 100 Corporation or Director of Administration at an AMLAW 200 Law Firm? I Invite You TO Consider....

"We have saved clients millions in their back office operations, while also training, motivating and incentivizing their office services teams to take hospitality and care to the next level."

Good Morning Folks,

I invite you to consider today’s economic malaise where unemployment is high and consumers and businesses keep their pocket books mostly closed. 

Businesses too have undergone massive cost cutting. 

There have been massive layoffs as organizations have cut headcount to the bone. 

Businesses and their employees are working in a much leaner environment than they were ten years ago.

Yet work needs to get done and profits need to be higher.

That’s where Onsite Outsourcing comes in. By partnering with FSO, outsourcing can become a leverage that can help use new resources for new projects and help drive revenue growth.

Discover the Benefits of a Better Outsourcing Experience

==> Redirect Your Valuable Time Towards What You Do Best

==> Do More with Less: Wring Costs Out of Operations

==> Gain Access To Operational Expertise, Service Lines, Resources And Capabilities You May Not Possess 

==> Leverage New Technologies With Revolutionary Impacts And Widespread Benefits

We bring onsite outsourcing services to Fortune 500  nd ALMLAW 200 organizations.We take over all non revenue generating areas of a business (mail, copy, reception, records, IT, security). 

Our goal is to analyze these area and find the cost savings, while also taking over the people in those areas so we can take the administrative burden off of our client's minds and backs, and treat the people in those areas of business better than the client can through training, incentives, rewards and recognition.

We have saved clients millions in their back office operations, while also training, motivating and incentivizing their office services teams to take hospitality and care to the next level.  

Nixon Peabody, PwC, NBC Universal, Brother International Y&R, AstraZeneca / MedImmune, Kenneth Cole, Kate Spade and Cartier, have partnered with FSO and  will confirm  significant  and positive changes in employee attitude and results.

I am happy to discuss various options as they pertain to your organization's unique needs or the needs of others you may know! Call me personally 212-204-1193.

Have a GREAT DAY as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” 
~~~ John Mason

Friday, January 23, 2015

Inspire Me Friday: Inspire Us With Your Talent- We're Hiring

"If you, or someone you know of, has that special something, send your resume to PSTEAM@FSO-OUTSOURCING.COM"

Afternoon Folks,

There is nothing more important than having GREAT people in our company and we are ALWAYS looking to add talent to our team.  

In addition to the positions that we are always sourcing for, we have the following immediate needs:

Central Region
·         Columbus – Informationalist
·         Kansas City – Records Associate
·         Minneapolis – Floor Ambassador

Western Region
·         Houston, TX – Guest Services
·         Houston, TX – Reprographics
·         Houston, TX – Office Services
·         Houston, TX – Experience Manager
·         Mountain View, CA – Lab Tech
·         Lost Angeles, CA – Reprographics
·         Los Angeles, CA – California Travel Floater

Northeast Region
·         New York City – Reception
·         New York City – Messenger Associate
·         New York City – Messenger Lead
·         New York City – Facilities Lead
·         New York City – Floater
·         New York City – Office Services Associate
·         New York City – Informationalist
·         New York City – Mail/Facilities Associate
·         New York City – Graphic Designer
·         New York City – Mail Associate

Eastern Region
·         Philly – Reprographics Associate
·         Pittsburgh – Regional Floater
·         McClean – Mail/Facilities Associate
·         DC – Mail Associate
·         Pittsburgh – Mail Associates
·         Cleveland – Regional Floater
·         Cleveland – Informationalist
·         Tyson’s – Office Services Associate
·         Atlanta – Experience Associate
·         Kansas City – Records Associate
·         Charlotte – Experience Manager
·         Tyson’s – Records Associate
·         Pittsburgh – Records Lead
·         Tyson’s – Office Services – Floor


  • Fulfilling People’s Dreams


  • Fire in the belly
  • Skip in their step
  • Twinkle in the eye
  • The 3P’s (personal, passionate and productive) 
  • Bright, hospitality mindset


  • Passionate about their job
  • Constantly going above and beyond their duties


  • Extensive career opportunities
  • Best in industry training programs
  • Unrivaled rewards and recognition programs

In addition to referrals providing each of us GREAT colleagues to work with, FSO employees will also be eligible to take advantage of our awesome EMPLOYEE REFERRAL PROGRAM.

Let’s really start to add GREAT talent… if you ,or someone you know of, has that special something, send your resume to PSTEAM@FSO-OUTSOURCING.COM.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The "Serving" Leaders

"Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.

Good Morning Folks,

Today I share an internal communique that went out earlier this week in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It's from Capco Business Operations Manager, Jenna Solis, whom you often read about receiving KUDOS in our Shout Out Wednesday posts. Here's Jenna:
A serving leader by definition is one who puts the needs of others first; and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.
FSO family, whether you are the newest person within the company or the oldest, your skills and energy are needed to push our company's vision. 
Management we must converse with our team members on their personal career goals to ensure the highest performance levels. Mitch and the leadership teams are vigorously implementing new forums to educate, develop and enhance our teams.  
As Mitch has stated "Our ability to succeed is up to us". I encourage you all to plug into the FSO system participate in every meeting and conversation that will allow you to goal set, strategize and execute effectively. Lastly, we must continue to support one another.
True leadership is selfless; in the days after the big win for Capco we began to strategize and game plan for the current year. I asked everyone what they believed were the key things that contributed to the win. 
The top 5 responses were as follows: 
1. Understanding we are FSO Brand Ambassadors.
2. Putting the needs of others first
3. Supporting each other in all things
4. Identifying our strengths and growing in our individual roles
5. Kudos!
Speaking of Dr. King, if you haven't seem Selma yet, you MUST!

We are all winners FSO! Lets Rock!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"The time is always right to do what is right"
~~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: Recognizing Our AMAZING Employees

"The previous team was good, but this new group is really bringing their ‘A’ game, going out of their way to be pleasant, accommodating and not to mention very polished."

Good Morning Folks,

As you know, the entire ELT and I love nothing more than recognizing and rewarding our AMAZING employees. But the best recognition, as we share with you this morning, is from customers. Here's how our brightest stars are helping customers to accomplish more than they ever thought possible.

Let's start with a just-in "On The Spot" recognition. Our client at Amnesty international sent out a great kudos email which resulted in a huge "Thank You For A Job Well Done"  "On The Spot Award" for our man Jose Campos.

You make us very proud at FSO, Jose. 

Thank you so much for all you do for our client at Amnesty International 

Jose Campos, Amnesty International
"Jose has been a tremendous asset to me during the past several weeks. With Rafael's departure, Jose has been an incredible support system to myself, Carol and the Finance Department. He took it upon himself to look through invoices that Rafael left behind, properly organized them, and then delegated with the Finance department to get those invoices paid. He also called vendors, and took the initiative of auditing invoices.
Additionally, you have spent a lot of time mentoring Jose, and it shows, and because of your guidance Jose is who he is today! I am so impressed and lucky to have someone like Jose on my side!  Thank you!"

Monica Veloz, Capco
"Monica:I wanted to personally thank you for the tremendous assistance you and your team provided me in October and November. I had a number of guests and last minute scheduling conflicts and you made all the logistics happen seamlessly. You coordinated my meeting rooms, made sure my guests were catered to and made it all feel so easy. On top of that you helped me with last minute documentation I needed and the product was perfect. Thank you again; it is a pleasure knowing someone has your back."

Esther, Hassell, Capco

"Esther went above and beyond to make me feel welcome in my first week here. Without her, I might still be lost the office and late to all my meetings.
Appreciate all the help, Esther!"

Aida Hibbert, FSO - National Operations Account Development Director
 THANK YOU!!! You gave me the opportunity to come out to Kate Spade and try something totally out of my element! You pushed to make sure me and Ernest were well versed on procedures with mail and started the foundation for our relationship with our wonderful client contact, Jorge. I know you're not our director anymore, but we share these bragging rights with you!!!  You Rock!"

Concierge Fosun Team
"Barbara, I am part of the Executive Search Team for J.P. Morgan and work at 1 CMP on the 27th floor. I have noticed a distinct change in the lobby – specifically the wonderful people who appeared after the holidays – from the front doors to the staff at the front desk. The previous team was good, but this new group is really bringing their ‘A’ game, going out of their way to be pleasant, accommodating and not to mention very polished." 

These people are doing a great job!

Ben Rydell, Y&R
"I just wanted to say how fantastic he is, and what an asset. He never fails to bend over backwards."

Office Services HQ Team
"I would like to thank each of you for continuously support today. You all did an amazing Job and I am very appreciative of your great efforts to ensure the management meeting ran smoothly. Once again, you've done a great job! Cheers to you!"

Doel Dantiago and Pablo Gonzalez
"I would like to give a kudos to Doel Dantiago and Pablo Gonzalez for an excellent job well done during the management meeting. They both did a great job with a smile and even stayed a little later with Padre to ensure the office was back up to par... I would definitely like to have them for the next event, as that is help at its finest J"

Tysheerah Wallace, McCarter English
"Ty Wallace joined in the EB office, handling reception and administrative responsibilities, last week. She is proving herself to be a motivated, self-starter, who is incredibly responsive. She also has excellent communication skills, interacting with our lawyers, staff and clients in a very professional and friendly manner. Great hire. I have encouraged Ty to keep up the great work and, based on performance to date, expect that she will more than rise to the occasion."

I simply could not be more proud of my staff and their commitment to the “FSO way” – a productive and profitable combination of People + Solutions + Technology to keep clients ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving world. We’ve certainly accomplished great things and I can say with confidence that we have only scratched the surface. 

I personally plan to leave a legacy in this business to honor the wonderful people, hourly employees and middle management, who serve our clients each and every day. It's my passion, my drive and my promise to the people who work for me.

At FSO we take dreams and we make those dreams into tangible results. The foundation of our winning strategy is the PERSONAL, PASSIONATE & PRODUCTIVE approach we take to our employees and to our clients. 

To all of our honorees, CHEERS to you and THANK YOU for working tirelessly to deliver Service Extraordinaire with a smile. Keep up the great work!!

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"If the wind will not serve, take to the oars"
 –Latin Proverb

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Choose Yourself— The One Secret For Doing A TED Talk (Or Any Talk)

“If you don’t make the choices in your own life, then someone else is going to end up making them for you, and it won’t be good.”

Good Morning Folks,

Today a must watch of James Altucher, an amazing writer at TED talk! James has helped me CHOOSE MYSELF in the past year through his books, blogs and Podcasts.

James is a successful entrepreneur, chess master, investor and writer. He is the author of the WSJ and Amazon Best-Sellers “Choose Yourself” and “The Power Of No” as well as ten other books. He has started and run more than 20 companies, and sold several of those businesses for large exits and failed miserably at all the rest. His book “Choose Yourself” explains how he rose from repeated failure to find success. He has also run venture capital funds, hedge funds, is an active angel investor, and currently sits on the boards of several companies.

Says James, "Giving a talk is the worst thing you can do to your body. First off, you want to pee, crap, and puke right before you go on stage. In other words, your body thinks it's about to die."

His secret: "I've already written that before I give a talk I listen to standup comedy. It triggers the mirror neurons in my brain and helps me to relax, and maybe mimic how they work their voices and bodies, and helps me to connect better with the audience."

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. James Altucher is now considered to be a renowned author and serial entrepreneur, but in this brutally honest talk, injected with outrageous humor, he reveals how at one point failure led him to consider suicide, and how he turned his life around by following five key practices.

Improve your physical health (focus on exercise and diet), improve your emotional health (be around people that you love and trust), improve you spiritual health (always expressing gratitude), capture your brilliance (write down ten ideas every day), and finally, give without expectation (give your ideas away).

“If you don’t make the choices in your own life, then someone else is going to end up making them for you, and it won’t be good.” Have a look:

EXCELLENT job, James. I love the honesty, the vulnerability, the humor, & teachings. Well done. :)

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

About TEDx 
x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Technology Has Created a Shift. We Are Shifting Too.

Welcome to 2015 where we at FSO are focused on a very clear business model of People + Solutions, + Technology with greater energy, investment, smarts and focus than ever before. 

Good Morning Folks,

We have had an outstanding two weeks to start the year…. RecognitionManagement Meetings.. goals and objectives for 2015, new focus on site staff, field ops focused like never before on owning the client, new messaging and loving the employees and much much more. 

Look out to 2015!!!  Where you can count on us to show you new possibilities, new revenue and all the happiness and peace of mind you’ve come to expect from FSO.

We express this in three simple buckets People + Solutions + Technology. 

+ People
People have always been our strength and focus and remain the foundation upon which to build every service offering. Our strategy is straightforward - we team the latest technologies with a highly trained, motivated, team oriented, passionate people who care about delivering the FSO Experience and doing a great job for our clients. We will stand out from the crowd with the most comprehensive training, awards and recognition programs in the industry and will be the happiest place to work. FSO’s employees will always have that “twinkle in the eye, skip in the step, fire in the belly,” which ultimately results in exceptional service delivery. 

+ Solutions
Outsourcing is increasingly considered to be a strategic decision. By pairing People + Solutions + Technology, FSO is adding real innovation to outsourcing to deliver value added services and gain additional revenue. Outsourcing is no longer just about saving costs. FSO provides operational expertise, service lines, resources and capabilities many companies do not possess and we are committed to challenging our clients to open their minds to the world of possibilities in the strategic and tactical running of their business.

New technologies can have revolutionary impacts with widespread and unexpected benefits. But how technology adds value to the people solutions and advice we provide is what sets FSO apart. With the introduction of BlueSky Solutions, powered by, we have many unique offerings in the market and competitive advantages which delivers a unique level of strategic support and advice for our clients. While we are partners, we are always thinking about how technology can drive out costs and cycles, and make visibility, transparency and accountability a real time event.

My commitment is to be out in the field amongst our employees and clients every single day to ensure that his personal touch and commitment to them is being felt and experienced by all. 

For those who are not part of the FSO family and whose Outsourcing Contract is up for renewal, take the time to figure out a switch is right for you and your project. You may decide it’s not- in which case you just saved yourself a TON of time.

Call me directly at 212.204.1193 and I will be glad to speak with you directly.

Thanks for being with me on this amazing journey. I am looking forward to a bright future together.. 

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"You never know what you'll learn from a customer until you *talk to them*"

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email