Friday, June 26, 2015

==> Inspire ME Friday: 10 Things That Likable People Do Consistently

"Work on maintaining a positive attitude at work and in life. Make an effort to look for opportunities and solutions instead of barriers and problems. Whatever the situation, focus on what can be done."

Good Morning Folks, 

On some level, most of us want to be liked. Even if you work to maintain an appropriate distance from your team or employees, the more that people like you and want to emulate you, the more engaged they will be as team members. The best leaders are those who are genuinely liked.

Here are 10 things that likable people consistently do. None of them will compromise your credibility or authority as a leader--so give them a try and see what happens.

1. Listen without interrupting.

On some level, most of us want to be liked. Even if you work to maintain an appropriate distance from your team or employees, the more that people like you and want to emulate you, the more engaged they will be as team members. The best leaders are those who are genuinely liked.

Here are 10 things that likable people consistently do. None of them will compromise your credibility or authority as a leader--so give them a try and see what happens.

Become a great listener. That means no butting in, no rushing along, no asking questions until the speaker is done. Listen not to frame your own rebuttal but rather to genuinely understand.

2. Smile without smirking.

Smiling and warmth make others around you feel good. It seems simplistic, but smiling is a lost skill of sorts. Master it and you'll stand out.

3. Speak without dictating.

Speak and share your thoughts and ideas, but treat such conversations as a two-way street. Your voice and your wisdom have value, but set them forth in a way that respects the voice and wisdom of others in true dialogue.

4. Give without receiving.

As the adage says, we make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. Don't keep score; give with a genuine heart, because it makes you happy.

5. Enjoy without complaining.

Enjoy and be grateful for all that you have. It is gratitude that gives us the best reasons not to complain.

6. Trust without wavering.

Trust, someone once said, is like an eraser--it gets smaller and smaller every time you have to use it. When we can offer others our sincere word and they know they can trust us, that's no small thing. Consistently doing what you've said you would do, and not doing what you've said you won't do, earns you a huge amount of trust.

7. Promise without forgetting.

People with good intentions make promises; people with great character keep them. Keeping promises should be your highest priority--because when you give your word, there is no room to forget. Keep your promises.

8. Forgive without punishing.

I believe there are two kinds of forgiveness: the kind that also gives the other person a chance, and the kind that forgives but still compels you to move on without that person. Either should be used wisely, and neither should be about punishment. The healthy way to forgive is whatever works best for you without punishing the other person.

9. Be honest without deceiving.

The people we like the best are those who are honest, who follow their convictions and speak their truth. We like people who act on their beliefs. They may not always win, but you know what they stand for.

10. Be positive without reservation.

Negative, angry people drag down everyone around them. Work on maintaining a positive attitude at work and in life. Make an effort to look for opportunities and solutions instead of barriers and problems. Whatever the situation, focus on what can be done.

What about you? When was the last time you interacted with a truly likable person? (Or the last time you made someone instantly like you?) What was said? What was done?

Life is short so never regret anything that made you smile!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,
Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

""If you really want to do something, you'll find a way.
If you don't, you'll find an excuse."
** Originally published in INC by Lolly Daskal, President and CEO of Lead From Within, a global consultancy that specializes in leadership and entrepreneurial development. Daskal's programs galvanize clients into achieving their best, helping them accelerate and deliver on their professional goals and business objectives. Trust Across America has identified Daskal as a Top 100 Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business Behavior. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Throw Back Thursday: In The Struggle For Cell Phone Survival, As With Any Business, Only The Fittest Win

"Change is Good. You Go First, Because somebody's gotta win. It might as well be you."

Good Morning Folks,

"Innovation" is one of those buzzwords you hear all the time. 

I believe complacency is when innovation ends. The advantage every business has, but few in our industry leverage to the advantage that we do, is the ability to innovate and reinvent. So many great companies lose their edge and end up playing catch-up until they're obsolete. That’s not going to happen here.

Dramatic paradigm sights are occurring in every industry, YOUR industry because traditional barriers to entry don't exist anymore. If you don't think a new era of change and creative destruction isn't headed to your door step, you are sadly mistaken. If you want to be on top, you have to look at innovation in a new, interactive way. You have to believe it is worth coin, its worth doing wrong. You have to be willing to try your model, test it, innovate around it, get out, screw up, and then do it right. You have to understand that speed is everything in an electronic realm because you can fix mistakes before anyone realizes that mistakes were made.

We are facing the biggest transformation the way business is conducted since the industrial revolution. If you are willing to innovate, you are taking steps towards crashing your competition.

Just look how the today's "Throw Back Thursday" photo depicting the short history and rapid advancement of cell phone technology.

As an owner and CEO, I am keenly aware that rapid change in business and technology is the “new normal.”  The only way for our company to survive, let alone thrive, is to continuously reinvent and redefine— everything.

This means we can’t go backward, and we can’t stand still. We can’t rest on our laurels and we can’t keep doing what we’ve always done — even if we are doing our best, we need to keep doing it better.

Because at FSO, we never stop rethinking, refreshing and (re)IMAGINING a better future for our clients. 

Yesterday away a case in point. Yesterday at FSO was a great and fantastic day sitting the standard for innovation and perfection in everything we do. 

Over the past weeks our teams have received an amazing shot of passion, inspiration, tools and content supported by the  entire leadership team. We're focused on how to ensure consistency and execution across all of our site openings. 

We are doing some very out of the box and special things for our newest clients and I look forward to sharing our successes in future.

IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment." ~~ Charles Darwin

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Rana el Kaliouby: This app knows how you feel -- from the look on your face

"By humanizing technology, we have this golden opportunity to (re) Imagine how we connect with machines, and therefore, how we, as human beings, connect with one another."

Good Morning Folks,

If you watch TV you've probably been seeing those public service ads encouraging everyone to put their phones away at dinner and on Sundays so we can all have some good old fashioned human interaction. One example is Dixie®, a Georgia-Pacific brand and the leader in disposable tableware and other conveniences for busy families, who announced the creation of a social movement called “Dark for Dinner.” The movement, which launches on June 14 and will take place every Sunday for six weeks, is designed to encourage families to focus on the present and to “Be More Here.

Maybe you've even experienced having to drop your phone in a basket so you can't be tempted to look at it during a dinner or meeting. A commercial making the point titled "A spoken word film for an online generation" goes like this:

Our emotions influence every aspect of our lives — how we learn, how we communicate, how we make decisions. Yet they’re absent from our digital lives; the devices and apps we interact with have no way of knowing how we feel. 

But in todays TEDTalk, Scientist Rana el Kaliouby aims to change that. She demos a powerful new technology that reads your facial expressions and matches them to corresponding emotions. This “emotion engine” has big implications, she says, and could change not just how we interact with machines — but with each other.

Our emotions influence every aspect of our lives, from our health and how we learn, to how we do business and make decisions, big ones and small. Our emotions also influence how we connect with one another. We've evolved to live in a world like this, but instead, we're living more and more of our lives like this -- this is the text message from my daughter last night -- in a world that's devoid of emotion. "So I'm on a mission to change that," says  Rana. "I want to bring emotions back into our digital experiences." Have a look.

So as more and more of our lives become digital, we are fighting a losing battle trying to curb our usage of devices in order to reclaim our emotions. So what Rana's trying to do instead is to bring emotions into our technology and make our technologies more responsive. She wants those devices that have separated us to bring us back together. And by humanizing technology, we have this golden opportunity to re imagine how we connect with machines, and therefore, how we, as human beings, connect with one another.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

Chip Kidd is a designer and writer living in New York City. His book cover designs for Alfred A. Knopf, where he has worked nonstop since 1986, have helped create a revolution in the art of American book packaging. He is the recipient of the National Design Award for Communication Design, as well as the Use of Photography in Design Award from the International Center of Photography. Kidd has published two novels, The Cheese Monkeys and The Learners. A distinguished and prolific lecturer, Kidd has spoken at Princeton, Yale, Harvard, RISD, and a zillion other places.

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, June 22, 2015

We NEVER Stop Thinking About YOU

"As you see, we NEVER stop thinking about YOU and what needs to be done in order to love what we do do each day and to be excited about being a part of the FSO journey."

Good Morning Folks,

It was a great Father's Day weekend in NYC!  The sun finally shined, people were smiling and having fun outdoors -J  Hope your weekend was just as nice, the official start to summer 2015!

Growing our folks is my legacy. My care. And my passion

As you know, we're all about making the Hospitality service, a seamless experience every single day. 

My team takes great pride in all that we do for our clients and the FSO family. Whenever, wherever and however, the FSO Team we'll always be there for you. 

  • Everyone Cares
  • Everyone Inspires
  • Everyone Leads
  • Everyone Is Aligned
We have the right people, with the right skills, in the right positions.


Gratitude is an emotion so powerful it can transform ones mood from darkness to healing light and renew our zest for life.

Being grateful is an attitude of deep appreciation for the realities that surround us "moment to moment"...each day of our life.

At last week's management meetings, I had the opportunity to meet with one of our rising stars and I was discussing with him what “SMILES AT YOUR SERVICE” really means. For me, it means for us to provide our clients - “SERVICE WITH PASSION”. 

Our customers are an investment and we need to maximize our return. The investment starts from Day One when the sales team makes the first contact and then continues through the sales cycle, implementation, life of the contract and the most important phase – renewal so that the customer remains with FSO. 

==> SMILES AT YOUR SERVICE: - How we provide service with passion: 

  • We speak to our customers on a daily basis, we're cheerful and simile at them – (frowns use 72 muscles which a smile take 14!) -J
  • We listen to our customers to find out what they really want.
  • We do things the way customers expect them to be done.
  • We train our team members to provide service the FSO way, create the FSO service experience for our clients!
  • We're always on time for our customers, and if we are going to be late delivering service, we call the customer and explain the reason for the delay.
  • We should always be our customer’s first choice.
  • We add value. We provide our customers cost saving or process improvement ideas, help them through implementation and always want them to look good in front of their superiors. 

==> How real leaders act:

  • They develop a positive mental attitude and let it be seen and felt by others.
  • They always speak in a carefully disciplined, friendly tone.
  • They pay close attention to someone speaking to them.
  • They are able to maintain their composure in all circumstances.
  • They are patient.
  • They keep an open mind.
  • They smile when speaking with others.
  • They know that not all their thoughts need to be expressed.
  • They don't procrastinate.
  • They engage in at least one good deed a day.
  • They find a lesson in failure rather than brood over it.
  • They act as if the person they are speaking to is the most important person in the world.
  • They praise others in a genuine way without being excessive.
  • They have someone they trust point out their flaws 

Our growth also represents opportunity for all employees to expand your horizons and responsibilities.

We believe people make or break the success of an organization. FSO hires for character, desire and attitude and then takes better care of that individual than one could ever imagine. We take care of our people and in turn, they take care of you.

We continually strive to go "above and beyond" with our clients to provide the most enjoyable experience. 

The entire FSO Onsite Outsourcing Family is committed exceeding our client’s expectations every day in every way. 

My door is always open. Whether employee or client, I want to hear what we are doing right and if there is any way we can improve.

As you see, we NEVER stop thinking about YOU and what needs to be in order to love what we do do each day and to be excited about being a part of the FSO journey. Please keep the feedback coming and THANK YOU for your continued support and commitment.

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Gratitude is more of a compliment to yourself than someone else" 
~~ Raheel Farooq
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Friday, June 19, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: College Sophomore Exudes Skip, Fire Twinkle

"As Father's Day approaches it should be no surprise that some of the most important qualities for being an effective dad can be especially useful when leading a team or an organization." 

Good Morning Folks,

I connected with a young man on LinkedIn and was so impressed with his profile and the spirt it exudes, I asked his permission to share it with you. Jamie writes...
"I am an extremely passionate student and colleague who strives to not only push myself but push others to a common goal. I love working in teams and groups and figuring out solutions to problems we find along the way. I have great communication skills and am extremely creative. I have worked with so many amazing and inspirational people who have given me the knowledge and skill set to achieve any goal I set my mind too. I love entertainment and entertaining others. Something that differentiates me from a lot of people is that when I am passionate about something, I do everything in my power to make sure it succeeds. No matter what obstacles are in my way, if I love something and am passionate about it, I will find a way to make sure it is a success."  
An acronym for the word passion that I live by is:
  • People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it
  • Always believe in everything you do
  • Show how much you care about the product or company 
  • Success in a business or task starts with being passionate about it
  • Identify others who seem just as passionate and come together
  • Once you find a passion, follow it and pursue it, others will gravitate to you for it
  • Never work just for a paycheck, always do it because it’s something you love
Now there's a young man who knows where he wants to go and has the passion and purpose to fuel his journey. Thanks for sharing, Jamie!

Finally I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Father's day and a joyous celebration on Sunday. In a GREAT read on LinkedIn "Why awesome dads often make great leaders," its author, Founder, cloud software leader Roderick Morris, makes the point:
"It should be no surprise that some of the most important qualities for being an effective dad can be especially useful when leading a team or an organization. During this year’s NBA Finals, we saw leaders on both sides of the court who also showed themselves to be dedicated, enthusiastic fathers. If you’re a dad and a leader, being mindful about common traits that great dads and great leaders share can make you more effective in both parts of your life." 
"The applicability in team leadership is straightforward. The most effective leaders embrace the diverse and differentiated strengths that different team members bring to a situation. If you reflect on the leaders you have worked with who you admire most, those men and women probably recognized and cultivated your strengths. Going through the experience of being a father can help build your ability to do this for others." 
"Every father is accountable for their own impact on their family, regardless of whatever baggage they may bring from their own childhood. Steph Curry and LeBron James are both dedicated fathers, but they came from very different backgrounds. James famously exemplifies the sort of transitional character who “breaks the mold” learned by their father’s example." 
"Likewise, every leadership situation is new. The context of a team and its challenges is always changing. If you’re a dad in a new leadership position at work, don’t just reflect on the lessons from your past professional experiences. Be mindful of the times when you brought greatness to your role as a father: through strength, warmth, and trust. These gifts of fatherhood are universal."
Cheers to all the Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers and Daughters that support their FSO-employed spouses in allowing them to give their best for us every day for which I will be eternally grateful.

Love what you do and have fun doing it!


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, 
the mind can achieve." 
– Dr. Napoleon Hill

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Making A Great First Impression

"Many times people might say positive phrases but send conflicting messages through their body language."

Good Morning Folks,

On your first day at a new job or client meeting, It's important to stay positive and be enthusiastic.

It's also important to recognize how you communicate non-verbally.

Many times people might say positive phrases but send conflicting messages through their body language.

Here are some tips that will help you open up on good terms with your new boss.

==> Maintain eye contact.
It's important to maintain eye contact when speaking or listening. Eye contact shows that you are interested when listening and confident when speaking. Not giving eye contact can project insecurity and dishonestly.

==> Be relaxed and open.
Relax your arms and keep them uncrossed. Crossing your arms makes you come across as closed off and protective. By uncrossing your arms, you will appear open and easier to talk to.

==> Nod in agreement.
By nodding your head, you show that you are listening and — more important — giving positive nonverbal feedback.

==> Take notes.
Taking notes is another way to provide positive feedback and show that you care about what your new boss is saying.

==> Lean closer.
A slight lean toward your boss shows that you're involved and interested in what the person is saying.

==> Maintain relaxed posture.
You should always maintain good posture; however, you shouldn't look stiff.

Have a GREAT Day!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, 
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
~~ Carl Bard


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: "Jennifer Is One Of Our Diamonds And Today She Was Flawless."

"Your smile sends out a powerful message: My heart is open to be a friend, to listen to you, to have empathy for you. Inside of me, I have made room for you.” ~~Karen Berg

Good Morning Folks, 

Across FSO USA, we have been making great strides in our commitment and the Power of Focus to impact the Client Experience and ensure that we execute and deliver operational expertise. FSO stands solidly on us helping our clients rethink the way their business runs today and how to (re) Imagine their business through FSO and Onsite Outsourcing.   

The reality is, no one knows our client's operations better, we are in it day in and day out so we never stop thinking about how the operation could run better, more efficient – are there better ways we can be organizing our areas better, are there ways we can order things like supplies and equipment to save our clients’ money, can we be more productive in the way we maintain the cleanliness of all areas, Service with a Smile means just that and how are we ensuring every contact with an end user or guest is perfect and special – what ways can we improve Hospitality.   

Our people truly make the difference. Client's outsourced to us and we take every opportunity to show them why their decision was the best they ever made.
  Those teammates that we communicate today took the initiative when it comes to owning the areas we manage – they are the experts, they led that charge, they are the folks who help us to (re) Imagine and how we deliver amazing solutions.  

Said one such teammate, "What I do for our clients and peers comes from the heart and its done naturally - because I enjoy making sure everyone I interact with comfortable.  I enjoy when they coming back again for my assistance. Being passionate, hardworking and having that flexibility with an open mind will help guide you to the top."

"What I do for our clients and peers comes from the heart and its done naturally - because I enjoy making sure everyone I interact with comfortable.  I enjoy when they coming back again for my assistance. Being passionate, hardworking and having that flexibility with an open mind will help guide you to the top as it did me. I constantly am looking for ways on how I can help my peers, whether it is hosting Simple Certified, Blue Sky quick reference training or assisting new one man location(s) new hires in areas they are not familiar with."

Now I shine the spotlight on some of the great work our teammates are doing and the kind words  both clients and their managers are telling me about it:

So today our GroupM Concierge desk had a special guest...Dr.Oz. 

"When Jennifer checked him in, his host asked if he still needs to show his state ID. Jennifer replied that yes he still has to comply with protocol. With a bright smile she said "Even Larry King had to show his ID". Dr.Oz jokingly replied "Well you can't really trust him". He thanked Jennifer for her help and for being so "efficient".

This is a perfect example that we never know who our next guest or visitor is going to be and that each encounter is an opportunity to shine like a diamond. Jennifer is one of our diamonds and today she was flawless.

Thank you Jennifer, you make us very proud."

Desney, Integro Chicago
"Desney has done a spectacular job in assisting us in the final editing of our client presentations and documents. It is so imperative that our documents are completely free of grammatical and spelling errors.  Desney made our team aware of her particular skill set and we have really benefited from her editing eye. She has also transformed some of our data sets and charts into more aesthetically-pleasing illustrations. Again, we are thankful she has let her specific talents be known!"

Sarah, NY Times
"I just wanted you to know that Sarah Moore is truly an asset to your staff. She is friendly, professional, articulate, and simply a joy to work with."

Dian, Metropolitan College 

"I've had the pleasure of working with Dian over the last week and her communication, responsiveness, teamwork, and true leadership was exemplified. While prepping for a site tour I was blown away by how she manages her site and her staff. Her knowledge and articulation of what the team does at MCNY is perfect and her excitement and sweetness is intoxicating. I was so proud to be there and am so proud to have her and her team and her site represent our company. As well, Dian also supported me in an RFP for a new client. I needed a case study around print and after being so impressed with her I decided to leverage this wonderful talent.  She responded quickly, professionally, thoroughly and with great detail. Was exactly what I needed. So appreciative!!!!  Dian is truly an exemplary employee and person and I'm thrilled to have her in the FSO team."

Mary, Medimmune

"I wanted to pass along feedback regarding Mary.  I hired her with some trepidation as she didn’t really have any experience. I thought that if she was a fast learner, she would be a great fit in the team.  
Boy did that turn out great! So far, in the time she has been here (not even two months!), she has learned all of the manual TC protocols, and all of the blood isolation protocols and QC testing. None of this had she had prior experience in. Not only that, but every single team member has made a point to come to me and praise how well and how impressed they have been with her attention to detail, fast learning, and overall good natured attitude. I myself have witnessed her conscientiousness of the team, and how closely she listens and follows direction. She is a fantastic asset to the team, and I’m sure will continue to work hard and do great things."

Anthony, Medimmune
'We have Anthony receiving Medi Director Award for his performance in setting up a major meeting – This is a big deal at Medi - This entails lunch today and $200 gift certificate.     In one month – Ivy has elevated her staff’s performance - You go girl!!!!!:)"

TheresaRenee, IMG Two Kudos****
"Just wanted to let you know that TheresaRenee has been really great and has been helping the legal team out significantly. We have numerous files that need to be organized and shipped due to our impending move and we could not imagine having this task completed in time without Theresa's help. She's also lovely to have around the office and is always quick to jump in and enthusiastically lend a hand where needed. Hope you have a great weekend!”

“I am an attorney up in the White Plains office. I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know how helpful Theresa Renee has been to our group. With the upcoming move she has gone above and beyond in assisting with closing files and handling our boxes with Cleveland. She has truly made our day to day office life less stressful and her overall joy is contagious :) Have a great weekend!”

2014 Stanley Cup Site of The Year Team PwC Chicago 
"We would like to spotlight the FSO Office Services and Records Team at PwC Chicago for a successful 3 floor move which opened today! Mon June 8th. This is the 2nd and largest move that they did and it was truly a team effort. Under the leadership of Alex Vizcarra, Experience Manager every one worked together to make sure every little detail and sometimes heavy physical work got done well and in time for a very successful opening today! OSM, Jan Williams and MAL Mike Dolatowski were very happy and grateful for everyone's help. Lots of smiles and smooth sailing today. We even had a special VIP visitor Sharon Franklin, PwC National Operations Leader - who said; "WOW! It's really beautiful!" Mike was very happy to take her around for a tour of the new facilities and to see mobile hoteling in action in the new space! So, special thanks to Alex, John, Matt, Revondo, Shawntell, Demaris, Jessica, Nancy, Paula, Dee, Myisha, Jordan and Renee for all of your dedication and hard work and for keeping your sense of humor and smiles throughout this long ordeal! You guys rock!"

There is reason our teams compete for awards and though the Chicago team won last year, the contest drives all teams in all cities to giving their extra best for you. Looking not at “What is” but “What can be”, is what sets our FSO superstars like those celebrated here today apart from the other outsourcing companies and what has made us the fastest growing outsourcing company in the nation.

Like at Apple, the single most  important thing about our culture is, it never wears off. It doesn’t go away. It’s there every day, and it has a huge impact on everything that matters to every business we serve. 

Thanks for being with us on this amazing journey.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“A wise man does not disturb the mind of an unwise man" 
~~ Swami

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email