Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: We Love Customer Appreciation!

"It was our good fortune to partner up with such good people who share our values and work ethic. The many successes we had here so far are all due in part to the excellent team work contributed by Phil and his team. My best wishes to you all and our sincerest thanks to you for your expertise & kindness."

Good Morning Folks,

I was very fortunate to attend and be part of something amazing, at ALA Nashville we continue to make our FSO brand the greatest our industry has ever seen!!!!! I wanted to congratulate the Nashville team. You represented my company beautifully. I enjoyed my time with each of you very much. We learned a lot. We bonded a lot and we have seen how the FSO brand is gaining traction and how disappointing our competitors are. The FSO takeaway from the administrators visiting our booth was:

That in mind, our clients love what we are doing for them. When they take time to write like this after months of being disappointed by their former suppliers, it is testament to what I've been saying all along: At FSO, our difference is people. They bring a passion for hospitality and service that just can't be faked or duplicated.

Everyone on the team knows their position and role and they work in harmony to execute greatness. That is what FSO is all about – a perfect harmony of perfection and greatness.   

We have won and continue to win because we make everything PERSONAL – this is what attracts great talent to FSO, and why prospects have chosen FSO and why our clients retain us – not because we have are trying to push equipment and not because we are this massive bureaucratic organization that moves as slow as a snail.  

People want to be part of FSO as clients and employees because we are passionate and we CARE about what it means to be there for them.

Hear it direct from our client's mouths:

Demetrius, Y&R (2 Kudos in one month)
"I just wanted you to know that Demetrius has been a great help with my move – and as I mentioned to Marianne, he is a true professional, always happy to assist us, does a thorough job (and quickly) and always with a smile. He keeps the Solutions Center in “tip-top” shape and you can tell everyone respects him. You are very lucky to have him on your team. “Go Demetrius!  Yea, Team!”

"I couldn’t agree more, Demetrius is a consummate professional and always willing to help out.  And, he does a great job managing our FSO team here at 3CC."

First Republic Bank Team
"I am so proud of the achievement you guys made in such a short period! I am confident that we can continue to move forward.  Great work!"

Miranda, Moses & Singer LLP
"I wanted to take a brief moment to recognize one of your temp employees Miranda . She has done a superb job, is always willing to help, her computer skills and her work ethic are fantastic.  She is always willing to assist and her work is always done professionally, on time and error free. Most of her time is spent assisting the Marketing department, especially with events and attorney bios. But there are many times she will assist Reception, Records or even with document reviews with the attorneys.  She asks great questions and always follows through to make sure her assignment is completed to the satisfaction of everyone. She is a model of the FSO culture and embraces the Passion, Productivity and Pride in herself, her job and her company. I just wanted to pass along some good news and I know you love to receive these notices about your employees."

Victor, IMG (2  Kudos in 1 month)
"I just wanted to send a note about Victor Pena. He’s been a tremendous help over the past year-plus.  Like, truly excellent at his job. He responds virtually IMMEDIATELY to requests, and I can’t remember a single instance that I didn’t get the desired outcome. 
Most recently: last week, I had an issue where my assistant put in the wrong address on a very important document to be sent to China.  My Chinese counterpart never received the document. I sent Victor an email on Thursday at 10:00 pm (yes, at night), not expecting a response until the next day. But by 11:00 pm, Victor had called Chinese UPS and figured out the issue with the address and got the document re-routed.  (To be clear, the initial address mistake was not Victor’s fault but mine/my assistant’s.)  This was just one example of Victor’s tremendous work. I’m extremely happy that he’s around, and it’s been a great pleasure having him work with us. Thank you for sending my package. You play a key supporting role that allows me to do my job most effectively. You’re the best!"

Shirley, FSO
"Here is a shout out to you. YOU ROCK!!!  You are one of the most generous directors I have ever worked with. Your acknowledgement means a great deal. It feels amazing working in your positive environment and under your management. It is indeed a great opportunity for individuals like me."

Phil, Societe Generale 
"I wanted to extend kind words and praise of excellence  to Phil. We're long overdue with this note to you, as we're still getting settled into the Park Ave site since arriving from the former Newedge.

"From our first day, Phil was one of the first people to greet us. He politely explained the services of his department, introduced us to his staff, and took us around the floor to show us key locations. He has a polite and friendly demeanor and is extremely well versed in his tasks at SG. He treats us as though we had already been here for many years before and continues to make us feel welcome. This note includes the other members of his staff - everyone each so wonderfully aligned with the commitment, dedication and spirit of the Firm.  The way it should be.  It was our good fortune to partner up with such good people who share our values and work ethic. The many successes we had here so far are all due in part to the excellent team work contributed by Phil and his team. My best wishes to you all and our sincerest thanks to you for your expertise & kindness."

Instinet Team
"Team- I wanted to say thank you for your efforts in a successful desk move. We appreciate the weekend work and the attention to detail in making it a smooth event."

Erica, PwC Boston
"Erica has taken on a new task of Training rooms on the 11th floor and she is doing a fantastic job with her new  role.  Clients on the floor have noticed her great attitude and hard work ethic.  Erica is working diligently to ensure that the 11th floor training rooms are a  success.  She is going above and beyond with her new role. Training rooms are a very busy task to handle and she is doing awesome.  I am excited to see her flourish in this new role and she clearly displays the FSO skip, fire, twinkle and WOW!s the client!"

Charlene & Kelsey, PwC Philly
"A Shout Out goes to our Records team here in Philly. Charlene and Kelsey both worked tirelessly to clear out the Temporary Check-in shelf and have literally moved mountains (of files). They worked closely as a team and demonstrated what it is to keep the client in mind and deliver the best possible service to our client and our Team."

Mike, PwC 300Madison Security
"Mike has been extremely diligent and efficient in making the transition to the new JLL service request system. He has garnered high praise from our biggest client and has enabled clients and co-workers to continue a smooth and seamless operation." 

PwC Los Angeles Team
"The entire team deserves a SHOUT OUT for the hard work and dedication they gave for the Tax Mobile Hoteling. As part of this initiative, this team worked early and stayed late over the weekend and was responsible for cleaning whiteboards, emptying file drawers, stocking supplies, moving monitors, replacing pc chargers, wiping and cleaning workstations and offices. It was a tremendous effort accomplished by the TEAM, as one. We had staff working long hours – even late evening hours - and we couldn’t have done it without them."

Great people like those featured above today want to be part of FSO as clients and employees because we are passionate and we CARE about what it means to be there for them.

Thanks fort taking the time to write to me about these gifted employees. I am always eager to hear more about how we are doing.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“To lead people, walk behind them.” – Lao Tzu"

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Alexis Ohanian: How to make a splash in social media

"So, now, there are a lot of web 2.0 consultants who make a lot of money. In fact, they make their livings on this kind of stuff. I'm going to try and save you all the time and all the money and go through it in the next three minutes, so bear with me."

Good Morning Folks,

Originality and creativity can get you on top of the business. The talk also expresses that once you become successful, you also get to do meaningful things for the world.

In a funny, rapid-fire 4 minutes, Alexis Ohanian of Reddit tells the real-life fable of one humpback whale's rise to Web stardom. The lesson of Mister Splashy Pants is a shoo-in classic for meme-makers and marketers in the Facebook age.

This is ery interesting story to say the least. It`s crazy the power of the Internet and the influence of the masses online. The fact that the message or serious issue may be overlooked, by the online forum being upfront and honest about why they`re interested. I love how online movements can be generated from a totally different angle from the cause.

Just remember,  "If you want to succeed, you've got to be okay with losing control."

I only wonder if this guy could speak even faster? j

Thanks for listening and have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Happiness At Work

"Happiness at work doesn't come from raises, bonuses or perks. It comes from two things: Results and Relationships, i.e.. doing great work together with great people."

Good Morning Folks,

If nothing makes you happier than making other people happy, then today's post from Happiness Conference and Keynote organizer, WooHoo, is for you.

It's simple: happy companies make more money.

This means that happiness at work is no longer a luxury. It's an absolute necessity for any organization that wants to be competitive and successful.

==> Happiness at work

Here are the top 10 things you should know about happiness at work.

Studies show that happiness at work may be the most important success factor for a modern workplace and that happy companies make more money!

Happiness at work is one of the 3 most important sources of happiness in life.

Happiness at work is the best antidote to stress. Stress doesn't necessarily come from working too much but from feeling bad while you work.

Increasing employee happiness dramatically reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.'

In all the world, only the Scandinavian languages have a word for happiness at work. In Danish the word is arbejdsglaede.

Your happiness at work is your responsibility. Not your boss's, not your co-workers' and not society's. Yours.

Your boss and your workplace are responsible for creating a setting where it's easy to be happy at work.

Happiness at work doesn't come from the organization's policies, strategies, plans or values

It comes from the things that you and I do here and now.

Happiness at work doesn't come from raises, bonuses or perks. It comes from two things: Results and Relationships, i.e. doing great work together with great people.

Happiness at work doesn't just happen. It takes a focused effort from management and employees together.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,
Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. 
Think of what you can do with what there is." - Ernest Hemingway 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Shout Out Wednesday: And The Praise Keeps Coming For Our Talented Rock Stars

"He is so helpful in keeping the kitchen clean and stocked, making sure the conference rooms are ready for big meetings, and always responds to our requests in a timely fashion. Most notably, he carries out even the smallest of tasks with a great attitude. 
When it comes to hospitality, you are the best!"

Good Morning Folks,

Seems like only yesterday I was getting calls about how the service in the legacy outsourcing companies that I had built, had fallen short, which began picking up the back of a napkin as a blank canvas to doodle my ideas on how I could come out of retirement and do it right.

Since then not only have we become the fastest growing company in all of outsourcing, but so far in 2015, as companies everywhere and even our competitors are cutting back and being spun off, we've hired over 200 employees, added major accounts like Burns and Levinson, MCCarter & English to join PwC in keeping us Boston strong as well Ruben Companies, Sage, Fosun  KCG and Chicago Title to our ever expanding national roster of clients.... and best of all we promoted several of our Future Leaders to support our budding infrastructure!! FSO is truly embarking on something remarkable.

It's said that great leadership seems easy when things are good and everybody's happy. When times grow tough, however, a leader's true colors are revealed.

And what a challenging time for those true colors to shine with the severe winter all around us. But as you'll see from the comments below, when clients needed a true strategic partner they could count on, they counted on us. And we delivered.

Here are some of the AWESOME things our clients said about our motivated, team oriented, passionate people in the month of April… Keep up the EXCELLENT work!

PHD Team
"Just wanted to send a quick thank-you note out to the not so small village of folks that made yesterday’s Bring Your Daughters and Sons To Work day such a hoot: The kids had a blast and quite frankly so did I."
Monica Middlebrooks, IMG
"Thanks for all of your help with Hillary Mandel’s meetings today.  It’s hard to plan things from another location but helpful to have you working on our team. We really appreciate it!"

Daniel, IMG

Victor, IMG  ***2Kudos in 1 Month***
"My name is Sammi and I work in the 200 5th Ave office. I am writing to you in regards to Victor and what a pleasure it is to have him in the office. He is so helpful in keeping the kitchen clean and stocked, making sure the conference rooms are ready for big meetings, and always responds to our requests in a timely fashion. Most notably, he carries out even the smallest of tasks with a great attitude. You’re the best !"

                             Kenneth, NY Times

"You are really on top of your game. 
I am glad you are on our team. Thank you"

"I wanted to be sure I thanked each of you for your assistance with setting up for the 3D display event yesterday.  It really means a lot that you were all so willing to get things done fast and efficiently."

"I am traveling next Monday and Tuesday but when I return in on Wednesday, I will have lunch catered in for all of you."
Karen Russo, ?/ ASME

Cecilio Aponte, FSO
"My name is Kelly Iselin and I work in Bridgewater, NJ for the Brother account, Bomsi and I have recently met because things here had not been going so smoothly actually in all honesty things were pretty bad but then you put Cecilio Aponte on our account. 

We heard all the promises before and yet nothing had changed throughout the year, but Cecilio asked for one more chance and at that point we had nothing to lose….and then it happened he actually did what he said he was going to do, whether it was a simple call back or finally putting into place a resolution to the floater problem we had from day one.

Cecilio calls to check on us, he visits us to make sure (we) and the client are happy (and he brings us awesome popcorn). When I had a personal tragedy in my home life happened he checked on me daily whether it was call, a text or a note on email. For the first time since joining FSO I felt appreciated and what I was doing for the client actually meant something. Earlier this week we (Malka and I) were beyond surprised to receive beautiful flowers from Cecilio to let us know how awesome we are

(His words) and for me I can’t stop smiling, I am proud to share with everyone who walks 
by our reception desk who they are from and why.

Thank you for giving us Cecilio he has made a difference and I love working with him, he deserves to be recognized for his contribution to FSO.

My colleague Malka and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary next week with FSO/Brother, although the first 10 months were pretty rough having Cecilio working with us has made our future look a lot brighter."

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Kelly Iselin, Informationalist/ Brother International

Daniel, Sarah Lawrence College
"I wanted to let you know that Daniel Lugo is always super helpful and friendly and I really enjoy working with him."

Whether a salesperson, an experience associate, a records manager, an informationalist, or messenger, what makes our folks so special is their ability to think beyond their daily tasks and think like our clients. 

"What would the client want? What do they need? How could i be more proactive in their eyes? How could i really impress them?"

Do you know? Have you asked? Or are you assuming?  A true partner who never stops looking out for you, who takes that extra second to ask and then ACTS! 

Never lose the passion, the smile and what makes you special but put yourself in our clients shoes and get to know what they might be thinking! 

All of you are out in the field and have the power to make an incredible impact and a difference in the wealth and success of others.

I look forward to hearing stories from our clients how our team has made an impact by being a leader.

IT IS YOU that makes FSO who we are. Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

"None of us is as smart as all of us." --Ken Blanchard


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ted Tuesday: The Greatest Inventors of Our Time— A Tale of Two Teslas

“I'm glad that Tesla is pushing the envelope. No one else was going to do it. Dream big or go home.” — Margarita, commenting on

Good Morning Folks,

This may be our most important Ted Tuesday yet. Because if you think Tesla is just an electric car designed by a silicon valley millionaire who made his money inventing PayPal and now wants to go to be a pioneering settler on Mars, you'd be wrong.

That Tesla is Elon Musk, a man who is well join the way to defeating Steve Jobs reputation of the inventor of our our generation leaving more advancements for mankind than any other. He named his company Tesla in memory of another inventor you may not have heard much about.

Nikola Tesla is the most underrated genius in history arguably smarter than both Edison and Einstein. He has over 300 patents for many things we take for granted.

According to Wikipedia:
“Nikola Tesla was one of those super-genius badasses whose intellect placed him dangerously on the precipice between “great scientific mind” and “utter madness”. He held 700 patents at the time of his death, made groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of physics, robotics, steam turbine engineering, and magnetism, and once melted one of his assistants’ hands by overloading it with X-rays – which isn’t really scientific, but is still pretty cool.” 
Yes long story short he tapped into the zero-point energy field (empty space that has an infinite amount of energy) and was able to generate electricity in homes for free. Greedy CEOs (a.k.a. Thomas Edison, J.P. Morgan) obviously did not want this to happen because well free energy for everyone would mean no money for them and would damage their wealth and reputation. So they sabotage Tesla and his work in order to benefit themselves. You know, usual corporate BULLSHIT. 
It really is quite a shame that Tesla does not have the fame that other scientists have had. He was extremely revolutionary and undoubtedly could have pushed the field of physics decades ahead. It’s all because of Thomas Edison, who went out of his way to spend time and money to debunk and defame Tesla, all in the name of fame and money.if you do a little recherche you will find that Einstein quivers in comparison to Tesla, Einstein not being the brightest of his time anyway. And about some of his works being kept secret (and there are certainly are a few) don’t expect anything, after all they are detained by the one country that managed to enslaved the contemporary world (cough* United States cough*).
Tesla was renowned for his achievements and showmanship, eventually earning him a reputation in popular culture as an archetypal "mad scientist." His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success. He lived most of his life in a series of New York hotels, through his retirement. He died on 7 January 1943."
In today's Ted Talk, meet Entrepreneur Elon Musk, a man with many plans. The founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX sits down with TED curator Chris Anderson to share details about his visionary projects, which include a mass-marketed electric car, a solar energy leasing company and a fully reusable rocket.Elon Musk is the chief designer for SpaceX, overseeing development of rockets and spacecraft for missions to Earth orbit and ultimately to other planets. In 2008, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft won the NASA contract to provide a commercial replacement for the cargo transport function of the space shuttle. In 2012, SpaceX became the first commercial company to dock with the International Space Station and return cargo to Earth with the Dragon.

At Tesla, Musk has overseen product development and design from the beginning, including the all-electric Tesla Roadster, Model S and Model X, and overseeing the rollout of Supercharger stations to keep the cars juiced up. (Some of the charging stations use solar energy systems from SolarCity, of which Musk is the non-executive chair.) Transitioning to a sustainable energy economy, in which electric vehicles play a pivotal role, has been one of his central interests for almost two decades. He co-founded PayPal and served as the company's chair and CEO.
Musk Hyperloop
You may have read about his hyperlpoop project which came even after this talk was film, but even after that and seemingly out of nowhere last week.. Telsa’s new line of big, stackable batteries for homes and businesses started with a bang. The reservations reported in the first week are valued at roughly $800 million, according to numbers crunched by Bloomberg Business. If Tesla converts even a fraction of those reservations into actual sales, the battery roll-out could measure up as one of the biggest ever for a new product category.

Electricity storage products aren't new. But Tesla’s price, power, and packaging set these batteries apart in a way that echoes the gap between the first iPhone and the smartphones that came before it. Now Musk has brought an Apple-launch level of public interest to what's essentially a infrastructure product, albeit one with potential to transform the way electrical grids are managed and the speed that solar power is adopted. 

Says Elon Musk, "Well, it goes back to when I was in university. I thought about, what are the problems that are most likely to affect the future of the world or the future of humanity? IBut when you want to do something new, you have to apply the physics approach. Physics is really figuring out how to discover new things that are counter intuitive, like quantum mechanics. It's really counter intuitive. So I think that's an important thing to do, and then also to really pay attention to negative feedback, and solicit it, particularly from friends. This may sound like simple advice, but hardly anyone does that, and it's incredibly helpful."

Have a look:

Thanks for listening and have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Putting Promise to Practice at a large AMLAW 100 Firm: Kaci, Over To You

"A reduction of the  record's department's real estate footprint from just over 26,00 sqft down to 9,500 sqft, thus providing the firm with cost-savings close to 50k annually, Cross-training of the entire records staff to improve efficiency and coverage needs, the destruction of 2,400 boxes and another 15,00 sent to offsite storage, a floor by floor audit and clean-up of all eight of the firms floors in Newark, and the list goes on and on."

Good Morning Folks,

We start the week with just that – Owning the Client.  From end to end our business and model has never changed. Our clients choose FSO and make the change from their previous service provider or they outsource their in-house services. The relationship with every client always begins with the sales team hunting for opportunities or we get a referral or we get an RFP from all  the great word of mouth and our marketing team efforts.  

Getting that lead and opportunity is the hardest part and then our front end go to work through steps to the sale, relationship building, credibility building and convincing someone that they have to go with us and make a change as their risk of not changing is greater.  

We (re) Imagine with  them and our sales, analyst and marketing teams keep the pressure on. I am there every step of the way making it personal. Hours and hours are put in, tons of company dollars are invested, literally blood, sweat and tears from everyone to win the deal and get a client to buy us and entrust their office services teams and more to FSO.

This client buys what FSO is all about, they buy US they buy (re) Imagine, they buy peace of mind and sleep easy nights and they buy Me and team FSO.

So now this esctastic, elated new client who knows only perfection from the front end – unbelievable professionalism, buttoned up teams, perfect documents, personal communication and commitment from ME – is now in the hands of the FSO Operations Team.

The expectations are set and Ops must deliver and take the Client Experience to the next level.  The Ops team must deliver the Promise to Practice that our clients bought – the (re) Imagine and the Sleepeasy

Today we hear from Kaci, one of our Business Operations Managers who delvers promise to practice at an AMLAW 100 law firm branch where we have just expanded to take on their Boston headquarters and 7 other branches. Kaci's team's efforts to WOW! our client each and every day and the results we achieved for them were key to entrusting us with expanded responsibilities. Kaci, over to you...
"I started with FSO back in March of 2012 after spending the previous 5 years with a competitor who shall remain nameless. I carefully decided to make the move over to FSO after having several discussions with Jim, since I had heard quite a few unflattering "rumors" about the company from my prior employer, which should come as no surprise for those of you who know where I used to work.  I can now say without a doubt that it was one of the wisest career decisions that I have ever made.     
Why is that you ask? Because FSO is a company that asks you to (re)imagine yourself everyday...Not only that, you are asked to (re)imagine the way you operate your specific "book of business", the way you communicate with your clients and staff, the level of service we provide our clients, and even the way present ourselves to the world by our dress & career apparel.  
Actually, let me get a little more specific... 
A little over a year ago my career took an unexpected turn when Jim asked me to drop a majority of my accounts and take on a new role as an EM/ED for new important client that was brought on board, called McCarter & English. Initially I was a little apprehensive, since the move almost seemed like it might take me backward, but after taking some time to see the bigger picture and (re)Imagine the possibilities...I viewed the move as an opportunity to show that I was a team player and that I could deliver for FSO and the client.  
So as I sit here right now typing this message to all of you, I can say that I achieved both of those goals. In the past year or so, myself and the team here at McCarter have been able to accomplish the following; A reduction of the  record's department's real estate footprint from just over 26,00 sqft down to 9,500 sqft, thus providing the firm with cost-savings close to 50k annually, Cross-training of the entire records staff to improve efficiency and coverage needs, the destruction of 2,400 boxes and another 15,00 sent to offsite storage, a floor by floor audit and clean-up of all eight of the firm's floors in Newark, and the list goes on and on.  
All that being said, the client has definitely been "wow'd" by the FSO Experience...and we have been able to receive an annual increase, give raises to our staff, and add our first additional headcount in the firm's newly acquired East Brunswick office with many more to hopefully follow in the upcoming year. So please let my story be an inspiration to always try and (re)imagine any challenge, opportunity, difficulty, etc...that may present itself."
So it is safe to say that Kaci's worth ethic, the resulting hospitality an ultimately the incredible business results and value achieved, was key to McCarter & English' decision to expand FSO presence to 8 locations including it's Boston headquarters.

Kaci thought being assigned one account after managing many was a demotion. But now we can all see why this was a promotion. It's all about (re) Imagining. 

Hospitality is our DNA.

  • Operational best practices continue to be our greatest asset. 
  • We invest in our people.
  • We Fulfill Dreams.
  • We put Promise to Practice.

The new ideas flowing, and the programs they spur are an investment in our most precious commodity… OUR PEOPLE!  We are committed to providing our talent force with time-tested, proven and yet consistently (re)IMAGINED tools and focus like: 

  • Amazing Training              
  • Incredible Mentorship                   
  • Creative Approaches                      
  • Awesome Workshops                   
  • Real-World Application                  
  • Dynamic Development                  
  • Endless Opportunities

Our job in hospitality is to make the client feel as if they are at home and create memories and experiences that want to make clients "return." It is also our job to make sure that we supply our clients with that “WOW" factor that makes them feel special. As important as it is to take care of our clients, it is equally important to take care of all of our team members. The more enthusiastic and happy our employees are at work the more productive they will be. Without the support of each team member that “WOW” factor will never be given to our clients.

As a client we always have your back. And we will never stop (re)IMAGINING new and better ways to make your workplace work better.

Kaci's story is a case in point. It personifies the essence of the FSO client and employee experience. If you haven't read that yet I encourage you to do so. 

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
~~Napoleon Hill
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About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email