Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Learn To Judge, With Designer Chip Kidd

"First impression: Instantly recognizable; I don’t even need to be able to read it."

Good Morning Folks,

You learn something new every day. Today will be one of those days.

You don’t need to be a New Yorker or a designer to appreciate how things are created and how they function in the world. You just have to be interested. And yes, you have to judge, often based on a first impression. Why not learn how to do it better? Here are some examples of objects and places that form my ideas about design and how it can work, or not. We encounter them in our life every day. 

In the TED review of the book "Judge This" based on  Chip Kidd’s TEDTalk, "Designing books is no laughing matter. Ok, it is," Chip starts with one that’s very simple and often overlooked:

1. Help me organize my life, please

Red-binder-clipIf you work in publishing, you will have discovered binder clips very quickly. They hold literally everything together, from manuscripts to page proofs, and I’ve found them to be an invaluable organizational tool.
For those of you who don’t work in publishing, I urge you to get some binder clips regardless. The simplicity and elegance of these devices is utterly transparent, as opposed to say, digital folders within folders within folders. And the handles of the clip can be collapsed down so that they lie flat.
Whenever I go on a trip (once a month on average), I print out all applicable documents — boarding passes, itineraries, hotel reservation codes, rental car papers, etc. — and collect them in a single bundle with a color-coded binder clip. I drop the bundle in my tote bag (with the clip visible at the top — this is very important) and I’m off. When I need the documents, they can be located immediately by the bright hue of the clip.
As for storing all of this stuff on your phone, news flash: your phone can die. Paper does not die, because it’s already dead and resurrected. I remember being caught in a security at JFK behind a gentleman (ahem) who was trying in vain to revive his smartphone to show his boarding pass, to no avail. There were tears.
First impression: Squeeze, clamp, release. Organized.

2. Nice package

As long as there are consumer goods, there will always be physical packaging. But just because something is meant to be paid for and consumed does not mean its design has to be cloying, condescending, or screaming for your attention. The Mrs. Meyer’s cleaning products are a great recent example of how this can be done distinctively and successfully. The typography is so, well, clean. The red circle with the white interior is strategically placed in the center of the label, clearly telling you what it smells like. The product itself is biodegradable and isn’t tested on animals. The bottles are recyclable.
First impression: I can identify this immediately, and a great product will keep me a return customer.

3. Bite.

When I heard that one of my graphic-design heroes, Peter Saville — the legendary designer for Manchester, England, label Factory Records (whose recording artists included Joy Division and New Order) — was going to redesign the iconic Lacoste crocodile (below), I was as surprised as I was delighted. Here were two of my favorite worlds — preppy clothes and post-punk music — colliding unexpectedly and deliriously head-on.
The original logo was created in the 1920s by French tennis star RenĂ© Lacoste, nicknamed “The Crocodile” for his tenacity on the court. For its 2013 limited edition of the shirt, the Lacoste label hired Saville to reinterpret it, and he did so with inspired fervor. He generated eighty versions in all, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the company. These abstractions are recognizable because we know both the source material and the context: over the heart on a white cotton polo shirt.
First impression of the original logo: Cool metaphor.
First impression of Saville’s variations: Even cooler.

4. Fully adjustable.

E_1027_eileengrayYou may or may not be familiar with this side table, but the designer, Eileen Gray (1878-1976), deserves to be a household name. She is my go-to design hero for furniture and interiors, and she came to prominence after her death. Gray befriended contemporaries like Le Corbusier and Marcel Breuer, and her work was inspired by the Bauhaus, but I think she transcended that movement with just the right amount of quirk.
She was recognized by clients and the design cognoscenti of her milieu, but none of her creations were mass-produced in her lifetime, which is tragic, and she faded into obscurity after World War II. But interest in her achievements was revived in 1972 by fashion designer Yves St. Laurent, who bought some of her work at auction. In 2009, Gray’s “Dragons” armchair prototype (ca.1919) sold for more than $28 million, setting a record for twentieth-century furniture that has yet to be surpassed.
The E1027 table (shown), named after the seaside house she built in the south of France with her partner, Jean Badovici, is beautiful, functional, and affordable. This faithful reproduction is widely available now for around $99. It looks great, but the point is that it derives its form from its function: you can slide the base under your bed so that the glass top floats over your lap. The height can be adjusted via the attached key and notched chrome stem.
First impression: To quote the early-twentieth-century monologist Ruth Draper: “It’s chrome and glass and steel. It’s adorable.”

5. Counting down …


I am a habitually fast walker (because I’m always late, but that’s another story), so when these crossing signals with countdown clocks started to appear at some Midtown Manhattan intersections in 2010, I was thrilled. They take all the guesswork out of deciding whether to try to beat the light or cool your heels at the curb.
It’s not that the old system was bad, but this change makes a huge difference. Basically, when you see the white-lit walking figure (not pictured), it’s okay to cross. Then, a red-lit hand appears next to the number 20, which then counts down to zero (previously, there were no numbers). So, the image here (taken outside my apartment building) means that you now have 12 seconds left (and counting) to cross the street before you get run over. Or, stay put and wait for the walking man again. That’s the kind of clarity I need.
Of course, real New Yorkers know that even when the countdown runs out you still have about five seconds to get across, but I probably shouldn’t say that. Also, the “rule of physics” traffic law always applies to crossing the streets of New York City — that is, if there are no cars coming, go for it, regardless of what the light indicates. I shouldn’t say that, either.
First impression: 12 seconds to cross the street? An eternity. I can do that.

6. Lead us not into Penn Station.


Certainly one of the most egregious New York design crimes of the last century was the destruction of the original Pennsylvania Station in 1962, and its replacement with the abysmal drop-ceilinged, overhead-fluorescent-lit, basement-level hell-pit under Madison Square Garden that remains today. It still somehow functions as the most-used transit hub in the United States, with more than 600,000 travelers moving in and out each day, at the rate of 1,000 people every 90 seconds. And yet it’s an embarrassment of confusion and squalor, especially for a city that claims the mantle of Capital of the World (and yes, I use Penn Station all the time; I have to — I’m always on Amtrak).
In what appears to be a cruel joke, there are photos mounted on the gate pillars showing how spectacular the original vaulted Beaux Arts building used to be. Thanks a lot. But the mystery here is not only why it is so ugly, but how difficult it is to navigate through.
First impression: Airless, scuzzy, inefficient. A terrible introduction for visitors to New York City.

7. How refreshing.

diet-cokeThis redesign of the Diet Coke can is mysterious in the best possible way. Besides being formally striking, it assumes a level of intelligence and sophistication in its audience that is truly commendable, drawing on the “Less Is More” principles espoused by the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. The visual vocabulary of the brand is reduced to its most essential parts, and we understand immediately what we’re looking at, based on very little verbal information.
This is made possible by our decades-long familiarity with the logotype of the product and its application to a soda can. It’s a cherished friend in fabulous new clothes, a BFF’s makeover that you thought never could or would happen.
Truly great packaging.
First impression: Instantly recognizable; I don’t even need to be able to read it. Thank you for trusting me.
Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on MitchWeiner.com highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

Chip Kidd is a designer and writer living in New York City. His book cover designs for Alfred A. Knopf, where he has worked nonstop since 1986, have helped create a revolution in the art of American book packaging. He is the recipient of the National Design Award for Communication Design, as well as the Use of Photography in Design Award from the International Center of Photography. Kidd has published two novels, The Cheese Monkeys and The Learners. A distinguished and prolific lecturer, Kidd has spoken at Princeton, Yale, Harvard, RISD, and a zillion other places.

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, June 15, 2015

All In A Day's Work

"We have made some substantial promotions: We have promoted more crds and acrds than ever before. But that is only the start."

Good Morning Folks,

To help the world better understand what it is that FSO does everyday, I started a new series on LinkedIn based on kudos from the field. I call it "All In A Day's Work." 

The stories are inspiring but you'll see it's perspiration that often leads to inspiration.

==> Example 1: 
How FSO is taking care of our clients in a way they never (re) Imagined 
Re: Andrew "Despite the seemingly impossible logistics of finding space for us a week after the initial move, Andrew worked to procure 4 conference rooms and a number of offices for our team. He has also assisted us with hoteling logistics as well as general, facilities related requests and has been sensitive to the urgency related to our requests. The timing could not have been worse, but Andrew has helped alleviate quite a bit of the logistical stress." 
==> Example 2 
What's in a day's work at an FSO site? 
Consider this report from our site of the year 2014- Chicago "We have worked incredibly hard this week! Every single person goes home extremely tired and hurting in a good way. Many of us have"step trackers" and all of us log 15k+ steps a day! Many of our steps include hauling around FULL 175 gallon shred bins and open dumpsters around the office for people who need it for the clean up. In addition to having to open 3 new fully set up floors and moving 600 employees, we also have to clear 3 old floors."  
==> Example 3 
A True Eye Opener
"The amount of blood, sweat and tears to complete the tasks, was monumental. It did not go unnoticed preparing and setting up all of the three new floors to a "high" standard that we have come to expect, but also to the clean up of 3 floors. Reacting to every demand from staff and Partners all wanting something different takes perseverance. I don't know how many tons of paper left this building for shredding or how many records where sent back, but that was unbelievable. Finding things dated back to 1955, I knew we had our hands full."
Our mission as always is to LOVE OUR EMPLOYEES AND LOVE OUR CLIENTS. Every day, every member of our team is encouraged to ask themselves the same question "how am I doing against that goal" what operationally am I doing differently to wow my clients? 

As a result of these efforts I'm pleased to share incredible success stories came from the pioneering MIP class: 
  • Associates have become #2’s 
  • #2’s have become Leads 
  • Associates have become Team Leads 
  • Leads have joined the Division Leadership Team 
  • Leads and Associates have joined other client teams and service lines… 
... and ALL have been making great contributions throughout FSO, providing services at Durst, Brookfield, Tishman, IMG, Voya, HQ and the list goes on! 

We have made even more substantial promotions: We have promoted more crds and acrds than ever before. Stay tuned.But that is only the start. 

As Marilyn Monroe once said, “We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.” That says it all in our case. Everyone at FSO is a winner, and I could never do it without you.. we are family.. we are one FSO, and we are here to help one another.

The FSO excitement has never been stronger. And I am very proud of you.

Let's continue to WOW our clients! WOW our employees!  Roll out the Red Carpet! Ensure White Glove Service! Perfect professional images! Make a difference to ensure our clients Feel the Experience.

To keep reading these "All In A Day's Work" success stories, connect with me on LinkedIn.

Have a great day and thanks for being a part of our amazing journey.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Whoever is happy will make others happy, too."
~~Mark Twain
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Friday, June 12, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Jen's Scarf— Hospitality Defined

"It was absolutely the most memorable event that I can remember in most recent years. I was blown away!"  -Jen

Good Morning Folks,

Today a very inspiring story from our own Director of Intelligence, Eddie Pons:

A silk scarf laid in a puddle of mud on a rainy day, just like today. It was beautiful, a brightly colored flower print that challenged the grey weather. The senior lady that owned it, had it stripped off of her person from a gust of wind the rain blew past her, unknown to her as she swiftly kept walking to remain as dry as possible.

A gentlemen took notice, ran after the silk scarf, looked up and... the lady was gone.

The young man tried to track the lady down in the rain - up and down the street, left and right, to no avail. He went back to the building where she exited from, the very office building where the young man worked. He inquired with the building concierge as to the reason of her visit, where he found out she was there for a meeting. He got her name and business address and researched her immediately. He reached out to her and was able to speak with her assistant who informed him that she would be out of town for 2 days and would not be reachable.

The young man took the silk scarf to the dry cleaners, had it packaged, wrote a personal note to the lady and had the scarf delivered to her office, waiting for her return. The note simply said: "hope you enjoyed your trip."

THIS is absolutely what HOSPITALITY and going above and beyond are is all about. Making a direct impact on someone in an incredibly amazing way that just makes someone else feel wonderfully.  

Receiving this level of service is a feeling we all want and deserve. Delivering this service makes us feel equally as wonderful!  As we enter into the Summer Holiday Season, the POWER of FOCUS should be, it is better to give than to receive - this is in the forefront of everything we do.

This is a practice I believe deeply in and promote regularly. Jen sent the above note via e-mail as the package with the scarf had a business card accompanying it as well. The card was mine - Jen and I remain in contact throughout the years!

Helping others.... feels great.

Train others to be as hospitable as possible to leave a lasting impression and see just how good you feel in the process.

Make an Impact…

Make a Difference…

Make someone’s day – and yours as well.


How can I help you? 

Thanks Eddie. That's service with a capital S. And remember that inspiration grows from perspiration.

So lets all join hands and be happy!


Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, 
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
~~ Carl Bard

Thursday, June 11, 2015

LinkUp Thursday: A Great Summer Read

"For anyone interested in technology, entrepreneurship or the price of greatness, Ashlee Vance's new book, "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX and the Quest for a Fantastic Future," is a tremendous look into arguably the world's most important entrepreneur. Vance paints an unforgettable picture of Musk's unique personality, insatiable drive and ability to thrive through hardship. The book bursts with telling anecdotes and quotes that illuminate who Musk is". - The Washington Post 

Good Morning Folks,

With the holiday season upon us, we'll all be spending more time in airplanes, on boats and on the beach. It might be the perfect quiet time to put away the Smart Phone and enlighten ourselves with an inspiring business story.

I just finished the new Musk book. Has America lost its ability to think beyond the fancy dinners, yachts and houses the quick buck might provide? Our greatest American 'capitalists' did not pursue money. They pursued causes and changed the world in the process. Maybe Musk will get to mars, maybe he won't. Maybe Tesla will be able to deliver a $40k fully electric car, or maybe not. But the essence of his pursuit, the reason he risked everything he owned every day, is the interesting aspect of this book. Capital was a means to an end (eliminate the need for fossil fuels; find a place where mankind can go when we eventually and inevitably destroy this beautiful earth), not the end. Highly recommended and very thought provoking.  Order on Amazon HERE

Recently in a standing room only event at Apple Inc.’s shiny SoHo store, people packed in to listen to Steve Jobs’ biographers talk the iconic CEO’s life and legacy.

But as it now should, the discussion shifted beyond just how the iPhone inventor should be remembered, to who the next great visionary might be. The more important question now is not that of Jobs’ legacy, but whether there is, or will be, anyone in the same orbit as Jobs that has the ability to greatly shape civilization for the better.

For Schlender, the answer is Elon Musk, the Tesla Motors Inc. TSLA, -2.07%  and Space-X CEO, and chairman of SolarCity Corp. SCTY, +0.18% for his space aspirations—Musk ultimately wants to set up a human colony on Mars—and electric car. Musk, he says, has “the track record and ability to build enthusiasm and paint a beautiful picture of how the future should be,” similar to the way Jobs could.

Read this book and you will see why.

Meanwhile we do as Musk does: WOW our clients!  WOW our employees!  Roll out the Red Carpet!  Ensure White Glove Service!  Perfect professional images!  Make a difference to ensure our clients Feel the Experience!

Have a happy, smiling and productive day.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, 
who can cut through arguments, debate, and doubt 
to offer a solution everyone can understand."
~~General Colin Powell 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


“When we think about labor, we usually think about motivation and payment as the same thing, but the reality is that we should probably add all kinds of things to it: meaning, creation, challenges, ownership, identity, pride, etc.,” 

Good Morning Folks,

What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn't just money. But it's not exactly joy either. It seems that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose. 

On a previous Ted Tuesday, Behavioral economist Dan Ariely presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward meaning in our work.

The Takeaway: "So when we think about labor, we usually think about motivation and payment as the same thing, but the reality is that we should probably add all kinds of things to it -- meaning, creation, challenges, ownership, identity, pride, etc. The good news is that if we added all of those components and thought about them -- how do we create our own meaning, pride, motivation, and how do we do it in our workplace, and for the employees -- I think we could get people to be both more productive and happier."

"What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn't just money. But it's not exactly joy either. It seems that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose."


“When we think about how people work, the naĂ¯ve intuition we have is that people are like rats in a maze,” says behavioral economist Dan Ariely (TED Talk: What makes us feel good about our work?) “We really have this incredibly simplistic view of why people work and what the labor market looks like.”

Instead, when you look carefully at the way people work, he says, you find out there’s a lot more at play — and at stake — than money. Ariely provides evidence that we are also driven by the meaningfulness of our work, by others’ acknowledgement — and by the amount of effort we’ve put in: the harder the task is, the prouder we are.

“When we think about labor, we usually think about motivation and payment as the same thing, but the reality is that we should probably add all kinds of things to it: meaning, creation, challenges, ownership, identity, pride, etc.,” Ariely says.

Below, take a look at the conclusions of Ariely’s other studies, as well as a few from other researchers, with interesting implications for what makes us feel good about our work, then click on the conclusion and follow the links to all the details and the supporting studies.

==> Seeing the fruits of our labor may make us more productive

==> The less appreciated we feel our work is, the more money we want to do it

==> The harder a project is, the prouder we feel of it

==> Knowing that our work helps others may increase our unconscious motivation

==> The promise of helping others makes us more likely to follow rules

==> Positive reinforcement about our abilities may increase performance

==> Images that trigger positive emotions may actually help us focus

This post was originally published on the TED Blog in April 2013. Featured image via iStock.

You can always learn something from a Ted. Consider them a self-improvement course you can take for extra credits at Mitch MIT. Find all previous lessons here.

However you watch or listen, we're glad you did.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on MitchWeiner.com highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Career Seekers: So You Have A GREAT SMILE and Positive Energy? We Want To Talk To You

UPDATE July 10, 2015: FSO is having an OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, July 16th from 11am-3pm in our HQ office in NY. IMMEDIATE HIRES for all service lines: Informationalists, mail associates, copy associates, messengers, records associates, security associates, office service/hospitality service associates. We are also hiring site managers, leads and many HR positions including National Recruiting Manager, trainers, HR generalists, Director HRIS/Benefits…come and meet us…GREAT opportunity to join an AMAZING company. We are located at: 19 W 44th Street NY, NY, 9th floor.

"The FASTEST growing on-site outsourcing company is ALWAYS looking for the BEST talent "

Good Morning Folks,

The FASTEST growing on-site outsourcing company is ALWAYS looking for the BEST talent across the (re)IMAGINation, FSO|USA! 

All about Hospitality? 

High level Customer Service? 

Positive Energy and have a GREAT SMILE? 

We want to talk to you! 

We are a back-office support solutions for the professional and Fortune 500 communities. Our focus is on supporting clients with innovative solutions, including redesigning workflow in delivering records services in an outsourced environment to significantly improve productivity, reduce and stabilize costs and bridge technology with end user requirements.

As a National Professional Services Provider and have many on-site outsourcing positions available. 

Specialties: Knowledge and experience in the areas of Records Management, Production Centers, Mail Processing,  general back-office support, front of house and hospitality extraordinaire.

Also Records Associate in NJ + Lobby Ambassadors in NY + and many many more throughout the country. 

I am excited to let you know, in addition to the positions that we are always sourcing for, we have the following approved needs:

Central Region

Detroit, MI – Office Services Associate/Floor Ambassador
Regional Floaters (2) -- Must reside in Chicago
Cincinnati – Informationalist
Northbrook, IL – Closing Coordinator Assistant/Receptionist

Western Region

Seattle, WA –Informationalist
Dallas, TX – Office Services
Houston, TX – Office Services Lead
Houston, TX – Floor Ambassador
    Los Angeles, CA –   Lead
San Jose, CA –Office Manager

Northeast Region

  • New York City – Security Officer (6)
  • New York City  – Records Associate (2
  • New York City -- Concierge
  • New York City – Office Services Associate (2)
  • New York City – Messenger Associate (6)
  • New York City – Security Office Supervisor
  • New York City – Mail Lead
  • New York City – Records Admin
  • New York City – Mail Associate (2)
  • New York City-   Office Services (2)
New York City –Media & Research Assistant
New York City – Floater
New York City –Informationalist (2)
New York City – Office Services Lead
New York City –Copy Operator
New York City – Call Center
New York City – Guest Services
New York City – Informationalist/Admin
Philadelphia, PA –Floor Ambassador (3)

Eastern Region
Pittsburg, PA –Regional Backfill (floater)
Virginia – Office Service Associate (3)
Memphis, TN – Business Associate
Miami, FL – Floater/ Backfill Position
Gaithersburg, MD—Copy Operator
Gaithersburg, MD—Mail Clerk
Gaithersburg, MD—Reprographics Lead
Gaithersburg, MD—Mail Associate
Gaithersburg, MD—Mail Lead
Gaithersburg, MD—Mail Assistant Lead
Gaithersburg, MD—Conference Service Lead
Gaithersburg, MD—International Logistics Manager
Virginia –Lead/Copy Mail
Virginia –Mail/Repro (Floater)
    Washington D. C—Receptionist

We can’t do this without you so let’s really start to add GREAT talent…send us your referrals today!! If this is you, or someone you know, please your resumes and referrals directly to brightfuture@fso-outsourcing.com.

Have a GREAT Day and a wonderful week!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
-Theodore Roosevelt
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Ted Tuesday: Shia Labeouf "If You Are Tired Of Starting Over, Stop Giving Up!"

You've only got three choices in life: Give up, give in or give it all you've got!

Good Morning Folks,

I've got a plane to catch so I'll be brief.

Today something corny and unusual but there is  reason that it is blowing up the Internet with over two million views overnight.

Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf and his rattail are up to their old tricks again. No, they haven't been arrested, and no, their privates are not dangling in plain sight, but they are once again attracting attention with erratic behavior.

As part of a collaborative project with students at Central Saint Martins art school in London, called #INTRODUCTIONS, Shia LaBeouf recently stood in front of a green screen and spouted philosophical musings for a half-hour. (The last three minutes is just him intoning 'om' like Don Draper in the final episode of Mad Men.) The stand-out portion of the video, though, and the clip currently traversing the Internet with considerable velocity, is a full-minute of Shia LaBeouf exhorting the viewer to JUST DO IT. YouTuber Michael McNeff culled the video from the green screen rant, setting it up as the most intense (fake) TED Talk of all time.

The embattled actor's motivational speech was repurposed into a fake TED Talk, and it will make you want to just do something.

The key takeaway: "if you are tired of starting over, stop giving up!"

Have a look.

Thanks to CO.create and to you for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on MitchWeiner.com highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

Contact Mitch: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Email