Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shout-Out Wed: As Customers Tell it, The Strength of FSO Is Our People.

"Thank you for always accommodating us even when we are up against extreme deadlines and for doing all that you do with great efficiency and with a smile. No challenge is too great it seems and you do this for us every day. You are a big part of what makes our PHD Team, great."

Good Morning Folks,

Greetings from one of our newest accounts MedImmune in Gaithersburg, MD.  This is an amazing site and we have such an awesome team here – and as you'll see from the kudos that follow, bright, talented people who are already making a measurable and meaningful impact from our client's perspective.

The strength of FSO is our people. There is so much opportunity within FSO just waiting for YOU! 

We have a Future Leadership program at FSO that evolves around Leadership, Community, Teamwork, Hospitality and Personal Development. And it often starts here, with kudos our employees receive directly from those clients they are assigned to. This is always a strong foundation to a promising career. 

With that all being said, I could not be more excited to share what customers are saying about the great folks we have serving them, every day in every way.
Tyrone and Evely, Medimmune
"Recently I was introduced to Tyrone and Evelyn in the copy center.  It seems that their transition has been difficult and several projects of mine had to be started over from scratch.  They not only completed the projects but did so very quickly and effectively.  I am very satisfied with the quality of their work and wanted to pass that along to you."           

Tyrone and Anthony, Medimmune
"I wanted to reach out to you to let you know what a great team you have there in Gaithersburg!!!   I was in a pinch for an audio room in building OMW and Tyrone and Tony did such an excellent job in assisting me and resolving the issue I had. They were so helpful and they made things so easy for me.  I wanted you to be aware of the wonderful support they provided and give them a huge shout out!!"

Medimmune Team
"I just wanted to inform you that your team in the copy room was very professional and prompt at getting the table tent info sheets completed for me yesterday. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of the lady that replaced Onya, but she did a great job at resizing the info sheets to fit the 5x7 tents. Thank you to you and your team for getting this done for me."

Evelyn, Medimmune
"I had a director who needed some binders made up without much notice and Evelyn went out of her way to help make this happen. Because of her assistance I was able to meet the needs of my managers in a timely manner."

Tareek, NY Times
"Just want you to know that Tarik is a great addition to your team. Not only is Tarik a pleasure to deal with but after he delivers to me and I sign, he will always ask "if I need anything else" which means a lot. He is a perfect gentlemen with excellent customer service skills"

Ray and CLEO , PHD **3 Kudos in 1 Month**
"I want to reiterate your thanks on behalf of PHD management. Ray, Cleo- our meeting was a huge success yesterday, due in no small part to your work both on the day and leading up to it, even on weekends. Thank you for always accommodating us even when we are up against extreme deadlines and for doing all that you do with great efficiency and with a smile. No challenge is too great it seems and you do this for us every day. You are a big part of what makes our PHD Team, great."

"Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication helping us prepare for this latest pitch - we couldn’t have done it without you. You went above and beyond to accommodate our requests, and worked in a seamless and expedient manner. Thanks for being so easy to work with and making us look our best, we appreciate it so much!"

"Nice - and all of it is true - you know we all look at FSO people as true PHD players"

Sean, Aiche
"Thank you so much for all of your ongoing support today of the large conference today, including managing all of the visitors and deliveries, checking up on the ASCE rep we parked in Pine for a bit who was not feeling well (she appreciated it very much), providing supplemental beverages, generally checking in to make sure all is progressing well, and more."

Mailroom, Y&R
'I received the plants this morning from my mailroom. Your mailroom did amazing job packaging the plants.  I cannot thank you enough for all the help with these plants."

We are growing and we need each of YOU to help us achieve the high goals that Mitch and the ELT have set for the company – AND we are now planning for 2025 J.

We promise to give more and more to you in return! We want to THANK YOU and REWARD you for your continued loyalty and commitment. Promise – that is the Mitch way.

My themes are always simple and consistent. I can not do it alone. I need all of you to help us and support the goal and mission vision 2015. 

We are very blessed. We are very lucky. Our company is very strong and our future is even stronger. 

Thank you for being on our team. Have a great Hump Day. Stay warm and lets rock the marketplace. 

Hugs all around,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion." 
~~ G. K. Chesterton

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ted Tuesday— Andrew Stanton: The Clues To A Great Story

"Wonder is honest, it's completely innocent. 
It can't be artificially evoked."

Good Morning Folks,

A good story can make a campfire that much eerier. A good story can flip a conversation at a party from completely awkward to wonderful. Good story telling skills separate the GREAT sales people from the mediocre.

A good story can glue your nose to a book. And, on screen, a good story can rivet generation after generation.

Whether it is something you want to sell, to make others see your point or just something you want to share. If it comes with a good story, something the listener can relate to, that is true to you as the teller of the story. That is a good story! One that the other will remember and even retell to friends or relatives.

So, uh, how do you tell one?

With millions of views racked up already on Ted and YouTube, Filmmaker Andrew Stanton ("Toy Story," "WALL-E") shares what he knows about storytelling — starting at the end and working back to the beginning. 

Below, from the Ted Blog, see his golden rules of storytelling visualized by Karin Hueck and Rafael Quick of the Brazilian culture and science magazine Superinteressante. Each month, the magazine’s editors take a TED Talk and give it to their graphic wizards to interpret in any way they see fit. Here, a reimagining of Stanton’s talk on stories. Via the Ugly Duckling. Just click the image to see a larger version.

Andrew Stanton wrote the first film produced entirely on a computer, Toy Story. But what made that film a classic wasn't the history-making graphic technology -- it's the story, the heart, the characters that children around the world instantly accepted into their own lives. 

Stanton wrote all three Toy Story movies at Pixar Animation Studios, where he was hired in 1990 as the second animator on staff. He has two Oscars, as the writer-director of Finding Nemo, WALL-E and his fantasy-adventure movie John Carter.

So tell a good story, it will make an impression that lasts.

Thanks to you for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Like The Oscars, FSO Is About Being The Best— Better Than All The Rest

"We are all on journeys. The visionaries. The underdogs. The artists. The long shots. The homegrown heroes who make every day a little better."

Good Morning Folks,

The water cooler talk this morning at offices all across America is about the Oscars last night. Surely the discussion centers on what folks were wearing or the memorable moments. 

But today I want to talk to you about something broader, something with parallels to what we aspire to here everyday at FSO: Spirit.

Oscar spirit is contagious –– it can spread to everyone who has a dream, a goal, and the will to change. While most will never compete on an Oscar race, let alone win a Gold Oscar, Oscar spirit can elevate and inspire people to make real and lasting changes in their own lives. Today, an enormous opportunity exists to reinvigorate that Oscar spirit and — through FSO — help it stand for something even bigger for FSO, our clients, their customers enterprises, our employees and the entire world.

During the Oscars last night movies were celebrated that tackled topics like PTSD, Alzheimer's, the suicide admission and ALS. As someone once said, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about— a loved one at war, a sibling with a challenging medical issue, relationship issues and more. All of us carry this baggage to work yet soldier on. So be kind.

The Oscars tell a great story of overcoming adversity. Whether defying a parent's dream to  pursue a career of passion, facing endless rejections and little recognition, but after years of hard work finally succeed and be recognized like J.K Simmons was last night. Or Julianne Moore nominated so many times yet told she could never win if Merrill Streep was her competition. Not so. 

Also not so that America's once proud and celebrated Batman could just quietly fade into the sunset and accept a rumor that in Hollywood careers end at 40. Michael Keaton proved that wrong too last night. And as Common said in his eloquent speech after the heartfelt rendition of Glory (a highlight of the show for me)- we are all one humanity seeking common happiness and health.

Even the commercials reminded us that failure is often a requirement of success and being down and out is nothing but a state of mind. Here are two of my favorites.

Perfectly timed in tune with the Academy Awards, Cadillac rolls out a new set of commercials launching its “Dare Greatly” campaign. The first thing that may strike you about the commercials is the lack of, well, advertising going on; Cadillac intentionally left out physical vehicles from the piece. Instead, the Detroit-based luxury automaker plays up the idea of striving for greatness, piggybacking sentiments from a lecture Teddy Roosevelt delivered in 1910.

Next, for American Express, Mindy Kaling talks about her journey in her career as an actress in Hollywood and challenging the status quo. We are all on journeys. The visionaries. The underdogs. The artists. The long shots. The homegrown heroes who make every day a little better. Join us as we follow the stories that will inspire your journey.

For years, like the Oscars themselves, my brand has represented perfection. It has been synonymous with the best service and best people ever. To be part of a company where the employees LOVE what they do and the leaders CARE as much as they do, is such a blessing…we are VERY LUCKY to be a part of the FSO Family!

In delivering our Onsite Outsourcing Services, our people are the driving force in making the difference– it’s that twinkle in the eye, that skip in the step, that fire in the belly that makes our people different from any of our competitors .

We've built and grown his business with an emphasis on people – the hardworking, dedicated employees who care about doing a great job for our clients. 

Know that I am personally invested and CARE about every person in our company. It is part of the personal touch that sets us a part in this industry and in business compared to most.

Believe in yourself, work hand and know that anything is possible and I will work as hard as you to ensure that all of your dreams come true.

You are all winners in my book. Shine on.

Have a GREAT Monday and a wonderful week!

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

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. . . . . . . . . . 
“I always strive to do better today than I did yesterday.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Hospitality— The PERSONAL + PASSIONATE + PRODUCTIVE Way

"Being the Hospitality Manager allows me to get to use all three parts of the slogan on a daily basis. I get to be PERSONAL with both the client and site managers to really feel the pulse of FSO at the site and to hear what FSO can be doing at their sites to be more PRODUCTIVE and go above and beyond to impress the client on a daily basis."

Good Morning Folks,

My pick of the internal communiques for your weekly does of Friday inspiration comes from newly hired, yet deeply experienced, Hospitality Manager, Ethan. Here's Ethan:
Happy Friday! 
Ethan at your service
I have the pleasure of writing to you today about what my experience since I have joined FSO Nation a few months ago. 
When I first started at FSO I was excited for a new environment and a change of pace from the monogamy of working in hotels. As it is when you start a new job, you were sold on the company and the people that you met with but you can never be 100% sure of what you are actually walking into. After speaking with Mitch and the rest of the ELT and hearing their vision and expectations I knew right away that FSO would be a company that I would want to be a part of. They certainly haven’t disappointed yet! 
FSO, I quickly learned is a company across the nation full of vibrant, fast paced, passionate and friendly people who all went out of their individual ways to make me feel included in this giant family. Family, at the core, is what FSO really is and stands for. 
My best and consequentially my worst quality is that I care too much about family and friends. When my family and friends are happy I am able to rejoice with them and bask in the happiness but when they’re disappointed or unhappy I feel that disappointment or unhappiness as it is mine. I make it a personal mission to make sure that whatever is troubling that person I do whatever I can no matter what it takes, to go above and beyond to make sure that person when walking away from me is leaving with a smile on their face. 
Although FSO has only been in existence for 4 years, a lot of the people in this company have worked with each other at various locations or different companies over the years. 
Obviously the main connection between us all is our connection to Mitch. An undeniable fact is that Mitch cares for all of us and cares for the well being of FSO. Mitch literally eats, breaths and barely sleeps thinking about FSO and how we as a family can make FSO bigger than it already is. It is Mitch’s vision as the head of this family to keep us growing but it requires all of us, his family to see his vision as well and take it to all of the sites and have our clients feel it too.

One of FSO’s biggest phrases is PERSONAL + PASSIONATE + PRODUCTIVE. This simple slogan to me is at the heart of all the messages Mitch sends out to the company and one that I abide by the most when I am in the field. As the Hospitality Manager for FSO I have the privilege to go all over New York City and meet with both the teams and clients at the various accounts that we are situated at. 
Being the Hospitality Manager allows me to get to use all three parts of the slogan on a daily basis. I get to be PERSONAL with both the client and site managers to really feel the pulse of FSO at the site and to hear what FSO can be doing at their sites to be more PRODUCTIVE and go above and beyond to impress the client on a daily basis. After being with the company for close to four months now I have become PASSIONATE about what we are trying to accomplish as an organization and even more PASSIONATE about what the PS Team is doing and it allows me to get out and spread the news on what is going on within FSO. 
It is up to everyone in this family to help FSO become the biggest and best Outsourcing company  in the world!!! The only people that can hold us back is ourselves and if everyone comes to work and uses the PERSONAL + PASSIONATE + PRODUCTIVE mantra and the power of positive energy and focus then the sky is the limit for what we can achieve. Mitch has laid the yellow brick road, it is our job to follow it to success!!!
Ethan, thanks for the wonderful message this morning and super glad you are with the FSO family.. love having you and your smile. Happy Friday to all of you.. and YES, it is a chilly weekend forecast ahead in New York but it warms my heart to be working with Ethan and all our FSO team who are cut from the same cloth.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Refreshing Weekend,

Love Life!

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Attention CFOS: Need Some Extra Hands For Tax Season?

"I wanted to let you know that your staff of Ron, Rob, Kevin and Tyrone have been so very accommodating and helpful during this 'busy tax season' and during the year. I can't thank them enough for moving boxes from floor to floor, obtaining the many empty boxes needed and anything else I ask of them."

Greetings Folks (and especially to our CFO friends reading this right now),

We have been helping CFOs in your domain including Nixon Peabody, PwC, NBC Universal, Brother International, Y&R, Kate Spade, AstraZeneca / MedImmune and hundreds more solve their most pressing challenges:

==> Uncertainty over healthcare laws and costs.

==> Controlling spending and improving profitability.

==> Staff morale and motivation.

==> Onboarding extra hands to move all the tax time paper, or digitize it and reclaim expensive real estate

Future State Outsourcing (FSO) offers solutions to each and every one of these issues. We understand that you are working in a much leaner environment than you were years ago, yet work needs to get done and profits need to be higher. Here’s how we can help:

==> Offering you flexible staffing strategies, converting a portion of one of your largest VARIABLE costs - labor - into a fixed expense that provides for stability and certainty in managing budgets.

==> Raising morale by providing generous rewards, recognition, training and development tailored to our employees' needs and desires. Built into a career which allows them to spread their wings beyond a single client.

==> Shift the burden of healthcare to our shoulders. 

As a bonus, Outsourcing provides new resources, expertise and technology to make possible what as not possible before.

With FSO, you’ll leverage new technologies with revolutionary impacts and widespread benefits and reclaim your valuable time towards what you do best. 

Hundreds of the world’s best-known brands have partnered with FSO will confirm significant and positive changes in employee attitude and results.

I am happy to discuss various options as they pertain to your organization's unique needs or the needs of others you may know! 

Call me personally 212-204-1193.

Have a GREAT day as I look forward to seeing you soon.

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"No pressure, no diamonds." Mary Case

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ted Tuesday: My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe

What level of college do you need to be to be an inventor and win scholarships, awards and seed money? How about Kindergarten!

Good Morning Folks,

Every day our success at FSO comes from identifying problems customers are facing and bringing together a productive mix of People + Solutions + Technology to solve them. Today's guest works much the same way.

Kenneth Shinozuka designs smart products ... He's been doing so since he was in kindergarten.

When he was six years old, a family friend of Kenneth Shinozuka fell down in the bathroom. The friend was ok -- but the incident inspired him to design a motion detection system that could be embedded in bathroom tiles. He never actually made one in real life (remember, he was only six) ... but he was hooked on both the promise of invention and the potential of technology.

Since then, Shinozuka has designed smart devices for his grandfather, who has Alzheimer's disease. One invention that caught the eye of both the media and awards programs such as the Google Science Fair: a pair of smart socks, designed to send an alert to a caregiver if a patient gets out of bed. In 2014, he won the $50,000 Scientific American Science in Action Award, while he was also a 2014 Davidson Fellow.

Today's talk is about the device he created for his grandfather. Sixty percent of people with dementia wander off, an issue that can prove hugely stressful for both patients and caregivers. In this charming talk, hear how teen inventor Kenneth Shinozuka came up with a novel solution to help his night-wandering grandfather and the aunt who looks after him ... and how he hopes to help others with Alzheimer's. Have a look...

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

Boy, after watching that I'm embarrassed at what I thought was a productive day for me. How it should make you feel is that anything is possible here in the greatest country on Earth and my goal is to provide all of our employees an opportunity to realize their own true human potential right here at FSO.

Thanks to you for listening.

Have a GREAT Day,

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

Ideas are not set in stone. When exposed to thoughtful people, they morph and adapt into their most potent form. TED Tuesdays on highlights some of today's most intriguing ideas. Look for more talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more— HERE.  

About FSO Onsite Outsourcing
Recognized on the Inc. 5000 list of the nation's fastest growing companies for the third consecutive year, and lead by industry pioneer, Mitch Weiner, FSO's growth and success can be attributed to making a positive and powerful impact on their clients' bottom lines, as well as their employees' careers and lives.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Inspire ME Friday: Future Internet Moguls Discover The Power of Focus

"I have also learned that being focused means saying “No” a lot more. I used to have a big problem with no. People would invite me to grab coffee with them and I would always say yes without thinking about how that would impact my day."

Good Morning Folks,

Behold the power of the Internet where anyone with coding skills and a great idea can change the course of business and its results.

A case in point is the story of Morgan and Daina Linton, the husband/wife team who founded Fashion Metric to banish ill-fitting clothes.

Anyone who’s ever ordered clothes online knows that getting an item that fits is by all means hit and miss. Fashion Metric is a self-described “virtual tailor” SaaS startup that provides consumers with a way to automatically find out if an article of clothing will fit their body without having to try it on.

“We’ve built software that acts as a virtual tailor,” Daina Linton said.

Fashion Metric’s technology also offers online retailers an added benefit of minimizing returns, which makes sense since the majority of those returns would happen because something didn’t fit correctly. The startup has raised under $1 million in funding from Mark Cuban, BazaarVoice founder Brett Hurt, and the former chairman and CEO of Neiman Marcus.

But putting the "start" in startup was a long, painful process until the couple discovered the POWER of FOCUS. Morgan explained in his blog this week:
Over the last two years I’ve learned a lot about the power of focus. Rewind three years ago and I was a guy who had a lot of “projects” going on all the time. When people asked what I did I would usually say, “My full time job is at Sonos but I also run a lot of websites, broker domain names, build software to appraise website sales, speak at conferences, oh and I write books.” 
I thought this sounded impressive, I was wrong. 
Fast forward to today and I have no projects, I am completely focused on Fashion Metric, and that focus has been incredibly valuable both for our company and our lives. While I still write this blog I see writing as something that I have always planned to do forever, I see it as my creative outlet and I spend no more than twenty minutes a day on it. 
Both Daina and I spend all day, every day focused on Fashion Metric. We’re up at around 6AM, are usually at work before 8AM and it’s rare for us to leave before 7PM. We don’t do this because we have to, we do it because we absolutely love it, this has been our dream and we know we couldn’t do what we are doing now without incredible focus. 
I have also learned that being focused means saying “No” a lot more. I used to have a big problem with no. People would invite me to grab coffee with them and I would always say yes without thinking about how that would impact my day. Everything my friends did I wanted to do with them. Now I’ve learned that I can’t say yes to everything and still maintain the level of focus that I need, I had to get better at saying no. The good news is, true friends will understand and those who aren’t might not. 
It’s an amazing transformation I’ve gone through over the last three years and an incredibly realization that you (or at least for me) can’t have a day job and do a bunch of “projects” without spreading yourself too thin and not giving enough focus to something that really matters. I can understand why the old adage “do what you love” still rings true today because when you focus and do what you truly enjoy all those projects disappear and life, while more intense than ever, becomes more fulfilling. 
So ask yourself, “Am I that person who is doing a million projects?” And if that is you imagine what you could accomplish with a bit more focus. 

Mitchell D. Weiner
Chief Happiness Officer

"Do one thing every day that scares you"

Photo Credit: Top: Daniel Dionne via Compfight cc
Middle: Morgan and Daina Linton via  Laura Lorek, Silicon Hills News

A Big Thank You To These Notable Readers of

Access Staffing, Adecco Usa, ADP, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer, & Feld, Albert Einstein, College Of Medicine, Amazon Corporate, American Express Company, American Honda Motor Company, American University, Amgen, Amster Rothstein & Ebanstein, Anchor Associates Group Inc, Angelo, Gordon & Co., Anne Arundel County Govt, Aquantive, Arent Fox Llp, Arhus, Kobmandsskole, Arrowhead Aea, Ascena, Asrc Federal Holding Company, Atkina, Llc, Aurelius Capital Management, Automatic Data Processing, Automattic, Ball State University, Baltimore Technology Park, Bank Of America, Barclays Financial Corp., BDBO New York, Bechtel Corp, Bell Canada, Best Buy, Black Oak Computers Inc, Blackrock Financial Management, Bloomberg Bloomberg, Brandprotect, Brookfield Asset Management,Brown Advisory, Bsnl, BT (UK searching for Denise), Cahill Gordon & Reindel, California Department Of Justice, California Education And Research Federation Network, California State University, Long Beach, Canon Usa, Carolinas, Healthcare System, Cassidy Turley Commercial Real Estate Services, Cb Richard Ellis, Cbi Connect, Cdw - Cdw Llc, Ceasars Entertainment Group, Central Methodist University, Charles Schwab & Co., Choopa, Llc, City Of Los Angeles,  Citigroup, City Of Houston, Clyde & Co Llp, Colgate-palmolive Co., Colliers Abr, Inc - Cassidy Turley, Chubb, Colt Technology Services Group Limited, Cooley Llp, Columbia University, Completel, Comporium Communications, Commercial Bank Of Africa, Comstock Park Public Schools, Conagra Foods, Concordia College, Condenast Publications, Control Risks Group Llc, Coral Graphics, Cottage Hospital, County Of Marin, County Of Suffolk, New York, Credit Suisse Group, Credit Suisse Group / Canada, Cuddy & Feder Llp, Cwie, Llc, Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc., Data Control And Systems, Datagram, Dell, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Dental Of California, Delta Dental Plan Of Michigan, Department Of Administrative Services (Ohio), Department Of The Interior, Office Of The Secretary, Department Of Veterans Affairs, Detroit Public Schools, Dewitt Stern Group, Inc., Dod Network Information Center, Dow Jones & Company, Devry, Depaul University, Dga Security Systems, Dickstein Shapiro Llp, Discover, Financial Services, Distributed Systems Services, Do It Best Corp, Duane Morris, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom,Edelman Pr, Emerge212, Equity Residential, Ernst & Young Llp, Esi International, Espn, Estee Lauder, European Police Office (europol), Evercore Partners Services East, Llc, Experian Revenue Assurance Test, Facebook Corporate, Factory Mutual Insurance Company, Family Dollar, Federal Aviation Administration, Federated Systems Group, Fedex Office & Print Services, Fenwick & West, Fidelity National Financial, Fifth & Pacific Cos, First American Equipment Financial, Fisher Scientific, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Llp, Fujitsu Limited, Florida Department Of Management Services, Florida International University, Ford Motor Company, Fort Hays State University, Fortressitx, Free Sas, Fross Zelnick Lehrman & Zissu, P.c., GE, Genentech, Georgetown University, Gerson Lehrman Group,, Llc, Gilead Sciences, Google Corporate, Goose Creek Consolidated Isd, Government Of Saskatchewan,Government Of Singapore, Graphnet Inc., Gravitas Technology, Greenberg Traurig P.a, Griffin Information Systems Limited, Group M Worldwide, Hachette Book Group, Hamilton-clermont Cooperative Assn., Harris Government Sector, Havas Worldwide Llc, Hccs - Houston Community College System, Hearst Corporation, Hewlett-packard Company, Higher Colleges Of Technology, Hill & Knowlton, Inc, Hillsborough County Aviation Authority, Hilton Hotels Corporation, Hma, Home Box Office, Hotwire Communications, Hudson County Community College,  Hughes Hubbard & Reed Llp, Humber College, IBM Corporation, Ikon Office Solutions, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Immedion, Llc, Ing Investment Management,, Intergrated Office, Internal Revenue Service, International Business Times, International Monetary Fund, Io Capital Princess, Llc, Jefferies International Limited, Jewish Board Of Family & Children 's Services, John Hancock Life Insurance Company, Johnson & Johnson, Jones Apparel Group, Jones, Day, jp Morgan Chase, Jw Michaels Co., J. Walter Thompson, Reavis & Pogue, Kabel Bw, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hayes, And Hudler, Hudson County Community College, Kddi Corporation, Kelley Drye & Warren Llp, King & Spalding Llp, Kirby Mcinerney Llp, Kirkland & Ellis Llp, Leaseweb Usa, Laughlin/constable, Inc, Latham Watkins, Legal Source Ls Llc, Leslie Digital Imaging Llc, Lexis-nexis, Linode Resources, Liquidnet Holdings, Lion Resources, Loeb & Troper, Cpa, Lombard Odier Asset Management, Los Angeles County Office Of Education, Loyola Marymount University, Macquarie Bank, Macquarie Holdings, Manufacturers And Traders Trust Company, Marriott International, Marsh, MasterCard, Mayer, Brown & Platt, Mcnc, Mckesson Technologies, Mdmb Law, Medex Pharmacy, Mediadata, Medimmune, Llc, Mellon Bank, Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center, Mercury Radio Arts, Merck And Co, Methodist Hospital Of Memphis,Miami University, Michaels Stores, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union, Micro Graphic Info Svcs, Microsoft Corp, Middle Country Public Library, Milbank - Milbank Tweed Hadley Mccloy, Ministry Of Education Computer Center, Miox Corporation, Montclair State University, Moody's Investors Service, Morgan Stanley Group, Moses & Singer Llp, Motorola, Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, Multiverse, Munsch Hardt Kopf Harr, Museum of the City of New York, Namesco Limited, Museum Of The City Of New York, Nassau County Board Of Cooperative Education Services, Nassau County Boces, National Board Of Medical Examiners, National Chiao Tung University, Navy Network Information Center, NBC Universal, Nbs, Nbty, Nco Group, Ncs Pearson, Neuberger Berman, New Jersey Institute Of Technology, New Mexico State University, New York City Public Schools, New York Power Authority, New York Public Library, New York University, Next Jump, Nomura International Plc, Northern Michigan University, Northern Ohio Educational Computer Association, Northwood University, Nyedc, Off Campus Telecommunications, Old Republic, Onewest Bank Fsb, Openband Multimedia, Llc, Ohiohealth Corporation, Orange, Orange County - Telecommunications Department, Orange Israel, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Oshean, Oxford Networks, Paramount Pictures, Partners Healthcare System, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker Llp, Pavlov Njencom Colo, Perfect Building Maintenance, Peter-paul_verduin Pfizer, Phonoscope, Pillsbury Madison & Sutro, Pitney Bowes Plc, Plum Creek Marketing, Pluk Pluk,  Plus One Health Management, Polaris Project, Polytechnic University, Powerspace & Services, Preferred Office Products, Privax Limited, Procter & Gamble, PwC (50 locations!); Queens Public Library, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges Llp, Qitx; R.r. Donnelley & Sons Company; r.sea; Readers Digest; Reed Smith Llp (PA); Regus Business Centers, Research In Motion; Revenue Assurance Test; Richards Kibbe & Orbe Llp; Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire; Robert Bosch Gmbh, Robins, Kaplan, Miller, & Cire, Rockefeller Group Technology Solutions; Rothschild, Row 44; Royal Bank Of Canada; Rutgers University; Safra National Bank Of New York;; San Diego City Schools; San Francisco Marriott Marquis; Santa Clara County Office Of Education; Sarah Lawrence College; Scholastic; Sfr; Sedwick Llp, Sharp Electronics Corporation; Shearman & Sterling; Sidley Austin Brown & Wood; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett Llp; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Llp; Social Law Library; Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, Sify Limited, Smoothstone, Societe Generale; Socorro Independent School District; Softbank Bb Corp; Social Security Administration, Sony Pictures Entertainment; Soros Fund Management Llc, Spherion Corporation; src Federal Holding Company, Llc; Standard Motor Products; Starwood Hotels; State Of Minnesota , State Of Montana; Stinson Morrison Hecker Llp; Straub Clinic & Hospital; ,Sungard Availability Services Usa; Syracuse University; Systems Research And Applications Corp; Talktalk; Tadlock Law Firm Pllc, Target Corporation , Teco Energy; Tesoro; Companies; Texas Blending & Warehousing Corp; Texas Instruments; Texas Medical Center; The Chubb Corporation; The City Of New York; The Coca-cola Company; The Heritage Foundation; The Interpublic Group Of Companies; The Jnt Association; The Limited, The Metrohealth System; The Municipal Communications Utility Of The City O (Iowa); The New York Times Company; The Richard Stockton College Of New Jersey, Tiaa-cref , Time; Toronto District School Board; Tower Group Companies; Trlg – Hq, Ttx Company; Turner Broadcasting System,  U.s. Bancorp; U.s. Bancorp, U.s. Center For Disease Control And Prevention; U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, Ungaretti & Harris, United Business Technologies, United Stationers Supply Co., University Of Arkansas, University Of Connecticut, University Of Dayton, University Of Florida, University Of Maryland, University Of New Mexico, University Of Notre Dame, University Of Texas At San Antonio, University Of Virginia, Urs Corporation, Us Department Of Defense Net, U.s. Environmental Protection Agency, United Nations, Varian Medical Systems, Viacom, Virgin, Virgin Media, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State Univ, Virgo Penn Business Centers L, Viacom, Vivo, Virgin Media, Virginia Community College System, Volumedrive,, Warrenville, Illinois, United States, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weitz & Luxenberg, Wellington Management Company, Llp, Wells Fargo & Company, West Corporation, West Publishing Corporation, White & Case Llp, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, Widnes, Halton,, Wisdom Tree Investments, Inc., Workforce Software, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation, X--ray Optical Systems, Inc., Xerox Corporation, Xerox Corporation, Xilinx Incorporated, Yamaguchi Cable Vision Co.,ltd, Yaquinto Printing, Yon Lew, Zuckerman Spaede

About the Author:
Welcome to the fastest growing onsite outsourcing company in the nation! Led by Mitch Weiner, co-founder and industry pioneer, FSO is "the" award winning enterprise-wide outsourcing and people solutions firm servicing a multitude of clients across North America.

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